Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Cartes postales étrangères Amérique du Nord États-Unis

5.741 Article trouvé dans le shop Bartko-Reher


AK Detroit, MI, Henry Ford Hospital

AK Detroit, MI, Henry Ford Hospital

7,00 €
AK Philadelphia, PA, German Hospital, Girard and Corinthian Ave.

AK Philadelphia, PA, German Hospital, Girard and Corinthian Ave.

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Hotel Astor, American Indian Room

AK New York, NY, Hotel Astor, American Indian Room

7,00 €
AK Washington D.C., The lee House, fifteenth & L Street

AK Washington D.C., The lee House, fifteenth & L Street

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Hotel St. Regis, Main Office and Lobby

AK New York, NY, Hotel St. Regis, Main Office and Lobby

7,00 €
AK Pittsburgh, PA, Fort Pitt Hotel, Norse Room

AK Pittsburgh, PA, Fort Pitt Hotel, Norse Room

7,00 €
AK North Asbury Park, NJ, Hotel Colonial, Eighth Ave. and Kingsley St. Mrs. T. V. Silva

AK North Asbury Park, NJ, Hotel Colonial, Eighth Ave. and Kingsley St. Mrs. T. V. Silva

7,00 €
AK Brighton, MA, Mt. St. Joseph Academy

AK Brighton, MA, Mt. St. Joseph Academy

7,00 €
AK Rochester, IN, Beautiful Homes

AK Rochester, IN, Beautiful Homes

7,00 €
AK Eugene, OR, Public Library

AK Eugene, OR, Public Library

7,00 €
AK Cornish Flat, NH, The Square

AK Cornish Flat, NH, The Square

7,00 €
AK New Orleans, LA, Entrance Audubon Place

AK New Orleans, LA, Entrance Audubon Place

7,00 €
AK Lynchburg, VA, Miller Orphan Asylum

AK Lynchburg, VA, Miller Orphan Asylum

7,00 €
AK Elizabeth, NJ, Orphan Asylum

AK Elizabeth, NJ, Orphan Asylum

7,00 €
AK Elizabeth, NJ, G. V. Liederkranz Halle

AK Elizabeth, NJ, G. V. Liederkranz Halle

7,00 €
AK Philadelphia, PA, Broad Street North from Walnut Street

AK Philadelphia, PA, Broad Street North from Walnut Street

7,00 €
AK Serbing, FL, The Serbing

AK Serbing, FL, The Serbing

7,00 €
AK West Barrington, RI, Bay Spring

AK West Barrington, RI, Bay Spring

7,00 €
AK Providence, RI, Candace Street School

AK Providence, RI, Candace Street School

7,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Croner Griswold & Michigan

AK Detroit, MI, Croner Griswold & Michigan

7,00 €
AK Charles City, IA, Main Street, looking North

AK Charles City, IA, Main Street, looking North

7,00 €
AK Pawtucket, RI, High School

AK Pawtucket, RI, High School

7,00 €
AK Fairfield, CT, Sherman School

AK Fairfield, CT, Sherman School

7,00 €
AK East Liverpool, OH, The diamond looking North

AK East Liverpool, OH, The diamond looking North

7,00 €
AK Seattle, WA, Residence Street, Capitol Hill District

AK Seattle, WA, Residence Street, Capitol Hill District

7,00 €
AK Salmon, ID, Birdseye View

AK Salmon, ID, Birdseye View

7,00 €
AK Deerfield, MA, Joseph Stebbins House

AK Deerfield, MA, Joseph Stebbins House

7,00 €
AK Concord, MA, Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson

AK Concord, MA, Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson

7,00 €
AK Schenectady, NY, Post Office

AK Schenectady, NY, Post Office

7,00 €
AK New Haven, CT, Osborn Hall, Yale University

AK New Haven, CT, Osborn Hall, Yale University

7,00 €
AK Centre Lovell, ME, Severance Lodge on Lake Kezar, Severance Lodge

AK Centre Lovell, ME, Severance Lodge on Lake Kezar, Severance Lodge

7,00 €
AK Tacoma, WA, Residence Section

AK Tacoma, WA, Residence Section

7,00 €
AK Providence, RI, Brown University

AK Providence, RI, Brown University

7,00 €
AK Huntington, IN, Jefferson Street, South from Matilda Street

AK Huntington, IN, Jefferson Street, South from Matilda Street

7,00 €
AK New Haven, CT, Observatory, Yale University

AK New Haven, CT, Observatory, Yale University

7,00 €
AK Canton, OH, McKinley Home in Winter

AK Canton, OH, McKinley Home in Winter

7,00 €
AK Williamsburg, VA, Coach in Front of Courthouse

AK Williamsburg, VA, Coach in Front of Courthouse

7,00 €
AK Chanute Field, IL, Service Club

AK Chanute Field, IL, Service Club

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Historic Claremont, Riverside Drive

AK New York, NY, Historic Claremont, Riverside Drive

7,00 €
AK Pasadena, CA, Oak Knoll Residence

AK Pasadena, CA, Oak Knoll Residence

7,00 €
AK Stamford, NY, Ye Old Delaware Inn

AK Stamford, NY, Ye Old Delaware Inn

7,00 €
AK St. Augustine, FL, Oldest House in the United States

AK St. Augustine, FL, Oldest House in the United States

7,00 €
AK South Bend, IN, Public Library

AK South Bend, IN, Public Library

7,00 €
AK Quincy, MA, Fore River Shipyard

AK Quincy, MA, Fore River Shipyard

7,00 €
AK Ann Arbor, MI, Beta Theta Psi House

AK Ann Arbor, MI, Beta Theta Psi House

7,00 €
AK Madison, SD, Main Street

AK Madison, SD, Main Street

7,00 €
AK Troy, PA, Canton Street, looking South

AK Troy, PA, Canton Street, looking South

7,00 €
AK Dayton, OH, Floats in Line of Wright Bros. Home-Coming Carnival 1909

AK Dayton, OH, Floats in Line of Wright Bros. Home-Coming Carnival 1909

7,00 €