Bissattini, Mauro. - edited and photographed by Giancarlo Gardin. - interpreted and written by Massimo Rosati: Ville del (di) lago, giardini hotel ristoranti di (architetto) Mauro Bissattini / Lake villas, gardens hotels restaurants / Villen am See, Gärte

Une offre dans Livres & magazines Architecture et construction - 3.363 autres offres dans cette catégorie

Impressions de la page: 3


2009, Gebunden Hardcover.

From the blurb: This volume visits some idyllic spots on Lake Maggiore, illustrating them with the usual flair we expect from an Archideos book, with descriptions of Villas, Homes, Gardens, Hotels and Restaurants: an economic fabric made up of tourists with their own homes and hoteliers who host cultured guests. "The houses here stand in an exceptional landscape setting that we decided to preserve" says Mauro Bissattini, born in Cannobbio in 1951, an architect with the personality of an artist and boundless professional verve. His uncle Gigi Vietti, a native of the Val Cannobina on Lake Maggiore, was Prince Ali Aga Khan's town planner on the Costa Smeralda and an architect in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Mauro Bissattini is not only Vietti's nephew, he is also his spiritual heir: in his architectural work, he takes the greatest of care to interpret the spirit of place, architectural details and interiors.Never to be taken for granted, these are intelligent, colourful and vigorously personal. His working style sets out to interpret and preserve different types of habitat, from the Art Nouveau villas to the mediaeval Alpine towers that abound in this region. Yet this architect also uses state-of-the-art technologies, keeping them concealed and creating truly beautiful homes. Browse this book to see splendid photographs that illustrate houses basking in the mellifluous atmosphere of the lake, with exuberant interiors as a source of inspiration, ideas and suggestions for a very special style to discover and recreate for yourself. Mauro Bissattini and his staff of craftsmen function together more like a Renaissance art workshop than a modern architectural office.

4°, 28 x 24,5 cm. Legatura originale in tela con titolo a secco in prima di copertina, ben conservata nella copertina originale illustrata a colori, leggermente danneggiata ai margini. La copertina stessa è solo leggermente urtata nei capitelli. 231 (1) pagine in italiano, inglese e tedesco, riccamente illustrate a colori e monocromatiche. Pulito, buone condizioni. --- Original cloth with blind-embossed title on the front cover, well preserved in the original colour-illustrated cover, which is slightly damaged at the edges. The cover itself is only slightly bumped at the capitals. 231 (1) pages in Italian, English and German, richly illustrated in color and monochrome. Clean, good condition. --- Originaler Leinenband mit blindgeprägtem Titel auf dem Vorderdeckel, gut konserviert im originalen farbig illustrierten Umschlag, dieser ist leicht randlädiert. Der Einband selbst ist nur an den Kapitalen geringfügig angestoßen. 231 (1) Seiten in italienischer, englischer und deutscher Sprache, reich farbig und einfarbig bebildert. Sauberer, guter Zustand
Archideos Libri, Milano 2009.


siehe Beschreibung

Détails sur l'article

Autor: Bissattini, Mauro. - edited and photographed by Giancarlo Gardin. - interpreted and written by Massimo Rosati.

Titel: Ville del (di) lago, giardini hotel ristoranti di (architetto) Mauro Bissattini / Lake villas, gardens hotels restaurants / Villen am See, Gärten Hotels Restaurants. - in italiano, inglese e tedesco - in Italian, English and German - in italienisch, englisch und deutsch

Jahr: 2009

Einband: Gebunden Hardcover

Freie Beschreibung: 4°, 28 x 24,5 cm. Legatura originale in tela con titolo a secco in prima di copertina, ben conservata nella copertina originale illustrata a colori, leggermente danneggiata ai margini. La copertina stessa è solo leggermente urtata nei capitelli. 231 (1) pagine in italiano, inglese e tedesco, riccamente illustrate a colori e monocromatiche. Pulito, buone condizioni. --- Original cloth with blind-embossed title on the front cover, well preserved in the original colour-illustrated cover, which is slightly damaged at the edges. The cover itself is only slightly bumped at the capitals. 231 (1) pages in Italian, English and German, richly illustrated in color and monochrome. Clean, good condition. --- Originaler Leinenband mit blindgeprägtem Titel auf dem Vorderdeckel, gut konserviert im originalen farbig illustrierten Umschlag, dieser ist leicht randlädiert. Der Einband selbst ist nur an den Kapitalen geringfügig angestoßen. 231 (1) Seiten in italienischer, englischer und deutscher Sprache, reich farbig und einfarbig bebildert. Sauberer, guter Zustand
Archideos Libri, Milano 2009

Sprache: Italienisch

Händler-Kategorie: ARCHITEKTUR

numéro d'oldthing: 45125453
| le numéro de stockage: 318238:OesiVit3

Shop Logo AntiquariatCarlWegner

Évaluations du vendeur
97 % Positive
487 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-10825 Berlin
Langue : allemand
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Alles bestens, gerne wieder .

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Es war alles wunderbar. Ein schönes, gut erhaltenes und gepflegtes Buch. Ich blättere sehr gerne darin.

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