Autorenkollektiv: Folk Art in Rumania.

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guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: innen im Deckel ein kleiner Fleck - Seiten sauber und ordentlich - Schutzumschlag gering defekt und verschmutzt, Volkskunst in Rumänien "The forms of social life lived by the Rumanian people in the course of the various historical epochs are clearly reflected by the way in which dwelling-houses and places of worship are situated and built. Rumanian villages comprising peasant households, with — mostly in Transylvania — a wooden church towering above each of them and standing high upon a hillock, constitute a most interesting rural settlement. The various occupations of the inhabitants led to the establishment of several types of villages situated amid the varied scenery of our country. The abundance of timber available in the Carpathian regions and in the forests of the North-Danubian plains have offered splendid building material. Necessity and experience enhanced the skill and understanding of deft popular handicraftsmen who built both the dwellings with their outhouses and the churches which, despite their characteristic features, have several traits in common with the buildings in several neighbouring countries (U.S.S.R., Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary). The dwellings and the wooden churches erected on the territory of the Rumanian People's Republic belong to the sphere of wood architecture, which extends over an immense area, its main centres being in the U.S.S.R. and the Carpathians. In wood architecture the Rumanian dwelling and church, of remarkable artistic excellence proper to the Rumanian people, rank very high, owing to certain principles and techniques peculiar to them Land owing to their original style.On the crests of the Apuseni Mountains in Transylvania, in the deep valleys and on the hill-tops in Northern Moldavia, on the high plateau in the west of Oltenia, villages are scattered about on immense expanses of land. The houses belonging to cattle-breeders and to people working in the woods are situated at long distances from one another. Their pointed, black roofs made of straw or shingles peep out solitarily on all the heights. The household with outhouses stand right in the middle of the plot of land owned by the peasant and are often enclosed like a small wooden fortress designed to defend the cattle and the sheep against the attacks of wild beasts. On the lower ledges of the sub-Carpathian hills, in the lowlands surrounded by mountains and hills or on the Transylvanian table-land, the houses are threaded ...", Leinen, ca. 24,5 x 31, ca. 200 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Détails sur l'article

Autor: Autorenkollektiv

Herausgeber: Folk Art Museum of the Rumanian People's Republic

Titel: Folk Art in Rumania

Verlagsname: Rumanian Institute for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Bucharest

Jahr: 1955

Sprache: Englisch

numéro d'oldthing: 43047424
| le numéro de stockage: 307170


Évaluations du vendeur
96 % Positive
219 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-01279 Dresden
Langue : allemand

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