84th Birthday King Bhumibol (I) -TYPE I- (272IA) (MNH)

numéro d'oldthing: 48794449
| le numéro de stockage: 1939593192

MiNo. 3146A - 3152A (Souvenir Sheet 272IA)Thailand
Comb. Opr., HFPR. and Ppr.; A = perf.121/4, B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 5.12.2011
Picture descriptions:
dwh-dwo) coin pictures of King Bhumibol
3146 A 5 B multicolored dwh
3147 II A 5 B multicolored "7th Cycle" dwi
3148 A 5 B multicolored dwk
3149 A 5 B multicolored dwl
3150 A 5 B multicolored dwm
3151 A 5 Bmulticolored dwn
3152 A 5 B multicolored dwo
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 3146IA, 3147IIA-3152IA
Souvenir Sheet 272 I A (195 mm x 195 mm) dwy
Quantity Type I: unknown
Designer: Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post Co., Ltd.)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Souvenir Sheet Type I
Issue Notice:

When His Majesty the King turns 84 on December 5th, 2011, Thailand Post will issue three sets of postage stamps to commemorate this auspicious under the theme of "Sattamahamongkhol Bhumibol Maharaja". Number 7 in the 7th cycle anniversary was choosen as the principle theme of the stamp designs. All three series of stamps will be in heptagon shape. It is the first time that any stamp is issued in this shape.
The first set will consists of 7 designs with the theme "Long Live the King", presenting profile portraits of His Majesty at different periods of his life, as featured on coins or commemorative coins were crafted on different occasions, issued by the Treasury Department.
At the sheet stamp MiNo. 3147 I is missing unlike the Souvenir Sheet stamp MiNo. 3147 II in the inscription the "th", by which the number 7 becomes the English ordinal number 7th.
MiNo. 3146A-3152A were each printed in a small sheet of six stamps (2x3).
In March 2013, this sheetlet appeared on the occasion of the Red Cross Week also imperforate (quantity 1000 pieces, postal price: 999 baht, only with the purchase of other stamps worth 10.000 Baht and successful participation in a raffle among the claimants).
Souvenir Sheet 272 A is available in six (6) different versions:

Souvenir Sheet272I A = Values ??of the stamps included with embossing print.
Souvenir Sheet 272II A = Values ??of the stamps contained without embossing print (as with the sheet stamps).
Souvenir Sheet272III A = Values ??of the stamps contained without embossing print; Count number with embossing print (Ppr.)
Souvenir Sheet272IV A = from a sales pack with gold instead of black counter number.
Souvenir Sheet272 B = imperforated Souvenir Sheet with MiNo. 3146B-3152B; Quantity of 1,000 pieces
Souvenir SheetA272 B = imperforated Souvenir Sheet with MiNo. 3160B; Quantity of 1,000 pieces
Postal price Souvenir Sheet 272 A: 70 baht; Souvenir Sheet 272 B: 1999 baht (only for the purchase of other stamps worth 10,000 baht)
Postal price Souvenir Sheet A272 B: 5 500 baht (only if other postage stamps worth 15,000 baht are purchased)


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