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Chambers-Ketchum, Annie: Botany for academies and colleges; consisting of plant development and structure from seaweed to clematis, with two hundred and fifty illustrions; and A manual of plants including all the known orders with their representative gen

Seitenaufrufe: 5



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Details zum Artikel

Autor: Chambers-Ketchum, Annie

Titel: Botany for academies and colleges; consisting of plant development and structure from seaweed to clematis, with two hundred and fifty illustrions; and A manual of plants including all the known orders with their representative genera [i. e. Part II. Phytology]
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1889

Seitenanzahl: Dunkelblaue Original-Leinwand mit Schwarzprägung; 8°; (ii) xiv 190 xviii 192 (2) Seiten

Händler-Kategorie: Flora, Fauna, Landwirtschaft, Bio- und Ökologie

oldthing-Nummer: 39525102
| Lagernummer: 31152


100 % Positiv
Mitglied bei Verband:
Genossenschaft der Internet-Antiquare
197 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-10589 Berlin
Sprache: deutsch
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