99 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 36474

AK Toronto, The Royal York Hotel

AK Toronto, The Royal York Hotel

6,00 €
AK Lemberg /Sask., Public School

AK Lemberg /Sask., Public School

6,00 €
AK Montreal, New Head Office of the Royal Bank of Canada

AK Montreal, New Head Office of the Royal Bank of Canada

6,00 €
AK Montreal, Old Windmill, Lower Lachine Road

AK Montreal, Old Windmill, Lower Lachine Road

6,00 €
AK Toronto, Canadian Bank of Commerce

AK Toronto, Canadian Bank of Commerce

6,00 €
AK Montreal, St. James St Looking East, Strassenbahn

AK Montreal, St. James St Looking East, Strassenbahn

5,00 €
AK Victoria, Parliament Buildings

AK Victoria, Parliament Buildings

5,00 €
AK Edmonton, Alta., Packing Plant

AK Edmonton, Alta., Packing Plant

7,00 €
AK Victoria /BC, The Fairmont Empress Hotel

AK Victoria /BC, The Fairmont Empress Hotel

7,00 €
AK Victoria /BC, Fairmont Empress Hotel

AK Victoria /BC, Fairmont Empress Hotel

7,00 €
AK Belleville /Ontario, Lehigh Portland Cement Co`s Mills

AK Belleville /Ontario, Lehigh Portland Cement Co`s Mills

13,00 €
AK Winnipeg /Man., General Hospital

AK Winnipeg /Man., General Hospital

10,00 €
AK Brantford, Market and City Hall

AK Brantford, Market and City Hall

10,00 €
AK Warwick /Que., Residence Agesilas Kirouac

AK Warwick /Que., Residence Agesilas Kirouac

10,00 €
AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1908, Little Champlain Street

AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1908, Little Champlain Street

10,00 €
AK Nicolet /P. Q., Rue Saint Jean Baptiste

AK Nicolet /P. Q., Rue Saint Jean Baptiste

10,00 €
AK Niagara Falls, Entrance to Cave of the Winds

AK Niagara Falls, Entrance to Cave of the Winds

7,00 €
AK Niagara Falls, Falls St. Looking West

AK Niagara Falls, Falls St. Looking West

7,00 €
AK Niagara Falls, The Refractory

AK Niagara Falls, The Refractory

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Man., City Hall

AK Winnipeg, Man., City Hall

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Man., City Hall and Union Bank

AK Winnipeg, Man., City Hall and Union Bank

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main Street from City Hall, On Canadian Pacific Railway

AK Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main Street from City Hall, On Canadian Pacific Railway

7,00 €
Präge-AK Winnipeg, Man., Fort Garry, Passepartout

Präge-AK Winnipeg, Man., Fort Garry, Passepartout

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Man., Market Square

AK Winnipeg, Man., Market Square

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Agricultural College

AK Winnipeg, Agricultural College

7,00 €
AK Winnipeg, Hudson`s Bay Company

AK Winnipeg, Hudson`s Bay Company

7,00 €
AK Souris, Man., Looking Northwest from City Hall Tower

AK Souris, Man., Looking Northwest from City Hall Tower

7,00 €
AK Saskatoon, Sask., Y. M. C. A. Building

AK Saskatoon, Sask., Y. M. C. A. Building

7,00 €
AK Brandon, Man., Winter Fair Building

AK Brandon, Man., Winter Fair Building

7,00 €
AK Regina, Sask., City Hall

AK Regina, Sask., City Hall

7,00 €
AK Regina, Sask., City Hall

AK Regina, Sask., City Hall

7,00 €
AK Regina, Sask., Public Library

AK Regina, Sask., Public Library

7,00 €
AK Regina, Sask., Collegiate Institute

AK Regina, Sask., Collegiate Institute

7,00 €
AK Melville, Sask., Main Street

AK Melville, Sask., Main Street

7,00 €
AK Regina, Sask., Normal School

AK Regina, Sask., Normal School

7,00 €
AK Tadoussac, Panorama

AK Tadoussac, Panorama

7,00 €
AK Montreal, Windsor Hotel

AK Montreal, Windsor Hotel

7,00 €
AK Montreal, Court House

AK Montreal, Court House

7,00 €
AK Saskatchewan, Swift Current, Court House

AK Saskatchewan, Swift Current, Court House

7,00 €
AK Prince Rupert, B. C., Prince Rupert Harbour

AK Prince Rupert, B. C., Prince Rupert Harbour

7,00 €
AK Prescott /Ont., C. P. R. Yard and Dock

AK Prescott /Ont., C. P. R. Yard and Dock

7,00 €
AK Toronto, University of Toronto, University School

AK Toronto, University of Toronto, University School

7,00 €
AK Quebec /P. Q., Montcalm Monument

AK Quebec /P. Q., Montcalm Monument

7,00 €
AK Quebec, Little Champlain Street

AK Quebec, Little Champlain Street

7,00 €
AK St. John, N. B., West Side from Martello Tower

AK St. John, N. B., West Side from Martello Tower

7,00 €
AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Champlain Memorial, Dufferin Terrace

AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Champlain Memorial, Dufferin Terrace

7,00 €
AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Kent Gate

AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Kent Gate

7,00 €
AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Chateau from Laval Universiy

AK Quebec, Ter-Centenary 1608-1908, Chateau from Laval Universiy

7,00 €
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