99 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 36496

AK Hongkong, Chow Chow on Hillside

AK Hongkong, Chow Chow on Hillside

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, Part of the Harbour

AK Hongkong, Part of the Harbour

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, General view looking East

AK Hongkong, General view looking East

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, General view looking East

AK Hongkong, General view looking East

10,00 €
AK Shanghai, The Tomb of Lu Hsun

AK Shanghai, The Tomb of Lu Hsun

10,00 €
AK China, Chinese Bonts

AK China, Chinese Bonts

5,00 €
AK Hongkong, Chinese Junk

AK Hongkong, Chinese Junk

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, Harbour by Moonlight

AK Hongkong, Harbour by Moonlight

7,00 €
AK Vallée des Tigres, Le cimetière et la petite chrétienté

AK Vallée des Tigres, Le cimetière et la petite chrétienté

7,00 €
AK Thibet, Un câble sert de pont

AK Thibet, Un câble sert de pont

20,00 €
AK Hongkong, Chinese New Year Fair

AK Hongkong, Chinese New Year Fair

20,00 €
AK Dairen, The Street of Iwaki-Machi

AK Dairen, The Street of Iwaki-Machi

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Oyamadori

AK Dairen, Oyamadori

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Yamato Hotel

AK Dairen, Yamato Hotel

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Municipal female High School

AK Dairen, Municipal female High School

20,00 €
AK Tientsin, Nipponese Public Hall

AK Tientsin, Nipponese Public Hall

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Female High School

AK Dairen, Female High School

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Naniwa-Cho

AK Dairen, Naniwa-Cho

20,00 €
AK Kouangsi, Les travaux des rizières, Labourage, Le Plant, Le riz est repiqué

AK Kouangsi, Les travaux des rizières, Labourage, Le Plant, Le riz est repiqué

20,00 €
AK Kouangsi, Rice Cultivation

AK Kouangsi, Rice Cultivation

20,00 €
AK Tientsin, Asahi Road, Japanese Concession

AK Tientsin, Asahi Road, Japanese Concession

20,00 €
AK Tairen, Owari-Cho Street

AK Tairen, Owari-Cho Street

20,00 €
AK Hongkong, Club and Recreation Ground

AK Hongkong, Club and Recreation Ground

20,00 €
AK Colonie Saint-Joseph /Mandchourie, Le R. P. Roubin, fondateur de la Colonie et ses deux Vicaires

AK Colonie Saint-Joseph /Mandchourie, Le R. P. Roubin, fondateur de la Colonie et ses deux Vicaires

20,00 €
AK Hongkong, Wyndham Street, where flowers are sold

AK Hongkong, Wyndham Street, where flowers are sold

20,00 €
AK Tientsin, Monument of Victoria Park

AK Tientsin, Monument of Victoria Park

20,00 €
AK Harbin, Basar mit Geschäften

AK Harbin, Basar mit Geschäften

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Port, The Full View of South Manchuria Railway Company

AK Dairen, Port, The Full View of South Manchuria Railway Company

20,00 €
AK Shan-Hai-Kwan, Stände an einer Festungsmauer

AK Shan-Hai-Kwan, Stände an einer Festungsmauer

20,00 €
AK Shanghai, German Club Concordia

AK Shanghai, German Club Concordia

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Russian park

AK Tientsin, Russian park

17,00 €
AK Charbin, Strassenpartie mit öffentlischem Gebäude

AK Charbin, Strassenpartie mit öffentlischem Gebäude

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, The International Manouevre of the Foreign Troops, 1913

AK Tientsin, The International Manouevre of the Foreign Troops, 1913

17,00 €
AK Mukden, View of the city from the roof of the station

AK Mukden, View of the city from the roof of the station

17,00 €
AK Mukden, Kaiserliche Gebäude

AK Mukden, Kaiserliche Gebäude

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Hai-Ho River with Customs

AK Tientsin, The Hai-Ho River with Customs

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Nipponese public hall

AK Tientsin, Nipponese public hall

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Russian park

AK Tientsin, Russian park

17,00 €
AK Hongkong, Queen`s Statue

AK Hongkong, Queen`s Statue

17,00 €
AK Hongkong, Peak Hotel and the Tramway Station

AK Hongkong, Peak Hotel and the Tramway Station

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Yamato Park, Japanese Concession

AK Tientsin, Yamato Park, Japanese Concession

17,00 €
AK Tsingtao, A part of the panorama

AK Tsingtao, A part of the panorama

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Exhibition Hall

AK Tientsin, Exhibition Hall

29,00 €
AK Tientsin, East Station

AK Tientsin, East Station

29,00 €
AK Tongku, Ortsansicht an der Küste

AK Tongku, Ortsansicht an der Küste

24,00 €
AK Harbin, Meteorological Station in the old city

AK Harbin, Meteorological Station in the old city

24,00 €
AK Shanghai, Japanese Consulate General, Botschaft

AK Shanghai, Japanese Consulate General, Botschaft

20,00 €
AK Kiautschau, Ich klau Kiautschau, Chinese im Anzug

AK Kiautschau, Ich klau Kiautschau, Chinese im Anzug

29,00 €
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