97 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 487

Fayyad, Abdullah: The Emamite and that of their Forefathers Education from the time of al-Sadiq to that of al-Tusi.


23,6 x 17,2 cm. Green original paperback, the spine is a little bit brownish. The bookblock with an additional bracketing; titlepage with 2 small wholes. About 400 pages with an introduction in english language; following texts in arabic language. Clean copy without marks or stamps
As´sd Press, Baghdad 1972.


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Details zum Artikel

Autor: Fayyad, Abdullah

Titel: The Emamite and that of their Forefathers Education from the time of al-Sadiq to that of al-Tusi

Jahr: 1972

Einband: Taschenbuch, Paperback

Freie Beschreibung: 23,6 x 17,2 cm. Green original paperback, the spine is a little bit brownish. The bookblock with an additional bracketing; titlepage with 2 small wholes. About 400 pages with an introduction in english language; following texts in arabic language. Clean copy without marks or stamps
As´sd Press, Baghdad 1972

Händler-Kategorie: GESCHICHTE

oldthing-Nummer: 52451818
| Lagernummer: 617140:Arab.ik

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97 % Positiv
487 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-10825 Berlin
Sprache: deutsch
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