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16.570 Artikel gefunden


Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Cutting peat, the vegetable substitute for Coal, near Kiltoom

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Cutting peat, the vegetable substitute for Coal..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, at foot of Taikozan Fort, which Japanese charged to its capture

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, at foot of Taikozan Fort, which Japanese charged..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, on board the Japanese armoured cruise Asama, Japanese Navy, Marine

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, on board the Japanese armoured cruise Asama..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Japanese Reserves awaiting order to advance, siege of Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Japanese Reserves awaiting order to advance..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, advance of Russian Troops in the Far-East marching along Railway

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, advance of Russian Troops in the Far East..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian officers watching Japanese assault in Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian officers watching Japanese assault in..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, great Japanese siege Guns firing ofer the Hills into Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, great Japanese siege Guns firing ofer the Hills..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Keeping below the dead line, Japanese trenches near Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Keeping below the dead line, Japanese trenches..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great Japanese siege guns, firing over the hills into Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great Japanese siege guns, firing over the hills..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Hole in ground near Ho-o-shan made by 12-in Shell from Russian Ship

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Hole in ground near Ho o shan made by 12 in..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian barrie and wire entanglements closing road, Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian barrie and wire entanglements closing..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, wounded Japanese after a desperate charge on Russian stronghold

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, wounded Japanese after a desperate charge on..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, nogi`s compliment to Stoessel great shells ready to hurl into Russ.

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, nogi`s compliment to Stoessel great shells ready..

39,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Early morning in a Russian Battery during the siege of Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Early morning in a Russian Battery during the..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Mibilizing army of invasion, japanese soldiers, leave for Manchuria

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Mibilizing army of invasion, japanese soldiers..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great guns ready to take over the Hills to Japanese siege Lines

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great guns ready to take over the Hills to..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Gallant burghers of Gen. Botha rady to invade German West Africa DSWA

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Gallant burghers of Gen. Botha rady to invade..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, taking the Heavy Naval Guns across the Vet River, Marinegeschütze

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, taking the Heavy Naval Guns across the Vet..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, a trench filled wiht Japanese dead in a Russian fort Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, a trench filled wiht Japanese dead in a Russian..

29,00 €
Reynolds, Graham: Constable`s England.

Reynolds, Graham: Constable`s England.

12,00 €
Lyonel Feininger. Drawings and Watercolours.

Lyonel Feininger. Drawings and Watercolours.

25,00 €
Finch, Christopher: American Watercolors.

Finch, Christopher: American Watercolors.

50,00 €
Wentworth, Harold (Hrsg.) and Stuart Berg (Hrsg.) Flexner: Dictionary of American Slang. Das große Standardwörterbuch des amerikanischen Slang. Mit Supplement 1975.

Wentworth, Harold (Hrsg.) and Stuart Berg (Hrsg.) Flexner: Dictionary of American Slang. Das große..

12,00 €
Pertocoli, Domenico (Koord.): Morandi.

Pertocoli, Domenico (Koord.): Morandi.

40,00 €
Gauguin.- Starr Figura / Kyle Bentley (Ed.) / Elisabeth C. Childs, Hal Foster, Erika Mosier: Gauguin - Metamorphoses.

Gauguin. Starr Figura / Kyle Bentley (Ed.) / Elisabeth C. Childs, Hal Foster, Erika Mosier:..

30,00 €
New Telephone Building. West Street. New York City.

New Telephone Building. West Street. New York City.

4,70 €
AK Schellerhau / Erzgeb., Margarethe Cronau-Heim der Quarter-Collection New York

AK Schellerhau / Erzgeb., Margarethe Cronau-Heim der Quarter-Collection New York

7,00 €
original Patent - William Miles Fowler , New York , USA | 1892 | Ausschank | Zapfanlage | Getränke

original Patent - William Miles Fowler , New York , USA | 1892 | Ausschank | Zapfanlage | Getränke

39,99 €
Fotografie Auto Dodge (1921), Kennzeichen New York, Fahrer richtet rechten Scheinwerfer

Fotografie Auto Dodge (1921), Kennzeichen New York, Fahrer richtet rechten Scheinwerfer

13,00 €
Alte AK Mood of the Sea Asbury Park New York [aJ1053]

Alte AK Mood of the Sea Asbury Park New York [aJ1053]

1,00 €
Harry Belong Englischer bzw USA bekannter Maler der Moderne Gemälde im Kubistischen Malstil Galerierahmung!

Harry Belong Englischer bzw USA bekannter Maler der Moderne Gemälde im Kubistischen Malstil..

339,80 €
AK New York, NY, Synagoge mit Strasse und Kutsche

AK New York, NY, Synagoge mit Strasse und Kutsche

17,00 €
AK New York, NY, Central Parkl with Temple Beth-El

AK New York, NY, Central Parkl with Temple Beth-El

17,00 €
Bauhaus Konstruktivismus Suprematismus wohl deutschen Steingutfabrik Grünstadt, Modellnummer 405, Spritzdekor in Mokkafarben zeit des  Art Deko

Bauhaus Konstruktivismus Suprematismus wohl deutschen Steingutfabrik Grünstadt, Modellnummer 405..

39,80 €
Fotografie Auto Stutz Bearcat Roadster - Cabrio (1919 /20), Kfz-Kennzeichen New York 1919

Fotografie Auto Stutz Bearcat Roadster - Cabrio (1919 /20), Kfz-Kennzeichen New York 1919

13,00 €
Souvenier-Folder, Leporello-Mappe, Philadelphia Penn., 18 Abb., 1929

Souvenier-Folder, Leporello-Mappe, Philadelphia Penn., 18 Abb., 1929

8,00 €
Madras. aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. Kunstgrafik, ca. 1850, gebraucht, gut

Madras. aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. Kunstgrafik, ca. 1850, gebraucht, gut

10,64 €
Buch: Linear Groups, Dickson, Leonard Eugene. 1958, Dover Publications

Buch: Linear Groups, Dickson, Leonard Eugene. 1958, Dover Publications

9,67 €
Buch: Universalgeschichte der Zahlen, Ifrah, Georges. 1991, Campus Verlag

Buch: Universalgeschichte der Zahlen, Ifrah, Georges. 1991, Campus Verlag

12,53 €
Columbia Bridge (Susquehanna). aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. 1850

Columbia Bridge (Susquehanna). aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. 1850

10,64 €
Buch: 3 Teile: Vorlesungen über Integralgeometrie (erstes und... Blaschke. 1949

Buch: 3 Teile: Vorlesungen über Integralgeometrie (erstes und... Blaschke. 1949

96,79 €
Grätz. aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. Kunstgrafik, ca. 1850, gebraucht, gut

Grätz. aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. Kunstgrafik, ca. 1850, gebraucht, gut

10,64 €
Die Taunus-Bahn (Bahnhof bey Frankfurt). aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. 1850

Die Taunus-Bahn (Bahnhof bey Frankfurt). aus Meyers Universum, Stahlstich. 1850

10,64 €
Buch: Tapestries and Mosaics of Marc Chagall..., Amishai-Maisels, Ziva, 1973

Buch: Tapestries and Mosaics of Marc Chagall..., Amishai-Maisels, Ziva, 1973

9,63 €
original Patent - National Typographic Company , New York , USA , 1895 , Matrizensetzmaschine | Setzmaschine , Letter

original Patent National Typographic Company , New York , USA , 1895 , Matrizensetzmaschine |..

39,99 €
AK New York, U. S. Submarines and Warships in Hudson River, U-Boote in der Werft

AK New York, U. S. Submarines and Warships in Hudson River, U-Boote in der Werft

10,00 €
AK New York, World`s Fair 1939, Heinz Dome, Ausstellung

AK New York, World`s Fair 1939, Heinz Dome, Ausstellung

7,00 €
AK New York, World`s Fair 1939, A Portion of Constitutional Hall, Ausstellung

AK New York, World`s Fair 1939, A Portion of Constitutional Hall, Ausstellung

10,00 €