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AVENDANO, C: AVENDANO, C., Rausell, E., Perez-Aguilar, D., Isorna, S., Organization of the association cortical afferent connections of area 5. A retrograde tarcer study in the cat. J. Comp. neurol. 278, 1-33 (1988) , Obr., [WES2]. //RAUSELL, E., Avendano

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ANDERSON, J. C: ANDERSON, J. C., Douglas, R. J.-, Martin, K.. A. C., Nelson, JK. C., Synaptic output of physiologically identified spiny sellate neurons in cat visual cortex., J. Comp. Neurol., 33001, 16-2300 (1994)., Obr.,   [WES101]..,// ANDERSON, J. C.

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AMBACH, G: AMBACH, G., Palkobits, M., Blood supply  of the rat hypothalamus , II. Nucleus paraventrcularis.,  Acta Morph. Scand. Hung., 22, 311--320 (197300)., Obr.,  [SD191]..,  //  BARDOSI, A., Ambach, G., Constant position of the superficial cerebral v

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ALVAREZ-BUYLLA &  SOFRONIEW: ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, R., Livett, B. G., Uttenthal, L. O., Hope, D. B., Milton, S. H., Immunochemical evidence for the transport of neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the dog., Z. Zellforsch., 137,435-450 (197

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ALTSCHULER, R. A: ALTSCHULER, R. A., Parakkal, M. H., Fex, J., Localization of enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in acetylcholinesterase-positive cells in the Guinea-pig lateral superior olivary compley that project to the cochlea. Neurosci. 9, 621-630 (19

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ALDSKOGIUS, H: SVENSSON, M., Eriksson, P., Persson, J. K. E., Molander, C., Arvidson, J., Aldskogius, H., The response of centra glia  to peripheral nerve injury., Brain Res,. Bull., 30, 499-506 (1993)., Orb., [WES139].., // ALDSKOGIUS, H., Arvidsson, J.,

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AEBISCHER, P: ZURN, A. D., Winkel,A., Menoud, A., Djanali, K., Aebischer,., P., Combined effects of GDNF, BDNF, and CMTF on motoneuron differentiation in vitro., J. Neurosci. 44, 133-13001 (1996)., Obr.,  [SDG146].., // SCHULTZ, W., Ruffieux, A., Aebische

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CATSMAN-BERREVOETS, C. E: CATSMAN-BERREVOETS, C. E., Kuypers, H. G. J. M., Different laminar distribution of corticothalamaic neurons projecting to the VL and the center median. An HPR study in the cynomolgus monkey. Brain Res. 15300, 359-365 (1978)., Obr

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Virnich, Thomas: Zwischenräume.

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Leiko Ikemura.

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