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1.422 Artikel gefunden


Ars Orientalis. - texts by William Watson / Kamer Aga-Oglu / Helmut Brinker / Harry M. Garner and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume IX, 1973. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: William Watson - On some categories od Archaism in chinese Bronz

Ars Orientalis. texts by William Watson / Kamer Aga Oglu / Helmut Brinker / Harry M. Garner and..

52,00 €
Ars Orientalis. - texts by George T. Scanlon / Dogan Kuban / D. R. Howell / Martha L. Carter and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume VII, 1968. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: George T. Scanlon - Ancillary dating materials from Fustat / Dog

Ars Orientalis. texts by George T. Scanlon / Dogan Kuban / D. R. Howell / Martha L. Carter and..

49,00 €
Potsdam Schloss Cecilienhof Nationale Gedenkstätte des Potsdamer Abkommens 1956

Potsdam Schloss Cecilienhof Nationale Gedenkstätte des Potsdamer Abkommens 1956

4,00 €
Ansichtskarte Mitte-Berlin Aufziehen der Wache, Neue Wache (Gebäude) 1917

Ansichtskarte Mitte-Berlin Aufziehen der Wache, Neue Wache (Gebäude) 1917

7,00 €
Ansichtskarte Mitte-Berlin Neue Wache, belebte Straßen Partie 1915

Ansichtskarte Mitte-Berlin Neue Wache, belebte Straßen Partie 1915

4,00 €
Buch: Discovering Furniture, Curtis, Tony. Collecting for Pleasure, 1992

Buch: Discovering Furniture, Curtis, Tony. Collecting for Pleasure, 1992

11,31 €
Buch: Historia Religionum, Bleeker, C. Jouco & Widengren, Geo. 1971, E. J. Brill

Buch: Historia Religionum, Bleeker, C. Jouco & Widengren, Geo. 1971, E. J. Brill

13,50 €
McComb "MGB Roadster & GT" MG Historie 1982 (6996)

McComb "MGB Roadster & GT" MG Historie 1982 (6996)

25,00 €
Ansichtskarte .Schweiz Document OERLIKON Eisenbahn Schweiz Switzerland 1976

Ansichtskarte .Schweiz Document OERLIKON Eisenbahn Schweiz Switzerland 1976

5,00 €
Ansichtskarte Schweiz Parsennhütte Schwarzhorn   Alpen1931 Stempel DAVOS PLATZ

Ansichtskarte Schweiz Parsennhütte Schwarzhorn Alpen1931 Stempel DAVOS PLATZ

4,00 €
Fincham, John: A History of Naval Architecture to Which is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Application of Mathematical Science to the Art of Naval Construction. With fifty-eight illustrative plates and some text illustrations [complete].

Fincham, John: A History of Naval Architecture to Which is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on..

680,00 €
Rancho la Brea. A Record of Pleistocene Life in California. 6. Auflage (6th edition, 7th printing).

Rancho la Brea. A Record of Pleistocene Life in California. 6. Auflage (6th edition, 7th printing).

14,00 €
Introduced Mammals of the World : Their History, Distribution and Influence.

Introduced Mammals of the World : Their History, Distribution and Influence.

49,40 €
Neotropical Treeboas : Natural History of the Corallus hortulanus Complex.

Neotropical Treeboas : Natural History of the Corallus hortulanus Complex.

20,40 €
World Natural History.

World Natural History.

17,40 €
McCurdy, James Frederick: History, Prophecy and the Monuments - 3 Bände komplett / 3 Volumes cpl. Vol.1: To the downfall of Samaria. Vol. II: To the fall of Niniveh. Vol. III: Completing the work.

McCurdy, James Frederick: History, Prophecy and the Monuments 3 Bände komplett / 3 Volumes cpl..

45,00 €
Mexican suitcase. - edited by Cynthia Young: The Mexican suitcase. 2 volumes: 1) The history. 2) The films. - The rediscovered spanish civil war negatives of (Robert) Capa, Chim (David Seymour), and (Gerda) Taro.

Mexican suitcase. edited by Cynthia Young: The Mexican suitcase. 2 volumes: 1) The history. 2)..

147,00 €
Various - Fetenkult Disco 80's [CD]

Various - Fetenkult Disco 80's [CD]

5,90 €
The Bolshoi Theatre, UNESCO, George Ducret, Monika Jost: THE BOLSHOI / UNESCO PROJECT ( Bolschoi ).

The Bolshoi Theatre, UNESCO, George Ducret, Monika Jost: THE BOLSHOI / UNESCO PROJECT ( Bolschoi ).

24,90 €
Perry, George: Movies from the Mansion : A History of the Pinewood Studios . Revised Edition with a Foreword by Roger Moore.

Perry, George: Movies from the Mansion : A History of the Pinewood Studios . Revised Edition with a..

12,00 €
Allen, Don: The World of Film and Filmmakers. A visual history.

Allen, Don: The World of Film and Filmmakers. A visual history.

24,00 €
Manguel, Alberto: Reading Pictures.  A History of Love and Hate.

Manguel, Alberto: Reading Pictures. A History of Love and Hate.

15,00 €
Hilkenbach, Sigurd; Wolfgang Kramer und Claude Jeanmaire: Berliner Strassenbahnen. Die Geschichte der Berliner Strassenbahn-Gesellschaften seit 1865. / Berlin Tramways. The history of the Berlin Tramways since 1865.

Hilkenbach, Sigurd; Wolfgang Kramer und Claude Jeanmaire: Berliner Strassenbahnen. Die Geschichte..

22,00 €
Simonet, Thomas: Oscar. A pictorial history of the Academy Awards, The complete history with over 500 memorable photographs from the archives of the Associated Press.

Simonet, Thomas: Oscar. A pictorial history of the Academy Awards, The complete history with over..

16,00 €
Hughes, Gwyneth und Simon Welfare: Red Empire. The forbidden history of the USSR.

Hughes, Gwyneth und Simon Welfare: Red Empire. The forbidden history of the USSR.

12,00 €
Eimert, Dorothea: Paper Art. Geschichte der Papierkunst. History of Paper Art.

Eimert, Dorothea: Paper Art. Geschichte der Papierkunst. History of Paper Art.

48,00 €
Abbott A'Beckett The Comic History "Rome" um 1860 Illustriert von John Leech sf

Abbott A'Beckett The Comic History "Rome" um 1860 Illustriert von John Leech sf

75,00 €
AK Chicago, Hippopotamus, Field Museum of Natural History

AK Chicago, Hippopotamus, Field Museum of Natural History

7,00 €
Stubbs, William and H. W. C. Davis: Select Charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First. Arr. and ed. by William Stubbs, ninth ed. rev. throughout by H. W. C. Davis.

Stubbs, William and H. W. C. Davis: Select Charters and other illustrations of English..

15,00 €
Munn, Mark: The School of History. Athens in the Age of Socrates.

Munn, Mark: The School of History. Athens in the Age of Socrates.

22,00 €
Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum (Hrsg.): Firnis: Material   Ästhetik   Geschichte. Internationales Kolloquium, Braunschweig, 15.   17. Juni 1998 = Varnish :..

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum (Hrsg.): Firnis: Material Ästhetik Geschichte. Internationales..

20,00 €
Weaver, Clifton Stokes / duPont, [Du Pont]  John Eleuthère: Living volutes. A monograph of the recent Volutidae of the world.

Weaver, Clifton Stokes / duPont, [Du Pont] John Eleuthère: Living volutes. A monograph of the..

35,00 €
Buch: An Allianz for Life, Eggenkämper, Barbara / Gerd Modert / Stefan Pretzlik

Buch: An Allianz for Life, Eggenkämper, Barbara / Gerd Modert / Stefan Pretzlik

8,41 €
Jerusalem Jeruschalajim (רושלים) Gläubige, WESTERN WALL (WAILING WALL) 1975

Jerusalem Jeruschalajim (רושלים) Gläubige, WESTERN WALL (WAILING WALL) 1975

4,00 €
Buch: El Greco : Works in Spain. "Literary Sources of Art History", Series 3

Buch: El Greco : Works in Spain. "Literary Sources of Art History", Series 3

25,16 €
Ansichtskarte  Unser Erzbischof inmitten der Jugend 1950

Ansichtskarte Unser Erzbischof inmitten der Jugend 1950

9,00 €
K-tel Pop History 1968-1976

K-tel Pop History 1968-1976

7,60 €
Hamilton 20 Years of Pioneer Missions in Nyasaland 1912 Kolonien Südafrika xz

Hamilton 20 Years of Pioneer Missions in Nyasaland 1912 Kolonien Südafrika xz

70,00 €
Yazdani Bidar its History and Monuments 1947 Geschichte Denkmäler Kunst sf

Yazdani Bidar its History and Monuments 1947 Geschichte Denkmäler Kunst sf

50,00 €
Manfred, Schneckenburger, Mönchengladbach Van Laack Schmitz & Eltschig Hoffmann Rolf u. a: 1881, 1981: Kulturgeschichte in 2 Jahren. (100 Jahre van Laack). Cultural History in 2 Years / Histoire culturelle en 2 années.

Manfred, Schneckenburger, Mönchengladbach Van Laack Schmitz & Eltschig Hoffmann Rolf u. a: 1881..

9,50 €
Postcard Jerusalem Jeruschalajim (רושלים) THE WESTERN WALL 1980

Postcard Jerusalem Jeruschalajim (רושלים) THE WESTERN WALL 1980

4,00 €
GESCHICHTE / History, KARL MARX, "Das Kapital", Maximum-Karte DDR / GDR

GESCHICHTE / History, KARL MARX, "Das Kapital", Maximum-Karte DDR / GDR

3,00 €
Religion & Kirche: BYZANTINISCHE IKONE (1. Hälfte des 12. Jh.) 1980

Religion & Kirche: BYZANTINISCHE IKONE (1. Hälfte des 12. Jh.) 1980

4,00 €


4,00 €
Johann Gustav Droysen and the History of Prussia

Johann Gustav Droysen and the History of Prussia

85,00 €
Buch: The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray in Twenty-Four Volumes, Thackeray

Buch: The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray in Twenty-Four Volumes, Thackeray

473,30 €
Lerner, Paul: Hysterical Men - War, Psychiatry. And the Politics of Trauma in Germany 1890 - 1930. (= Cornell Studies in the History of Psychiatry).

Lerner, Paul: Hysterical Men War, Psychiatry. And the Politics of Trauma in Germany 1890 1930..

37,00 €
Frühe Neuzeit.   Eva Knapp / Gabor Tüskes: Emblematics in hungary. A study of the history of symbolic representation in Renaissance and Baroque literature..

Frühe Neuzeit. Eva Knapp / Gabor Tüskes: Emblematics in hungary. A study of the history of..

107,00 €
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