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MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic pathways in the rat. An oberview based oin an alternative nomenclature (Ch1--Ch6].., Neuroscience 10, 1185--1201 (1983)., Obr.,  [SD183].., //  MESULAM, M. M.,

MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic..

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MEREDITH, G. E: MEREDITH, G. E., Roberts, B. L., Central organization of the efferent supply  to the labyrinthine and lateral line receptors of the dogsfish., Neuroscience 17, 225-233 (1986)., Kopie,  [SDG131].., //  // MEREDITH, G. E., Roberts, B. L., Th

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MENGHI, G: MENGHI, G., Zaccone, G., Scocco, P., Dasulo, S., Imunocytochemical localization of VIP and Met-enkephalin in the rabbit submandibular and sulblinbgual glands., Acta Histochem., 87, 81-85 (1989)., Obr.,  [SD202].., //  MENGHI, G., Reactivity of

MENGHI, G: MENGHI, G., Zaccone, G., Scocco, P., Dasulo, S., Imunocytochemical localization of VIP..

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MENETREY, D: MENETREY, D., Leah, J.,  De Pommey, J., Efferent projections of the paratrigeminal nucleus in the rat., Neurosci. Letters 73 , 48-52 (1987),  Obr.,  [SD195].-.. // MENETREY, D., Besson,  j. M., Ventromedial and Deutscheep dorsal horn neurons

MENETREY, D: MENETREY, D., Leah, J., De Pommey, J., Efferent projections of the paratrigeminal..

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MELZER, P: MELZER, P., Van der Loos, H., Doerfel, J., Welker, E., Robert, P., Emery, D., Berrini, J. C.,  A magnetic device to stimulate selected whiskers of freely movong or restrained small rodents., Ist application ion a deoxyglucose study., Brain Res.

MELZER, P: MELZER, P., Van der Loos, H., Doerfel, J., Welker, E., Robert, P., Emery, D., Berrini..

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MEDIANA & MARANI: MEDINA, F. J., Cerdido, A., Maroto, M., Manzanares, M., Marco, R., Enhancement of the immunocytochemnical detection of antigens by microwave irradiation. Benefits and limitations analyzed in isolated plant nuclei and Drosophila embryos i

MEDIANA & MARANI: MEDINA, F. J., Cerdido, A., Maroto, M., Manzanares, M., Marco, R., Enhancement of..

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MCKERRACHER, L: MCKERRACHER, L., Essagian, C., Aguayo, A. J., Marked increase in beta-tubulin mRNA expression during regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in adult mammals. J. Neuroscience 13, 52940-54 (1993)., Obr.,Unterstr., [SD13], / MCKERR

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MCKANNA, J. A: MCKANNA, J. A., Zhang, M. Z.,   Immunohistochemical localization of Lipocortin 1 in rat brain is sensitive to pH., freezing, and dehydration. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 45, 527-538 (1997)., Obr.,  [SDG67]..,// MCKANNA, J. A., Cohen, S., The EG

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MCGEER, P. L: ARAKI, M., McGeer, P. L. McGeer, E. G. Retrograde HRP tracing combined with a pharmacohistochemical method for GABA transaminase for the identification of presumptive GABAergic projections to the habenula. Brain Res., 304, 271-277 (1984), ,

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MCCONNELL, S. K: MCCONNELL, S. K., Development and decision-making in the mammalian cerebral cortex. Brain Res., Reviews 13, 1-123 (1988)., Obr., [SDG17]., //  MCCONNELL, S. K.,  Fates of visual cortical neurons in the ferret after isochromic and heteroch

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MCCABE & PERL: MCCABE, J. T., Bolender, R. P-., Estimation of tissue mRNAs by in situ hybridization. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 41, 1777-1783 (1983),., Obr., [SDG17].,, // SPERL, E. J. M., Detection and amplification systems for sensitive, multiple-target  D

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MATTHEWS, M. A: MATTHEWS, M. A., Riccio, R. V., Inhibition of axoplasmic transport in the developing visual system of the rat. IV. Quantitative Golgi , electron microscopic, and histochemical analyses of the maturation of the visual cortex. Amer. J. Anat.

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MATSUBARA &  CYNADER: MATSUBARA, J. A., Chase, R., Thejomayen, M., Comparative morphology of three types of projection-identified pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers of cat visual cortex-., J. Comnp Neurol., 366, 93-108 /(1996)., OB.,  [SDG145]..,

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MASTERTON, R. B: NUDO, R. J., Masterton, R. B., 2-deoxyglucose studies of stimulus coding in the brainstem auditory system of the cat. Contributions to sensory physiol. 8, 79-97 (1984)., Obr.,  [SD116]..,// JENKINS, W. M., Masterton, R. B., Sound localiza

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MASLIAH,  E: MASLIAH, E., Mallory, M., Veinbergs, I., Miller, A., Samuel, W., Alterations in apolipoprotein E expression during aging and neurodegeneration., Progr Neurobboiol., 50, 30093-503 (1996)., Obr.,  [SDG269].., // MASLIAH, E., Alford, M., DeTeres

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MASLAND, R. H: /  MASLAND, R. H., Mills, J. W., Cassidy, C. The functions of acetylcholine in the Rabbit retina.Proc. R. Soc. London B 223, 121-139 (198300), Obr., [SD22], //  OMALLEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Co-release of acetylcholine and gamma-aminobuty

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MASLAND, R. H: JEON, C.- J., Masland, R. H., A population of wide-field bipolar cells in the rabbit's retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 360, 403-412 (1995)., Obr., [SDG17]., //, O'MALEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Responses of the starburst amacrine cells to moving st

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MASINI & SIEGL: MASINI, M. A.-., Immunocytochemical localization of peptides in the endocrine pancreas of the snakes Vipera aspis  and Natrix maura.,  Acta Histochem., 8300, 111-119 (1988)., Obr.,  [SD185].., // SIEGL, E. , Quosigk, M., Plantikow, H., His

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MARKOWITSCH, H. J: MARKOWITSCH, H. J., Pritzl, M., Kessler, J., Guldin, W., Freeman, R. B. Delayed alternation performance after selective lesions within the prefrontal cortex of the cat. Behavioural Brain Res., 1, 67-91 (1980), Obr.,  [WES64]. ,// KESSLE

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MARIANI, J: M. &  Changeux, J.P., Ontogenesis of olivocerebellar relationships. II. Spontaneous activity of inferior olivary neurons and climbing fiber-mediated activity of cerebellar purkinje cells in developing rats. J. Neurosci. 1, 703-709 (1981)., Obr

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MANSFELD, G: MANSFELD, G., Hecht, K., Kovacs, A., ueber die Gueltigkeit des Alles-oder-nichts-Gesetzes der Erregung. IV. Experimenteller Teil, Histologischer Teil,  Pfluegers Archic 227, 788-796 (1931)., Obr.,  [WES81].., //  MANSFELD, G., Hecht, K., Kova

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MANGOLD, E: KRIES, J., Mangold, E., Spezielle Physiologie der niedren Sinne., In Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. W. Trendelenburg & A. Loewy (Eds.)., Vogel, Leipzig 1924, pp. 438-472 , Obr.,  [SD200].-., // MANGOLD, E., Einfluss des Lichtes auf Nut

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MANCINI, BROOKS& KueSTER: MANCINI, P., Lotti, L. V., Pascale, M. C., Bonatti,  S., Torrisi, M. R., Surface distribution and partition during freeze-fracture of CD8 antigens on human lymphocytes and on epithelial transfected cells., Histochemistry 102, 51-

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MAEDA, T: NAKAJIMA, J., Saito, N., Kaini, K., Maeda, T., Morphologic analysis of rat retinocollicular neuron  terminals containing monoamine oxidase. Brain Res, Bull. 3000, 209-217 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES63].. // NAGAI, T., Satoh, K., Imamoto, K., Maeda, T.,

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LOEFFLER &  FLIRSKI: LOEFFLER, D. A., DeMaggio, A. J., Juneau, P. L., Brickman, C. M., Mashour, G. A., Finkelman, J. H., Pomara, N., LeWitt, P. A., Ceruloplasmin is increased in the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease but not Parkinson's disease.

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