Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl an Antiquitäten & Artikeln aus der Welt des Sammelns

1.034 Artikel im Shop NostalgiePur gefunden


Orig 35mm DIA Slide Hamburg Hafen St. Pauli  '70s B12/4/36

Orig 35mm DIA Slide Hamburg Hafen St. Pauli '70s B12/4/36

9,90 €
Orig 35mm DIA Slide DDR Sassnitzer Hochseefischerei   '70s B12/142

Orig 35mm DIA Slide DDR Sassnitzer Hochseefischerei '70s B12/142

14,90 €
Orig 35mm DIA Slide Windmühle Dänemark  '70s B12/141

Orig 35mm DIA Slide Windmühle Dänemark '70s B12/141

4,90 €
Orig 35mm DIA Slide Greece Athen Panorama '70s B12/140

Orig 35mm DIA Slide Greece Athen Panorama '70s B12/140

7,90 €
Orig 35mm DIA Slide Lycabettus seen from the Acropolis '70s B12/139

Orig 35mm DIA Slide Lycabettus seen from the Acropolis '70s B12/139

7,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Mercedes W111 unterwegs  '60s B12/4/22

Vintage Negativ Foto Mercedes W111 unterwegs '60s B12/4/22

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto 2 Damen vor dem Schloss in Monaco  '60s B12/4/21

Vintage Negativ Foto 2 Damen vor dem Schloss in Monaco '60s B12/4/21

4,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Mann auf seinem NSU Lambretta '60s B12/4/20

Vintage Negativ Foto Mann auf seinem NSU Lambretta '60s B12/4/20

7,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco  Schloss   '60s B12/4/19

Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco Schloss '60s B12/4/19

4,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Schweiz Lugano Pedalboote '60s B12/4/18

Vintage Negativ Foto Schweiz Lugano Pedalboote '60s B12/4/18

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Schweiz Lugano Brunnen Strassenbahn '60s B12/4/17

Vintage Negativ Foto Schweiz Lugano Brunnen Strassenbahn '60s B12/4/17

4,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo Panorama   '60s B12/4/16

Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo Panorama '60s B12/4/16

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo   '60s B12/4/15

Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo '60s B12/4/15

4,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo - Hafen Blick   '60s B12/4/15

Vintage Negativ Foto Monaco - Monte Carlo - Hafen Blick '60s B12/4/15

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Luzern Fussgängerzone   '60s B12/4/13

Vintage Negativ Foto Luzern Fussgängerzone '60s B12/4/13

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto ein Opel Kadett fährt nach Interlaken  '60s B12/4/12

Vintage Negativ Foto ein Opel Kadett fährt nach Interlaken '60s B12/4/12

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Wildcamper   '60s B12/4/11

Vintage Negativ Foto Wildcamper '60s B12/4/11

9,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Ford Zephir  - Wohnwagen - Camping  '60s B12/4/10

Vintage Negativ Foto Ford Zephir - Wohnwagen - Camping '60s B12/4/10

9,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Sergels torg Stockholm City Scene '70s  B5/L42

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Sergels torg Stockholm City Scene '70s B5/L42

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Luisendenkmal nähe Berlin Deutschland '70s B5/L41

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Luisendenkmal nähe Berlin Deutschland '70s B5/L41

7,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Helsinki Stockmann City Scene  Finnland '70s  B5/L40

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Helsinki Stockmann City Scene Finnland '70s B5/L40

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Uspenski Cathedral  Finnland '70s  B5/L39

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Uspenski Cathedral Finnland '70s B5/L39

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Brussel City Street Scene Belgium  '70s  B5/L38

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Brussel City Street Scene Belgium '70s B5/L38

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Bruegge City Street Scene Belgium  '70s  B5/L37

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Bruegge City Street Scene Belgium '70s B5/L37

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Restaurant at Lake Garda Italy  '70s  B5/L36

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Restaurant at Lake Garda Italy '70s B5/L36

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Venice Clock tower '70s  B5/L35

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Venice Clock tower '70s B5/L35

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Deutsche Bahn E41 062 Lok mit Zug c1962 B3/R83

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Deutsche Bahn E41 062 Lok mit Zug c1962 B3/R83

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Freudenstadt Stadtkirche  Deutschland c1962 B3/R82

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Freudenstadt Stadtkirche Deutschland c1962 B3/R82

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Freudenstadt - Marktplatz Deutschland c1962 B3/R81

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Freudenstadt - Marktplatz Deutschland c1962 B3/R81

14,90 €
Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Melanchthon Haus Bretten Street Scene c1962 B3/R80

Vintage Dia Film Slide 35mm Melanchthon Haus Bretten Street Scene c1962 B3/R80

14,90 €


5,40 €
AK Postcard CPA Japan A principial Sight of Nagoya

AK Postcard CPA Japan A principial Sight of Nagoya

6,90 €
AK Postcard CPA Japan The Ikuta Shrine

AK Postcard CPA Japan The Ikuta Shrine

6,90 €
AK Postcard CPA Japan Farm Workers

AK Postcard CPA Japan Farm Workers

6,90 €
Vintage russisches Blutdruckmessgerät mit Tasche

Vintage russisches Blutdruckmessgerät mit Tasche

39,90 €
Antique  Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 5 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er  -Tirol

Antique Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 5 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er -Tirol

31,90 €
Antique  Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 11 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er  -Tirol

Antique Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 11 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er -Tirol

52,90 €
Antique  Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 23 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er  -Tirol

Antique Stereo Glasnegativ Platten 23 Stk. - Leben in den frühen 1900er -Tirol

114,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto  Zlatá ulička Golden Lane Prag Czech  1950/60s  B10/69

Vintage Negativ Foto Zlatá ulička Golden Lane Prag Czech 1950/60s B10/69

17,90 €
Vintage Negativ BW  Foto View to  Havana  Cuba   1960s  B10/68

Vintage Negativ BW Foto View to Havana Cuba 1960s B10/68

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto Invalidovna Prag Czech  1950/60s  B10/67

Vintage Negativ Foto Invalidovna Prag Czech 1950/60s B10/67

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto  Hradschinplatz Prag Czech  1950/60s  B10/66

Vintage Negativ Foto Hradschinplatz Prag Czech 1950/60s B10/66

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto BW Poznan Historical houses old town Poland 1950s  B10/65

Vintage Negativ Foto BW Poznan Historical houses old town Poland 1950s B10/65

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ BW  Foto  Havana  Cuba View  1960s  B10/64

Vintage Negativ BW Foto Havana Cuba View 1960s B10/64

14,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto BW Malbork (Marienburg) Castle Poland 1950s  B10/63

Vintage Negativ Foto BW Malbork (Marienburg) Castle Poland 1950s B10/63

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto BW Malbork (Marienburg) Castle Poland 1950s  B10/62

Vintage Negativ Foto BW Malbork (Marienburg) Castle Poland 1950s B10/62

19,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto  Zlatá ulička Golden Lane Prag Czech  1950/60s  B10/61

Vintage Negativ Foto Zlatá ulička Golden Lane Prag Czech 1950/60s B10/61

17,90 €
Vintage Negativ Foto BW  Krakau St. Maria Kirche Poland 1950/60s  B10/60

Vintage Negativ Foto BW Krakau St. Maria Kirche Poland 1950/60s B10/60

9,90 €