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1.375 Artikel gefunden


Berjeau, Ph. Charles: The Varieties of Dogs, As They are found in Old Sculptures, Pictures, Engravings and Books. With the names of the artists by whom they are represented, showing how long many of the numerous breeds now existing hace been known.

Berjeau, Ph. Charles: The Varieties of Dogs, As They are found in Old Sculptures, Pictures..

127,00 €
Millar, Oliver: The Victorian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen. Text and Plates (Two volumes set).

Millar, Oliver: The Victorian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen. Text and Plates..

101,00 €
Morio, Kita: Das Haus Nire. Verfall einer Familie. Roman. Aus dem Japanischen von Otto Putz mit einem Nachwort von Eduard Klopfenstein. (japan  edition, herausgegeben  von Eduard  Klopfenstein, Zürich).

Morio, Kita: Das Haus Nire. Verfall einer Familie. Roman. Aus dem Japanischen von Otto Putz mit..

23,00 €
Dangeau, Marquis de. - John Davenport (transl.): Memoirs of the Court of France, from the Year 1684 to the Year 1720, now first translated from the Diary of the Marquis de Dangeau. With Historical and Critical Notes. Complete in Two Volumes.

Dangeau, Marquis de. John Davenport (transl.): Memoirs of the Court of France, from the Year 1684..

187,00 €
Runne, Holger: Urkunden des Mittelalters  für Bienenbüttel und seine Ortsteile. (Spuren 8 - Schriftenreihe  zur Geschichte Bienenbüttels und seiner Ortsteile).

Runne, Holger: Urkunden des Mittelalters für Bienenbüttel und seine Ortsteile. (Spuren 8..

19,00 €
Thomssen, Wilke: Die Schein-Öffentlichkeit der Bild-Zeitung der 50er Jahre.  Soziologische Analyse eines Zeitzeugen von 1960.

Thomssen, Wilke: Die Schein Öffentlichkeit der Bild Zeitung der 50er Jahre. Soziologische Analyse..

15,00 €
Scientia Verlag (Hrsg.): Lieferbare Werke-Available books-Ouvrages livrables 1983/1984.

Scientia Verlag (Hrsg.): Lieferbare Werke-Available books-Ouvrages livrables 1983/1984.

15,00 €
Dürer, Albrecht. - Friesen, Ilse: Dürer-Almanach : Bildbetrachtungen im Jahresverlauf.

Dürer, Albrecht. - Friesen, Ilse: Dürer-Almanach : Bildbetrachtungen im Jahresverlauf.

57,00 €
Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

47,00 €
Wolter, Cliff: Der schwarze Joker. 'Mocca Cola.'.

Wolter, Cliff: Der schwarze Joker. 'Mocca Cola.'.

42,00 €
Whittingham, Peter: Coarse fishing round britain. 1978 guide to day ticket and free waters.

Whittingham, Peter: Coarse fishing round britain. 1978 guide to day ticket and free waters.

13,00 €
Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in English Literature, 1641 - 1785. The first and second Portion.  1145 Positions.

Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in..

28,00 €
Burroughs, Edgar Rice. - Porges, Irwin: Edgar Rice Burroughs : the man who created Tarzan. Volumes 1 and 2, complete. Foreword by Ray Bradbury.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice. Porges, Irwin: Edgar Rice Burroughs : the man who created Tarzan. Volumes..

17,00 €
Franz Rosenzweig. His Life and Thought. Glatzer, Nahum N

Franz Rosenzweig. His Life and Thought. Glatzer, Nahum N

12,00 €
Scream Queens. Heroines of the Horrors. Beck, Calvin Thomas

Scream Queens. Heroines of the Horrors. Beck, Calvin Thomas

15,00 €
Glenn Gould. Music and Mind. Payzant, Geoffrey

Glenn Gould. Music and Mind. Payzant, Geoffrey

15,00 €
The Glamour Girls. Parish, James Robert und Don E. Stanke

The Glamour Girls. Parish, James Robert und Don E. Stanke

15,00 €
The MGM Stock Company: The Golden Era. Parish, James Robert und Ronald L. Bowers

The MGM Stock Company: The Golden Era. Parish, James Robert und Ronald L. Bowers

15,00 €
Meyer, Ursula: Und morgen sind es Erinnerungen: Meine Anfänge auf Eiderstedt.

Meyer, Ursula: Und morgen sind es Erinnerungen: Meine Anfänge auf Eiderstedt.

11,00 €
Homer: Zwei Bücher zusammengebunden: 1) The Iliad of Homer: comprising an accurately collated text, critical and explanatory notes, and indices of words, subjetcs and authors..

Homer: Zwei Bücher zusammengebunden: 1) The Iliad of Homer: comprising an accurately collated..

11,00 €
Webb, Peter / Short, Robert: Hans Bellmer.

Webb, Peter / Short, Robert: Hans Bellmer.

90,00 €
Thain, Alastair.: Skin deep. The portraits of Alastair Thain. (Text by Jane Withers. Design by Neville Brody and Giles Dunn).

Thain, Alastair.: Skin deep. The portraits of Alastair Thain. (Text by Jane Withers. Design by..

55,00 €
Taborin, Glorina: Norman Rockwell's counting book.

Taborin, Glorina: Norman Rockwell's counting book.

25,00 €
Svetloff, V. [Valerian]: Anna Pavlova. Translated from the Russian by A. Grey. (Unabridged republication).

Svetloff, V. [Valerian]: Anna Pavlova. Translated from the Russian by A. Grey. (Unabridged..

25,00 €
Strack, Hermann L: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. (Authorized translation on the basis of the author's revised copy of the 5th German edition. 2. Aufl.).

Strack, Hermann L: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. (Authorized translation on the basis of..

15,00 €
Muller, Frederik: Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of early voyages. With an alphabetical and a subject index by G. J. Brouwer.

Muller, Frederik: Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of..

50,00 €
Lowe, Sheila: Handwriting of the famous and infamous.

Lowe, Sheila: Handwriting of the famous and infamous.

39,00 €
Johnson, Stephen: Alphabet City.

Johnson, Stephen: Alphabet City.

19,80 €
Hirschhorn, Clive: The Warner Bros. Story.

Hirschhorn, Clive: The Warner Bros. Story.

24,00 €
Gordon, Elinor (Ed.): Chinese export porcelain. An historical survey. (1. ed., 3. printing).

Gordon, Elinor (Ed.): Chinese export porcelain. An historical survey. (1. ed., 3. printing).

35,00 €
Carroll, Lewis [d.i. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]: Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there. With fifty illustrations by John Tenniel, including eight plates in colour. (Repr.).

Carroll, Lewis [d.i. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]: Through the looking glass, and what Alice found..

25,00 €
Japan. A history in books. (Ed. by Executive Committee of the Frankfurt Book Fair "Japan Year").

Japan. A history in books. (Ed. by Executive Committee of the Frankfurt Book Fair "Japan Year").

65,00 €
The House We Live in. (REPRINT).

The House We Live in. (REPRINT).

20,00 €
Thrilling scout stories.

Thrilling scout stories.

35,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte St Petersburg Leningrad Nevsky Prospekt House of Books St Petersburg Leningrad

AK / Ansichtskarte St Petersburg Leningrad Nevsky Prospekt House of Books St Petersburg Leningrad

4,90 €


1,90 €
x13339; Aubrey Beardsley. T. Fischer Unwin Books.

x13339; Aubrey Beardsley. T. Fischer Unwin Books.

2,50 €
St Petersburg Leningrad Books House

St Petersburg Leningrad Books House

4,90 €
Dazaifu Garden of Temman Shrine Building of Books Plum Trees Kat. Fukuoka

Dazaifu Garden of Temman Shrine Building of Books Plum Trees Kat. Fukuoka

6,80 €
Leningrad St Petersburg The House of Books Kat. Russische Foederation

Leningrad St Petersburg The House of Books Kat. Russische Foederation

4,90 €
Letteratura genovese e ligure - Profilo storico e antologia I. Il Medio Evo - II. Cinquecento e Seicento (2 books)

Letteratura genovese e ligure Profilo storico e antologia I. Il Medio Evo II. Cinquecento e..

45,00 €
Kinderbuch. - Oehmigke und Riemschneider: Bilderbuch (ohne Titel, Nr. 5990). Mit 16 farbigen Illustrationen und Reimen.

Kinderbuch. Oehmigke und Riemschneider: Bilderbuch (ohne Titel, Nr. 5990). Mit 16 farbigen..

207,00 €
Khalidi, Tarif [Übersetzung]: The Qur'an.

Khalidi, Tarif [Übersetzung]: The Qur'an.

11,00 €
Buch: Schlagfertigkeitsqueen, Staudinger, Nicole, 2016, Eden Books, sehr gut

Buch: Schlagfertigkeitsqueen, Staudinger, Nicole, 2016, Eden Books, sehr gut

8,59 €
Buch: Kräuterweibl's Wildkräuter-Rezepte für Küche, Gesundheit und Schönheit

Buch: Kräuterweibl's Wildkräuter-Rezepte für Küche, Gesundheit und Schönheit

34,04 €
Buch: The Tao of Power. Wing, R. L., 1986, Broadway Books, gebraucht, gut

Buch: The Tao of Power. Wing, R. L., 1986, Broadway Books, gebraucht, gut

21,99 €
Maras Traum

Maras Traum

10,00 €
Buch: Vincent van Gogh, Hetebrügge, Jörn, 2012, Parragon, 1853 - 1890, gebraucht

Buch: Vincent van Gogh, Hetebrügge, Jörn, 2012, Parragon, 1853 - 1890, gebraucht

10,94 €