TSUMOTO, T: TSUMOTO, T., Creutzfeldt, O. D., Legendy, C. R., Functional organization of the corticofugal system from visual cortex to lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat. Wich an appendix on geniculo-cortical mono-synaptic connections. Exp. Brain Res. 3

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TSUMOTO, T: TSUMOTO, T., Creutzfeldt, O. D., Legendy, C. R., Functional organization of the corticofugal system from visual cortex to lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat. Wich an appendix on geniculo-cortical mono-synaptic connections. Exp. Brain Res. 3
Seitenaufrufe: 2




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Titel: TSUMOTO, T., Creutzfeldt, O. D., Legendy, C. R., Functional organization of the corticofugal system from visual cortex to lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat. Wich an appendix on geniculo-cortical mono-synaptic connections. Exp. Brain Res. 32, 345-364 (1978)., Obr-.,. [SD75].,.,// TSUMOTO, T-., Suda, K., Postnatal development of the corticofugal projection from striate cortex to lateral geniculate nuclöeus in kittens. Developm. Brain Res. 300, 323-332 (1982)., Obr., [SD75].., // TSUMOTO, T., Suda, K., Postnatal development of corticotectal neurons in the kitten straite cortex. an electrophysiological study. Developm. Brain Res. 11, 29-38 (1983)., Obr., [SD75].., // TSUMOTO, T., Sato, H.,. Sobue, K., Immunohistochemical localization of a membrane-associated 300.1-like protein in the rat visual cortex during postnatal development., J. Comp. Njeurol. 271, 30-43 (1988)., Obr., [WES91]..,// TSUMOTO, T., Suda, K., Sato, H., Postnatal development of corticitectal neurons in the kitten striate cortex. a quantitative method wit the HRP tchnique. J. Comp. Neurokl. 219, 288-99 (1983)., Obr., Unterstr. [WES91]..

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