Prof. P. V. Sharma: Geophysical Methods in Geology.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Naturwissenschaften: Geologie | Geodäsie | Geowissenschaften - 7.930 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

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sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Umschlag geringfügig abgenutzt - Schmutztitel mit altem Besitzereintrag - Seiten sauber und ordentlich, Existing textbooks on geophysics place major emphasis on studies relating to solid earth geophysics or applied geophysics in search of oil and minerals. The earth science student interested in the broader aspects of geophysics, including the ways it can help solve structural, correlational and geochronological problems, has been unable to find a suitable text until now. The present volume provides the student with a concise, yet comprehensive, account of the different geophysical methods and their applications to a wide range of problems, including those related to global tectonics. The principal methods of geophysics, including gravimetry, magnetometry, earthquake and explosion seismology, geoelectric sounding, geothermics and geochronology are covered. Major stress is laid on principles and applications of methods rather than on instrumental techniques. In order to make the text easily comprehensible, mathematical treatment has been kept to a minimum, and only indispensable formulas have been included. Systeme Internationale (SI) units are used throughout the text, and an extensive bibliography contains more than 400 references. CONTENTS: Chapters 1. The Scope of Geophysics and Methods. 2. Seismic Methods. Fundamentals of seismic wave propagation. Seismology and the earth's structure. Seismicity and seismotectonics. Methods of seismic prospecting: The reflection method; The refraction method. Crustal seismology. 3. Gravity Methods. Fundamental principles. Rock densities. Gravity effects of simple mass shapes. Gravity measurements and data reduction. Isostasy and crustal thickness. Analysis and interpretation of gravity data. Gravity anomalies and geological structures. 4. Magnetic Methods. Physics of magnetism and magnetic minerals. Common magnetic minerals. The earth's magnetic field. Magnetization of rocks. Magnetic character of continents and oceans. Magnetic surveying and interpretation techniques. Magnetic mapping of geological structures. Palaeomagnetism and its applications. 5. Earth Resistivity Methods. Resistivity of rocks and minerals. Fundamentals of current flow in the earth. Electrode arrangements and field procedure. Resistivity survey instruments. Application and interpretation of resistivity data. Geoelectrical deep soundings. 6. Radiometric Methods. Fundamentals of radioactive disintegration. Radioactivity of rocks. Heating due to radioactivity. Radiometric dating methods. Geological time scale. Precambrium chronology. Oxygen isotopes and palaeoclimates. Radioactivity surveying. 7. Geothermal Methods. Thermal properties of rocks. Temperatures within the earth. Terrestrial heat flow. Thermal history of the earth. Thermal prospecting methods. Examples of geothermal surveys. 8. Geophysics Applied to Global Tectonics. Recent crustal movements. Continental drift. Ocean-floor tectonics. Transform faults. Plate tectonics. Appendix I. The International System of Units (SI). References. Index, kartoniert, ca. 13,5 x 21, 428 Seiten mit 193 Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Prof. P. V. Sharma

Titel: Geophysical Methods in Geology

Verlagsname: Elsevier, Amsterdam

Jahr: 1976

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 0444413839

oldthing-Nummer: 40399238
| Lagernummer: 326521


96 % Positiv
221 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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