Light Metals 1980 Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 109th AIME Annual Meeting, Las Vegas ... 1980.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.144 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 14



guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, 5,5 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis, davon 2 hier: - CAST SHOP TECHNOLOGY I - A Graphical Method for Analyzing Aluminum Melting Furnace Performance - Theoretical Aspects - H. Yu - Melting Furnace Analysis and Optimization - Practical Aspects J. J. Wiesner - Experience From Roof-Mounted High-Velocity Burners With Oxygen Enrichment in a Reverberatory Furnace - U. Bohlin and H. Edgren - The Thermal Efficiency of a Sidewell Furnace - N. P. Fitzpatrick - A Process to Reduce DC Ingot - Butt Curl and Swell H. Yu - CAST SHOP TECHNOLOGY II - Mathematical Model Calculations in Level Pour DC-Casting of Aluminium Extrusion Ingots - E. K. Jensen - A Method for Calculating Optimum Grain Refiner Additions to Achieve a Desired Grain Size in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys - G. M. Farrior, D. C. Brillhart, R. D. Sturdevant, and R. A. Lantz - The Grain Refining of Level Poured Sheet Ingots - T. Saeboe - NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY I - Lubricant Conservation in Industry - L. B. Sargent, Jr. - Acid Attack as a Means of Treating Spent Potlining - B. Gnyra - Influence of Particle Size on Alumina Losses From H. S. Soderberg Cells - A. T. Tabereaux and T. J. Johnston - Cleaning of Flue Gas From Anode Bake Furnaces by use of a Second Stage Dry Scrubber System - W. W. M. Boon and R. De Fluiter - Gas Cleaning System for Riedhammer Anode Baking Ring Furnace. Operation and Experience With System Based on Electrostatic Precipitation for Tar, and Seawater Scrubbers for SO - 2 - and HF - F. H. Dethloff - NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY II - A Study of Reduction Cell Fluoride Emissions - A. R. Johnson, T. A. Lowe, W. W. Hanneman, and R. J. Schlager - Effect of Design and Operating Variables on Scrubbing Efficiencies in a Dry Scrubbing System for V.S. Pots - A. S. Reid, G. J. Gurnon, W. D. Lamb, and K.F. Denning - The Continuous Measurement of Gaseous Fluoride in Ambient Air - R. S. Danchik, H.F. Hillegass, and G. P. Tarcy - Determination of Pollutants in Ambient Air and Meteorological Data Around Aluminum-Smelters by Means of a Mobile Measuring Station - A. Poretti, U. Mannweiler, and R. Sulzberger - SAFETY IN THE ALUMINUM INDUSTRY I: Understanding and Prevention of Explosions - Explosions of Molten Aluminum and Water - A. W. Lemmon, Jr. - Molten Aluminum/Water Explosions - P. D. Hess, R. E. Miller, W. E. Wahnsiedler, and C. N. Cochran - Heat Transfer to Water from Molten Metals - G. Boxley and F. M. Page - SAFETY IN THE ALUMINUM INDUSTRY II: Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum - Controlling Aluminum Melting Risks - E. V. Grund and H. E. Miller - Guidelines to Handling Molten Aluminum During Transfer Operations - W. S. Peterson - Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum in Casting Operations - J. A. Dunbar - Protective Clothing for Molten Aluminum Exposure - B. J. Sasser - MAGNESIUM TECHNOLOGY I - Solar Ponds as a Source of Magnesium for Electrolytic Cells - E. W. Barlow, S. C. Johnson, and A. Sadan - A New Economical Process for Making Anhydrous Magnesium Chloride - R. J. Allain - Recombination of Magnesium and Chlorine in the Technical Electrolysis - T. Osvold and H. A. Oye - a. o. m, Leinen, ca. 15,5 x 23,5, 1029 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Curtis J. McMinn, Reynolds Metals Company, Sheffield, Alabama

Titel: Light Metals 1980
Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 109th AIME Annual Meeting, Las Vegas ... 1980

Verlagsname: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York

Jahr: 1980

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39054517
| Lagernummer: 322255


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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