Indian Construction News.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.144 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 34



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar im Interimseinband mit Rückenetikett, Etikett mit Folie überklebt bis weit in beide Buchdeckel hinein - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Editorial und erste Textseite mit weiterem Stempel, Notizen und Unterstreichungen - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich - Seiten teils mehr oder weniger eselsohrig, Editorial - Role of National Metallurgical Laboratory in research and development of Indian foundry sands and moulding materials B R. Nijhawan - Production of the British Motor Corporation "Series C" cylinder head casting L. W. Bofton - Some advances in Australian foundry practice as applied in the steel industry F. J. Drake - Recent advances in foundry science F. M. Bunbury and D. V. Atterton - The recent development of Japanese foundry industry Prof. H. Tanimura - Manufacture of large size castings S. G. Athanikar - Modern techniques for the production of heavy steel castings C. J. Dadswelf - High duty mall-eable iron Prof. Ing.  K. Roesch - S. G. iron?foundry technology D. K. Coutts and S. N. Anant Narayan - Present condition of ductile cast iron castings in Japan K. Tanaka - Further developments in the mechanical properties of ferritic nodular cast irons G. N. J. Gilbert - Principles of risering with reference to steel castings P. K. Sandell - Metallurgical aspects and quality production of machine tool castings B. V. Mahabale - Some aspects of modern aluminium castings L. Fletcher - Foundry experiences with CO - 2 - process  C. A. Phalnikar - Present-day CO - 2 - practice in South African foundries  John Steele - Some observations on the recent developments in the CO - 2 - process  B V. Somayajulu, P. K. Gupte and R. M Krishnan - Some problems in shell moulding?the possibilities of shell cores  A. Woods - Electric melting furnaces  L. G. N. Edwards - Modern induction melting practice in the foundry  B. V. Prabhu - Melting practice in induction furnaces H. Godfroid - Modern melting practice in the non-ferrous foundry  D. W. Brown - Quality of coke for cupola use  N. N. Das Gupta and A. Lahiri - Investment casting and some of its associated problems  D. F. B. Tedds - Some aspects of steel foundry sand control  A. P. Bagchi - Indigenous bonding clays and scope for their development  R. M. Krishnan, B. V. Somayajulu and B. R. Nijhawan - The properties and behaviour of clay bonded sand at high temperatures  W B. Parkes - Influence of the granulometric and mineralogical composition of foundry sands on their behaviour in production  F. Hofmann - The bonding mechanism in foundry sand mixtures  Douglas C. Williams - Casting quality control with dilatometer Harry W. Dietert - Quality control in the steel foundry U. K. Bhattacharya and B. K. Gupta - Work study in the foundry W. B. Hendry - Foundry mechanization and layout with particular reference to ingot mould production  A. E. Crawley - Steel works moulds  D. V. Paranjpe, S. Viswanathan and V. G. Paranjpe - Some problems facing South Indian foundries  Indra Sanghi and R. Ratnam - Foundry mechanization  C. V. Nass - Some important aspects of planning foundry layout  N. G. Chakrabarty and S. S. Karnard - Rational modernization of foundries  Ing. A. M. Plesinger - Scope for development of foundry industry in India  P. K. Gupte, R. M. Krishnan and T. Banerjee - On the wear resisting property of chromium plated piston rings  T. Takao - The use of meehanite high duty iron castings for bridge bearings  B. N. Baliga - Oxy-acetylene processes in foundry practice  R. Ghosh - Role of refractories in iron and steel foundries  P. C. Sen, M. R. K. Rao and H. V. Bhaskar Rao - Assessment of hard coke requirement in India  A. Lahiri, A. Ghosal and N. C. Sinha - Foundry ventilation  Karl Nilsson and Yngve Bovin - The research laboratory and foundry practice  J. P. Schotsmans - Index to Advertisers, Halbleinen, ca. 22 x 27,5, 396 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: B. N. Chatterjee

Titel: Indian Construction News

Verlagsname: The Technical Journals of India Private Ltd., Calcutta

Jahr: 1958

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39055991
| Lagernummer: 321409


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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Mitglied-167069 am 19.08.2024

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Mitglied-165644 am 29.12.2023
Mitglied-127315 am 29.12.2023
Mitglied-165404 am 09.12.2023

Sehr Gut Weiter so

Mitglied-154040 am 15.10.2023

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Mitglied-161114 am 03.08.2023

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Mitglied-162510 am 19.06.2023