Gundega Ivanova: Sovremennaya Latviyskaya Keramika / Modern Latvian ceramics.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Kunst: Kunstgewerbe | Kunsthandwerk - 585 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 46



sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren - Schutzumschlag gering defekt, Moderne lettische Keramik in russischer und englischer Sprache "In Latvia, a country rich in clay, cera mic production has been one of the most popular arts. During the Soviet period Latvian ceramists have produced many interesting and successful works. This is the result of high professionalism and a thorough knowledge of the material: its plastic properties, technology of its treatment and decorative possibilities. From year to year the products of Latvian ceramists have pride of place at the Riga art salons and monthly exhibitions. Appearing for a short while in the salons, they soon take up their residence in private homes, workshops and public buildings, in the interiors ofkindergartens and schools. The ancient art remains young. It assists in the creation of modern medium, and it has many surprises in store. It has infinite possibilities, giving the artist an unusual freedom of improvisation. Its techniques and devices combine features specific to decorative and applied crafts with those peculiar to imitative art proper. The emotional impact of ceramic objects is based on their decorative effect as well as their varied, significant content. The author, Gundega Ivanova is a specialist in Latvian decorative arts. In the introductory article she outlines the history of ceramic art in Latvia from its early days till our time. The work of some of the outstanding masters is also sketched." contains the works of - ABOLINA Olita - De BURS Valdis - CIHOVSKA Skaidrite - DETLAVS Eduards - DIMZA-DIMME Janis - DIMZA-DIMME Maiga - EINBERGA Rita - HEIMRATE Frida - INDRIKSONE Dzintra - JATNIECE Violeta - KRASTINŠ Dainis - KROLLE Izabella - KRUGLOVS Georgs - LACE Karolina - LINKAITE Mara - MARTINSONS Peteris - MEDNIECE Latvite - MELNACE Velta - MELNALKSNE Margita - MELNBARDE-KRISBERGA Helga - MENTELE Natalija - OZOLINA Kornelija - OZOLINA Sarmite - ŠMIDKENA Silvija and LUKŠO Leons - VANAGA Ilga - ZILE Aija - ŽURINA AUSMA, Leinen, ca. 26,5 x 30, 190 Seiten mit ca. 160 Fotos

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Gundega Ivanova

Titel: Sovremennaya Latviyskaya Keramika / Modern Latvian ceramics

Verlagsname: Sovetskiy khudozhnik, Moskau

Jahr: 1979

oldthing-Nummer: 39053464
| Lagernummer: 301698


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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