Erich Feigl: A Myth of Terror Armenian Extremism: Its Causes and Its Historical Context - An Illustrated Exposé.

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Seitenaufrufe: 32



sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Schutzumschlag gering defekt, A Personal Foreword - Introduction by Afif Erzen - Five Faces of Terror - The Armenians and Their So-called Terror - Armenia: Myth and Historical Reality - The Prehistoric Cultures of Eastern Anatolia - Seljuks, Mongol Invaders and Ottomans - Jews in the Ottoman Empire - The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate - The Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate - The Triumph of the Ottomans in Eastern Anatolia and Cilicia - The Causes of the Armenian Tragedy - The Beginning of the End - The Formation of a Protestant Armenian Millet - The Nineteenth Century: A Golden Age for Armenians and Ottomans, in Spite of the Beginnings of Nationalistic Agitating from Abroad - Great-Power Politics and the Armenian Question - Nationalism Spreads from the Church to Secular Organizations - The Bab-i Ali Demonstration, the Hunchaks, and the Kusaktsakan - A Climax of Armenian Terror: The Raid on the Ottoman Bank - The Armenians' Last Chance - Blown by the Dashnaks - The Relocation Decision: Its Causes and Consequences - The Forgeries of Aram Andonian - And the Moslem Victims? - After the Acquittal of Malta the Armenian Terrorists Took Justice into Their Own Hands and Murdered the Ottoman Ruling Elite - From World War I to a New Chapter in Turkish-Armenian Relations: The Main Events Leading Up to the Armistices of Gümrü-Alexandropol and Lausanne and the Consequences of Those Treaties - From the Pyrrhic Victories of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest to the Catastrophe of the Dictates in the Paris Suburbs - Brest-Litovsk: The Ottomans Recover Eastern Anatolia - The Collapse of the Central Powers and the Continuing Resistance of the Ottoman Empire - The Struggles for Survival of Turkey and Armenia: Both Nations Salvage Their Existence - The Turks in the Form of Traditional Independence; the Armenians in the Equally Customary Form of Limited Sovereignty - The Turmoil of a War That Would Not End - The Wars of the Republic of Armenia - The Reconquest of Kars and the End of Armenian Expansion - An Equally Tragic Sequel on the Southern Front - The Peace of Gümrü (Alexandropol; Today Leninakan) of December 2, 1920 - The End of the Armenian-Greek Invasion and the Peace Treaty of Lausanne (1923) - Terrorism as Bloody, Real Fantasy-War - The Armenian Terrorist Organizations - The Political Background of the Armenian Terrorist Organization ASALA - Armenian Terrorism - A Chronological Run-down - Selected Bibliography - Recent Turkish Publications - Epilogue, Leinen, ca. 22,5 x 28,5, 144 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Erich Feigl

Titel: A Myth of Terror
Armenian Extremism: Its Causes and Its Historical Context - An Illustrated Exposé

Verlagsname: Edition Zeitgeschichte, Freilassing-Salzburg

Jahr: um 1987

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39227214
| Lagernummer: 324770


96 % Positiv
221 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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