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41 Artikel gefunden


Montazeri, Hossein Ali - Mostafa Izadi (Compilation) - Alaedin Pazargadi (Translation): Extracts from speeches of Ayatollah Montazeri.

Montazeri, Hossein Ali Mostafa Izadi (Compilation) Alaedin Pazargadi (Translation): Extracts..

26,00 €
Mutahhari, Murtada ( Morteza Motahhari ) - Mahliqa Qara'i (Übers.): Society and History - Martyr Murtada Mutahhari.

Mutahhari, Murtada ( Morteza Motahhari ) Mahliqa Qara'i (Übers.): Society and History Martyr..

60,00 €
arabic. - arabisch. - Herbjorn Jenssen: The subtleties and secrets of the arabic language. Preliminary investigations into al-Qazwini' s Talkhis al-Miftah ( = Bergen studies on the middle east and Africa, 2 ).

arabic. arabisch. Herbjorn Jenssen: The subtleties and secrets of the arabic language..

27,00 €
NOORI, ALLAMA Y: Islamic Government and the Revolution in Iran.

NOORI, ALLAMA Y: Islamic Government and the Revolution in Iran.

9,00 €
Irving, T.B: Islam and Social Responsibility (= Perspectives of Islam - 6).

Irving, T.B: Islam and Social Responsibility (= Perspectives of Islam - 6).

25,00 €
Weisser, Ursula: Buch über das Geheimnis der Schöpfung und die Darstellung der Natur (Buch der Ursachen) von Pseudo-Apollonios von Tyana ( = sources & studies in the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Natural sciences series 1 ).

Weisser, Ursula: Buch über das Geheimnis der Schöpfung und die Darstellung der Natur (Buch der..

77,00 €
Alkalemah: Alkalemah. No. 12 - 3/th year - summer 1996. - An islamic intellectual & cultural journal.

Alkalemah: Alkalemah. No. 12 3/th year summer 1996. An islamic intellectual & cultural..

27,00 €
Alkalemah: Alkalemah. No. 9 - 2/th year - autumn - 1995. - An islamic intellectual & cultural journal.

Alkalemah: Alkalemah. No. 9 2/th year autumn 1995. An islamic intellectual & cultural..

27,00 €
Ministry of Islamic guidance. - The decorative arts museum of Iran. - text by Abolfazl Zabeh. - english translation: Claude Karbassi: Guide to the decorative arts museum of Iran.

Ministry of Islamic guidance. The decorative arts museum of Iran. text by Abolfazl Zabeh..

23,00 €
Kashan Museum. - Ministry of islamic guidance. - persian Text: Farzaneh Qaeni. - english translation: Claude Karbassi: Guide to Kashan Museum.

Kashan Museum. Ministry of islamic guidance. persian Text: Farzaneh Qaeni. english..

23,00 €
Buch: Islam, Inc, An Early Business History, Heck, Gene W., 2004, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Islam, Inc, An Early Business History, Heck, Gene W., 2004, gebraucht, gut

38,71 €
Ormsby, Eric L: Theodicy in Islamic Thought. The Dispute over Al-Ghazali´s ' Best of all possible Worlds '.

Ormsby, Eric L: Theodicy in Islamic Thought. The Dispute over Al Ghazali´s ' Best of all possible..

40,00 €
Schmitt, Arno: Liwat im Fiqh - Männliche Homosexualität? IN : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 4 (2001 - 2002).

Schmitt, Arno: Liwat im Fiqh Männliche Homosexualität? IN : Journal of Arabic and Islamic..

23,00 €
Muhammad. - by Robert L. Gulick, jr: Muhammad. The educator.

Muhammad. - by Robert L. Gulick, jr: Muhammad. The educator.

27,00 €
Koran. - Qur' an. - Barbara Freyer Stowasser: Women in the Qur' an, Traditions, and Interpretation.

Koran. - Qur' an. - Barbara Freyer Stowasser: Women in the Qur' an, Traditions, and Interpretation.

23,00 €
University of Aleppo, IHAS Institute for the history of Arabic science. - comiled and edited by Sami K. Hamarneh: Directory of historians of arabic-islamic science. On the occasion of the beginning of the fifteenth century 1400 Hijrn. 1400 / 1980. - from

University of Aleppo, IHAS Institute for the history of Arabic science. comiled and edited by..

57,00 €
Jenkins, Marilyn (Hrsg.): Islamic Art in the Kuwait National Museum. The al-Sabah Collection.

Jenkins, Marilyn (Hrsg.): Islamic Art in the Kuwait National Museum. The al-Sabah Collection.

35,00 €
The Islamic World 2.

The Islamic World 2.

55,00 €
Kairo. - Abd el Wahab, Hassan: Islamic Monuments in Cairo. Foreward.

Kairo. - Abd el Wahab, Hassan: Islamic Monuments in Cairo. Foreward.

16,00 €
Union der islamischen Studentenvereine in Europa (United of Islamic Students Association): Mitteilung an die Presse über die islamische Opposition im Iran, 20. Nov. 1978.

Union der islamischen Studentenvereine in Europa (United of Islamic Students Association):..

11,00 €
Dols, Michael W. - edited by Diana E. Immisch: Majnun: The madman in medieval islamic society.

Dols, Michael W. - edited by Diana E. Immisch: Majnun: The madman in medieval islamic society.

147,00 €
Shahrur, Muhammad. - translated into english by Dale F. Eickelman and Ismail S. Abu Shehadeh: Proposal for an islamic covenant.

Shahrur, Muhammad. translated into english by Dale F. Eickelman and Ismail S. Abu Shehadeh:..

23,00 €
Ibn al Dschazzar/ Ibn Al Jazzar.  Mirja Martha Brachtel: Inb Al Jazzar´s Zad Al Musafir and Constantinus Africanus´ latin version Viaticum Peregrinantis : A..

Ibn al Dschazzar/ Ibn Al Jazzar. Mirja Martha Brachtel: Inb Al Jazzar´s Zad Al Musafir and..

47,00 €
Umaruddin, M. / Al-Ghazzali: The Ethical Philosophy of Al-Ghazzali.

Umaruddin, M. / Al-Ghazzali: The Ethical Philosophy of Al-Ghazzali.

47,00 €
Al-Gazzali, Imam - Nabih Amin Faris (1906 - 1968): The Book of Knowledge.

Al-Gazzali, Imam - Nabih Amin Faris (1906 - 1968): The Book of Knowledge.

47,00 €
Mazhar-ul-Haq - Enwar-ul-Haque Khan (Publ.): Outlines of Islamic History - from 570 to 1258 A.D.

Mazhar-ul-Haq - Enwar-ul-Haque Khan (Publ.): Outlines of Islamic History - from 570 to 1258 A.D.

27,00 €
Malti-Douglas, Fedwa: Woman´s Body, Woman´s Word - Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing.

Malti-Douglas, Fedwa: Woman´s Body, Woman´s Word - Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing.

37,00 €
Rejwan, Nissim: Arabs in the Mirror - Images and Self-Images from Pre-Islamic to Modern Times.

Rejwan, Nissim: Arabs in the Mirror - Images and Self-Images from Pre-Islamic to Modern Times.

23,00 €
Netton, Ian Richard: Allah transcendent. Studies in the structure and semiotics of islamic philosophy, theology and cosmology.

Netton, Ian Richard: Allah transcendent. Studies in the structure and semiotics of islamic..

37,00 €
Lodhi, M.A.K. (Ed.): Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology (= Islamization of Knowledge Series No. (9)).

Lodhi, M.A.K. (Ed.): Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology (=..

50,00 €
Goodman, Lenn E: Jewish and islamic philosophy. Crosspollinations in the Classic age.

Goodman, Lenn E: Jewish and islamic philosophy. Crosspollinations in the Classic age.

37,00 €
Hunain Ibn Ishaq Johanitius ( 809 - 877 A. D. ). - edited and commetary: M. Fuad Zakri: The prophylaxis of teeth & Gingiva. The earliest arabic existing sytematic text-book of dentistry ( = History of islamic medicine ).

Hunain Ibn Ishaq Johanitius ( 809 877 A. D. ). edited and commetary: M. Fuad Zakri: The..

47,00 €
Qutb, Sayyid: Dieser Glaube der Islam.

Qutb, Sayyid: Dieser Glaube der Islam.

27,00 €
Islamic conference, Organisation of. - Research centre for islamic history art and culture. - foreword by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu: A guide book of islamic cultural institutions.

Islamic conference, Organisation of. Research centre for islamic history art and culture..

27,00 €
Arkoun, Mohammed ( 1928 - 2010 ): al-Fikr al-Islami: Naqd wa-ijtihad ( Islamisches Denken: Kritik und Fleiß / Islamic Thought: Criticism and Diligence ).

Arkoun, Mohammed ( 1928 2010 ): al Fikr al Islami: Naqd wa ijtihad ( Islamisches Denken: Kritik..

47,00 €
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Islamic Carpets. The Joseph V. McMullan Collection.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Islamic Carpets. The Joseph V. McMullan Collection.

30,00 €
Michell, G. (Hrsg.): The Islamic heritage of Bengal.

Michell, G. (Hrsg.): The Islamic heritage of Bengal.

30,00 €
Fabri, Charles: An Introduction to Indian Architecture. (Aligarh Muslim University General Education Reading Material Series).

Fabri, Charles: An Introduction to Indian Architecture. (Aligarh Muslim University General..

35,00 €
Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in  Egypt  . Ancient art in metal.

Boston: Boston Museum Bulletin Vol. 72, Nr. 368 (1974)., Islamic Pottery, Middle Kindom in Egypt..

8,00 €
Neuwirth, Angelika / Pflitsch, Andreas (Hrsg: Crisis and memory in Islamic societies. Proceedings of the third Summer Academy of the Working Group Modernity and Islam held at the Orient Institute of the German Oriental Society in Beirut.

Neuwirth, Angelika / Pflitsch, Andreas (Hrsg: Crisis and memory in Islamic societies. Proceedings..

45,00 €
Jenkins, Marilyn  (Ed.): Islamic art in the Kuwait National Museum., The al-Sabah Collection.

Jenkins, Marilyn (Ed.): Islamic art in the Kuwait National Museum., The al-Sabah Collection.

22,00 €
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