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23 Artikel gefunden


Bolz Ausgewählte Werke Friedrich des Großen 2 Bde. 1920 Belletristik Militaria j

Bolz Ausgewählte Werke Friedrich des Großen 2 Bde. 1920 Belletristik Militaria j

39,00 €
BOLZ, J., Huebener, M., Schwarz, C: Microcircuitry of cat visual cortex.

BOLZ, J., Huebener, M., Schwarz, C: Microcircuitry of cat visual cortex.

4,00 €
SCHWARZ, C., Bolz, J: Functional specificity of a long-range horizontal connection in cat visual cortex. A cross-correlation study.

SCHWARZ, C., Bolz, J: Functional specificity of a long range horizontal connection in cat visual..

4,00 €
BOLZ, J, Thier, P: Photopic action of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the cat retina.

BOLZ, J, Thier, P: Photopic action of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the cat retina.

4,00 €
BOLZ. J., Giedke, H: Controllability of an aversive stimulus in depressed patients and healthy controls. a study using slow brain potentials.

BOLZ. J., Giedke, H: Controllability of an aversive stimulus in depressed patients and healthy..

4,00 €
HueBENER, M., Goetz, M., Klostermann, S., Bolz, J: Guidance of thalamocortical axons by growth promoting molecules in developing rat cerebral cortex.

HueBENER, M., Goetz, M., Klostermann, S., Bolz, J: Guidance of thalamocortical axons by growth..

4,00 €
HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase compartments in monkey striate cortex.

HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase..

4,00 €
HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase compartments in monkey striate cortex.

HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase..

4,00 €
Bolz, J., G. Rosner & H. Waessle: Response latency of brisk-sustained (X) and brisk-transient (Y) cells in the cat retina.

Bolz, J., G. Rosner & H. Waessle: Response latency of brisk sustained (X) and brisk transient (Y)..

4,00 €
Bolz,J., & M. Goetz: Mechanisms to estrablish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing brain.

Bolz,J., & M. Goetz: Mechanisms to estrablish specific thalamocortical connections in the..

4,00 €
WOLBURG, H: SCHMITZ, Y., Wolburg, H., Gap junction morphology of retinal horizontal cells is sensitive to pH alterations in vitro. Cell Tiss Res. 263, 303-310 (1991)., Obr.,  [WES66]..,// WOLBURG, H., Bolz, J., Ultrastructural organization of slice cultur

WOLBURG, H: SCHMITZ, Y., Wolburg, H., Gap junction morphology of retinal horizontal cells is..

5,00 €
Castellani, V., & J. Bolz: Formation of layer-specific cortical circuits., Manuscript.

Castellani, V., & J. Bolz: Formation of layer-specific cortical circuits., Manuscript.

9,00 €
HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: . Morphology of identified projection neurons in layer 5 of rat visual cortex.

HueBENER, M., Bolz, J: . Morphology of identified projection neurons in layer 5 of rat visual..

4,00 €
GoeTZ, M., Bolz, J: Formation and preservation of cortical layers in slice culture.  J. Neurobiol. 23, 783--802 (1992)., ..// GoeTZ, M., Bolz, J., Differentiation of transmitter phenotypes in rat cerebral cortex. Euro. J. Neurosci. 6, 18-32 (1994).

GoeTZ, M., Bolz, J: Formation and preservation of cortical layers in slice culture. J. Neurobiol..

5,00 €
CASTELLANI, V., Bolz, J: Membrane-associated molecules regulate the formation of layer-specific cortical circuits., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 7030-7035  (1997)., Obr.,  [SDG1268].., // , Formation of layer specific cortical circuits., Manuscript,  Br

CASTELLANI, V., Bolz, J: Membrane associated molecules regulate the formation of layer specific..

5,00 €
BRECHA, N: BRECHA, N., Johnson, D., Bolz, J., Sharma, S., Parnavelas, J. G., Lieberman, A. R. , Substance P immunoreactive retinal ganglion cells and their central axon terminals in the rabbit. Nature 327, 155-158 (1987) , Obr.. [WES146]., // BRECHA, N. C

BRECHA, N: BRECHA, N., Johnson, D., Bolz, J., Sharma, S., Parnavelas, J. G., Lieberman, A. R..

6,00 €
BOLZ, J., Gilbert, C. D., Wiesel, T. N: Pharmacological analysis of cortical circuitry.

BOLZ, J., Gilbert, C. D., Wiesel, T. N: Pharmacological analysis of cortical circuitry.

4,00 €
BOLZ, J., Goetz, M: Mechanisms to establish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing  brain.

BOLZ, J., Goetz, M: Mechanisms to establish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing..

4,00 €
BOLZ, J: KOSSEL, A., Bonhoeffer, T., Bolz, J., Non Hebbian synapses in rat visual cortex. Neuroreport 1, 115-118 (1990). //  KOSSEL, A., Loewel, S., Bolz, J., Relationships between dendritic fields and functional architecture in striate cortex of normal a

BOLZ, J: KOSSEL, A., Bonhoeffer, T., Bolz, J., Non Hebbian synapses in rat visual cortex..

5,00 €
BOLZ, J., Novak, N., Goetz, M., Bonhoeffer, T: Formation of  target-specific neuronal projections in organotypic slice cultures from rat visual cortex.

BOLZ, J., Novak, N., Goetz, M., Bonhoeffer, T: Formation of target specific neuronal projections..

4,00 €
BOLZ, J., Huebener, M., Schwarz, C.: Microcircuitry of cat visual cortex-.

BOLZ, J., Huebener, M., Schwarz, C.: Microcircuitry of cat visual cortex-.

4,00 €
NOVAK, N., Bolz, J: Formation of specific efferent connections in organotypic slice cultures from rat visual cortex cocultures with lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus.

NOVAK, N., Bolz, J: Formation of specific efferent connections in organotypic slice cultures from..

4,00 €
BOLZ, J., Goetz, M., Huebener, M., Novak, N: Reconstructing cortical connections in a dish.

BOLZ, J., Goetz, M., Huebener, M., Novak, N: Reconstructing cortical connections in a dish.

4,00 €
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