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928 Artikel gefunden


LAMOUR & COYLE: LAMOUR, Y., Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Topographic organization of basal forebrain neurons projecting to the rat cerebral cortex. Neurosci. Letters 34, 117-122 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES29].  // COYLE, P., Diameter and length changes in cerebral col

LAMOUR & COYLE: LAMOUR, Y., Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Topographic organization of basal forebrain..

5,00 €
LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D: A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in the cat.

LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D: A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in..

4,00 €
KWAN, H. C., Murphy, J. T., Wong, Y. C: Interaction between  neurons in precentral cortical zones controlling different joints.

KWAN, H. C., Murphy, J. T., Wong, Y. C: Interaction between neurons in precentral cortical zones..

4,00 €
Kolbenheyer, Erwin Guido: Klaas Y der große Neutrale.

Kolbenheyer, Erwin Guido: Klaas Y der große Neutrale.

4,00 €
KOIJMA, M: KOJIMA, M., Sano, Y., The organization of serotoninergic fibers in the anterior column of the mammalian spinal cord. Anat. Embryol., 167, 1-11  // KOJIMA, M., Takeuchi, Y., Goto, M., Sano, Y-, Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of se

KOIJMA, M: KOJIMA, M., Sano, Y., The organization of serotoninergic fibers in the anterior column..

7,00 €
KODA, L. Y: KODA, L. Y., Van der Kooy, D., Doxorubicin. A fluorescent neurotoxin retrogradely transported in the central nervous system. Neurosci,Letters 36, 1-8 (1983), Obr.,  [WES46].  [WES88].. (2), //  VAN DER KOOY, D., Koda, L. Y., Organization of th

KODA, L. Y: KODA, L. Y., Van der Kooy, D., Doxorubicin. A fluorescent neurotoxin retrogradely..

5,00 €
Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Ästhetik in der Straßenbahn.

Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Ästhetik in der Straßenbahn.

4,00 €
Anonymus: Denominaciones de Origen y Espefificas.  Vinos que sos aceites jamones arro ces legumbres.

Anonymus: Denominaciones de Origen y Espefificas. Vinos que sos aceites jamones arro ces..

4,00 €
KITAO, Y-., Nakamura, Y., Okoayama, S: An electron microscopic study of the cortico-pretecto-olivary projection in the cat by a combined degeneration and HRP tracing techqique.

KITAO, Y ., Nakamura, Y., Okoayama, S: An electron microscopic study of the cortico pretecto..

4,00 €
KING, J. S: DOUGHERTY, M. M-., King, J. S-.. A simple, rapid staining procedure for methactrylate embedded tissue sections using chromotrope 2R and methylene blue., Stain Technol-., 59, 13008-153 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES142]..,//  KING, J. S., Chen, Y. F., Bi

KING, J. S: DOUGHERTY, M. M ., King, J. S .. A simple, rapid staining procedure for methactrylate..

5,00 €
Kiesel, Notger: Zimmerpflanzen. Alles über Arten und Pflege.

Kiesel, Notger: Zimmerpflanzen. Alles über Arten und Pflege.

6,00 €
KELLY, J. S., Rogawski, M. A: Acetylcholine.

KELLY, J. S., Rogawski, M. A: Acetylcholine.

4,00 €
KELLER, P. M., Person, S: Techniques for monitoring cell  fusion. The synthesis and use of fluorescent vital probes (R18, F18).

KELLER, P. M., Person, S: Techniques for monitoring cell fusion. The synthesis and use of..

4,00 €
KAWATA, M: KAWATA, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahara, J, Sano, Y., Immunohistochemical identification of the corticotropin relesing factor (CRF)-contaning nerve fiberss in the pig hypophysis, with special reference to the relationship between CRF and posterior

KAWATA, M: KAWATA, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahara, J, Sano, Y., Immunohistochemical identification of..

9,00 €
KAWASAKI, T: KAWASAKI, T., Kato, I., Sato, Y,., Mizukoshi, K., The brain-stem projection to the cerebellar flocculus relevant to optokinetic responses in cat.  Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 374, 455-464 (1981)., Obr.,  [SD158]..,// SATO, Y., Kawasaki, T., Ikarash

KAWASAKI, T: KAWASAKI, T., Kato, I., Sato, Y,., Mizukoshi, K., The brain stem projection to the..

5,00 €
KAWAGUCHI, Y: KAWAGUCHI, Y., Groupings of nonpyramidal and pyramidal cells with specific physiological and morpholofgical characteristics in rat frontal cortex., J. Neurophysiol., 69, 30016-30031 (1993)., Obr.,   [WES116].,..,// KAWAGUCHI, Y., Two types o

KAWAGUCHI, Y: KAWAGUCHI, Y., Groupings of nonpyramidal and pyramidal cells with specific..

5,00 €
KANG, Y., Kayano, F: Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of Layer VI pyramidal cells in cat motor cortex-.

KANG, Y., Kayano, F: Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of Layer VI pyramidal..

4,00 €
KÄLLSTRÖM, Y., S. Lindström: A simple device for pressure injection of HRP into small central neurons.

KÄLLSTRÖM, Y., S. Lindström: A simple device for pressure injection of HRP into small central..

4,00 €
KADOTA, T., Yamaai, T., Saito, Y., Akita, Y., Kawashima, S., Moroi, K., Inagaki, N., Kadota, K: Expression of dopamine transporter at the tips of growing neurites of PC12 cells.

KADOTA, T., Yamaai, T., Saito, Y., Akita, Y., Kawashima, S., Moroi, K., Inagaki, N., Kadota, K:..

4,00 €
James, Henry: The Pincess Casamassima.

James, Henry: The Pincess Casamassima.

6,00 €
ITOH, K. & A., J.Lupin: ITOH, K., Nomura, S., Konishi, A., Yasui, Y., Sugimoto, T., Mizuno, N., A morphological evidence of direct connections from the cochlear nuclei to tensor tympani motoneurons in the cat.  A possible efferent limb to the acoustic mid

ITOH, K. & A., J.Lupin: ITOH, K., Nomura, S., Konishi, A., Yasui, Y., Sugimoto, T., Mizuno, N., A..

5,00 €
HUANG, S. C., Chou, C. Y., Lon, Y. S., Tsai, Y. C., Hsu, K. F., Liu, C. H., Huang, K. E: Enhanced deoxyribonuclei acid damage and repair but unchanged apoptosis in uterine leiomyomas treated with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist.

HUANG, S. C., Chou, C. Y., Lon, Y. S., Tsai, Y. C., Hsu, K. F., Liu, C. H., Huang, K. E: Enhanced..

4,00 €
HOSOYA, Y: HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the superior salivatory nucleus neurons in the rat. A study using anterograde autoradiuographic  and retrograde HRP methodfs. Brain Res. 266, 329-333 (1983)., Obr.,

HOSOYA, Y: HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the..

7,00 €
HOSAKA, M., Orito, T., Horike, H., Okada, Y., Mori, M: Heterogenous expression of S-100 protein subunits alpha and beta in cystadenolympohomas of salivary glands.

HOSAKA, M., Orito, T., Horike, H., Okada, Y., Mori, M: Heterogenous expression of S 100 protein..

4,00 €
HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic system and the superior colliculus in pigmented and albino ferrets. Europ. J. Neurosci. 5, 486-500 (1993), Obr., [WES2] //   DISTLER, C., Weigel, H., Hoffm

HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic..

5,00 €
HINOVA-PALOVA, D. V-., Paloff, A. M., Usunoff, K. G., Dimova, R. N., Yossifov, T. Y., Ivanov, D. P: Reciprocal connections between the claustrum and the auditory cortical field in the cat. An experimental study using light- and electron microscopic antero

HINOVA PALOVA, D. V ., Paloff, A. M., Usunoff, K. G., Dimova, R. N., Yossifov, T. Y., Ivanov, D. P:..

4,00 €
BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth factor is expressed abundantely by photoreceptors withjin developing and mature rat retina. Europ.

BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth..

4,00 €
Heuss, Theodor: Staat und Volk im Werden. Reden in und über Israel.

Heuss, Theodor: Staat und Volk im Werden. Reden in und über Israel.

8,00 €
Herrmann, A. (Ed.): Composiciones Jocosas en Prosa de los Srs. Hartzenbusch, Aygulas de Izco, Bibot, Villergas, Binilla, Lafuente (Fr. Gerundio), Principe, Lopez Pelegrin (Abnamar), y otros escritores contemporaneos.

Herrmann, A. (Ed.): Composiciones Jocosas en Prosa de los Srs. Hartzenbusch, Aygulas de Izco..

52,00 €
HELLSTEN-WESTING, Y: Immunohistochemical localization of xanthine oxidase in human cardiac and skeltal  muscle.

HELLSTEN WESTING, Y: Immunohistochemical localization of xanthine oxidase in human cardiac and..

4,00 €
HEALY, D. P., Jew, J. Y: Catcholamine inputs to the nucleus tractus solitarius.

HEALY, D. P., Jew, J. Y: Catcholamine inputs to the nucleus tractus solitarius.

4,00 €
Barr, Stephen: A miscellany of puzzles., Mathematical and otherwise.

Barr, Stephen: A miscellany of puzzles., Mathematical and otherwise.

6,00 €
HAYASHI, Y: HADA, J., Yamagata, Y., Hayashi, Y., Identification off ventral lateral geniculate nucleus cells projecting to the pretectum and superior colliculus in the cat. Brain Res. 358, 398-403  (1985)., Obr.,  [SDG68]..,// NAGATA, T., Hayashi, Y., The

HAYASHI, Y: HADA, J., Yamagata, Y., Hayashi, Y., Identification off ventral lateral geniculate..

7,00 €
HAYASHI, S., Miyazaki, Y., Yamashita, J., Nakagawa, M., Takizawa, H: Soy protein has no hypocholesterolemic action in mice because it does not stimulate fecal steroid excretion in that species.

HAYASHI, S., Miyazaki, Y., Yamashita, J., Nakagawa, M., Takizawa, H: Soy protein has no..

4,00 €
Harris, Thistle Y: Wild Flowers of Australia.

Harris, Thistle Y: Wild Flowers of Australia.

9,00 €
Uemura, S., M. Ysudas, R. Y. Osamura, Y. Kawarada, T. Sugiyama & Y. Tsutsumi: Enhancement of  TdT-mediated dUTP-Biotin Nick End-albeling (TUNEL) method using mung bean nuclease, a single-stranded DNA digestion enzyme.

Uemura, S., M. Ysudas, R. Y. Osamura, Y. Kawarada, T. Sugiyama & Y. Tsutsumi: Enhancement of TdT..

4,00 €
Gudiol, Jose: Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes.

Gudiol, Jose: Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes.

12,00 €
GRUBE, D: GRUBE, D., Kusumoto, Y., Serial semithin sections in immunohistochemistry. Techniques and applications., Arch. Hist. Jap., 49, 391-410 (1986)., Obr.,  [SD118].., // / SPARING, H., Grube, D., Die aldehydinduzierte Fluoreszenz. Methoden und Anwend

GRUBE, D: GRUBE, D., Kusumoto, Y., Serial semithin sections in immunohistochemistry. Techniques and..

5,00 €
Grosz, George: Das Gesicht der herrschenden Klasse & Abrechnung folgt!.

Grosz, George: Das Gesicht der herrschenden Klasse & Abrechnung folgt!.

10,00 €
Grashoff, Ehler W: Albrecht Dürer.Aus seinem Leben und seinem Werk.

Grashoff, Ehler W: Albrecht Dürer.Aus seinem Leben und seinem Werk.

4,00 €
Gräfenberg, S., & Antonio Paz y Melia: Spanisch. Original Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt., Brieflicher Sprach- und Sprech-Unterricht für das Selbststudium der spanischen Sprache., II. Beilage., Konjugationsmuster.

Gräfenberg, S., & Antonio Paz y Melia: Spanisch. Original Methode Toussaint Langenscheidt..

4,00 €
Gräfenberg, S., & Antonio Paz y Melia: Spanisch. Original Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt., Brieflicher Sprach- und Sprech-Unterricht für das Selbststudium der spanischen Sprache.

Gräfenberg, S., & Antonio Paz y Melia: Spanisch. Original Methode Toussaint Langenscheidt..

22,00 €
Bayer, M.E: The reaction of receptor glycoprotein with influenza virus and neuraminidase.

Bayer, M.E: The reaction of receptor glycoprotein with influenza virus and neuraminidase.

4,00 €
DEUTCH, A. Y., Roth.,, R. H: Calcitonin gene-related peptide in the ventral tegmental area. Selective modulation of prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism.

DEUTCH, A. Y., Roth.,, R. H: Calcitonin gene related peptide in the ventral tegmental area..

4,00 €
GAIDDON, C., Loeffler, J.- P., Larmet. Y: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates AP-1 and cyclic AMP-responsive element dependent tranbscriptiobnal activity in central nervous system neurons.

GAIDDON, C., Loeffler, J. P., Larmet. Y: Brain derived neurotrophic factor stimulates AP 1 and..

4,00 €
FUKUDA, Y: FUKUDA, Y., Hsiao, C. F., Sawaim, H., Wakakuwa, K., Retinotopic organization of tghe expanded ipsilateral projection to the rat's superior colliculus. variations along ist rostrocaudal axis. Brain Res. 321, 390-395 (1984)., Obr.,  [SD69].., //

FUKUDA, Y: FUKUDA, Y., Hsiao, C. F., Sawaim, H., Wakakuwa, K., Retinotopic organization of tghe..

6,00 €
Fujii, S., Maeda, H., Wada, N., Kano,Y., Akamine, A: Establishing and characterizing human periodonatal ligament fibroblats immortalized by SV40T-antigen and hTERT gene transfer.

Fujii, S., Maeda, H., Wada, N., Kano,Y., Akamine, A: Establishing and characterizing human..

4,00 €
FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age-dependent effects of deafferentiation. J. Comp. Neurol., 246,, 1-19 (1986)., Obr,  WES777]...,// FRIEDMAN, B., Kleinfeld, D., Ip, N. Y., Verge, V. M. K., Moulton, R., Boland,

FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age dependent effects..

5,00 €

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