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107 Artikel gefunden


RAISMAN, G: LI, D., Dield, P. M-, Raisman, G.,  Failure of axon regeneration in postnatal rat entorhino-hippocampal sluice coculture is due to maturation oof the axon, not that of the pathway or target., Europ. J., Neurosci., 7, 1164-1171 (1995)., Obr.,

RAISMAN, G: LI, D., Dield, P. M , Raisman, G., Failure of axon regeneration in postnatal rat..

5,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez-Mendez, L-., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal patterns of neurogenesis in the chick retina., Europ. J., Neurosci. 3, 559--659 (1992), Obr-.  [SDG144]..,. // PRADA, C., Medina, K. I., Lopwz, R., Genis-Galvez

PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez Mendez, L ., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal..

5,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
LÄRKFORS, L., Lindsay, R. M., Alderson, R. F: Ciliary neurotrophic factor enhances the survival of purkinje cells in vitro. Europ.

LÄRKFORS, L., Lindsay, R. M., Alderson, R. F: Ciliary neurotrophic factor enhances the survival of..

4,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic system and the superior colliculus in pigmented and albino ferrets. Europ. J. Neurosci. 5, 486-500 (1993), Obr., [WES2] //   DISTLER, C., Weigel, H., Hoffm

HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic..

5,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth factor is expressed abundantely by photoreceptors withjin developing and mature rat retina. Europ.

BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth..

4,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
HARTVEIT, E: HARTVEIT, E., Brandstätter, J.H., Enz, R., Wässle, H., Expression of the mRNA of seven metabitrophic gluatamate receptors (mGluR1 to 7) in the rat..

HARTVEIT, E: HARTVEIT, E., Brandstätter, J.H., Enz, R., Wässle, H., Expression of the mRNA of..

5,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
FERRER, I: FERRER, I., Olive, M., Ribera, J., Planas, A. M., Naturally occuring programmed and radiation-induced apoptosis are associated with selective c-jun expression in the developng rat brain., Europ. J., Neurosci. 8, 1286-1298 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES94

FERRER, I: FERRER, I., Olive, M., Ribera, J., Planas, A. M., Naturally occuring programmed and..

7,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal cells in carp retina. Independent modulation by dopamine and Light.-adaptation., Europ. J. Neuroscience 8, 1571-1579 (1996)., Obr.,    [WES117]..,// TER-MA

DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal..

5,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
WOLLNIK, F., Brysch, W., Uhlmann, E., Gillardon, F,., Bravo, H., Zimmermann, M., Schlingensiepen, K. H., Herdegen, T: Block of c-fos and JUNB expression by antisense oligonucleotides inhibits light-induced phase shifts of the mammalian clock.

WOLLNIK, F., Brysch, W., Uhlmann, E., Gillardon, F,., Bravo, H., Zimmermann, M., Schlingensiepen..

4,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
BRAS, H: KOGOROD, S., Bras, H., Sarana, V. N., Gogan, P., Tyc-Dumont, S., Electrotonic clusters in the dendritic arborization of abducens motoneurons in the rat. Europ. J. Neurosxciu. 6, 1517-1527 (1994)., Obr.,  [WES70].., // BRAS, H., Korogod, S., Duenc

BRAS, H: KOGOROD, S., Bras, H., Sarana, V. N., Gogan, P., Tyc Dumont, S., Electrotonic clusters in..

6,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
BOURASSA, J., Pinault, D., Deschenes, M: Corticothalamic projection from the cortical barrel field to the somatosensory thalamus in rats.  A single fibre study using biocytin as an anterograde tracer.

BOURASSA, J., Pinault, D., Deschenes, M: Corticothalamic projection from the cortical barrel field..

4,00 €
Sa, 07. Dez bis Mo, 09. Dez
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