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892 Artikel gefunden


ALTAR, C: ALTAR, C. A., Nerve growth factor and the neostriatum. Prog. Neuro-Psychpharmacol. Biol. Psychiatr., 15, 157-169 (1991), Obr., [WES90]., , // MORSE, J. K-.,  Wiegand, S. J., Anderson, K., You, Y., Cai, N., Carnahan, J., Miller, J., DiStefano, P.

ALTAR, C: ALTAR, C. A., Nerve growth factor and the neostriatum. Prog. Neuro Psychpharmacol. Biol..

5,00 €
ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J.  Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular..

ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J. Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the..

6,00 €
Agüera, E. & A. Blanco: Cronologia de maduracion functional citoarquitectonica y mielinizacion de la  medula cervical del perro.

Agüera, E. & A. Blanco: Cronologia de maduracion functional citoarquitectonica y mielinizacion de..

4,00 €
ABRAMOVICI, A., Kam, J., Liban, E-., Barishak, R. Y: Incipient histopathological lesions in citral-induced microphthalmos in chick embryos.

ABRAMOVICI, A., Kam, J., Liban, E ., Barishak, R. Y: Incipient histopathological lesions in citral..

4,00 €
ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three-dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors originating from single CA2 pyramidal neurons in the rat hippocampus with aid of a computer graphic technique. Brain Res. 452, 255-272 (1988)., Obr., [SD14].,

ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors..

5,00 €
ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y., Kanayama, S., Matsuzawa, Y: Role of heparin binding EGF-related peptides in proliferation and apoptosis of activated ras-stimulated intestinal epithelial c

ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y..

4,00 €
ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

4,00 €
YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of motoneurons innervating the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. A HRP study in cats.

YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of..

4,00 €
PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau marquer potentiel dans la differentiation neuronale du systeme nerveux peripherique.

PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau..

4,00 €
NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nuclear complex of the cat. GABA-immunocytochemical and WGA-HRP studies by light and electron microscopy.

NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis..

4,00 €
LIU, Y., Edwards, R. H: The role of vesicular transport proteins in synaptic transmission and neural degeneration.

LIU, Y., Edwards, R. H: The role of vesicular transport proteins in synaptic transmission and..

4,00 €
KUSAKABE, M., Sakakura, T., Nishizuka, Y., Sano, M., Matsukage, A: Polyester wax embedding and sectioning technique for immunocytochemistry.

KUSAKABE, M., Sakakura, T., Nishizuka, Y., Sano, M., Matsukage, A: Polyester wax embedding and..

4,00 €
KARPIAK, S. E., Li, Y. S, Mahadik, S. P: Gangliosides /Gm1 and AGF2) reduce mortality due to  ischemia. Protection of membrane function.

KARPIAK, S. E., Li, Y. S, Mahadik, S. P: Gangliosides /Gm1 and AGF2) reduce mortality due to..

4,00 €
DOI, M., Uji, Y-., Yamamura, H: Morphological classification of retinal ganglion cells in mice.

DOI, M., Uji, Y-., Yamamura, H: Morphological classification of retinal ganglion cells in mice.

4,00 €
BUYS, C. H. C. M., Van der Veen, A. Y: Different effects of 33258 Hoechst and DAPI in fluorescent staining of sister chromatids differentially substituted with bromodeoxyuridine.

BUYS, C. H. C. M., Van der Veen, A. Y: Different effects of 33258 Hoechst and DAPI in fluorescent..

4,00 €
BRIDGES, P. M., Ball, D. J., Machinnon, S. E., Nakao, Y., Brandt, K., Hunter, D. A., Hertl, C: Nerve crush injuries - a model for axonotmesis.

BRIDGES, P. M., Ball, D. J., Machinnon, S. E., Nakao, Y., Brandt, K., Hunter, D. A., Hertl, C:..

4,00 €
Barishak, Y. R., Beemer, A. N., Egyed, M. N., Shlosberg, A., Eilat A: Histology of the iris in geese and ducks photosensitized by ingestion of ammi majus seeds.

Barishak, Y. R., Beemer, A. N., Egyed, M. N., Shlosberg, A., Eilat A: Histology of the iris in..

4,00 €
ARIMATSU, Y., Naegele, J. R, Barnstable, C. J: Molecular markers of neuronal subpopulations in layers 4 ,5, and 6 of cat primary visual cortex.

ARIMATSU, Y., Naegele, J. R, Barnstable, C. J: Molecular markers of neuronal subpopulations in..

4,00 €
AN, G., Lin, T. N., Liu, J. S., Yue, J. J., He, Y. Y-., Hsu, C. Y: Expression of c-fos and c-jun family genes after focal cerebral ischemia.

AN, G., Lin, T. N., Liu, J. S., Yue, J. J., He, Y. Y ., Hsu, C. Y: Expression of c fos and c jun..

4,00 €
AMES, A., Li, Y. Y: Engery requirements of glutamatergic pathways in rabbit retina.

AMES, A., Li, Y. Y: Engery requirements of glutamatergic pathways in rabbit retina.

4,00 €
SATOH, Y., Ishikawa, K., Tanaka, H., Oomori, Y., Ono, K: Immunohistochemical observations of lysozyme in the Paneth cells of specific apthogen free gland germ free mice.

SATOH, Y., Ishikawa, K., Tanaka, H., Oomori, Y., Ono, K: Immunohistochemical observations of..

4,00 €
Romanos, D. Ramon de Mesonero: El Antiguo Madrid Paseos Historico-Anecdoticos por las calles y casa de esta villa.

Romanos, D. Ramon de Mesonero: El Antiguo Madrid Paseos Historico Anecdoticos por las calles y casa..

180,00 €
a.r.penk Y. Zeichnungen bis 1975.

a.r.penk Y. Zeichnungen bis 1975.

9,00 €
Objecto y Realidad. Vision del Arte Frances.

Objecto y Realidad. Vision del Arte Frances.

10,00 €
Hommage a´Henry Moore.

Hommage a´Henry Moore.

125,00 €
Jose Garcia y Mas.

Jose Garcia y Mas.

8,00 €
Lecaldano, Paolo: Picasso azul y rosa.

Lecaldano, Paolo: Picasso azul y rosa.

12,00 €
Velazquez / Jose Ortega Y Gasset: Velaquez.

Velazquez / Jose Ortega Y Gasset: Velaquez.

12,50 €
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