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34 Artikel gefunden


Kania, Carrie (Ed.): Iggy & The Stooges: One Night at the Whisky 1970. Photographs by Ed Caraeff. Signed and dated by the Photographer.

Kania, Carrie (Ed.): Iggy & The Stooges: One Night at the Whisky 1970. Photographs by Ed Caraeff..

240,00 €
Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a voyage. Down the Elbe from Dresden to Hamburgh. Including a compendious historical account of the Hanseatic Leage. With views from drawings taken on the spot, by

Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a..

480,00 €
Brydall, John: Jus Imaginis apud Anglos; Intended chiefly for the instruction  of young persons. or The Law of England Relating to the Nobility & Gentry. Faithfully collected, and methodically digested for Common benefit.

Brydall, John: Jus Imaginis apud Anglos; Intended chiefly for the instruction of young persons. or..

600,00 €
Colby, Averil: Pincushions.

Colby, Averil: Pincushions.

35,00 €
Le Coq, Albert von (Hrsg.): Chotscho. [Gaochang]. Facsimile Wiedergaben der wichtigeren Funde der ersten königlichen preussischen Expedition nach Turfan in Ost Turkistan. Im Auftrag der..

Le Coq, Albert von (Hrsg.): Chotscho. [Gaochang]. Facsimile Wiedergaben der wichtigeren Funde der..

17.000,00 €
Wright, George Newenham: China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture, and social habits, of that ancient empire. Drawn, from original and authentic sketches, by Thomas Allom. With historical and descriptive notices by G. N. Wright. V

Wright, George Newenham: China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture, and..

1.500,00 €
Taylor, S. (Ed.): The History of Playing Cards, with Anecdotes of their use in Conjuring, Fortune-Telling, and Card-Sharping.

Taylor, S. (Ed.): The History of Playing Cards, with Anecdotes of their use in Conjuring, Fortune..

200,00 €
Lyons, Nathan (Introduction): Contemporay Photographers: Toward a Social Landscape. Bruce Davidson, Lee Friedlander, Garry Winogrand, Danny Lyon, Duane Michals.

Lyons, Nathan (Introduction): Contemporay Photographers: Toward a Social Landscape. Bruce Davidson..

120,00 €
Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design. Dedication copy.

Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design. Dedication copy.

60,00 €
Apuleius: Apuleius. The Golden Ass. Translated by William Adlington. 1566. Privately printed for the Scott-Thaw Co., New York.

Apuleius: Apuleius. The Golden Ass. Translated by William Adlington. 1566. Privately printed for..

400,00 €
Davis, Harrie (Introduction): Souvenir of the Destruction of San Francisco by Earthquake and Fire as Seen through the Camera April 18th, 19th, 20th and 21th, 1906.

Davis, Harrie (Introduction): Souvenir of the Destruction of San Francisco by Earthquake and Fire..

160,00 €
Harris, Anne: The Story of the Paperdolls.

Harris, Anne: The Story of the Paperdolls.

80,00 €
Baldwin, James: School Reading by Grades. First year. (Baldwin`s Readers).

Baldwin, James: School Reading by Grades. First year. (Baldwin`s Readers).

40,00 €
Serizawa, Keisuke: Calendar 1960. 12 brightly coloured hand stenciled designs on mulberry paper.

Serizawa, Keisuke: Calendar 1960. 12 brightly coloured hand stenciled designs on mulberry paper.

200,00 €
Williams, Dorothy Hunt: Historic Virginia Gardens. Preservations by The Garden Club of Virginia.

Williams, Dorothy Hunt: Historic Virginia Gardens. Preservations by The Garden Club of Virginia.

60,00 €
Strong, Roy: The Renaissance Garden in England.

Strong, Roy: The Renaissance Garden in England.

25,00 €
Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day.

Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History..

60,00 €
Jekyll, Gertrude and Christopher Hussey: Garden Ornament.

Jekyll, Gertrude and Christopher Hussey: Garden Ornament.

600,00 €
Brown, Jane: The Art and Architecture of English Gardens. Designs for the garden from the collection of The Royal Institute of British Architects 1609 to the present day.

Brown, Jane: The Art and Architecture of English Gardens. Designs for the garden from the..

35,00 €
Adams, William Howard: The French Garden. 1500-1800. (World landscape art & architecture series).

Adams, William Howard: The French Garden. 1500-1800. (World landscape art & architecture series).

25,00 €
Explanatory Sketch of Mural Paintings in Old Tombs of Kokuryo Period.

Explanatory Sketch of Mural Paintings in Old Tombs of Kokuryo Period.

1.400,00 €
Robb, Stewart: Prophecies on World Events by Nostradamus. Translated and interpreted by Stewart Robb. With handwritten dedication.

Robb, Stewart: Prophecies on World Events by Nostradamus. Translated and interpreted by Stewart..

60,00 €
Marryat, [Frederick]: The Pirate, and The Three Cutters. By Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with twenty splendid engraves from drawings by Clarkson Stanfield.

Marryat, [Frederick]: The Pirate, and The Three Cutters. By Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with..

220,00 €
Lowther. 1902. 40 photos in heliogravure.

Lowther. 1902. 40 photos in heliogravure.

400,00 €
Clemente, Francesco: Two Garlands. Catalogue of exhibition held at Sperone Westwater Gallery, 1986.

Clemente, Francesco: Two Garlands. Catalogue of exhibition held at Sperone Westwater Gallery, 1986.

150,00 €
Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original designs. In which are interspersed some designs of Inigo Jones, never before published.

Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original..

3.800,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period IV - Vol. I: Late Stuart. 1649-1714.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period IV - Vol. I: Late Stuart. 1649-1714.

70,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period III - Vol. I (and II): Late Tudor and Early Stuart. 1558-1649.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period III Vol. I (and II): Late Tudor and Early Stuart. 1558..

450,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period II - Vol. I: Early Tudor, 1485-1558.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period II - Vol. I: Early Tudor, 1485-1558.

280,00 €
Roosevelt, Priscilla: Life on the Russian Country Estate. A social and cultural history. With photographs by William Brumfield.

Roosevelt, Priscilla: Life on the Russian Country Estate. A social and cultural history. With..

45,00 €
Latham, Charles: In English Homes. The International character, furniture and adornments of some of the most notable houses of England historically depicted from photographs. The letterpress edited and an introduction written by H. Avray Tipping. (Vol. II

Latham, Charles: In English Homes. The International character, furniture and adornments of some of..

420,00 €
Hussey, Christopher: English Country Houses. Earley Georgian. 1715-1760.

Hussey, Christopher: English Country Houses. Earley Georgian. 1715-1760.

50,00 €
Hichcock, Henry-Russell: Early Victorian Architecture in Britain. Vlume 1: Text; Volume II: Illustrations. (Yale Historical Publications. History of Art: 9).

Hichcock, Henry Russell: Early Victorian Architecture in Britain. Vlume 1: Text; Volume II:..

60,00 €
Title, Else: Ein Zwilling kommt nie allein.

Title, Else: Ein Zwilling kommt nie allein.

4,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

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