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65 Artikel gefunden


Buch: Foreign News in American Morning Newspapers, Woodward, Julian Laurence

Buch: Foreign News in American Morning Newspapers, Woodward, Julian Laurence

8,79 €
Laprade, William Thomas: Public Opinion and Politics in Eighteenth Century England, to the Fall of Walpole.

Laprade, William Thomas: Public Opinion and Politics in Eighteenth Century England, to the Fall of..

16,00 €
Seydewitz, Max: Civil Life in Wartime Germany. The Story of the Home Front. [How Germans lived and labored under the terror. A study in public opinion
 New York, The Viking Press, 1945.

Seydewitz, Max: Civil Life in Wartime Germany. The Story of the Home Front. [How Germans lived and..

18,00 €
The European Public Affairs Directory 1992: The Comprehensive Guide To Opinion-formers In The Capital of Europe.

The European Public Affairs Directory 1992: The Comprehensive Guide To Opinion formers In The..

50,00 €
Western Public Opinion and the Palestine Conflict.

Western Public Opinion and the Palestine Conflict.

21,40 €
Smith, Brewster: The personal setting of public opinions. A study of attitudes toward Russia.

Smith, Brewster: The personal setting of public opinions. A study of attitudes toward Russia.

4,00 €
Pratzner, Wesley F: Problems of public enlightment., What has happened to the documentary film.

Pratzner, Wesley F: Problems of public enlightment., What has happened to the documentary film.

4,00 €
Oppenheim, Felix: The prospects of Italian democracy.

Oppenheim, Felix: The prospects of Italian democracy.

4,00 €
Mier, NormanC & Cletus J. Burke: laboratory tests of samling techniques.

Mier, NormanC & Cletus J. Burke: laboratory tests of samling techniques.

4,00 €
McClung Lee, Alfred: Trends in public relations training.

McClung Lee, Alfred: Trends in public relations training.

4,00 €
Krimmel, Donald W: Problems in public relations training.

Krimmel, Donald W: Problems in public relations training.

4,00 €
Jordan, Henry Donaldson: The British press inquiry.

Jordan, Henry Donaldson: The British press inquiry.

4,00 €
Jamieson, John: Censorship and the soldier.

Jamieson, John: Censorship and the soldier.

4,00 €
Hyman, Herbet H., Paul B. Sheatsley: Some reasons why information campaigns fail.

Hyman, Herbet H., Paul B. Sheatsley: Some reasons why information campaigns fail.

4,00 €
Harding, Swann T: Genesis of one  Government propaganda mill.

Harding, Swann T: Genesis of one Government propaganda mill.

4,00 €
Haber, Tom Burs: New light on basic english.

Haber, Tom Burs: New light on basic english.

4,00 €
Gallup, George: The quintamensional plan of question design.

Gallup, George: The quintamensional plan of question design.

4,00 €
Fitzpatrick, Dick: Public informnation activities of government agencies.

Fitzpatrick, Dick: Public informnation activities of government agencies.

4,00 €
Williams, Fredrick W: Geman opinion and American isolationism.

Williams, Fredrick W: Geman opinion and American isolationism.

4,00 €
Suchman, Edward A. & Louis Guttman: A solution to the problem of question bias.

Suchman, Edward A. & Louis Guttman: A solution to the problem of question bias.

4,00 €
Stapel, Jan: The convivial respondent.

Stapel, Jan: The convivial respondent.

4,00 €
Sheatsledy, Paul B: Some uses of interviewer-report forms.

Sheatsledy, Paul B: Some uses of interviewer-report forms.

4,00 €
Spitzer, H, M: Presenting America in American Propaganda.

Spitzer, H, M: Presenting America in American Propaganda.

4,00 €
Williams, Benjamin H: Public opinion in a world of power politics.

Williams, Benjamin H: Public opinion in a world of power politics.

4,00 €
Knupfer, Genevieve: Portrait of the underdog.

Knupfer, Genevieve: Portrait of the underdog.

4,00 €
Crespi, Leo P: The implications of tipping in America.

Crespi, Leo P: The implications of tipping in America.

4,00 €
Huey, George H,.H: Some principles of field administration in lage-scale surveys.

Huey, George H,.H: Some principles of field administration in lage-scale surveys.

4,00 €
Harrison, Tom: British opinion moves toward a new synthesis.

Harrison, Tom: British opinion moves toward a new synthesis.

4,00 €
Horsley Smith, George & Rochard P. Davis: Do the voters want the parties changes?.

Horsley Smith, George & Rochard P. Davis: Do the voters want the parties changes?.

4,00 €
Javits, J.K: how In used a poll in campaigning for congrees.

Javits, J.K: how In used a poll in campaigning for congrees.

4,00 €
Rogers, Cornwell B: Songs – colorful propaganda for the French Revolution.

Rogers, Cornwell B: Songs – colorful propaganda for the French Revolution.

4,00 €
Kercher, Leonard C: Social problems on the air., An audience study.

Kercher, Leonard C: Social problems on the air., An audience study.

4,00 €
Fegiz, P. Luzzatto: Italian public opinion.

Fegiz, P. Luzzatto: Italian public opinion.

4,00 €
Eulau, Heinz: Proselytinzing  in the Catholic press.

Eulau, Heinz: Proselytinzing in the Catholic press.

4,00 €
Dodd, Stuart C: Standards for surveying agencies.

Dodd, Stuart C: Standards for surveying agencies.

4,00 €
Dallin, Alexander, Phillios Davidson & O,W. Riegel: America and the Soviet Union., Public opinion inside the U.S.S.R., / America through Soviet eyes., / An analysis of the Soviet-controlled Berlin press, / Hungary ,. Proving ground for Soviet-American rel

Dallin, Alexander, Phillios Davidson & O,W. Riegel: America and the Soviet Union., Public opinion..

16,00 €
Berelson, Bernard & Sebastian De Grazia: Detecting collaboration in propaganda.

Berelson, Bernard & Sebastian De Grazia: Detecting collaboration in propaganda.

4,00 €
Stephan, Fredrick F. (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 23, (1959).

Stephan, Fredrick F. (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 23, (1959).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 43, (1979).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 43, (1979).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 41, (1977).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 41, (1977).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 40, (1976).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 40, (1976).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 39, (1975).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 39, (1975).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 36, (1972).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 36, (1972).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 35, (1971).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 35, (1971).

12,00 €
Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 33, (1969).

Singer, Eleanor (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 33, (1969).

12,00 €
Burckhardt, Richard W: The Soviet Union in American school textbooks.

Burckhardt, Richard W: The Soviet Union in American school textbooks.

4,00 €
Roshco, Bernard (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 38, (1974).

Roshco, Bernard (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 38, (1974).

12,00 €
Roshco, Bernard (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly.,  Vol.,. 37, (1973).

Roshco, Bernard (Ed.): Public opinion quarterly., Vol.,. 37, (1973).

12,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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