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864 Artikel gefunden


Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.).- Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de Mexico.

Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.). Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de..

47,00 €
Zuquete, Doutor Afonso Eduardo Martins (direccao) / A. Machado de Faria (texto) / Joao Carlos e J. Ricardo da Silva (Desenhos): Armorial Alusitano, genealogia e heraldica.

Zuquete, Doutor Afonso Eduardo Martins (direccao) / A. Machado de Faria (texto) / Joao Carlos e J..

267,00 €
González Díez, Emiliano/ Martínez Llorente, Félix J: El Blasón heráldico de los Reinos de León y Castilla.

González Díez, Emiliano/ Martínez Llorente, Félix J: El Blasón heráldico de los Reinos de..

96,00 €
International numismatic commission.   Commission internationale de numismatique.   Internationale numismatische Kommission: Compte rendu 43. 1996. Contenu: Composition du bureau / Statuts /..

International numismatic commission. Commission internationale de numismatique. Internationale..

27,00 €
Paläontologische Zeitschrift.    Hölder, H.  (Hrsg.).    H. Keupp / R. Schroeder / H. Kozur / N.M. Farsan /..

Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Hölder, H. (Hrsg.). H. Keupp / R. Schroeder / H. Kozur /..

21,00 €
Paläontologische Zeitschrift.    Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.).     H.K. Erben / Chr. Samtleben / U. Lehmann / R. Schmidt Effing /..

Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.). H.K. Erben / Chr. Samtleben / U..

21,00 €
Paläontologische Zeitschrift.    Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.).    H.D. Pflug / O.F. Geyer / P. Kaye / Y. Nogami / C.Y. Belsky..

Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Häntzschel, W. (Hrsg.). H.D. Pflug / O.F. Geyer / P. Kaye /..

21,00 €
Annalen der Chemie - Hermann Kopp,  A. W. Hofmann, A. Kekule, E. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Volhard  (Hrsg.): Justus Liebig's  Annalen der Chemie 1889.  Band 255 -256.  Zwei Teile mit jeweils 3 Heften in einem Band.

Annalen der Chemie Hermann Kopp, A. W. Hofmann, A. Kekule, E. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Volhard..

47,00 €
Annalen der Chemie - Friedrich Wöhler,  Hermann Kopp, A. W. Hofmann, A. Kekule,  E. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Volhard ] (Hrsg.): Justus Liebig's  Annalen der Chemie 1875.  Band 177 -178 . Zwei Teile mit jeweils 3 Heften in einem Band.

Annalen der Chemie Friedrich Wöhler, Hermann Kopp, A. W. Hofmann, A. Kekule, E. Erlenmeyer..

57,00 €
Wing, H. H: Gravity or Dilution Separators. (= Bulletin 151, August, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N.Y. Agricultural Division.).

Wing, H. H: Gravity or Dilution Separators. (= Bulletin 151, August, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Gould, H. P: Second Report on the San José Scale with remarks on The Effects of Kerosene on Foliage. (= Bulletin 155, December, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Horticultural Division).

Gould, H. P: Second Report on the San José Scale with remarks on The Effects of Kerosene on..

13,00 €
Watson G. C: Feeding Pigs. (= Bulletin 89, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Watson G. C: Feeding Pigs. (= Bulletin 89, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment..

13,00 €
Wing, H. Henry: Test of Cream Separators. (= Bulletin 66, May, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. Henry: Test of Cream Separators. (= Bulletin 66, May, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Stone, J. L. // Clinton, L. A: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1899. (= Bulletin 182, April, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Stone, J. L. // Clinton, L. A: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1899. (= Bulletin 182, April, 1900..

13,00 €
Clinton, L. A: The Construction of the Stave Silo. (= Bulletin 167,March, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Clinton, L. A: The Construction of the Stave Silo. (= Bulletin 167,March, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Stone, J. L: Tables for Computing Rations for Farm Animals. (= Bulletin 154, November, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Stone, J. L: Tables for Computing Rations for Farm Animals. (= Bulletin 154, November, 1898..

13,00 €
Wing, H. Henry // Anderson, Leroy: Studies in Milk Secretion drawn from Officially Authenticated Tests of Holstein-Friesian Cows. (= Bulletin 152, October, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. Henry // Anderson, Leroy: Studies in Milk Secretion drawn from Officially Authenticated..

13,00 €
Adams, R. E. // Terry, C. W. // Parker, K. G. // Brown, L. R. // Dewey, J. E: A Flexible-Outlet Mist Sprayer. (= Bulletin 904, February, 1954. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y.).

Adams, R. E. // Terry, C. W. // Parker, K. G. // Brown, L. R. // Dewey, J. E: A Flexible Outlet..

13,00 €
Cunningham, L. C: Commercial Dairy Farming in New York. (= Bulletin 857, December, 1949. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Cunningham, L. C: Commercial Dairy Farming in New York. (= Bulletin 857, December, 1949. Cornell..

13,00 €
Murphy, Roger G: Labor in Dairy Barn Chores. (= Bulletin 854, December, 1949. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Murphy, Roger G: Labor in Dairy Barn Chores. (= Bulletin 854, December, 1949. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Newhall, A. G. // Schroeder, W. T: New Flash-Flame Soil Pasteurizer. (= Bulletin 875, May, 1951. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Newhall, A. G. // Schroeder, W. T: New Flash Flame Soil Pasteurizer. (= Bulletin 875, May, 1951..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. // Clinton, L. A: Third Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 156, December, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Roberts, I. P. // Clinton, L. A: Third Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 156, December, 1898..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Watson, G. C: Early Lamb Raising. (= Bulletin 88, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Watson, G. C: Early Lamb Raising. (= Bulletin 88, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Wing, H. H: Whey Butter. (= Bulletin 85, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. H: Whey Butter. (= Bulletin 85, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. / Clinton, L. A: Forage Crops. (= Bulletin 135, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Roberts, I. P. / Clinton, L. A: Forage Crops. (= Bulletin 135, May, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Caldwell, G. C: How to conduct Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 129, February, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Caldwell, G. C: How to conduct Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 129, February, 1897..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf-Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lodeman, E. G: The Grafting of Grapes. (= Bulletin 77, November, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Lodeman, E. G: The Grafting of Grapes. (= Bulletin 77, November, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Wing, Henry H. // Anderson, Leroy: Sugar Beet Pulp as a  Food for cows. (= Bulletin 183, September, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Dairy Division.).

Wing, Henry H. // Anderson, Leroy: Sugar Beet Pulp as a Food for cows. (= Bulletin 183, September..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Knisely, A. L: Introduction to Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 179, February, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Knisely, A. L: Introduction to Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 179, February, 1900..

13,00 €
Barker, Michael: Recent Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 91, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Barker, Michael: Recent Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 91, April, 1895. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Some Important Pear Diseases. (= Bulletin 145, February, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Botanical Division).

Duggar, B. M: Some Important Pear Diseases. (= Bulletin 145, February, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M. // Stewart, F. C: The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a cause of plant diseases in America. (= Bulletin 186, January, 1901. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. in Co-operation with the New York Agricultural Experi

Duggar, B. M. // Stewart, F. C: The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a cause of plant diseases in..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Peach Leaf-Curl and notes on the Shot-Hole Effect of Peaches and Plums. (= Bulletin 164, February, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical Division.).

Duggar, B. M: Peach Leaf Curl and notes on the Shot Hole Effect of Peaches and Plums. (= Bulletin..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Three Important Fungous Diseases of the Sugar Beet. (= Bulletin 163, February, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical Division.).

Duggar, B. M: Three Important Fungous Diseases of the Sugar Beet. (= Bulletin 163, February, 1899..

13,00 €
Cavanaugh, Geo. W: Some Spraying Mixtures a Preliminary Report on their chemical composition. (= Bulletin 149, June, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Cavanaugh, Geo. W: Some Spraying Mixtures a Preliminary Report on their chemical composition. (=..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lodeman, E. G: The Spraying of Orchards - Apples, Quinces, Plums. (= Bulletin 86, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Lodeman, E. G: The Spraying of Orchards Apples, Quinces, Plums. (= Bulletin 86, March, 1895..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower-Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Moore, Veranus A: Powdered Soap as a Cause of Death Among Swill-Fed Hogs. (= Bulletin 141, November, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Veterinary Division.).

Moore, Veranus A: Powdered Soap as a Cause of Death Among Swill Fed Hogs. (= Bulletin 141..

13,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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