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833 Artikel gefunden


Fujii, S., Maeda, H., Wada, N., Kano,Y., Akamine, A: Establishing and characterizing human periodonatal ligament fibroblats immortalized by SV40T-antigen and hTERT gene transfer.

Fujii, S., Maeda, H., Wada, N., Kano,Y., Akamine, A: Establishing and characterizing human..

4,00 €
FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age-dependent effects of deafferentiation. J. Comp. Neurol., 246,, 1-19 (1986)., Obr,  WES777]...,// FRIEDMAN, B., Kleinfeld, D., Ip, N. Y., Verge, V. M. K., Moulton, R., Boland,

FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age dependent effects..

5,00 €
FORTEZA-BOVER, G: FORTEZA-BOVER, G., Cadela, R. B., Citoqimica de la celula leucemica.  Trab. Publ. Revista Hematologia y Hetamoterapia 1, Fasc.2, , 3-18 (1961)., Obr.,  [WES73].., // FORTEZA-VILA, J., Forteza Bover, G., Guillem, E.  B., Ultraestructura d

FORTEZA BOVER, G: FORTEZA BOVER, G., Cadela, R. B., Citoqimica de la celula leucemica. Trab. Publ..

4,00 €
Fischer, Heinrich: Lebensbilder aus der Insektenwelt.

Fischer, Heinrich: Lebensbilder aus der Insektenwelt.

4,00 €
FINGER, T. E: FINGER, T. E. Bullock, T. H., Thalamic center for the lateral line system in the catfish Ictalurus nebulosus. Evoked potential evidence. J. Neurobiol. 13, 39-47 (1982).,  Obr.,  [SD59]..,///  FINGER, T. E., Morita, Y. , Two gustatory systems

FINGER, T. E: FINGER, T. E. Bullock, T. H., Thalamic center for the lateral line system in the..

5,00 €
Falbo, T., D. L. Poston, G. Ji., S. Jiao, Q., Jing, S. Wang, Q,. Gu., H. Yin & Y. Liu: Physical, achievement and personality characteristics of chinese children.

Falbo, T., D. L. Poston, G. Ji., S. Jiao, Q., Jing, S. Wang, Q,. Gu., H. Yin & Y. Liu: Physical..

4,00 €
FADEN, A. I: ELDADAH, B. A., Yakovlev, A. G., Faden, A. I.,, The role of CED-3-related cyteine proteases in apooptopsis of cerebellar granule cells., J. Neuroscience 17, 6105-6113 (1997)., Obr.,  [WES108]..,//  SUN, F. Y., Faden, A. I., Pretreatment with

FADEN, A. I: ELDADAH, B. A., Yakovlev, A. G., Faden, A. I.,, The role of CED 3 related cyteine..

5,00 €
Engelhardt, Dietrich von: La filosofia de la naturaleza y su reaction con la ciencia natural.

Engelhardt, Dietrich von: La filosofia de la naturaleza y su reaction con la ciencia natural.

4,00 €
Dreecken, Inge + Schneider, Walter: Sagen aus dem Morgenland.

Dreecken, Inge + Schneider, Walter: Sagen aus dem Morgenland.

6,00 €
Ben-Gavriel, M. Y: Frieden und Krieg des Bürgers Mahaschavi.

Ben-Gavriel, M. Y: Frieden und Krieg des Bürgers Mahaschavi.

6,00 €
Constantin, Theodor: Geheimcode Y.

Constantin, Theodor: Geheimcode Y.

4,00 €
Delmarcelle, Y. , E Prijot & R. Weckes: Etude du mode d’action de l’isridectomie das le glaucome congestif a la mesure de debit et de la resistance a l’ecoulement de l’humeour aqueuse.

Delmarcelle, Y. , E Prijot & R. Weckes: Etude du mode d’action de l’isridectomie das le glaucome..

4,00 €
COMMISSIONG, J. W: COMMISSIONG, J. W., Sauve, Y., Neurophysiological basis of functional recovery in the neonatal spinalized rat. Exp. Brain Res. 96, 473-479 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES50]..,, // COMMISSIONG, J. W., The development of catecholaminergic nerves in

COMMISSIONG, J. W: COMMISSIONG, J. W., Sauve, Y., Neurophysiological basis of functional recovery..

6,00 €
CLARKE, S: CLARKE, S., De Ribaupierre, F., Bajo, V. M., Rouiller, E. M., Kraftsik, R. The auditory pathway in cat corpus callosum. Exp.Brain Res. 104, 534-540 (1995), Obr.[WES2],//  CLARKE, S., De Ribaupierre, F., Rouiller, E. M., De Ribaupierre, Y., Seve

CLARKE, S: CLARKE, S., De Ribaupierre, F., Bajo, V. M., Rouiller, E. M., Kraftsik, R. The auditory..

5,00 €
CHUNG, S. H., Assaf, S. Y: Emerging roles of zinc ions in neuronal transmission. Neurobiology of Zinc.

CHUNG, S. H., Assaf, S. Y: Emerging roles of zinc ions in neuronal transmission. Neurobiology of..

4,00 €
CHUNG, RAKIC & LEHMANN: CHUNG, Y. W., R. Hassler , Anterograde and retrograde degenerative reactions in caudate nucleus and putamen after experimental lesion of the pallidum in Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciurus). Acta Anat. 113, 246-263 (1982)., Obr., [SD4

CHUNG, RAKIC & LEHMANN: CHUNG, Y. W., R. Hassler , Anterograde and retrograde degenerative..

5,00 €
CHRONWALL, B.M., DiMaggio,D.A., Masari,V.J., Pickel,V.M., Ruggiero,D.A., O'Donohue,T. L: The anatomy of neuropeptid Y containing neurons in rat brain.

CHRONWALL, B.M., DiMaggio,D.A., Masari,V.J., Pickel,V.M., Ruggiero,D.A., O'Donohue,T. L: The..

4,00 €
CHINO, Y. M., Smith, E. L., Yoshida, K., Cheng, H., Hamamoto, J: Binocular interactions in striate cortical neurons of cats reared with discordant visual inputs.

CHINO, Y. M., Smith, E. L., Yoshida, K., Cheng, H., Hamamoto, J: Binocular interactions in striate..

4,00 €
CHIBA, T., Murata, Y: Afferent and efferent connections of the medial preoptic area in the rat. A WGA-HRP study-.

CHIBA, T., Murata, Y: Afferent and efferent connections of the medial preoptic area in the rat. A..

4,00 €
CHEN, B-. X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical signal enhancement by end-product amplification.

CHEN, B . X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical..

4,00 €
CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J. Y., Vestibular and cochlear efferent neurons in the monkey identified by immunocytochemical methods., Brain Res. 408, 275-280 (1987)., Obr.,  [WES80].., // CA

CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J..

6,00 €
CARD, J. P: CARD, J. P., Moore, R. Y., The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the golden hamster. Immunocytochemical analysis of cell and fiber distribution., Neuroscience 13, 415-431 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES80]..,// CARD, J., P., Moore, R. Y., Ventral latreal genicu

CARD, J. P: CARD, J. P., Moore, R. Y., The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the golden hamster..

5,00 €
Cajal, Ramón S. Y: Histologie du Systeme Nerveux de L Homme & des Vertebres.

Cajal, Ramón S. Y: Histologie du Systeme Nerveux de L Homme & des Vertebres.

362,00 €
Cajal, Ramon S. Y: Regeln und Ratschläge zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung.

Cajal, Ramon S. Y: Regeln und Ratschläge zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung.

39,00 €
Cajal, Ramon S. Y: Die Rache des Professors Max von Forschung. Mit einer Einleitung. Santiago Ramon Y Cajal und die deutsche Wissenschaft. Illlustriert von Teresa Lorenzo.

Cajal, Ramon S. Y: Die Rache des Professors Max von Forschung. Mit einer Einleitung. Santiago Ramon..

16,00 €
Braune, Edmund: Vielliebchen oder J’y pense!.

Braune, Edmund: Vielliebchen oder J’y pense!.

14,00 €
RICHTER, E. A., Norris, B. E., Fullerton, B. C., Levine, R. A., Kiang, N. Y. S: Is there a medial nucleus of the trapezoid body in humans?.

RICHTER, E. A., Norris, B. E., Fullerton, B. C., Levine, R. A., Kiang, N. Y. S: Is there a medial..

4,00 €
BOLZ, J., Götz, M: Mechanisms to establish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing  brain.

BOLZ, J., Götz, M: Mechanisms to establish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing..

4,00 €
BOLSTAD &  GOMORI: // GOMORI, Y., Iuchi, H., Nakaya, K., Tanaka, H., Ishikawa, K., Satoh, Y., Ono, K., Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity in the mouse adrenal gland., Histochemistry 100, 203-213 (1993), Obr.,  [SDG128].., //.

BOLSTAD & GOMORI: // GOMORI, Y., Iuchi, H., Nakaya, K., Tanaka, H., Ishikawa, K., Satoh, Y., Ono..

5,00 €
BOCK, W. J: The concept of homology.

BOCK, W. J: The concept of homology.

4,00 €
Ben-gavriel, M. Y: Die sieben Einfälle des Thamar Dor.,.

Ben-gavriel, M. Y: Die sieben Einfälle des Thamar Dor.,.

4,00 €
Ben-gavriel, M. Y: Das Haus in der Karpfengasse.

Ben-gavriel, M. Y: Das Haus in der Karpfengasse.

4,00 €
Ben-gavriel, M Y: Die sieben Einfälle des Thamar Dor.

Ben-gavriel, M Y: Die sieben Einfälle des Thamar Dor.

9,00 €
Baedeker, Karl: Sud-Est de la France. Du Jura a la Méditerranée et y compris la Corse.

Baedeker, Karl: Sud-Est de la France. Du Jura a la Méditerranée et y compris la Corse.

33,00 €
Amor, Odio Y: Lyrik und Prosa zum spanischen Bürgerkrieg.

Amor, Odio Y: Lyrik und Prosa zum spanischen Bürgerkrieg.

4,00 €
AMYLOID & APP: FURUKAWA, K., Abe, Y., Akaike, N., Amyloid beta protein induced irreversible current in rat cortical neurons., Neuroreport 5, 2016--2018 (1994)., Obr.,  [SDG123]..,// KRASZPOULSKI, M., Soininen, H., Riwekkinen, P., Alafuzoff, I., Pitfalls i

AMYLOID & APP: FURUKAWA, K., Abe, Y., Akaike, N., Amyloid beta protein induced irreversible current..

5,00 €
Ben-Gavriel, M. Y: Das Haus in der Karpfengasse.

Ben-Gavriel, M. Y: Das Haus in der Karpfengasse.

4,00 €
Aly, Hassan Y: Demographic and socioeconomic factors affecting infant mortality in Egypt.

Aly, Hassan Y: Demographic and socioeconomic factors affecting infant mortality in Egypt.

7,00 €
ALTAR, C: ALTAR, C. A., Nerve growth factor and the neostriatum. Prog. Neuro-Psychpharmacol. Biol. Psychiatr., 15, 157-169 (1991), Obr., [WES90]., , // MORSE, J. K-.,  Wiegand, S. J., Anderson, K., You, Y., Cai, N., Carnahan, J., Miller, J., DiStefano, P.

ALTAR, C: ALTAR, C. A., Nerve growth factor and the neostriatum. Prog. Neuro Psychpharmacol. Biol..

5,00 €
ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J.  Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular..

ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J. Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the..

6,00 €
Agüera, E. & A. Blanco: Cronologia de maduracion functional citoarquitectonica y mielinizacion de la  medula cervical del perro.

Agüera, E. & A. Blanco: Cronologia de maduracion functional citoarquitectonica y mielinizacion de..

4,00 €
ABRAMOVICI, A., Kam, J., Liban, E-., Barishak, R. Y: Incipient histopathological lesions in citral-induced microphthalmos in chick embryos.

ABRAMOVICI, A., Kam, J., Liban, E ., Barishak, R. Y: Incipient histopathological lesions in citral..

4,00 €
ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three-dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors originating from single CA2 pyramidal neurons in the rat hippocampus with aid of a computer graphic technique. Brain Res. 452, 255-272 (1988)., Obr., [SD14].,

ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors..

5,00 €
ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y., Kanayama, S., Matsuzawa, Y: Role of heparin binding EGF-related peptides in proliferation and apoptosis of activated ras-stimulated intestinal epithelial c

ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y..

4,00 €
ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

4,00 €
YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of motoneurons innervating the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. A HRP study in cats.

YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of..

4,00 €
PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau marquer potentiel dans la differentiation neuronale du systeme nerveux peripherique.

PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau..

4,00 €
NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nuclear complex of the cat. GABA-immunocytochemical and WGA-HRP studies by light and electron microscopy.

NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis..

4,00 €


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