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26 Artikel gefunden


Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf-Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell..

13,00 €
Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R. // Clinton, L. A. // Anderson, Leroy // Bailey, L. H.  // Slingerland, M. V. // Knisely, A. L. // Murrill, W. A. // Stone, J. L. and Clinton, L. A: Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R.: An Inquiry concerning the Source of Gas and Tain

Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R. // Clinton, L. A. // Anderson, Leroy // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland..

47,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower-Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Problem of Impoverished Lands. Being Suggestions for Investigation and Experiment. (= Bulletin 174, November, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Bailey, L. H: The Problem of Impoverished Lands. Being Suggestions for Investigation and..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Apricot Growing in Western New York. (= Bulletin 71, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Apricot Growing in Western New York. (= Bulletin 71, August, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Impressions of the Peach Industry in Wester New York. (= Bulletin 74, October, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Impressions of the Peach Industry in Wester New York. (= Bulletin 74, October, 1894..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Celery. (= Bulletin 132, March, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical and Horticultural Divisions).

Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Celery. (= Bulletin 132, March, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Fourth Report on Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 175, November, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Fourth Report on Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 175, November, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Others: Spraying Notes. (= Bulletin 177, January, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Department.).

Bailey, L. H. and Others: Spraying Notes. (= Bulletin 177, January, 1900. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Impressions of our Fruit-Growing Industries. (= Bulletin 153, October, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Impressions of our Fruit Growing Industries. (= Bulletin 153, October, 1898. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Hints on Rural School Grounds. (= Bulletin 160, January, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Hints on Rural School Grounds. (= Bulletin 160, January, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Does Mulching Retard the Maturity of Fruits. (= Bulletin 59, November, 1893. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Does Mulching Retard the Maturity of Fruits. (= Bulletin 59, November, 1893. Cornell..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. //  Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland, Mark Vernon // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H: Roberts, I. P.: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experime

Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey..

47,00 €
Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, H. H. // Pettit, R. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Powell, G. H: Felt, Ephraim Porter: On Certain Grass-Eating Insects. (Bulletin 64: p.45-102 , Plate I

Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L..

47,00 €
Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work // Bailey, L. H. // Moore, Veranus A. // Roberts, I. P. // Miller, Wilhelm // Law, James // Wing, H. H. // Wing, Henry H. and Anderson, Leroy: Duggar, B. M

Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work..

47,00 €
Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H.; Miller, Wilhelm and Hunn, C. E. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland, M. V. // Wyman, A. P. and Kains, M. G. // Roberts, I. P. and Clinton, L. A. // Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Bailey, L. H.: Evaporated Ras

Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H.; Miller, Wilhelm and Hunn, C. E. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H..

47,00 €
Boxen: Programmheft: Internationaler Berufs-Boxkampftag. Donnerstag, 11. April 1968, 20.15; Berliner Sportpalast; Herausgeber: Willy Zeller.

Boxen: Programmheft: Internationaler Berufs Boxkampftag. Donnerstag, 11. April 1968, 20.15;..

70,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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