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Monvel, M. B. de: Chansons de France pour les petits Francais., Avec accompagnements de J. B. Weckerlin.

Monvel, M. B. de: Chansons de France pour les petits Francais., Avec accompagnements de J. B..

39,00 €
DoeRNER, G., Steindel, E., Kohlhoff, R., Reiher, H., Anders, B., Verlohren, H. J., Hielscher, K: Further evidence for a  preventive therapy of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the offspring by avoiding materanal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy.

DoeRNER, G., Steindel, E., Kohlhoff, R., Reiher, H., Anders, B., Verlohren, H. J., Hielscher, K:..

4,00 €
MILLER. M. W: VOGT, B. A.-, Miller, M. W., Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices. J. Comp Neurol. 216, 192-210 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES93].,. //  MILLER, M. W., B. A. Vogt, Heterotopic and homotopic ca

MILLER. M. W: VOGT, B. A. , Miller, M. W., Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and..

5,00 €
MIDDLETON, B., Arendt, J., Stone, B. M: Human circadian rhythms in constant dim light (8 lux) with knowledge of clock time.

MIDDLETON, B., Arendt, J., Stone, B. M: Human circadian rhythms in constant dim light (8 lux) with..

4,00 €
Metzler, J. B (Ed.): Was ist der Mensch.  Unterrichtseinheiten fuer ein faecheruebergreifenden Curiculum der Sekundarstufe -.  Lehrbereich Biologie und Solzialkunde., 1. Tiere und Menschen (mit 16 Fotografien)., 2. Der pazifische Lachs mit 8 Fotografien.

Metzler, J. B (Ed.): Was ist der Mensch. Unterrichtseinheiten fuer ein faecheruebergreifenden..

7,00 €
MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic pathways in the rat. An oberview based oin an alternative nomenclature (Ch1--Ch6].., Neuroscience 10, 1185--1201 (1983)., Obr.,  [SD183].., //  MESULAM, M. M.,

MESULAM, M. M: MESULAM, M. M., Mufson, E. J., Wainer, B. H., Levey, A, I., Central cholinergic..

5,00 €
MESSERLI, J. M.-, Eppenbergere-Eberhardt, M. E., Rutishauser, B. M., Schwarb, P., Von Arx, P., Koch.Schneidemann, S., Eppenberger, H. M., Perriard, J. C: Remodeling of cardiomyocyte cytoarchitecture visualied by three-dimensional (3D) confocal microscopy.

MESSERLI, J. M. , Eppenbergere Eberhardt, M. E., Rutishauser, B. M., Schwarb, P., Von Arx, P..

4,00 €
Weber, A.(Ed.): Regulationsstoerungen des Kreislaufs Vereinigung der Bad Nauheimer aerzte (Ed.)., Mit Beitraegen von J. Aschoff, B. Luederitz, W. H. Hauss, H. J. Schuemann., G. Schimert, H. W. Bansi, L. Weissbecker, H. Ruf, W. Schmitt, F. Becker, H. Jungm

Weber, A.(Ed.): Regulationsstoerungen des Kreislaufs Vereinigung der Bad Nauheimer aerzte (Ed.)..

4,00 €
Medawar, P. B., J. S. Medawar: Von Aristoteles bis Zufall. Ein philosophisches Woerterbuch der Biologie.

Medawar, P. B., J. S. Medawar: Von Aristoteles bis Zufall. Ein philosophisches Woerterbuch der..

9,00 €
PATON, J. A., Kelley, D. B., Sejnowski, T. J., Yodlowski, M. L: Mapping  the auditory central nervous system of Xenopus laevis with 2-deoxyglocuse autoradiography.

PATON, J. A., Kelley, D. B., Sejnowski, T. J., Yodlowski, M. L: Mapping the auditory central..

4,00 €
MCHAFFIE, J. G., Stein, B. E-: Eye movements evoked by electrival stimulation in the superior colliculus of rats and hamsters.

MCHAFFIE, J. G., Stein, B. E : Eye movements evoked by electrival stimulation in the superior..

4,00 €
McCormick, B. J., Smith, E.Owen: The Labour market.

McCormick, B. J., Smith, E.Owen: The Labour market.

8,00 €
McCormick, B. J: Wages.

McCormick, B. J: Wages.

7,00 €
BLANC, E., Toborek, M., Mark, R. J., Henning, B., Mattson, M. P: Amyloid beta-peptide induces cell monolayer albumin permeability, impars glucose transport, and induces apoptosis in vascular endothelial cells.

BLANC, E., Toborek, M., Mark, R. J., Henning, B., Mattson, M. P: Amyloid beta peptide induces cell..

4,00 €
MASTERTON, R. B: NUDO, R. J., Masterton, R. B., 2-deoxyglucose studies of stimulus coding in the brainstem auditory system of the cat. Contributions to sensory physiol. 8, 79-97 (1984)., Obr.,  [SD116]..,// JENKINS, W. M., Masterton, R. B., Sound localiza

MASTERTON, R. B: NUDO, R. J., Masterton, R. B., 2 deoxyglucose studies of stimulus coding in the..

5,00 €
MASSEY, J. B., Gotto, A., M., Pownall, H. J: Kinetics and mechanism of the spontaneous transfer of fluorescent phosphatidylcholines between apolipoprotein-phospholipid recombinats.

MASSEY, J. B., Gotto, A., M., Pownall, H. J: Kinetics and mechanism of the spontaneous transfer of..

4,00 €
Massabuau, J. C., B. Eclancher & P. Dejours: Ventilatory reflex response to hyperoxia in the crayfish, Astacus pallipes.

Massabuau, J. C., B. Eclancher & P. Dejours: Ventilatory reflex response to hyperoxia in the..

4,00 €
MASLAND, R. H: /  MASLAND, R. H., Mills, J. W., Cassidy, C. The functions of acetylcholine in the Rabbit retina.Proc. R. Soc. London B 223, 121-139 (198300), Obr., [SD22], //  OMALLEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Co-release of acetylcholine and gamma-aminobuty

MASLAND, R. H: / MASLAND, R. H., Mills, J. W., Cassidy, C. The functions of acetylcholine in the..

7,00 €
MARKOWITSCH, H. J: MARKOWITSCH, H. J., Pritzl, M., Kessler, J., Guldin, W., Freeman, R. B. Delayed alternation performance after selective lesions within the prefrontal cortex of the cat. Behavioural Brain Res., 1, 67-91 (1980), Obr.,  [WES64]. ,// KESSLE

MARKOWITSCH, H. J: MARKOWITSCH, H. J., Pritzl, M., Kessler, J., Guldin, W., Freeman, R. B. Delayed..

6,00 €
MARGIOTTA, J. F., Walcott, B: Conductance and dye permeability of a rectifying electrical synapse.

MARGIOTTA, J. F., Walcott, B: Conductance and dye permeability of a rectifying electrical synapse.

4,00 €
MANIS, P. B., Freeman, J. A: Fluorescence recordings of electrical activity in goldfish optic tectum in vitro.

MANIS, P. B., Freeman, J. A: Fluorescence recordings of electrical activity in goldfish optic..

4,00 €
MAI, J. K., Schmidt-Kastner, R., Refett, H. B: Use of acridine orange for histological analysis of the central nervous system.

MAI, J. K., Schmidt Kastner, R., Refett, H. B: Use of acridine orange for histological analysis of..

4,00 €
MACADER, A., W., Rausch, L. J.,  Wenzel, ,B. M., Hutchinson, L. V: Electrophysiology of the olfactory pathway in the pigeon.

MACADER, A., W., Rausch, L. J., Wenzel, ,B. M., Hutchinson, L. V: Electrophysiology of the..

4,00 €
LEVIN, B. E: LEVIN, B. E., Martin, B. F-., Natelson, B. N., Basal sympatho--adrenal funcftion in quadriplegic man. J. Autonom. nervous System 2, 327-336 (1980)., Obr.,  [SD195]..

LEVIN, B. E: LEVIN, B. E., Martin, B. F ., Natelson, B. N., Basal sympatho adrenal funcftion in..

5,00 €
Lee, B. E, C. Wehrhahn, G. Westheimer, J. Kremers: Macaque ganglion  cell responses to stimli that elicit hyperacuity in man. Detection of small displacements.

Lee, B. E, C. Wehrhahn, G. Westheimer, J. Kremers: Macaque ganglion cell responses to stimli that..

4,00 €
LAWRENTJEW, B. J: LAWRENTJEW, B. J., ueber die Erscheinungen der Degeneration und Regeneration im sympathischen Nervensystem.  Z. Mikr. Anat. Forsch. 2, 201-223 (1925)., Obr.  [WES29]., // LAWRENTJEW, B. J., Borowskaja, A. J., Die Degeneration der postgan

LAWRENTJEW, B. J: LAWRENTJEW, B. J., ueber die Erscheinungen der Degeneration und Regeneration im..

9,00 €
LASEK, R,. J: Studying the intrinsic determinats of neuronal form and function., In Instrinsic determinats of neuronal form and function.

LASEK, R,. J: Studying the intrinsic determinats of neuronal form and function., In Instrinsic..

4,00 €
LAMPE, P. A., Cornbrooks., E. B., Juhasz, A., Johnson, E. M., Franklin, J. L: Suppression of  programmed neuronal death by a thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ influx.,m.

LAMPE, P. A., Cornbrooks., E. B., Juhasz, A., Johnson, E. M., Franklin, J. L: Suppression of..

4,00 €
Kolar, H. & J. F. Poeschl: Wir lernen Lesen. Erstes Lesebuch., Ausgabe B mit steiler Schurzugschrift.

Kolar, H. & J. F. Poeschl: Wir lernen Lesen. Erstes Lesebuch., Ausgabe B mit steiler..

72,00 €
KEMPLAY, S: KEMPLAY, S., Cavanagh,. J. B., Bilateral innervation of the anterior digastric muscle by trigeminal motor neurons., J. Anat. 136, 417-423 (1983)., Obr.,    [WES57]..,.,// KEMPLAY, S. K., Webster, K. E., A qualitative and quantiative analysis o

KEMPLAY, S: KEMPLAY, S., Cavanagh,. J. B., Bilateral innervation of the anterior digastric muscle..

5,00 €
KELLY, J. B: WU, S. H., Kelly, J. B., In vitro brain slice studies of the Rat's dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus.II. Physiological properties of biocytin-labeled neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 73, 794-809 (1995)., Obr., [WES26]]..,.//  WU, S. H., Kelly,

KELLY, J. B: WU, S. H., Kelly, J. B., In vitro brain slice studies of the Rat's dorsal nucleus of..

6,00 €
Karl, J. B: Fuehrer durch Mittenwald und Umgebung. Karvendelgebirge. Mittenwaldbahn.

Karl, J. B: Fuehrer durch Mittenwald und Umgebung. Karvendelgebirge. Mittenwaldbahn.

10,00 €
Kaplan, B. A., C. G. N. Mascie-Tayylor & J. Boldsen: Birth order and halth status in a british national sample.

Kaplan, B. A., C. G. N. Mascie Tayylor & J. Boldsen: Birth order and halth status in a british..

5,00 €
Kantor, A. M., Koshina, J. F., Lifwschitz, N. A., Sernow, B. A., Woronichina, L.N., & J. A. Nekrassowa: Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts.

Kantor, A. M., Koshina, J. F., Lifwschitz, N. A., Sernow, B. A., Woronichina, L.N., & J. A..

4,00 €
Jongerius, M. J, R. R. Drenten,  R. B. J., Drose: Blue second-harmonic generation in KTP-LiNbO3, and LiTaO3 waveguides.

Jongerius, M. J, R. R. Drenten, R. B. J., Drose: Blue second harmonic generation in KTP LiNbO3..

8,00 €
Johnston, J. B: Further Contributions to the Study of the Evolution of the Forebrain.

Johnston, J. B: Further Contributions to the Study of the Evolution of the Forebrain.

4,00 €
JAEGER, C,. B., Ruggiereo, D.. A., Albert, V. R., Joh,m T. H., Reis, D. J: Immunocytochemical localization of aromatic-L-aminoacid decarboxylase.

JAEGER, C,. B., Ruggiereo, D.. A., Albert, V. R., Joh,m T. H., Reis, D. J: Immunocytochemical..

4,00 €
JACQUIN, M. F: JACQUIN, M. F., Hu, J. W., Sessle, B. J., Renehan, W. E., Waite, P. M. E., Intra-axonal neurobiotin injection rapidly stains the ling-rainge projections of identified trigeminal primary afferents in vivbo. Comparison with HRP and PHA-L., J.

JACQUIN, M. F: JACQUIN, M. F., Hu, J. W., Sessle, B. J., Renehan, W. E., Waite, P. M. E., Intra..

6,00 €
Blanke, B., & J. Hoffmann: Prokla. Zeitschrift fuer politische oekonomie und sozialistische Politik Heft 44  Neoliberale Konterrevolution., (11. Jahrgang, Nr., 3 , 1981).

Blanke, B., & J. Hoffmann: Prokla. Zeitschrift fuer politische oekonomie und sozialistische Politik..

6,00 €
HUCO &  MORLEY: HUCO, F., Der nikotinische Azetylcholinrezeptor (Ein Modellrezeptor in 3D)-, Neuroforum 1, 5-10 (1999), Obr-,  [SDG67].., //  MORLEY, B. J., Kemp, G. E.,  Characterization of a putative nicotinic acetlycholine receptor in mammalian brain.,

HUCO & MORLEY: HUCO, F., Der nikotinische Azetylcholinrezeptor (Ein Modellrezeptor in 3D)..

4,00 €
Huck, Lic. A: Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien.

Huck, Lic. A: Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien.

6,00 €
HoeKFELT, T: FONTAINE, B., Klarsfeld, A.-, Hoekfelt, T., Changeux, J. P. , Calcitonin gene related peptide, a peptide present in spinal cord motoneurons, increases the number of acetylcholine receptors in primary cultures of chick embryo myotubes. Neurosc

HoeKFELT, T: FONTAINE, B., Klarsfeld, A. , Hoekfelt, T., Changeux, J. P. , Calcitonin gene related..

5,00 €
HEYWORTH &  KOBAYASHI: HEYWORTH, P. G., Robinson, J. M.,  Ding, J., Elllis, B. A., Bradwey, J. A., Cofilin undergoes rapid dephosphorylation in stimulated neutrophils and translocates to ruffled membranes enriched in prodcts of the NADPH oxidase conplex.

HEYWORTH & KOBAYASHI: HEYWORTH, P. G., Robinson, J. M., Ding, J., Elllis, B. A., Bradwey, J. A..

4,00 €
Hebbel, Friedrich: Durch Irren zum Glueck. Tagebuchblaetter von Friedrich Hebbel.

Hebbel, Friedrich: Durch Irren zum Glueck. Tagebuchblaetter von Friedrich Hebbel.

6,00 €
Hansmann, M., B. J. Hackeloeer, A. Staudach: Ultraschalldiagnostik in Geburtshilfe und Gynaekologie. Lahrbuch und Atlas.

Hansmann, M., B. J. Hackeloeer, A. Staudach: Ultraschalldiagnostik in Geburtshilfe und..

7,00 €
CRAIN, B. J., Hall, W. C: The normal organization of the lateral posterior nucleus in the golden hamster and ist reorganization after neonatal superior colliculus lesions. Behav.

CRAIN, B. J., Hall, W. C: The normal organization of the lateral posterior nucleus in the golden..

4,00 €
Hajnis, K.,, B. Skvalrilova, J. Pavelkcik: Age and regional differences in the body characteristics of the adult inhabitants of the white carpation region.,.

Hajnis, K.,, B. Skvalrilova, J. Pavelkcik: Age and regional differences in the body characteristics..

4,00 €
Haemmerling, B., Grund, C., Boda-Heggemann, J., Moll, R., Franke, W. W: The complexus adhaereens of mammalian lymphatic endothelia revisited. A junction even more complex than hitherto thought.

Haemmerling, B., Grund, C., Boda Heggemann, J., Moll, R., Franke, W. W: The complexus adhaereens of..

4,00 €


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