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WESIERSKA-GADEK, J., Bugajska-Schretter, A., Loew-Baselli, A.,  Grasl-Kaupp,. B.: Cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) transferase during p53 independent apoptosis in rat liver after treatment with N-nitrosomorpholine and cyproterone acetate.

WESIERSKA GADEK, J., Bugajska Schretter, A., Loew Baselli, A., Grasl Kaupp,. B.: Cleavage of..

4,00 €
WELKER, W. I., Johnson, J. I., Pubols, B. H: Some morphological and physiological characteristics of the somatic sensory system in raccoons.

WELKER, W. I., Johnson, J. I., Pubols, B. H: Some morphological and physiological characteristics..

4,00 €
WEINBERG, R. J: GONCHAR, Y. A., Johnson, P. B., Weinberg, R. J., GABA-imunopositive neurons in rat neocortex with contralateral projections to S-I. Brain Res. 697, 27-34 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES109]..,// WEINBERG, R. J-, Rustioni, A., A cuneocochlear pathway

WEINBERG, R. J: GONCHAR, Y. A., Johnson, P. B., Weinberg, R. J., GABA imunopositive neurons in rat..

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WEBSTER, D. B: WEBSTER, D. B., Webster, M., Multipolar spiral ganglion neurons following organ of corti loss. Brain Res. 244, 356-359 (1982)., Obr.,   [WES141]..,//WEBSTER, D. B., Trune, D. R., Cochlear nuclear complex of Mice. Amer. J. Anat. 163, 103-130

WEBSTER, D. B: WEBSTER, D. B., Webster, M., Multipolar spiral ganglion neurons following organ of..

6,00 €
WAXMAN, S. G: MINTURN, J. E., Sontheimer, H., Black, J. A., Ranson, B. R., Waxman, S. G., Sodium channel expression optic nerve astrocytes chromically deprived of axonal contact., Glia 6, 19-29 (1992)., Obr.,  [WES98].., //  ANDERSON, M. J., Fong, H. L.,

WAXMAN, S. G: MINTURN, J. E., Sontheimer, H., Black, J. A., Ranson, B. R., Waxman, S. G., Sodium..

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WATT, C. B: WATT, C. B., Florack, V. J., Colocalization of enkephalin and glycine in amacrine cells of the chicken retina., Brain Res. 628, 349-355 (1993)., Obr., [WES112]..,..,// WATT, C. B., Florack, V. J., Interaction nbetween enkephalin and GABA in th

WATT, C. B: WATT, C. B., Florack, V. J., Colocalization of enkephalin and glycine in amacrine cells..

5,00 €
WARR, W. B., Boche, J-. E. B., Ye, Y., Kim, D. O: Organization of olivocochlear neurons in the cat studied with the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B.

WARR, W. B., Boche, J . E. B., Ye, Y., Kim, D. O: Organization of olivocochlear neurons in the cat..

4,00 €
WAINER, B. H: WAINER, B. H., D. B. Rye, Retrograde HRP tracing combined with localization of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity., J. Histochem. Cytochem. 32, 439-443 (1984), Obr., [WES140]. , // ,// HALLANGER, A. E., Velvey, A. I., Lee, H. J., Rye

WAINER, B. H: WAINER, B. H., D. B. Rye, Retrograde HRP tracing combined with localization of..

5,00 €
Wagner, Richard: Siegfried. Zweiter Tag aus der Trilogie Der Ring des Nibelungen.

Wagner, Richard: Siegfried. Zweiter Tag aus der Trilogie Der Ring des Nibelungen.

4,00 €
WAGNER, H. J-., Luo, B. G-., Ariano, M. A.-, Sibley, D. R., Stell, W. K: Localization of D2 dopamine receptors in vertebrate retinae with anti-peptide antibodies.

WAGNER, H. J ., Luo, B. G ., Ariano, M. A. , Sibley, D. R., Stell, W. K: Localization of D2..

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VULLINGS, H. G. B: VULLINGS, H. G. B., Kris J., The optic tracts of  Rana temporaria and a possible retino-preoptic pathway. Z. Zellforsch., 139, 179-200 (1973)., Obr.,.,// VULLINGS, H. G. B., Influence of light and darkness on the hypothalamo-hypophysial

VULLINGS, H. G. B: VULLINGS, H. G. B., Kris J., The optic tracts of Rana temporaria and a possible..

6,00 €
Villatte, Césare: Taschenwoerterbuch der franzoesischen und deutschen Sprache. I. Franzoesisch - de.

Villatte, Césare: Taschenwoerterbuch der franzoesischen und deutschen Sprache. I. Franzoesisch..

4,00 €
VENTIMIGLIA, R: VENTIMIGLIA, R., Jones, B. E., Moller,  A., A quantitative method for morphometric analysis in neuronal cell culture. Unbiases estimation of neuron area and number of branch points., J. Neurosci, ethods 57, 63-66 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES93]..,

VENTIMIGLIA, R: VENTIMIGLIA, R., Jones, B. E., Moller, A., A quantitative method for morphometric..

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VANEGAS, H: VANEGAS, H., Hollaender, H., Distel, H., Early uptake and transport of HRP by cortical structures, and ist use for the study of local neurons and their processes. J. Comp. neurol. 177, 193-212 (1978) , Obr., [WES51]. // WILLIAMS, B., Vanegas.

VANEGAS, H: VANEGAS, H., Hollaender, H., Distel, H., Early uptake and transport of HRP by cortical..

7,00 €
Van Stockum, T. C. & J. van Dam: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. I. Von den Anfaengen bis zum Achtzehnten Jahrhundert.

Van Stockum, T. C. & J. van Dam: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. I. Von den Anfaengen bis zum..

4,00 €
Van der Klei, Jac. & J. B., Ubink: Het Ruisende Woud. Leesboek voor de langere School.

Van der Klei, Jac. & J. B., Ubink: Het Ruisende Woud. Leesboek voor de langere School.

7,00 €
UPDYKE, B. V: UPDYKE, B. V., Organization of visual corticostriatal projections in the cat, with observations on visual projections to claustrum and amygdala. J. Comp. Neurol, 327, 159-163 (1993)., Obr.-,  [WES80]..,// UPDYKE, B. V., Projections from visu

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7,00 €
ULFHAKE. N: ULFHAKE, B., Cullheim, S., Hoekfelt, T., Visser, T. J., The combined use of immunohistochemistry and intracellular staining with HRP for light and electron microscopic studies of transmitter--identified inputs to functionally characterized neu

ULFHAKE. N: ULFHAKE, B., Cullheim, S., Hoekfelt, T., Visser, T. J., The combined use of..

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ULFHAKE, B: ULFHAKE, B., Cullheim, S., A quantitative light microscopic study of the dendrites of cat spinal gamma-motoneurons after intracellular staining with HRP. J. Comp. Neurol. 202, 585- 596 (1981)., Obr., [SD14]., //    ,// ULFHAKE, B., Kellerth, J

ULFHAKE, B: ULFHAKE, B., Cullheim, S., A quantitative light microscopic study of the dendrites of..

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ZEC, N., Tieman, S B: Development of the dendritic fields of layer 3 pyramidal cells in the Kitten's visual cortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 339, 288-300 (1994) , Obr., [WES1] , //.

ZEC, N., Tieman, S B: Development of the dendritic fields of layer 3 pyramidal cells in the..

4,00 €
Suthutvoravut, S., C. J., R. Hogue, B. Buyer, M. Anderka & M. W. Oberle: Are preterm black infants larger than preterm white infants or are they more mclassified?..

Suthutvoravut, S., C. J., R. Hogue, B. Buyer, M. Anderka & M. W. Oberle: Are preterm black infants..

4,00 €
Green, Carla B., & J. C,. Besharse: Trypophan hydroxylase expression is regulated by a circadian clock in Xenopus laevis retina.

Green, Carla B., & J. C,. Besharse: Trypophan hydroxylase expression is regulated by a circadian..

4,00 €
CHAPMAN, B., Stryker, M.P: Development of orientation selectivity in ferrret visual cortex and effects of deprivation. J.

CHAPMAN, B., Stryker, M.P: Development of orientation selectivity in ferrret visual cortex and..

4,00 €
Strauss, J. B: Muir Woods. National Monument.

Strauss, J. B: Muir Woods. National Monument.

4,00 €
Shammah-Lagnado, S. J., N. Negrado, B. A.Silva & J. A. Ricardo: Afferent connections of the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis. A HRP study in the rat.

Shammah Lagnado, S. J., N. Negrado, B. A.Silva & J. A. Ricardo: Afferent connections of the nuclei..

4,00 €
STOKES, B.T: STOKES, B. T-.,  Noyes, D. H., Behrmann, D. L., An electromechanical spinal injury technique with dynamic sensitivity., J. Neurotrauma 9, 187-195 (1992)., Obr.,  [WES109]..,//  STOKES, B. T., Experimental spinal cord injury. A dynamic and ver

STOKES, B.T: STOKES, B. T ., Noyes, D. H., Behrmann, D. L., An electromechanical spinal injury..

6,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir.

Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir.

22,00 €
Steinhause, F., Moerikofer, W., Podzimnek, J., & E. R.Reiter (Eds.): Archiv fuer Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie / Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Bioclimatology., Serie B.,  Vol., 18., 1970.

Steinhause, F., Moerikofer, W., Podzimnek, J., & E. R.Reiter (Eds.): Archiv fuer Meteorologie..

8,00 €
Stalin, J. W: Der XII. Parteitag der KPR (B)., 17,- 25. April 1923.

Stalin, J. W: Der XII. Parteitag der KPR (B)., 17,- 25. April 1923.

9,00 €
Spectaculum: Spectaculum 42. Sechs moderne Theaterstuecke. H. Achternbusch – V. Braun, -  E. Lasker-Schueler – J. C. Oates, B. Strauss – L. B. Suter.

Spectaculum: Spectaculum 42. Sechs moderne Theaterstuecke. H. Achternbusch – V. Braun, E..

7,00 €
Sorensen, J.C., I. Dalmau, J. Zimmer & B. Finsen: Microglial reactions to retrograde degeneration of tracer-identified thalamic neurons after frontal sensorimotor cortex lesions in adult rats.

Sorensen, J.C., I. Dalmau, J. Zimmer & B. Finsen: Microglial reactions to retrograde degeneration..

4,00 €
SOKOLOFF, L: SOKOLOFF, L., Relation between physiological function and energy metabolism in the central nervous system. J. Neurochem. 29, 13-26 (1977).,Obr.,  [WES87]..,// MATA, M., Fink, D. J., Gainer, H., Smith, C. B., Davidsen, L., Savaki, H., Schwartz

SOKOLOFF, L: SOKOLOFF, L., Relation between physiological function and energy metabolism in the..

9,00 €
Snell, J. B: Schoene Eisenbahnen.

Snell, J. B: Schoene Eisenbahnen.

7,00 €
SHATZ, C. J: DALVA, M. B., Ghosh, A., Shatz, C. J., Independent control of dendritic and axonal form in the developing lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Neuroscience 14, 3588-3602 (1994)., Orb.,  [WES52]..,// PENN, A. A., Wong, R. O .L., Shatz, C. J., Neuron

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SCHWEITZER, L: SCHWEITZER, L., Cant, N. B., Development of cochlear innervation of the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the hamster., J. Comp,. Neurol., 225, 228-243 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES76]..,// SCHWEITZER, L., Cant, N. B., Development of oriented dendritic fie

SCHWEITZER, L: SCHWEITZER, L., Cant, N. B., Development of cochlear innervation of the dorsal..

4,00 €
SCHWARTZ, A, M,. Parakkal, M., Gulley, R. L: SCHWARTZ, H. L., Physiological and biochemical actions of thyroid hormone., Pharmac. Ther. B. , 3, 33009 376..

SCHWARTZ, A, M,. Parakkal, M., Gulley, R. L: SCHWARTZ, H. L., Physiological and biochemical actions..

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SCHREURS, B. G: SCHREURS, B. G., Lester, D. S., High-resolution fluorescent labeling of living cerebellar slices. Brain Res. 730, 125-132 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES65]..,//  ALKON, D. L., Ikeno, H., Dworkin, J., McPhie, D. L., Olds,  J.  L., Lederhendleer, I, M

SCHREURS, B. G: SCHREURS, B. G., Lester, D. S., High resolution fluorescent labeling of living..

5,00 €
Schnitzler, Arthur: Reigen. Zehn Dialoge geschrieben Winter 1896-1897.

Schnitzler, Arthur: Reigen. Zehn Dialoge geschrieben Winter 1896-1897.

6,00 €
SCHMIDT, R. E: SCHMIDT, R. E., McDouglas, D. B., Axonal transport of selected particle-specific enzymes in rat sciatic nerve in vivo and ist response to injury. J. Neurochem. 30, 527-535 (1978)., Obr.,  [SD49].., // OHARA, S., Beaudet, L. N., Schmidt, R.

SCHMIDT, R. E: SCHMIDT, R. E., McDouglas, D. B., Axonal transport of selected particle specific..

4,00 €
Schmidt, Ferdinand: Woelde Hejde. Zweiter Trieb.,  Gereimtes u. Ungereimtes in der Mundart des Jeschken- u. Isergebirges v. Ferdinand Schmidt.

Schmidt, Ferdinand: Woelde Hejde. Zweiter Trieb., Gereimtes u. Ungereimtes in der Mundart des..

6,00 €
ANDERSON, K. J., Maley, B., Scheff, S. W: Immuncytochemical localization of Gamma-aminobutyric acid in the rat hippocampal formation.

ANDERSON, K. J., Maley, B., Scheff, S. W: Immuncytochemical localization of Gamma aminobutyric acid..

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SAUTTER, J: SAUTTER, J., Sabel, B. A., Recovery of brightness discrimination in adult rats despite progressive loss of retrogradely labelled retinal ganglion cells after controlled optic nerve crush. Euro. J. Neurosci. 5, 680-690 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES70]..

SAUTTER, J: SAUTTER, J., Sabel, B. A., Recovery of brightness discrimination in adult rats despite..

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SANDERSON, K. J: SHAMEEM, N., Sanderson, K., J. , Dreher, B., Claustral afferents to the rat's visual cortex. Neuroscience Letters 49, 247-252 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES54]..// WELKER, W., Sanderson, K. J., Shambes, G. M., Patterns of afferentz projections to t

SANDERSON, K. J: SHAMEEM, N., Sanderson, K., J. , Dreher, B., Claustral afferents to the rat's..

5,00 €
RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift  the mammalian circadian pacemaker., J. Neuroscience 15, 5612-5622 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES91]..,// HARRINGTON, M. E., M., Nance, D. M., Rusak, B., Double-labeling of neuropeptide Y

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5,00 €
ROBERTSON, H. A: HOOPER, M. L., Chiasson, B. J., Robertson, H. A. , Infusion into the brain of an antisense oligonucleotide to the immediate-early gene c-fos supresses production of Fos and produces a behavioral effect. Neuroscience 63, 917-92300 (1994) ,

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Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 41.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 40.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 36.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €


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