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488 Artikel gefunden


Vargas Llosa, Mario: La ciudad y los perros.

Vargas Llosa, Mario: La ciudad y los perros.

8,00 €
UEMURA-SUMI, M: UEMURA-SUMI, M., Manabe, Y., Matsushima, R., Mizuno, N., Correlation of the main peripheral branches of the facial nerve with the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of the facial nucleus in the guinea pig. Anat. Embryol. 17300, 161-166 (1986).

UEMURA SUMI, M: UEMURA SUMI, M., Manabe, Y., Matsushima, R., Mizuno, N., Correlation of the main..

5,00 €
Uemada, Satoshi, Y. Nagamo, M. Kato: Dissociative  contributions of medial temporal and frontal regions to prospective rememering.

Uemada, Satoshi, Y. Nagamo, M. Kato: Dissociative contributions of medial temporal and frontal..

4,00 €
Uekita, Tomoko, Y, Okaichi, H. Okaichi: Dissociation of the roles of NMDA receptor and hippocampus in rats spatial learning., Rhe effects of environmental familiarity and task familiarity.

Uekita, Tomoko, Y, Okaichi, H. Okaichi: Dissociation of the roles of NMDA receptor and hippocampus..

4,00 €
UEDA &  PRZYBYSZEWSKI: UEDA, Y., Kaneko, A., Kaneda, M., Voltage-dependent ionic currents in solitary horizontal cells isolated from cat retina. J. neurophysiol. 68, 1143-1150 (1992)., Obr.,.  [SAP268].-. // PRZYBYSZEWSKI, A. W., Lankheet, M. J. M., Van d

UEDA & PRZYBYSZEWSKI: UEDA, Y., Kaneko, A., Kaneda, M., Voltage dependent ionic currents in..

5,00 €
TSENG, G. F: TSENG, G. F., Wang, Y.  J., Hu, M. E-., Axotomy effects the retrograde labeling of cervical and lumbar cord projecting rubrosopinal neurons differently.  Anat. Emmbryol. 19300, 457-464 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES92]..,// TSENG, G. F., Shu, J., Huang

TSENG, G. F: TSENG, G. F., Wang, Y. J., Hu, M. E ., Axotomy effects the retrograde labeling of..

4,00 €
TOHYAMA, M: INAGAKI, S., Shiosaka, S., Takatsuji, K., Iida, H., Sakanaka, M., Senba, E., Hara, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Kawai, Y., Tohyama, M. Ontogeny of somatostatin-containing neuron system of the rat cerebellum including ist fiber connections. An experiment

TOHYAMA, M: INAGAKI, S., Shiosaka, S., Takatsuji, K., Iida, H., Sakanaka, M., Senba, E., Hara, Y..

8,00 €
KAMBAYASHI, J., Kobayashi, T., DeMott, J. E., Marcus, N. Y., Thalmann, I., Thalmann, R: Effect of substrate free vascular perfusion upon cochlear potentials and glycogen of the stria vascularis.

KAMBAYASHI, J., Kobayashi, T., DeMott, J. E., Marcus, N. Y., Thalmann, I., Thalmann, R: Effect of..

4,00 €
Tettamanti, Guido, R. W. Ledeen, K. Sandhoff, Y. Nagai, G. Toffano: Gangliosides and neuronal plasticity.

Tettamanti, Guido, R. W. Ledeen, K. Sandhoff, Y. Nagai, G. Toffano: Gangliosides and neuronal..

62,00 €
Tannenbaum, Edward R: 1900, Die Generation vor dem grossen Krieg.

Tannenbaum, Edward R: 1900, Die Generation vor dem grossen Krieg.

6,00 €
TAN, Y., Brog, J. S., Williams, E. S., Zahm, D. S: Morphometric analysis of the ventral mesencephalic neurons retrogradely labeled with fluoro-gold following injections in the shell, core and rostral pole of the rat nucleus accumbens.

TAN, Y., Brog, J. S., Williams, E. S., Zahm, D. S: Morphometric analysis of the ventral..

4,00 €
TAKEI, Y., Kawano, S., Nishimura, Y., Goto, M., Nagai, H., Chen, S. Omae, A., Fusamoto, H., Kamada, T., Ikeda, K., Kswada, N., Kaneda, K: Apoptosis. A new mechanism of endothelial and Kupfffer cell killing.

TAKEI, Y., Kawano, S., Nishimura, Y., Goto, M., Nagai, H., Chen, S. Omae, A., Fusamoto, H., Kamada..

4,00 €
Takahashi, Joseph S., Fred W. Turek, Robert Y. Moore (Eds.): Handbook of behavioral neurobilology. XII. Circadian clocks.

Takahashi, Joseph S., Fred W. Turek, Robert Y. Moore (Eds.): Handbook of behavioral neurobilology..

182,00 €
UEYAMA, T-., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T: A subpopulation of olivocerebellar projection neurons express neuropeptide Y.

UEYAMA, T ., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T: A..

4,00 €
Steriade, M., A. Parent, D. Pare, Y. Smith: Cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons of cat basal forebrain project to reticular and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei.

Steriade, M., A. Parent, D. Pare, Y. Smith: Cholinergic and non cholinergic neurons of cat basal..

4,00 €
STANDIFER, K. M., Jenab, S., Su, W., Chien, C. C., Pan, Y. X., Inturrisi, C. E., Pasternak, G. W: Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to the cloned delta receptor DOR-1. Uptake, stabiluty, and regulation of gene expression.

STANDIFER, K. M., Jenab, S., Su, W., Chien, C. C., Pan, Y. X., Inturrisi, C. E., Pasternak, G. W:..

4,00 €
Legaz y Lacambra, Luis: Rechtsphilosophie.

Legaz y Lacambra, Luis: Rechtsphilosophie.

22,00 €
SPIRA et al: SPIRA, M. E,. Klein, M., Hochneer, B., Yarom, Y., Castel, M., Ultrastructural changes accompanying the disturbances of neuromuscular transmission caused by Pardachirus Toxin-., Neuroscience 1, 117-1214 (1976)., Obr.,  [WES114].., //  PEYRONNA

SPIRA et al: SPIRA, M. E,. Klein, M., Hochneer, B., Yarom, Y., Castel, M., Ultrastructural changes..

5,00 €
Spectaculum: Spectaculum 62. Sechs moderne Theaterstücke. C. Akerman – O. Bukowski – D. Dobbrow – T. Dorst – Y. Reza – M. Walser.

Spectaculum: Spectaculum 62. Sechs moderne Theaterstücke. C. Akerman – O. Bukowski – D. Dobbrow..

10,00 €
KUBOTA, Y ., Takagi, H., Morishima, Y., Kawai, Y., Smith, A. D: Relationship between vcatecholaminergic neurons and cholecytokinin-containing neurons in the caudal part of the dorsomedial medulla oblongata of the rat-Light and electron microscopic observa

KUBOTA, Y ., Takagi, H., Morishima, Y., Kawai, Y., Smith, A. D: Relationship between..

4,00 €
SMITH, A. D: SOMOGYI, P., Freund, T. F., Wu, J. Y., Smith, A. D., The section-golgi impregnation procedure.II. immunocytochemical demonstratio of glutamate decarboxylase in golgi-impregnated neurons and in their affferent synaptic boutons in the visual co

SMITH, A. D: SOMOGYI, P., Freund, T. F., Wu, J. Y., Smith, A. D., The section golgi impregnation..

5,00 €
Skramlik, Emil von: Erwärmung und Abkühlung der Herzautomatiezentren bei Manteltieren.,  / Vorgänge im Kreislaufsystem von Amphioxus lanceolatus Y. / Die Automatiezentren im Foschherzen., /..

Skramlik, Emil von: Erwärmung und Abkühlung der Herzautomatiezentren bei Manteltieren., /..

9,00 €
Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong & S. S. Ratnam: A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore.,.

Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong & S. S. Ratnam: A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore.,.

4,00 €
Shosaku, A., Y. Kayama, I. Sumitomo: Somatotopic organization in the rat thalamic reticular nucleus.

Shosaku, A., Y. Kayama, I. Sumitomo: Somatotopic organization in the rat thalamic reticular..

4,00 €
SHONO, M., Shimizu, I., Omoya, T., Hiasa, A., Honda, H., Tomita, Y., Ito, S: Differences in ethidium bromide and 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining profiles with regard to DNA fragmentation during apoptosis.

SHONO, M., Shimizu, I., Omoya, T., Hiasa, A., Honda, H., Tomita, Y., Ito, S: Differences in..

4,00 €
Shipley, M. T: Insular cortex projection to the nucleus of the solitary tract and brainstem visceromotor regions in the mouse (Brain Res. Bull. 8, 139-148 (1982),  Kopie, / Shipley, M. T., Y. Geinisman,  Anatomical evidence for convergene of olfactory, gu

Shipley, M. T: Insular cortex projection to the nucleus of the solitary tract and brainstem..

6,00 €
Shiotani, Y, & T. Ban: Ultrastructural changes in the anterior pituitary gland of rabbits after the administration of synthetic LRH-RH.

Shiotani, Y, & T. Ban: Ultrastructural changes in the anterior pituitary gland of rabbits after the..

4,00 €
SHIOSAKA, S., Takastusji, K., Sakanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Takagi, H., Senba, E., Kawai, Y., Iida, H., Minagawa, H., Hara, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Tohyama, M: Ontogeny of somatostatin-containing neuron system of the rat. Immubnocytochemical analysis. II. Forebra

SHIOSAKA, S., Takastusji, K., Sakanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Takagi, H., Senba, E., Kawai, Y., Iida..

4,00 €
Shioda, S. & Y. Nakai: Immunocytochemical localization of TRH and autoradiographic determination of 3H-TRH-bnding sites in the arcuate nceus-median eminence of the rat.

Shioda, S. & Y. Nakai: Immunocytochemical localization of TRH and autoradiographic determination of..

4,00 €
Shimosegawa, Tooru, M. Koizumi, T. Toyota, Y, Goto, S. Kobayashi, C.  Yanaihara & N. Yanaihara: Methionine-Enkephaline arg6-gly7-leu8 immunoreactive nerve fibers and cell bodies in lumbar paravertebral ganglia and the celiac-superior mesenterc ganlion com

Shimosegawa, Tooru, M. Koizumi, T. Toyota, Y, Goto, S. Kobayashi, C. Yanaihara & N. Yanaihara:..

4,00 €
Shigenaga, Y., Z. Nakatani, T. Nishimori, S. Suemune, R. Kuroda, S. Matano: The cells of origin of cat trigeminothalamic projections. Especially in the caudal medulla.

Shigenaga, Y., Z. Nakatani, T. Nishimori, S. Suemune, R. Kuroda, S. Matano: The cells of origin of..

4,00 €
Shigenaga, Y., et al: Laminar related projection of primary trigeminal fibers in the caudal medulla demonstrated by transganglionic transport of HRP.

Shigenaga, Y., et al: Laminar related projection of primary trigeminal fibers in the caudal medulla..

4,00 €
Shiga, T., Ichikawa, M., Y. Hirata: Spatial and temporal pattern of postnatal proliferation of Bergmann Gial cels in Rat cerebellum.  (/ A Golgi study of Bergmann glial cells in developing rat cerebellum.

Shiga, T., Ichikawa, M., Y. Hirata: Spatial and temporal pattern of postnatal proliferation of..

6,00 €
SHIEH, J. Y: SHIEH, J. Y., Leong,. S. K., Wong, W. C., Origin of the rubrospinal tract in neopnatal, developing and mature rats. J. Comp. Neurol. 214, 79-86 (1983)., Orb.,  [WES66].., // LAN, C. T., Wen, C. Y., Tseng, G. F., Tan, C. K., Ling, E. A., Shieh

SHIEH, J. Y: SHIEH, J. Y., Leong,. S. K., Wong, W. C., Origin of the rubrospinal tract in..

4,00 €
Shibata, Y: Vergleichende Beobachtung mit der Fixierungsweise der verschiedenen Fixierungsmittel, besonders unter Berücksichtigung ihre Wasserstoffionenkonzentration an den Nissl-Körpern der Ganglienzellen.

Shibata, Y: Vergleichende Beobachtung mit der Fixierungsweise der verschiedenen Fixierungsmittel..

4,00 €
SEKI, T-., Naito, I., Oohashi, T., Sado, Y., Ninomiya, Y: Differential expression of type IV collagen isoforms, alha5 (IV) and alpha6 (IC) chains, in basement membranes sorriounding smooth muscle cells.

SEKI, T ., Naito, I., Oohashi, T., Sado, Y., Ninomiya, Y: Differential expression of type IV..

4,00 €
SCHWARTZ, M: SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Eshaar, N., Factor(s) from goldfish brain induce neuritic outgrowth from explanted regenerating retinas., Developm. Brain Res. 3, 29-35 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES73]..,// SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Kimhi, Y. , Regenerat

SCHWARTZ, M: SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Eshaar, N., Factor(s) from goldfish brain induce neuritic..

5,00 €
Parent, A. C. Bouchard & Y. Smith: The striatopallidal and striatonigral projections. Two distict fiber systems in primate.

Parent, A. C. Bouchard & Y. Smith: The striatopallidal and striatonigral projections. Two distict..

4,00 €
SCHMIDT, M: SCHMIDT, M., Lehnert, G., Baker, R. G., Hoffmann, K. P., Dendritic morphology of projection neurons in the cat pretectum. J. Comp Neurol. 396, 520-532 (1996),  Obr.,  [WES66]..,//  SCHMIDT, M., Zhang, H. Y., Hoffmann, K., P., OKN-related neuro

SCHMIDT, M: SCHMIDT, M., Lehnert, G., Baker, R. G., Hoffmann, K. P., Dendritic morphology of..

5,00 €
Sawchenko, P.E., L. W. Swanson, R. Grzanna, P.R.XC. Howe, S.R.Bloom & J. M. Polak: Colocalitzation of  neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in brainstem catecholaminergic neurons that project to the paraventricular nucleus ion the hypothalamus.

Sawchenko, P.E., L. W. Swanson, R. Grzanna, P.R.XC. Howe, S.R.Bloom & J. M. Polak: Colocalitzation..

4,00 €
SANO, Y: UEDA, S., Ihara, N., Sano, Y., The organization of serotonin fibers in the mammalian superior colliculus. Anat. Embryol. 173, 13-21 (1985)., Obr.,  [WES81]..,// YAMADA, H., Sano, Y., Distribution of serotonin nerve cells in the rabbit brain - Imm

SANO, Y: UEDA, S., Ihara, N., Sano, Y., The organization of serotonin fibers in the mammalian..

9,00 €
SAKAI, K., Kitagawa, Y., Ogasawara, T., Hirose, G: Expresion of messenger RNA encoding a paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration-associated antigen in the rat hippocampus.

SAKAI, K., Kitagawa, Y., Ogasawara, T., Hirose, G: Expresion of messenger RNA encoding a..

4,00 €
BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of different species.

BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of..

4,00 €
RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift  the mammalian circadian pacemaker., J. Neuroscience 15, 5612-5622 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES91]..,// HARRINGTON, M. E., M., Nance, D. M., Rusak, B., Double-labeling of neuropeptide Y

RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift the mammalian..

5,00 €
Robinson, Andrew: Die Geschichte der Schrift.

Robinson, Andrew: Die Geschichte der Schrift.

22,00 €
Reblet, C: La encrucijada ventricular cerebral akterada experimentalmente y vias de degeneracion Walleriana consuecuente.

Reblet, C: La encrucijada ventricular cerebral akterada experimentalmente y vias de degeneracion..

4,00 €
PYATT, D. W., Stillman, W. S., Yang, Y., Gross, S., Zheng, J. H., Irons, R. D: An essential role for NF-kB in human  CD34+ bone marrow cell survival.

PYATT, D. W., Stillman, W. S., Yang, Y., Gross, S., Zheng, J. H., Irons, R. D: An essential role..

4,00 €
Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit zweiundzwanzig Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit zweiundzwanzig Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

92,00 €
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