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251 Artikel gefunden


DIAZ-ARAYA, C. M., Provis, J. M., Penfold, P. L., Billson, F. A: Development of microglial topography in human retina.

DIAZ ARAYA, C. M., Provis, J. M., Penfold, P. L., Billson, F. A: Development of microglial..

4,00 €
Deidesheimer Gespraeche: 5. Deidesheimer Gespräch 15/16. Mai 1971. Pharmakokinetik. Theorie und klinsiche Bedeutung. Mit Beiträgen von H. Gillmann, K. J. Netter, H. Remmer, H. J..

Deidesheimer Gespraeche: 5. Deidesheimer Gespräch 15/16. Mai 1971. Pharmakokinetik. Theorie und..

4,00 €
DE-MONASTERIO, F. M., Schein, S. J., McCrane, E. P: Staining of blue-sensitive cones of the Macaque retina by a fluorescent dye.

DE MONASTERIO, F. M., Schein, S. J., McCrane, E. P: Staining of blue sensitive cones of the Macaque..

4,00 €
Barbaresi, P., M. Fabri, F. Conti & T.Manzoni: D-3H-asparatate retrograde labelling of callosal and association neurones of somatosensory areas I and II of cats.

Barbaresi, P., M. Fabri, F. Conti & T.Manzoni: D 3H asparatate retrograde labelling of callosal and..

4,00 €
DARTSCH, P. C., Kolb, H. A., Beckmann, M., Lang, F: Morphological alterations and cytoskeletal reorganization in opossum kidney (OK) cells during osmotic swelling and volume regulation.

DARTSCH, P. C., Kolb, H. A., Beckmann, M., Lang, F: Morphological alterations and cytoskeletal..

4,00 €
BRAVIN, M., Rossi, F., Strata, P: Different climbing fibres innervate separate dendritic regions of the same Purkinje cell in hypogranular cerebellum.

BRAVIN, M., Rossi, F., Strata, P: Different climbing fibres innervate separate dendritic regions of..

4,00 €
BENOWITZ, L. I: SCHWALB, J. M., Boulis, N. M., Gu, M. F., Winickoff, J., Hackson, P. S., Irwin, N., Benowitz, L. I., Two factors secreted by the goldfish optic nerve induce retinal ganglion cells to regenerate asons in culture. J. Neuroscience 15, 5514-55

BENOWITZ, L. I: SCHWALB, J. M., Boulis, N. M., Gu, M. F., Winickoff, J., Hackson, P. S., Irwin, N..

5,00 €
BECKSTEAD, R. M. & F, P, Zemlan: ZEMLAN, F. P., Behbehani, M. M., Beckstead, R. M. Ascending and descending projections from nucleus reticularis magnocellularis and nucleus gigantocellularis. An autoradiographic and HRP study in the Rat.Brain Res. 292, 20

BECKSTEAD, R. M. & F, P, Zemlan: ZEMLAN, F. P., Behbehani, M. M., Beckstead, R. M. Ascending and..

5,00 €
BARRON, K. D: MARCIANO, F. F., Gocht, A., Dentinger, M. P., Hof, L., Csiza, C. JK., Barron, K. D., Axonal regrowth in the amyelinated optic nerve of the myelin-deficient rat. Ultrastructureal observations and effects of ganglioside administration., J. Com

BARRON, K. D: MARCIANO, F. F., Gocht, A., Dentinger, M. P., Hof, L., Csiza, C. JK., Barron, K. D..

5,00 €
ABRAHAM, C. S., Deli, M. A., Joo, F., Megyeri, P., Torpuier, G: Intracarotid tumor necrosis factor-alpha administration increases the blood-brain barrier permeability in cerebral cortex of the newborn pig. Quantitative aspects of double-labelling studies

ABRAHAM, C. S., Deli, M. A., Joo, F., Megyeri, P., Torpuier, G: Intracarotid tumor necrosis factor..

4,00 €
JONES, P. M. Robinson, I. C. A. F: A method for repeated sampling of cerebrospinal fluid from conscious guinea pigs.

JONES, P. M. Robinson, I. C. A. F: A method for repeated sampling of cerebrospinal fluid from..

4,00 €
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