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5.044 Artikel gefunden


MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory thalamocortical pathways defined in monkeys by calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity.

MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory..

4,00 €
FERRER, J. M. R., Price, J. D., Blakemore, C: The organization of corticocortical projections from area 17 to area 18 in the cat's visual cortex.

FERRER, J. M. R., Price, J. D., Blakemore, C: The organization of corticocortical projections from..

4,00 €
MLINAR, E. J., Goodale, M. A: Cortical and tectal control of visual orientation in the gerbil. Evidence for parallel channels.

MLINAR, E. J., Goodale, M. A: Cortical and tectal control of visual orientation in the gerbil..

4,00 €
PATRICKSON, J. W., Bryant,  H. J., Kaderkaro, M., Kutyna, F. A: A quantitative 14C -2-deoxy-D-glucose stufy of brain stem nuclei during horiziontal nystagmus by lesioning the lateral crista ampullaris of the rat.

PATRICKSON, J. W., Bryant, H. J., Kaderkaro, M., Kutyna, F. A: A quantitative 14C 2 deoxy D..

4,00 €
RUHLAND, M., Zlotkin, E., Eathayer, W: The effect of toxins from the venom of the scorpion Androctonus australis on a spider nerve-muscle preparation.

RUHLAND, M., Zlotkin, E., Eathayer, W: The effect of toxins from the venom of the scorpion..

4,00 €
HÜBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase compartments in monkey striate cortex.

HÜBENER, M., Bolz, J: Relationships between dendritic morphology and cytochrome oxidase..

4,00 €
VAN LOVEREN, H., Saunders, M. C., Keller, J. T: Localization of motoneurons innervating the levator veli palatini muscle in the cat.

VAN LOVEREN, H., Saunders, M. C., Keller, J. T: Localization of motoneurons innervating the levator..

4,00 €
LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger-Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C. E., Lim, Y. P., Corsetti, S.-, Chobdobski, A: Immunocytochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase in rat anterior caroidal artery, stromal blod microves

LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C..

4,00 €
VALLEBUONA, F., Raiteri, M: Extracellular cGMP in the hippocampus of freely moving rats as an index of nitric oxide (NO) synthase activity.

VALLEBUONA, F., Raiteri, M: Extracellular cGMP in the hippocampus of freely moving rats as an index..

4,00 €
MORRISON, S. J., Shah, N. M., Anderson, D.J: Regulatory mechanisms in stem cell biology.

MORRISON, S. J., Shah, N. M., Anderson, D.J: Regulatory mechanisms in stem cell biology.

4,00 €
FREDMAN, S. M: Intracellular staining of neurons with nickel-lysine.

FREDMAN, S. M: Intracellular staining of neurons with nickel-lysine.

4,00 €
BROMBERG, M. B., Burnham, J. A., Towe, A. L: Double projecting neurons of the dorsal column nuclei.

BROMBERG, M. B., Burnham, J. A., Towe, A. L: Double projecting neurons of the dorsal column nuclei.

4,00 €
NISHIMURA, H., Tachibana, M: Incorporation of glycerol in the organ of corti. Predominance in hair cells and effects of kanamycin.

NISHIMURA, H., Tachibana, M: Incorporation of glycerol in the organ of corti. Predominance in hair..

4,00 €
GÜNTHER, P: Die  Innervation der tetanischen und tonischen Fasern der quergestreiften Skeletmuskulatur der Wirbeltiere. I. Die Innervation des M. artorius und des M. ileofibularis des Frosches.

GÜNTHER, P: Die Innervation der tetanischen und tonischen Fasern der quergestreiften..

4,00 €
NOBLETT, K. L., Ariano, M. A: Co-expression of receptor mRNA and protein. Striatal dopamine and excitatory amino acid subtypes.

NOBLETT, K. L., Ariano, M. A: Co expression of receptor mRNA and protein. Striatal dopamine and..

4,00 €
Gwinner, E., S. König, & M. Zeman: Endogenous gonadal, LH and molt rhythms in tropical stonechats., Effect of pair bond on period, amplitude, and patten of circannual cycles.

Gwinner, E., S. König, & M. Zeman: Endogenous gonadal, LH and molt rhythms in tropical..

4,00 €
Prescott, H,.F. M: Le Mort attend., Roman policier.

Prescott, H,.F. M: Le Mort attend., Roman policier.

6,00 €
Polatzek, M: Leitfaden für den elektrotechnischen Fachunterricht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Funkentelegraphie., I. Elektrotechnik.,  II. Hochfrequenztechnik.

Polatzek, M: Leitfaden für den elektrotechnischen Fachunterricht unter besonderer..

16,00 €
Platen, M: Die neue Heilmethode., Lehrbuch der naturgemäßen Lebensweise, der Gesundheitspflege und der naturgemäßen Heilweise.,  I.

Platen, M: Die neue Heilmethode., Lehrbuch der naturgemäßen Lebensweise, der Gesundheitspflege..

12,00 €
Nobbe, C. F. A: Ciceronis opera. Nr., 29., Tusculanarum disputationum ad M. Brutum Libri V.

Nobbe, C. F. A: Ciceronis opera. Nr., 29., Tusculanarum disputationum ad M. Brutum Libri V.

16,00 €
Kant, Hermann & Lothar Reher: In Stockholm.

Kant, Hermann & Lothar Reher: In Stockholm.

4,00 €
Bolz,J., & M. Götz: Mechanisms to estrablish specific thalamocortical connections in the developing brain.

Bolz,J., & M. Götz: Mechanisms to estrablish specific thalamocortical connections in the..

4,00 €
MCMULLEN, N. T., ., Glaser, E. M., 1982: Morphology and laminar distribution of nonpyramidal neurons in the auditory cortex of the rabbit.

MCMULLEN, N. T., ., Glaser, E. M., 1982: Morphology and laminar distribution of nonpyramidal..

4,00 €
MCMULLEN, N. T., Goldenberger, B., Suter, C. M., Glaser, E. N: Neonatal deafening alters nonpyramidal dendrite orientation in auditory cortex. A computer microscope study in the rabbit.

MCMULLEN, N. T., Goldenberger, B., Suter, C. M., Glaser, E. N: Neonatal deafening alters..

4,00 €
MENETREY, D., Foudier, F., Besson, J. M: Spinal neurons reaching lateral reticular nucleus as studied in the rat by retrograde transport of HRP.

MENETREY, D., Foudier, F., Besson, J. M: Spinal neurons reaching lateral reticular nucleus as..

4,00 €
MENETREY, D., Chaourch, A., Binder, D., Besson, J. M: The origin of the spinomesencephalic tract in the rat. An anatomical study using retrograde transport of HRP.

MENETREY, D., Chaourch, A., Binder, D., Besson, J. M: The origin of the spinomesencephalic tract in..

4,00 €
MCKINNEY. M.-, Coyle, J. T., Hedreen, J. C: Topographic analysis of the innervation of the rat neocortex and hippocampus by the basal forebrain cholinergic system.

MCKINNEY. M. , Coyle, J. T., Hedreen, J. C: Topographic analysis of the innervation of the rat..

4,00 €
Cuenod, M., P. Bagnoli, A. Beaudet, A. Rustioni, L. Wilund & P. Streit: Transmitter-specific retrograde labeling in neurons.

Cuenod, M., P. Bagnoli, A. Beaudet, A. Rustioni, L. Wilund & P. Streit: Transmitter specific..

4,00 €
LETINSKY, M. S: Staining normal and eperimental motor nerve terminals with tetrazolium salts.

LETINSKY, M. S: Staining normal and eperimental motor nerve terminals with tetrazolium salts.

4,00 €
KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Kayahara, T., Yasui, Y., Nakano, K., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells sending axon colaterals to the bilateral superior colliculi. A fluorescent retrograde double labeling study in the Japanese Monkey (Macaca fuscata).

KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Kayahara, T., Yasui, Y., Nakano, K., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion..

4,00 €
KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Tokuno, H., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells projecting bilatrally to the lateral geniculate nuclei or superior colliculi by way of axon collaterals in the cat.

KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Tokuno, H., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells projecting bilatrally..

4,00 €
KONDOH, A., Houtani, T., Ueyama, T., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamagashi, K., Nakanishi, S., Sugimoto, T: In situ hybridization analysis of substance P receptor in the rat retina.

KONDOH, A., Houtani, T., Ueyama, T., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamagashi, K., Nakanishi, S., Sugimoto..

4,00 €
JACOBOWITZ, D. M., Creed, G. J.: Cholinergic projection sites of the nucleus of tractus diagonalis.

JACOBOWITZ, D. M., Creed, G. J.: Cholinergic projection sites of the nucleus of tractus diagonalis.

4,00 €
Pomerat, Charles M: The use of animal cell, tissue, and organ cultures in radiobiology.

Pomerat, Charles M: The use of animal cell, tissue, and organ cultures in radiobiology.

26,00 €
Peretz, M: Peretz Auktion am Samstag dem 25. Oktober 1980.-, Kunst und Antiquitäten., 99. Auktion.

Peretz, M: Peretz Auktion am Samstag dem 25. Oktober 1980.-, Kunst und Antiquitäten., 99. Auktion.

6,00 €
Moog, Otto: Knigge der Liebe.

Moog, Otto: Knigge der Liebe.

4,00 €
Hoffmann, M: Goldener Anker und Schwarzer Walfisch., Ein Führer durch denkwürdige Gaststätten..

Hoffmann, M: Goldener Anker und Schwarzer Walfisch., Ein Führer durch denkwürdige Gaststätten..

7,00 €
Hajnoczy, Peter: A fütö , M. A halal kilovagolt Perzsiabol . Jezus menyasszonya Hatrahagyott irasok.

Hajnoczy, Peter: A fütö , M. A halal kilovagolt Perzsiabol . Jezus menyasszonya Hatrahagyott..

4,00 €
Gun, Neil M: Frühflut.

Gun, Neil M: Frühflut.

16,00 €
Gruber, Charles M: Studies in Fatigue., III., The fatigue threshold as affected by adreanelin and by increased arterial pressure.

Gruber, Charles M: Studies in Fatigue., III., The fatigue threshold as affected by adreanelin and..

6,00 €
Ewing, Ephraim M: The venous pulse.

Ewing, Ephraim M: The venous pulse.

4,00 €
Converse, John M., Balir O. Rogers & Felix T. Rapaport: Sixth international transplantation conference.,  I.

Converse, John M., Balir O. Rogers & Felix T. Rapaport: Sixth international transplantation..

16,00 €
Gibbins, I. L., J.B. Furness, M. Costa, I. Macintyre, C. J. Hillyard & S. Girgis: Co-localization of calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity with substance P in cutenaous, vascular and visceral sensory neurons of Guinea pig.

Gibbins, I. L., J.B. Furness, M. Costa, I. Macintyre, C. J. Hillyard & S. Girgis: Co localization..

4,00 €
Mariani, E., W. J. Rietveld, M.- E. Boon & B. M. Gerrits: Fluorescence displacement from the median eminence towards the arcuate nucleus at puberty.

Mariani, E., W. J. Rietveld, M. E. Boon & B. M. Gerrits: Fluorescence displacement from the median..

4,00 €
GUR, M., Purple, R. L: Retinal ganglion cell activity in the ground squirrel under halothane anesthesia.

GUR, M., Purple, R. L: Retinal ganglion cell activity in the ground squirrel under halothane..

4,00 €
Marfurt, C. F &  Zaleski, E. M., Adams, C. E., Welther, C. L: Sympathetic nerve fibers in rat orofacial and cerebral tissues as revealed by the HRP-WGA tracing technique. A light and electron microscopic study.

Marfurt, C. F & Zaleski, E. M., Adams, C. E., Welther, C. L: Sympathetic nerve fibers in rat..

4,00 €
TANIGUCHI, I., Nasu, M: Spatio temporal representation of sound intensity in the guinea pig auditory cortex observed by optical recording.

TANIGUCHI, I., Nasu, M: Spatio temporal representation of sound intensity in the guinea pig..

4,00 €
DeLEO, J. A., Schweisthal, M. R: Use of peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for differential staining of multiple cell types in the rat pancreatic islet.

DeLEO, J. A., Schweisthal, M. R: Use of peroxidase antiperoxidase technique for differential..

4,00 €