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261 Artikel gefunden


Weedon, Thomas: Buffalo Bill., The Wild West in history and legend.

Weedon, Thomas: Buffalo Bill., The Wild West in history and legend.

4,00 €
Ulmen, G. L: Society and history. Essays in Honor of Karl August Wittfogel.

Ulmen, G. L: Society and history. Essays in Honor of Karl August Wittfogel.

58,00 €
Trevelyan, George Otto: The early history of Charles James Fox.

Trevelyan, George Otto: The early history of Charles James Fox.

47,00 €
Thornton, Ian: Darwin Islands. A natural history of the Galapagos.

Thornton, Ian: Darwin Islands. A natural history of the Galapagos.

9,00 €
Szporluk, Roman: Pokrovsky and Russian history.

Szporluk, Roman: Pokrovsky and Russian history.

9,00 €
Szczepanek, Kazimierz: The history of the late glacial and holocene vegetation of the Holy Cross Mountains.

Szczepanek, Kazimierz: The history of the late glacial and holocene vegetation of the Holy Cross..

9,00 €
Anonymus: A pictorial history of the Jewish people.

Anonymus: A pictorial history of the Jewish people.

4,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The Works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes complete.,,  X, . Letters of the late Laurence Sterne with a fragment in the manner of Rabelais and the History of a watch-coat.

Sterne, Laurence: The Works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes complete.,, X, . Letters of the late..

62,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various occasions to which is added his history of a watch coat with explanatory notes.,  A new edition.

Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various..

162,00 €
Shapiro, David: A select bibliography of works in English on Russian history 1801-1917.

Shapiro, David: A select bibliography of works in English on Russian history 1801-1917.

16,00 €
Lindeboom, G.A: A classified Bibliography of the History of Dutch Medicine 1900 – 1974.

Lindeboom, G.A: A classified Bibliography of the History of Dutch Medicine 1900 – 1974.

92,00 €
Robinson, James Harvey: History of Europe our own Times.

Robinson, James Harvey: History of Europe our own Times.

6,00 €
Robertson, W: The History of Scotland.

Robertson, W: The History of Scotland.

130,00 €
Gailey, Harry A: History of Africa from 1800 to present.

Gailey, Harry A: History of Africa from 1800 to present.

6,00 €
Rae, John B. & Thomas H. D. Mahoney: The United States in wold history. From its beginnings to world leadership.

Rae, John B. & Thomas H. D. Mahoney: The United States in wold history. From its beginnings to..

21,00 €
Pringle, James R: History of Town and City of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts.

Pringle, James R: History of Town and City of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts.

39,00 €
Prescott, William H: History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient mexican civilization, and the life of the Conquerer, Hernando Cortés.

Prescott, William H: History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient..

262,00 €
Powell, Thomas W: The History of the ancient britons and their descendants.

Powell, Thomas W: The History of the ancient britons and their descendants.

162,00 €
Peters, Wilhelm Servatius: Das Parallelenproblem bei A. G. Kaestner..

Peters, Wilhelm Servatius: Das Parallelenproblem bei A. G. Kaestner..

4,00 €
Perris, G. H: A short history of war and peace,.

Perris, G. H: A short history of war and peace,.

22,00 €
Pepper, John V: Harriot’s calculation of the meridional parts as logartithmic tangents..

Pepper, John V: Harriot’s calculation of the meridional parts as logartithmic tangents..

6,00 €
Peacocke, D: The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace.

Peacocke, D: The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace.

4,00 €
Olson, Betsy: The point that divides the wind. A brief history of the Villa Serbelloni.

Olson, Betsy: The point that divides the wind. A brief history of the Villa Serbelloni.

4,00 €
Neil, Barbara: A history of silence.

Neil, Barbara: A history of silence.

6,00 €
Mitford, William: The history of Greece. A new edition with numerous additions and corrections to which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author by his brother, Lord Redesdale.,. IX.

Mitford, William: The history of Greece. A new edition with numerous additions and corrections to..

16,00 €
Gladwin, D.D: A pictorial history of Canals.

Gladwin, D.D: A pictorial history of Canals.

4,00 €
McNaught, Kenneth: The Pelican History of Canada.

McNaught, Kenneth: The Pelican History of Canada.

4,00 €
McKeever, Jim: The coming climax of History.

McKeever, Jim: The coming climax of History.

4,00 €
McInnis, Edgar: Canada. A political and social history.

McInnis, Edgar: Canada. A political and social history.

12,00 €
Marsden, Gordon (Ed.): History Today, Jahrgang 35 (1985), 10., 11., 12. Heft, Jahrgang 36 (1986), 2. Heft, Jahrgang 37 (1987), 11. Heft, Jahrgang 38 (1988), 8., 10, 11., 12. Heft, Jahrgang 39 (1989), 5. , 9. ,10.Heft, Jahrgang 40 (1990), 3., 4., 6., 8., 9

Marsden, Gordon (Ed.): History Today, Jahrgang 35 (1985), 10., 11., 12. Heft, Jahrgang 36 (1986)..

52,00 €
Markham: A History of England. For the use of young persons.

Markham: A History of England. For the use of young persons.

19,00 €
Mahoney, Michael S: Another look at  Greek geometrical analysis.

Mahoney, Michael S: Another look at Greek geometrical analysis.

7,00 €
Janson, H.W. & A. F. Janson: History of art for young people.

Janson, H.W. & A. F. Janson: History of art for young people.

7,00 €
Krieger, H: Über Stirlings Bestimmung von unendlichen Summen.

Krieger, H: Über Stirlings Bestimmung von unendlichen Summen.

4,00 €
Kress, Samuel H. (Ed.): Report and Studies in the History of Art 1967.

Kress, Samuel H. (Ed.): Report and Studies in the History of Art 1967.

7,00 €
Koperowa, Wanda: The history of the late-glacial and holocene vegetation in Nowy Targ basin., / Late-pelistocene locality of Koeniglia ilsandica L. in Poland.

Koperowa, Wanda: The history of the late glacial and holocene vegetation in Nowy Targ basin., /..

9,00 €
Koperowa, Wanda: Late glacial and holocene history of the vegetation of the eastern part of the Jaslo-Sanok Doly (Flysch Carpathians).

Koperowa, Wanda: Late glacial and holocene history of the vegetation of the eastern part of the..

7,00 €
Klimek, Stanislaw: Gdansk. Architecture and history.

Klimek, Stanislaw: Gdansk. Architecture and history.

6,00 €
Kirchhoff, Karl-Heinz: Die Stadt Münster. Geschichte und heutige Struktur. Münster, the history and present-day structure of the city. La Ville de Münster son histoire et sa structure actuelle. De stad Münster Historie en huidige Structuur.

Kirchhoff, Karl Heinz: Die Stadt Münster. Geschichte und heutige Struktur. Münster, the history..

4,00 €
Hutt, Allen: British trade Unionism. An outline history.

Hutt, Allen: British trade Unionism. An outline history.

7,00 €
Home, Roderick W: Francis Hauksbee’s theory of electricity.,.

Home, Roderick W: Francis Hauksbee’s theory of electricity.,.

6,00 €
Hofmann, J. E: Über zahlentheoretische Methoden Fermats und Eulers, ihre Zusammenhänge und ihre Bedeutng.

Hofmann, J. E: Über zahlentheoretische Methoden Fermats und Eulers, ihre Zusammenhänge und ihre..

8,00 €
Hicks, T. Philip: The History and Development of Microiontophoresis in Experimental Neurobiology.

Hicks, T. Philip: The History and Development of Microiontophoresis in Experimental Neurobiology.

4,00 €
Haskell, Arnold L: Ballet. A complete guide to appreciation. History, Aestetics, Ballets, Dancers.

Haskell, Arnold L: Ballet. A complete guide to appreciation. History, Aestetics, Ballets, Dancers.

6,00 €
Hall, Rupert A: Cartesian Dynamics.

Hall, Rupert A: Cartesian Dynamics.

4,00 €
Halevy, Elie: History of the English people. (Epilogue 1895 - 1905), Book II. The internal policy of the unionist cabinet.

Halevy, Elie: History of the English people. (Epilogue 1895 1905), Book II. The internal policy..

4,00 €
Grant, Edward: Nicole Oresme and the commensurability or Incommensurabilty of the celestial motions.

Grant, Edward: Nicole Oresme and the commensurability or Incommensurabilty of the celestial..

8,00 €
Goad, Harold: Language in history.

Goad, Harold: Language in history.

9,00 €
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