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1.436 Artikel gefunden


Kovel, Ralph & Terry Kovel: The Kovels‘ Complete Antique Price List.

Kovel, Ralph & Terry Kovel: The Kovels‘ Complete Antique Price List.

9,00 €
Kosinski, Jerzy: Being there.

Kosinski, Jerzy: Being there.

6,00 €
Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 61, (1971).

Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 61, (1971).

32,00 €
Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 60, (1970).

Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 60, (1970).

32,00 €
Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 59, (1969).

Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 59, (1969).

32,00 €
Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 58, (1968).

Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 58, (1968).

32,00 €
Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 56, ,  (1966).

Korff, Serge A. (Ed.): The geographical review. Vol. 56, , (1966).

32,00 €
Kohlhaas, H.T: Elektrisches Nachrichtenwesen. Eine Zeitschrift für Fortschritte in der  Fernsprech-, Telegraphen- und Funktechnik. XI, 1932.

Kohlhaas, H.T: Elektrisches Nachrichtenwesen. Eine Zeitschrift für Fortschritte in der Fernsprech..

16,00 €
Koestler, Arthur: Arrival and departure.

Koestler, Arthur: Arrival and departure.

16,00 €
Kochen: Weight Watchers Spezial Nr. 3, Schlank ins neue Jahr.

Kochen: Weight Watchers Spezial Nr. 3, Schlank ins neue Jahr.

4,00 €
Kluckhoh, Clyde & Dorothea Leighton: The Navaho.

Kluckhoh, Clyde & Dorothea Leighton: The Navaho.

4,00 €
Klein, Edward: The Parachutists.

Klein, Edward: The Parachutists.

4,00 €
Kizny, Thomasz: The Passengers. Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, New York.

Kizny, Thomasz: The Passengers. Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, New York.

23,00 €
Kipling, Rudyard: Limits and Renewals.

Kipling, Rudyard: Limits and Renewals.

26,00 €
Kipling, Rudyard: Letters from the east (310s) / The Story of the Gadsbys (150s.) / The Courting of Dinah Shadd (103s) / City of the Dreadful Night (76s) /( Barrack-Room Ballads and other Verses (1987s) / Letters of Marque (335s) / The Phantom Rickshaw an

Kipling, Rudyard: Letters from the east (310s) / The Story of the Gadsbys (150s.) / The Courting of..

36,00 €
Kipling, Rudjard: Just so stories to read aloud. Illustrated by George Buckett.

Kipling, Rudjard: Just so stories to read aloud. Illustrated by George Buckett.

7,00 €
King, Alexander: Rich Man, Poor Man, Freud and Fruit. Advice to Amorous Ladies.

King, Alexander: Rich Man, Poor Man, Freud and Fruit. Advice to Amorous Ladies.

7,00 €
KEVETTER, G. A: KEVETTER, G. A., Perachio, A., A., Central projections of first order vestibular neurons innervating the sacculus and posterior canal in the gerbil., In Contemporary sensory neurobiol., R. A. Liss, New York 1985, pp. 279-291 ,,//  KEVETTER

KEVETTER, G. A: KEVETTER, G. A., Perachio, A., A., Central projections of first order vestibular..

7,00 €
Kennedy, Foster (Ed.): Transactions of the american neurological association.  66. Meeting New York 1940.

Kennedy, Foster (Ed.): Transactions of the american neurological association. 66. Meeting New York..

48,00 €
Conrad, Joseph: The shorter tales of Joseph Conrad.

Conrad, Joseph: The shorter tales of Joseph Conrad.

39,00 €
Conrad, Joseph: Tales of hearsay.

Conrad, Joseph: Tales of hearsay.

16,00 €
RAMIREZ, V.,D: The push-pull perfusion technique in neuroendocrinology.

RAMIREZ, V.,D: The push-pull perfusion technique in neuroendocrinology.

4,00 €
De Pury, Phillips: The Hoener Collection of German Art., November 5 2002, New York.

De Pury, Phillips: The Hoener Collection of German Art., November 5 2002, New York.

9,00 €
Keller, James: You can change the World!. The Christopher approach.

Keller, James: You can change the World!. The Christopher approach.

6,00 €
Kapit, Wynn & Lawrence M. Elson: The anatomy coloring book.

Kapit, Wynn & Lawrence M. Elson: The anatomy coloring book.

9,00 €
Joseph, Stephen M: In den Elendsvierteln von New York. Kinder schildern ihre Welt.

Joseph, Stephen M: In den Elendsvierteln von New York. Kinder schildern ihre Welt.

4,00 €
Jorgensen, C. Barker: Central nervous control of adenohypophysial functions. From Perspectives in endocrinology. Barrington & Jorgensen (Eds.).

Jorgensen, C. Barker: Central nervous control of adenohypophysial functions. From Perspectives in..

4,00 €
Jorgensen, C. B & L, O.  Larsen, Farner,  D, S., F, E. Wilkson & A. Oksche, W. F. Ganong & L. Lorenzen: Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in Lower Vertebrates. /Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in Birds. / Brain neurohumors and endocrine function.

Jorgensen, C. B & L, O. Larsen, Farner, D, S., F, E. Wilkson & A. Oksche, W. F. Ganong & L..

4,00 €
Jordan, Emil L: Short Course of spoken German.

Jordan, Emil L: Short Course of spoken German.

4,00 €
Bibel: Gott bleibt wahrhaftig.

Bibel: Gott bleibt wahrhaftig.

4,00 €
JESSEN, K. R., Mirsky, R., Hills, J. M: GAGAergic neurons in the vertebrate peripheral nervous system.

JESSEN, K. R., Mirsky, R., Hills, J. M: GAGAergic neurons in the vertebrate peripheral nervous..

4,00 €
Conrad, Joseph: Suspense. A Napoleonic novel.

Conrad, Joseph: Suspense. A Napoleonic novel.

182,00 €
Jamieson, G. A. & Tibor J. Greenwalt (Eds.): Blood substitutes and plasma expanders.

Jamieson, G. A. & Tibor J. Greenwalt (Eds.): Blood substitutes and plasma expanders.

4,00 €
James, William: Psychology.

James, William: Psychology.

80,00 €
James, Henry: The Pincess Casamassima.

James, Henry: The Pincess Casamassima.

6,00 €
James, Henry: Selected short stories.

James, Henry: Selected short stories.

8,00 €
Conrad, Jessie: Joseph Conrad and his circle.

Conrad, Jessie: Joseph Conrad and his circle.

26,00 €
Jakes, John: The Bastard.

Jakes, John: The Bastard.

4,00 €
JAEGER, C,. B., Ruggiereo, D.. A., Albert, V. R., Joh,m T. H., Reis, D. J: Immunocytochemical localization of aromatic-L-aminoacid decarboxylase.

JAEGER, C,. B., Ruggiereo, D.. A., Albert, V. R., Joh,m T. H., Reis, D. J: Immunocytochemical..

4,00 €
JABBUR, S. J., Saade, N. E: Interactions between dorsal column and ventral spinal inputs in somatosensory thalamocortical areas and in various brainstem nuclei in the cat- In Development, organization and processing in somatosensory pathways.

JABBUR, S. J., Saade, N. E: Interactions between dorsal column and ventral spinal inputs in..

4,00 €
Irving, Washington: Diedrich Knickerbockers humoristische Geschichte der Stadt New York.

Irving, Washington: Diedrich Knickerbockers humoristische Geschichte der Stadt New York.

4,00 €
Irving, John: Until I find You.

Irving, John: Until I find You.

7,00 €
Huntington, James Lincoln & Samuel Chamberlain: Forty Acres. The Story of the Bishop Huntington House.

Huntington, James Lincoln & Samuel Chamberlain: Forty Acres. The Story of the Bishop Huntington..

10,00 €
HUNTER-DUVAR, I. M: H-D & , Suzuki, M., Mount, R. J-. Anatomical changes in the organ of corti after acoustic stimulation., In New perspectives on noise-induced hearing loss., R. P. Hamermik, D. Henderson, R., Salvi (Eds.,)., Raven Press, New York 1982, p

HUNTER DUVAR, I. M: H D & , Suzuki, M., Mount, R. J . Anatomical changes in the organ of corti..

6,00 €
Huerta, M. F., Harting, J. K: The mammalian superior colliculus. Studies  on ist morphology and connections., In The comparative anatomy of the optic tectum. H. Venegas (Ed.).

Huerta, M. F., Harting, J. K: The mammalian superior colliculus. Studies on ist morphology and..

4,00 €
HSU, S. M., Raine, L: The use of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) in diagnostic and research pathology.

HSU, S. M., Raine, L: The use of avidin biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) in diagnostic and research..

4,00 €
Howe, Reuel L: The Creative Years.

Howe, Reuel L: The Creative Years.

4,00 €
Howald, Ernst: Gottfried Keller., Schweizer, Deutscher, Dichter, Weltbürger., Eine Historisch-Biographische Betrachtung.

Howald, Ernst: Gottfried Keller., Schweizer, Deutscher, Dichter, Weltbürger., Eine Historisch..

39,00 €