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KASSSER & OLIVEIRA-CASTRO: KASSER, R. J., Cheney, P. D., Double-barreled electrode for simultaneous iontophoresis and single unit recording during movement in awake monkeys. J. Neurosci. Methods 7, 235-23002 (1983)., Obr.,  [SD158].., // OLIVEIRA-CASTRO G

KASSSER & OLIVEIRA CASTRO: KASSER, R. J., Cheney, P. D., Double barreled electrode for simultaneous..

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KANEKO, T: KANEKO, T., Saeki, K., Lee, T., Mizuno, N., Improved retrograde axonal transport and subsequent visualization of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran amine by means of an acidic injection vehoicle and antibodies against TMR.  J. Neurosci. Methods

KANEKO, T: KANEKO, T., Saeki, K., Lee, T., Mizuno, N., Improved retrograde axonal transport and..

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KALIL, R. E: WEBER, A. J.,  Kalil, R. E., The percentage of interneurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate ucleus of the cat and observations in several variables that affect the sensitivity of HRP as a retrograde  marker., J. Comp Neurol., 220, 336-346 (1

KALIL, R. E: WEBER, A. J., Kalil, R. E., The percentage of interneurons in the dorsal lateral..

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KAHN, R.H: KAHN, R. H., Studien ueber die Innervation der Chromatophoren auf Grund gegensaetzlicher Giftwirkungen., Pfluegers Archiv 195, 337-360 (1922).,, Obr.,  [WES71].-.,// KAHN, R.H., Zur Frage nach der inneren Sekretion des chromaffinen Gewebes.  Ar

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KAAS, J. H: KAAS, J. H., Krubitzer, L. A., Johanson, K. L., Cortical connections of area 17 (V-I) anad 18 (V-II) of Squirrels., J. Comp. Neurol., 281,  426-446 (1989)., Obr.,  [WES116].,.,//  CUSICK, C. G., Kaas, J. H., Retinal projections in adult and ne

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JOZSA & VIDAL: JOZSA, L., Demel, S., Pinter, T., Renner, A., Reffy, A., Santha, A., Salamon, A., Immmunopathological  study on palmar aponeurosis in Dupuytren's disease., Acta Histochem. 83, 153-158 (1988)., Obr.,  [SD180]..,  // VIDAL, B. D. C., Vilarta,

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JIRIKOWSKI, G. F: JIRIKOWSKI, G. F., A non-surgical technique for accurate intracerebral injections in rat,. J. Neurosci. Methods 42, 115-118 (1992)., Obr.,  WES56].., //  MACIEJEWSKI-LENOIR, D., Jirikowski, G. F., Sanna, P.P., Bloom, F. E., Reduction of

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JEN, L. S: JEN, L. S., So, K. F., Woo, H. H. , An anterograde HRP study of the retinocollicular pathways in normal hamsters and hamsters with one eye enucleated at birth. Brain Res. 294, 169-173 (1984) , Obr., [SD12]. //  JEN, L. S., So, F.K., Yew, D. T.,

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JACQUIN, M. F: JACQUIN, M. F., Hu, J. W., Sessle, B. J., Renehan, W. E., Waite, P. M. E., Intra-axonal neurobiotin injection rapidly stains the ling-rainge projections of identified trigeminal primary afferents in vivbo. Comparison with HRP and PHA-L., J.

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JACOBOWITZ, D. M: KRESSE, A., Jacobowitz, D. M., Skofitsch, G., Detailed mapping of CGRP mRNA expression in the rat central nervous system. Comnparison with previous immunocytochemical findings. Brain Res Bull. 36, 261-274 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES58]..,//ARAI

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ITOH, K. & A., J.Lupin: ITOH, K., Nomura, S., Konishi, A., Yasui, Y., Sugimoto, T., Mizuno, N., A morphological evidence of direct connections from the cochlear nuclei to tensor tympani motoneurons in the cat.  A possible efferent limb to the acoustic mid

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GUNASEKAR: GUNASEKAR, P. G., Kanthasamy, A. G., Borowitz, J. L., Isom, G. E., Monitoring intracellular nitric oxide formation by dichlorofluorescein in neuronal cells. J. Neurosci. Methods 61, 15-21 (  1995) , Obr., [WES5].., // MILLS, E. M., Gunasekar, P

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IMBERT, M: BUISSERET, Pierre, Gary-Bobo, E., Imbert, M. , Plasticity in the Kitten's visual cortex. Effects of the suppression of visual experience upon the orientational properties of visual cortical cells. Developm. Brain Res. 300, 417-426 (1982) , Obr.

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ICHIKAWA, M: ICHIKAWA, M., Arissian, K.,  Asanuma, H., Reorganization of the projection from the sensory cortex to the motor cortex in cats., Golgi, electron microscope and degeneration study.-, Brain Res. 30037, 131-13001 (1987)., Obr.,  [SD202].., //  I

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HUNTER-DUVAR, I. M: H-D & , Suzuki, M., Mount, R. J-. Anatomical changes in the organ of corti after acoustic stimulation., In New perspectives on noise-induced hearing loss., R. P. Hamermik, D. Henderson, R., Salvi (Eds.,)., Raven Press, New York 1982, p

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HUCO &  MORLEY: HUCO, F., Der nikotinische Azetylcholinrezeptor (Ein Modellrezeptor in 3D)-, Neuroforum 1, 5-10 (1999), Obr-,  [SDG67].., //  MORLEY, B. J., Kemp, G. E.,  Characterization of a putative nicotinic acetlycholine receptor in mammalian brain.,

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HRYCYSHYN, A. W: HRYCYSHYN, A. W., Flumerfelt,. B. A., Anderson, W. A.-, A HRP study of the projections from the lateral reticular nucleus to the cerebellum  in the rat. Anat. Embryol. 165, 1-18 (1982)., Obr.,  [SD140]..,// FLUMERFELT, B. A., Kapogianis,

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HOSOYA, Y: HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the superior salivatory nucleus neurons in the rat. A study using anterograde autoradiuographic  and retrograde HRP methodfs. Brain Res. 266, 329-333 (1983)., Obr.,

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HOPKINS, D. A: HOPKINS, D. A., Gootman, P. M., DiRusso, S. M., Zeballos, M. E. , Brainstem cells of origin of the cervical vagus and cardiopulmonary nerves in the neonatal pig )Sus scrofa)., Brain Res. 306, 63-72 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES70]..,// HOPKINS, D. A

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Hollaender, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a projection from the striate cortex to the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate..

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HoeKFELT, T: FONTAINE, B., Klarsfeld, A.-, Hoekfelt, T., Changeux, J. P. , Calcitonin gene related peptide, a peptide present in spinal cord motoneurons, increases the number of acetylcholine receptors in primary cultures of chick embryo myotubes. Neurosc

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HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic system and the superior colliculus in pigmented and albino ferrets. Europ. J. Neurosci. 5, 486-500 (1993), Obr., [WES2] //   DISTLER, C., Weigel, H., Hoffm

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Hooekfelt, Tomas: In vitro studies on the central and peripheral monoamine neurons at the ultrastructural level. Z. Zellforsch. 91, 1-74 (1998). / Hoekfelt, Jonsson & Sachs. Fine structure and fluorescence morphology of adrenergic nerves after 6-hydroxydo

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HITCHCOCK, P. F: NAARENDORF, F., Hitchcock, P. F., Sieving, P. A., Dopaminergic modulation of rod pathway signals does not affect the scotopic ERG of cat at dark-adapted threshold. J. Neurophysiol. 70, 1681-1691 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES63].., // HITCHCOCK, P.

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