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MARIANI, J: M. &  Changeux, J.P., Ontogenesis of olivocerebellar relationships. II. Spontaneous activity of inferior olivary neurons and climbing fiber-mediated activity of cerebellar purkinje cells in developing rats. J. Neurosci. 1, 703-709 (1981)., Obr

MARIANI, J: M. & Changeux, J.P., Ontogenesis of olivocerebellar relationships. II. Spontaneous..

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MARCHAND, R: AUCLAIR, F., Belanger, M. C., Marchand, R., Ontogenetic study of early brain stem projections to the spinal cord in the rat. Brain Res. Bull. 30, 281-289 (1993) , Obr., [WES5]. ./ // POIRIER, L. J., M. Giguere, R. Marchand, Comparative morpho

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MANTEUFFEL, G: MANTEUFFEL, G., The accessory optic system of the newt, Triturus cristatus, Unitary response properties from the basal optic neuropil., Brain Behav. Evolut., 21, 175-1934 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES81].., // MANTEUFFEL, G., Monocualr and binocular

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MANSFELD, G: MANSFELD, G., Hecht, K., Kovacs, A., ueber die Gueltigkeit des Alles-oder-nichts-Gesetzes der Erregung. IV. Experimenteller Teil, Histologischer Teil,  Pfluegers Archic 227, 788-796 (1931)., Obr.,  [WES81].., //  MANSFELD, G., Hecht, K., Kova

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MANDEL & SPOERRI: ROBERT, J., Rebel, G., Mandel, P., Utilization of polysaturated fatty acid supplements by cultures neuroblastoma cells,  J. Neurochem., 30, 543-548 (1978)., Obr.,  [SD197]. // SPOERRI, P. E. , Effects of gangliosides on the in vitro deve

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MANCINI, BROOKS& KueSTER: MANCINI, P., Lotti, L. V., Pascale, M. C., Bonatti,  S., Torrisi, M. R., Surface distribution and partition during freeze-fracture of CD8 antigens on human lymphocytes and on epithelial transfected cells., Histochemistry 102, 51-

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MAEDA, T: NAKAJIMA, J., Saito, N., Kaini, K., Maeda, T., Morphologic analysis of rat retinocollicular neuron  terminals containing monoamine oxidase. Brain Res, Bull. 3000, 209-217 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES63].. // NAGAI, T., Satoh, K., Imamoto, K., Maeda, T.,

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LUITEN, P. G. M: TER HORST, G. J., Groenewegen, H. J., Karst, H., Luiten, P. G. M., Phaseolus vulgaris leuci-agglutinin immunohistochemistry. A comparison between autoradiographic and lectin tracing of neuronal efferents. Brain Res. 307, 379-383 (1984).,

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LOEFFLER &  FLIRSKI: LOEFFLER, D. A., DeMaggio, A. J., Juneau, P. L., Brickman, C. M., Mashour, G. A., Finkelman, J. H., Pomara, N., LeWitt, P. A., Ceruloplasmin is increased in the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease but not Parkinson's disease.

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LIPP, H. P: JOUANDET, M. L., Garey, L. J., Lipp, H. P., Distribution of cells of origin of the corpus callosum and anterior commissure in the marmoset monkey. Anat. Embryol. 169, 3005-59 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES82]..,.,// KELLER, F., Lipp, H. P.-, Waser, P. G

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LINKE, R: LINKE, R., Schwegler, H., Boldyreva, M.-, Cholinergic and  GABaergic septo-hippiocampal projectin neurons in mice. A retrograde tracing study combined with double immunocytochemistry for cholne acetyltransferase and parvalbumin., Brain Res. 653,

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LIESI & DAHL: LIESI, P., Julien, J., P., Vilja, P., Grosveld, F., Richard, L., Specific detection of neuronal cell bodies. In situ hybridization with a biotin labeled neurofilament cDNA probe. J. Hisctochem. Cytochem,. 34, 923-926 (1986)., Obr., [SD17].,

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LIEBERMAN, A. R: VAUDANO, E., Campbell, G., Anderson, P. N., Davies, A. P., Woolhead, C., Schreyer, D. J., Lieberman, A. R., The effects of a lesion or a peripheral nerve graft on GAP-43 upregulation in the adult rat brain. An in situ hybridization and im

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LIBERMAN, M. C: WARREN, E. H., Liberman, M. C., Effects of contralateral sound on auditory nerve responses. I. Dependence on stimulus variables., Hearing Res. 37, 105-122 (1989)., Obr.,    [WES112],, // WARREN, E. H., Liberman, M. C., Effects of contralat

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LEWIS-CARL,  MOOS, KASPER,   LINDEMAN: KASPER, M., Noll., F., 2-bromo-1-naphthol - a novel chromogen for the immunoperoxidase technique in immunhistochemistry. Acta Histochem. Suppl-.. 35, 69-75 (1988)., Obr-,  [SD158].. //  LINDEMAN, J., Gisse, H,. von,

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LEVINE, M. S: PHELPS, P. E., Adinolfi, A,. M., Levine, M. S., Development of the kitten substantia nigra. A rapid golgi study of the early postnatal period., Developm. Brain Res., 10, 1-19 (1989., Obr.,  [WES62]..,// WAKEFIELD, C. L., Levine, M. S., Early

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LEVIN, B. E: LEVIN, B. E., Martin, B. F-., Natelson, B. N., Basal sympatho--adrenal funcftion in quadriplegic man. J. Autonom. nervous System 2, 327-336 (1980)., Obr.,  [SD195]..

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LEICHNETZ, G. R: CARLTON., S. M.-, Leichnetz, G. R., Young, E. G., Mayer, D. J., A transcannula method for subcortical HRP gel implants. Inferior  olive afferents in the rat. Brain Res. Bull., 8, 581-585 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES102]..,// CARLTON, S. M., Leich

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LEE, H. S: LEE, I. S., Nam, Y. S . Lee, C. H., Chung, D. W., Lee, H. S., The enhanced expression of c jun..

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LEAKE-JONES & ROMAND: LEAKE-JONES, P. A., Snyder, R. L., Uptake and transport of HRP by chochlear spiral ganglion neurons., Hearing Res. 8, 199-223 (1982)., Obr.,  WES31].., //.

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LAYER, P. G: LAYER, P. G., Vollmer, G., Kotz, S., Selective uptake of lucifer yellow into different cell populations of the developing chicken retina., Neurosci,. Letters 35, 239-23005 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES30].// LAYER, P. G., Kotz, S., Asymmetrical develo

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LAWRENTJEW, B. J: LAWRENTJEW, B. J., ueber die Erscheinungen der Degeneration und Regeneration im sympathischen Nervensystem.  Z. Mikr. Anat. Forsch. 2, 201-223 (1925)., Obr.  [WES29]., // LAWRENTJEW, B. J., Borowskaja, A. J., Die Degeneration der postgan

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LAVAIL, J. H: LAVAIL, J. H., Sugino, I. K., Localization of axonally transported label in chick retinal ganglion cell axons after intravitreal injections of WGA conjugated to HRP., Brain Res. 304, 59-69 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES30]. / LAVAIL, J. H., Margolis,

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LAUTERBRORG & PONGRAC: LAUTERBORG, J. CV., Bizon, J. L., Tran, T. M. D., Gall, C. M., NGF mRNA is expressed by GABAergic but not cholinergic neurons in rat basal forebrain., J. Comnp. Neurol., 360, -30062 (1995)., Obr.,  [SD10300]..,//  PONGRAC, J.

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LANDRY, P: LANDRY, P., Villemure, J., Deschenes, M., Geometry and orientation of thalamocortical arborizations in the cat somatosensory cortex as revealed by computer econstruction., Brain Res. 237, 222-226 (1982)., Orb.,  [WES30]. // LANDRY., P., Diadfor

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LANDIS, S. C: LANDIS, S. C., Freudieu, J. R., Coexistence of calcitonin gene-related peptide and vasoacitve intestinal peptide  in cholinergic sympethetic inervation of rat sweat glands., Brain Res. 2377, 177-181 (1986)., Orb.,  [WES30]. // LANDIS, S. C.,

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LAMOUR, Y: LAMOUR, Y.,  Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Cortical projections to the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca and of the substantia innominata in the rat. An anatomical study using the anterograde transport of a conjugate of WGA and HRP., Neuroscience

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