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780 Artikel gefunden


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Villatte, Césare: Taschenwoerterbuch der franzoesischen und deutschen Sprache. I. Franzoesisch - de.

Villatte, Césare: Taschenwoerterbuch der franzoesischen und deutschen Sprache. I. Franzoesisch..

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VENTIMIGLIA, R: VENTIMIGLIA, R., Jones, B. E., Moller,  A., A quantitative method for morphometric analysis in neuronal cell culture. Unbiases estimation of neuron area and number of branch points., J. Neurosci, ethods 57, 63-66 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES93]..,

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Van Stockum, T. C. & J. van Dam: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. I. Von den Anfaengen bis zum Achtzehnten Jahrhundert.

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Van der Klei, Jac. & J. B., Ubink: Het Ruisende Woud. Leesboek voor de langere School.

Van der Klei, Jac. & J. B., Ubink: Het Ruisende Woud. Leesboek voor de langere School.

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UPDYKE, B. V: UPDYKE, B. V., Organization of visual corticostriatal projections in the cat, with observations on visual projections to claustrum and amygdala. J. Comp. Neurol, 327, 159-163 (1993)., Obr.-,  [WES80]..,// UPDYKE, B. V., Projections from visu

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ULFHAKE. N: ULFHAKE, B., Cullheim, S., Hoekfelt, T., Visser, T. J., The combined use of immunohistochemistry and intracellular staining with HRP for light and electron microscopic studies of transmitter--identified inputs to functionally characterized neu

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Green, Carla B., & J. C,. Besharse: Trypophan hydroxylase expression is regulated by a circadian clock in Xenopus laevis retina.

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CHAPMAN, B., Stryker, M.P: Development of orientation selectivity in ferrret visual cortex and effects of deprivation. J.

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Strauss, J. B: Muir Woods. National Monument.

Strauss, J. B: Muir Woods. National Monument.

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Shammah-Lagnado, S. J., N. Negrado, B. A.Silva & J. A. Ricardo: Afferent connections of the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis. A HRP study in the rat.

Shammah Lagnado, S. J., N. Negrado, B. A.Silva & J. A. Ricardo: Afferent connections of the nuclei..

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Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir.

Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir.

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Spectaculum: Spectaculum 42. Sechs moderne Theaterstuecke. H. Achternbusch – V. Braun, E..

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Sorensen, J.C., I. Dalmau, J. Zimmer & B. Finsen: Microglial reactions to retrograde degeneration of tracer-identified thalamic neurons after frontal sensorimotor cortex lesions in adult rats.

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Snell, J. B: Schoene Eisenbahnen.

Snell, J. B: Schoene Eisenbahnen.

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Schnitzler, Arthur: Reigen. Zehn Dialoge geschrieben Winter 1896-1897.

Schnitzler, Arthur: Reigen. Zehn Dialoge geschrieben Winter 1896-1897.

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Schmidt, Ferdinand: Woelde Hejde. Zweiter Trieb.,  Gereimtes u. Ungereimtes in der Mundart des Jeschken- u. Isergebirges v. Ferdinand Schmidt.

Schmidt, Ferdinand: Woelde Hejde. Zweiter Trieb., Gereimtes u. Ungereimtes in der Mundart des..

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ANDERSON, K. J., Maley, B., Scheff, S. W: Immuncytochemical localization of Gamma-aminobutyric acid in the rat hippocampal formation.

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ROBERTSON, H. A: HOOPER, M. L., Chiasson, B. J., Robertson, H. A. , Infusion into the brain of an antisense oligonucleotide to the immediate-early gene c-fos supresses production of Fos and produces a behavioral effect. Neuroscience 63, 917-92300 (1994) ,

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Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 41.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 40.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 36.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

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Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 35.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.).: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 37. Ophthalmic Microsurgery.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.). 2: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 4.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.). 2: Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 39.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 38. Anti-Herpesvirus Chemotherapy. Experimental and clinical aspects-..

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rober-Hall, M. J-,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der Augenheilkunde. 34.

Rober Hall, M. J ,. H. Sautter & E. B. Streiff (Eds.): Advances in Ophthalmology. Fortschritte der..

16,00 €
Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XVIII (1954).

Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XVIII..

26,00 €
Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XVII. (1953).

Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XVII..

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Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XVI. (1952).

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Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XIV (1950).

Rhine, J. B., J. G. Pratt & Betty M. Humphrey (Eds.): The Journal of Parapsychology . Vol., XIV..

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