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HRYCYSHYN, A. W: HRYCYSHYN, A. W., Flumerfelt,. B. A., Anderson, W. A.-, A HRP study of the projections from the lateral reticular nucleus to the cerebellum  in the rat. Anat. Embryol. 165, 1-18 (1982)., Obr.,  [SD140]..,// FLUMERFELT, B. A., Kapogianis,

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HOSOYA, Y: HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the superior salivatory nucleus neurons in the rat. A study using anterograde autoradiuographic  and retrograde HRP methodfs. Brain Res. 266, 329-333 (1983)., Obr.,

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HOPKINS, D. A: HOPKINS, D. A., Gootman, P. M., DiRusso, S. M., Zeballos, M. E. , Brainstem cells of origin of the cervical vagus and cardiopulmonary nerves in the neonatal pig )Sus scrofa)., Brain Res. 306, 63-72 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES70]..,// HOPKINS, D. A

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Hollaender, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a projection from the striate cortex to the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate..

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