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1.436 Artikel gefunden


Converse, John Marquis: Fourth tissue homotransplantation conference.

Converse, John Marquis: Fourth tissue homotransplantation conference.

12,00 €
Converse, John Marquis & Blair Oakley Rogers: Fifth tissue homotransplantation conference.

Converse, John Marquis & Blair Oakley Rogers: Fifth tissue homotransplantation conference.

12,00 €
Converse, John M., Balir O. Rogers & Felix T. Rapaport: Sixth international transplantation conference.,  I.

Converse, John M., Balir O. Rogers & Felix T. Rapaport: Sixth international transplantation..

16,00 €
Cob, Jewel Plummer: The comparative cytological effects of several alkylating agents on human normal and neoplastic cells in tissue culture.

Cob, Jewel Plummer: The comparative cytological effects of several alkylating agents on human..

4,00 €
Bery, Joe LK: Effects of maonate on growthrate of Salmonella typhimurium in mice.

Bery, Joe LK: Effects of maonate on growthrate of Salmonella typhimurium in mice.

4,00 €
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von & Felix D. Bertalanffy: A new method for cytological diagnosis of pulmonary cancer.

Bertalanffy, Ludwig von & Felix D. Bertalanffy: A new method for cytological diagnosis of pulmonary..

4,00 €
McClelland, James L: Distributed models of cognitive processes, Application to learning and memory.

McClelland, James L: Distributed models of cognitive processes, Application to learning and memory.

4,00 €
MCGEER, P. L., McGeer, E. G., Peng, J. H: The cholinergic system of the brain.

MCGEER, P. L., McGeer, E. G., Peng, J. H: The cholinergic system of the brain.

4,00 €
CRUTCHER, K. A., Tolar, M., Harmony, J. A. K., Marques, M. A: A new  hypothesis for the role of apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's disease pathology.

CRUTCHER, K. A., Tolar, M., Harmony, J. A. K., Marques, M. A: A new hypothesis for the role of..

4,00 €
Steele, William O: Flaming Arrows.

Steele, William O: Flaming Arrows.

6,00 €
Speare, Edmund: The pocket book of short stories., American, englisch and continental masterpieces.

Speare, Edmund: The pocket book of short stories., American, englisch and continental masterpieces.

6,00 €
De Felitta, Frank: Sea Trial.

De Felitta, Frank: Sea Trial.

16,00 €
Young, G.F: The Medici.

Young, G.F: The Medici.

26,00 €
Wilde, Oscar: The picture of Dorian Gray.

Wilde, Oscar: The picture of Dorian Gray.

4,00 €
Wachtturm: Gott bleibt wahrhaftig.

Wachtturm: Gott bleibt wahrhaftig.

4,00 €
Bosworth, Sheila: Slow poison.

Bosworth, Sheila: Slow poison.

6,00 €
Higgins Clark, Mary: Moonlight becomes you.

Higgins Clark, Mary: Moonlight becomes you.

4,00 €
Pedersen, B. Martin [Publisher]: T-Shirt Design 2. An International Compilation of the Best in T-shirt Design. Eine internationale Zusammenstellung der besten T-Shirt Designs. Une compilation internationale des meilleurs Tee-Shirts.

Pedersen, B. Martin [Publisher]: T Shirt Design 2. An International Compilation of the Best in T..

10,00 €
Tronick, E., H, Als & T,B. Brazelton: Early dvelopmentv of neonatal and infant behavior.

Tronick, E., H, Als & T,B. Brazelton: Early dvelopmentv of neonatal and infant behavior.

6,00 €
Tierney, Hanne: Bei und in New York.

Tierney, Hanne: Bei und in New York.

9,00 €
Tanner, J. M: A concise history of growth studies from Buffon to Boas.

Tanner, J. M: A concise history of growth studies from Buffon to Boas.

16,00 €
Friedberg, Maurice: Why they left.  A survey of Sowjet Jewish Emirants.

Friedberg, Maurice: Why they left. A survey of Sowjet Jewish Emirants.

9,00 €
Steinbeck, John: Of mice and men.

Steinbeck, John: Of mice and men.

4,00 €
Kapit, Wynn & Lawrence M. Elson: The anatomy coloring book.

Kapit, Wynn & Lawrence M. Elson: The anatomy coloring book.

4,00 €
Silber, Irwin & Fred Silber: Folksingers Wordbook.

Silber, Irwin & Fred Silber: Folksingers Wordbook.

12,00 €
Sears William & Martha Sears: The baby book.

Sears William & Martha Sears: The baby book.

7,00 €
Scott, J.P: Critical periods in organizational processes.

Scott, J.P: Critical periods in organizational processes.

6,00 €
Schulte, F.J: Developmental aspects of the neural control of breathing.

Schulte, F.J: Developmental aspects of the neural control of breathing.

16,00 €
Rustin, Randall: Natural language processing.

Rustin, Randall: Natural language processing.

26,00 €
Ripley, Dillon S. (Ed.): Der Amerikanische Impressionismus.

Ripley, Dillon S. (Ed.): Der Amerikanische Impressionismus.

8,00 €
Rescher, Nicholas: Introduction to logic.

Rescher, Nicholas: Introduction to logic.

36,00 €
Reichenbach, Hans: Elements of symbolic logic.

Reichenbach, Hans: Elements of symbolic logic.

72,00 €
Redfield, James & Carol Adrienne: The tenth insight. Holding the vision. An experiental guide.

Redfield, James & Carol Adrienne: The tenth insight. Holding the vision. An experiental guide.

6,00 €
Rabinowicz, T: The differentiate maturation of the human cerebral cortex.

Rabinowicz, T: The differentiate maturation of the human cerebral cortex.

26,00 €
Queen, Ellery: The origin of evil.

Queen, Ellery: The origin of evil.

4,00 €
Pearman, Phil (Ed.): Dear editor.. Letters to time magazine 1923-1984.

Pearman, Phil (Ed.): Dear editor.. Letters to time magazine 1923-1984.

12,00 €
Niven, Jennifer: All the bright places.

Niven, Jennifer: All the bright places.

16,00 €
Murphy, Raymond: Basic grammar in use. Reference and practice for studens of English.

Murphy, Raymond: Basic grammar in use. Reference and practice for studens of English.

19,00 €
Müller, J: Aus Italien. Reise-Skizzen.

Müller, J: Aus Italien. Reise-Skizzen.

26,00 €
Mühlbach, L: Frederick the Great and his family., An historical novel.

Mühlbach, L: Frederick the Great and his family., An historical novel.

26,00 €
Mitchell, David: Slade house.

Mitchell, David: Slade house.

4,00 €
Martin, Bill & John Archambault: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom..

Martin, Bill & John Archambault: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom..

7,00 €
Malcolm, Laurence: Protein-energy malnutrition and growth.

Malcolm, Laurence: Protein-energy malnutrition and growth.

6,00 €
MacInnes, Helen: Agent in Place.

MacInnes, Helen: Agent in Place.

4,00 €
Mac Kinnon, Pamela C,.B: Sexual differentiation of the brain.

Mac Kinnon, Pamela C,.B: Sexual differentiation of the brain.

9,00 €
Lynch, Gary & Christine Gall: Organization and reorganization of the central nervous system. Evolving concepts of brain plasticity.,.

Lynch, Gary & Christine Gall: Organization and reorganization of the central nervous system..

16,00 €
Lilienthal, David E: Die Tennessee-Stromtal-Verwaltung. Ein Beispiel lebendiger Demokratie.

Lilienthal, David E: Die Tennessee-Stromtal-Verwaltung. Ein Beispiel lebendiger Demokratie.

4,00 €
Leinwand, Gerald: The Negro in the City.

Leinwand, Gerald: The Negro in the City.

4,00 €
Lehnartz, Klaus: New York. Mit einer Einleitung von Fred Huck.

Lehnartz, Klaus: New York. Mit einer Einleitung von Fred Huck.

6,00 €
Yahr, Melvin D., & Dominick P. Purpura: Neurophysiological basis of normal and abnormal motor activities.

Yahr, Melvin D., & Dominick P. Purpura: Neurophysiological basis of normal and abnormal motor..

12,00 €
Ebon, Martin: Svetlana. The story of Stalin’s daughter.

Ebon, Martin: Svetlana. The story of Stalin’s daughter.

26,00 €
Kalish, Donald & Richard Montague: Logic. Techniques of formal reasoning.

Kalish, Donald & Richard Montague: Logic. Techniques of formal reasoning.

56,00 €
Bibel: Neue-Welt-Übersetzung der Christlichen Griechischen Schriften.

Bibel: Neue-Welt-Übersetzung der Christlichen Griechischen Schriften.

4,00 €
Johnson, Michael D: Human Biology. Concepts and current issues.

Johnson, Michael D: Human Biology. Concepts and current issues.

62,00 €
Jelliffe, Derrick B,. & E.F. Patrice Jelliffe: Nutrition., Epidemiological considerations.

Jelliffe, Derrick B,. & E.F. Patrice Jelliffe: Nutrition., Epidemiological considerations.

6,00 €
INOUE, S., Honda, K., Komoda, Y: Sleep-promoting substances.  Sleep. Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. A. Wauquier et al (Eds.).

INOUE, S., Honda, K., Komoda, Y: Sleep promoting substances. Sleep. Neurotransmitters and..

4,00 €
Huntington, Harriet E: Let’s go to the seashore.

Huntington, Harriet E: Let’s go to the seashore.

6,00 €
Howe, Irving: The basic writings of Trotsky,.

Howe, Irving: The basic writings of Trotsky,.

16,00 €
Harden, Blaine: Escape from camp 14. One man’s remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West.

Harden, Blaine: Escape from camp 14. One man’s remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to freedom in..

4,00 €
Hackett, John: The third world war.  A future history.

Hackett, John: The third world war. A future history.

6,00 €
Gardener, Martin: Martin Gardener’s new mathematical diversions from Scientific American.

Gardener, Martin: Martin Gardener’s new mathematical diversions from Scientific American.

6,00 €
Francis, Dick: For Kicks.

Francis, Dick: For Kicks.

4,00 €
Fowler, Karen Joy: We are all completely beside ourself.

Fowler, Karen Joy: We are all completely beside ourself.

6,00 €
Eveleth, Phyllis B: Population differences in growth. Environmental and genetic factors.

Eveleth, Phyllis B: Population differences in growth. Environmental and genetic factors.

6,00 €
Escalona, Sibylle &  Grace Moore Heider: Prediction and outcome. A study in child development.

Escalona, Sibylle & Grace Moore Heider: Prediction and outcome. A study in child development.

9,00 €
Marsh, Ngaio: When in Rome.

Marsh, Ngaio: When in Rome.

4,00 €
Dreyfus-Brisac, C: Ontogenesis of brain bioelectrical activity and sleep organization in neonates and infants.

Dreyfus Brisac, C: Ontogenesis of brain bioelectrical activity and sleep organization in neonates..

26,00 €
Disney, Walt: Dumbo and the magic Feather., A book about confidence.

Disney, Walt: Dumbo and the magic Feather., A book about confidence.

4,00 €
Denes, Peter B. & Elliot M. Pinson: The speech chain., The physics and biology of spoken language.

Denes, Peter B. & Elliot M. Pinson: The speech chain., The physics and biology of spoken language.

32,00 €
Cravioto, Jaquin & Elsa R. DeLicadie: Nutrition, mental development and learning.

Cravioto, Jaquin & Elsa R. DeLicadie: Nutrition, mental development and learning.

16,00 €
Chandler, Jean: The poky little Puppys Naughty day.

Chandler, Jean: The poky little Puppys Naughty day.

6,00 €
Calloway, Doris Howes: Human ecology in space  flight.

Calloway, Doris Howes: Human ecology in space flight.

9,00 €
Cahill, Georg F. & Aldo A,. Rossini: Nutrition. Obesity,.

Cahill, Georg F. & Aldo A,. Rossini: Nutrition. Obesity,.

4,00 €
Brown, Horatio F: The Venetian printing press. An historical study based upon documents for the most part hitherto unpublished.

Brown, Horatio F: The Venetian printing press. An historical study based upon documents for the..

142,00 €
Brandt, Ingeborg: Patterns of early neurological development.

Brandt, Ingeborg: Patterns of early neurological development.

16,00 €
Bown, Jane: Women of Consequence., Introduction by Suzanne Lowry.

Bown, Jane: Women of Consequence., Introduction by Suzanne Lowry.

32,00 €
Franz, Peter: Soziologie der räumlichen Mobilität. Eine Einführung.

Franz, Peter: Soziologie der räumlichen Mobilität. Eine Einführung.

51,00 €
Kerstiens, Thom: The New Elite in Asia and Africa. A comparative Study of Indonesia and Ghana. Thèse [Diss.], Univ. de Fribourg/CH. 1964.

Kerstiens, Thom: The New Elite in Asia and Africa. A comparative Study of Indonesia and Ghana..

14,00 €
Kästner, Gottfried: Das Kursdreieck Berlin-London-New York 1924-1930.

Kästner, Gottfried: Das Kursdreieck Berlin-London-New York 1924-1930.

15,00 €
Hawtrey, R.G: Cross purposes in wage policy. Preface.

Hawtrey, R.G: Cross purposes in wage policy. Preface.

9,00 €
Cersowsky, Peter: Schillers Räuber und Shakespeares Timon von Athen. Sonderdruck aus: arcadia. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Band 25 1990, Heft 2.

Cersowsky, Peter: Schillers Räuber und Shakespeares Timon von Athen. Sonderdruck aus: arcadia..

9,00 €
Angell, James W: Financial Foreign Policy of the United States. A Report to the Second International Studies Conference on The State and Economic Life, London, May 29 to June 2, 1933. Prepared for the American Comittee appointed by The Council on Foreign

Angell, James W: Financial Foreign Policy of the United States. A Report to the Second..

12,00 €
Anderson Galleries: Anderson Galleries, New York: Colonial Furniture, the superb collection of Mr. Francis Hill Bigelow of Cambridge, Mass. [Part one]. Sale number 1795 on public exhibition from Saturday, January twelfth. With 167 numbers.

Anderson Galleries: Anderson Galleries, New York: Colonial Furniture, the superb collection of Mr..

34,00 €
Fashion. The Inside Story. Diamonstein, Barbaralee

Fashion. The Inside Story. Diamonstein, Barbaralee

18,00 €
Utopia ist (k)ein Ausweg. Zur Lage von Frauen in Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst. Herausgegeben von Ayla Neusel und Helga Voth.

Utopia ist (k)ein Ausweg. Zur Lage von Frauen in Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst. Herausgegeben von..

10,00 €
Soziale Netzwerke. Keupp, Heiner [Hrsg.]

Soziale Netzwerke. Keupp, Heiner [Hrsg.]

35,00 €
Alternative Öffentlichkeit. Die Erfahrungsproduktion neuer sozialer Bewegungen. Stamm, Karl-Heinz

Alternative Öffentlichkeit. Die Erfahrungsproduktion neuer sozialer Bewegungen. Stamm, Karl-Heinz

28,00 €
Home Orchid Growing. Northen, Rebecca Tyson

Home Orchid Growing. Northen, Rebecca Tyson

24,00 €
Organisationssoziologie. Endruweit, Günter

Organisationssoziologie. Endruweit, Günter

10,00 €
From a Wooden Canoe. Reflections on Canoeing, Camping and Classic Equipment. Dennis, Jerry

From a Wooden Canoe. Reflections on Canoeing, Camping and Classic Equipment. Dennis, Jerry

16,00 €
Plautus, Titus Maccius.: Plauti Truculentus. Cum prolegomenis, notis criticis, commentario exegetico. Ed. P. J. [Petrus Johannes] Enk. REPRINT of the 1953 ed. published by A. W. Sijthoff, Leyden.  2 vols (in 1).

Plautus, Titus Maccius.: Plauti Truculentus. Cum prolegomenis, notis criticis, commentario..

85,00 €
Earp, F. [Frank] R: The style of Sophocles. (REPRINT der Ausgabe 1944).

Earp, F. [Frank] R: The style of Sophocles. (REPRINT der Ausgabe 1944).

25,00 €
Denniston, J. [John] D. (Bearb.): Greek literary criticism. (Edited by Ernest Barker. REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1924).

Denniston, J. [John] D. (Bearb.): Greek literary criticism. (Edited by Ernest Barker. REPRINT der..

18,00 €
Coleman, Dorothy S. / Coleman, Elizabeth A. / Coleman, Evelyn J: The collector's encyclopedia of dolls.

Coleman, Dorothy S. / Coleman, Elizabeth A. / Coleman, Evelyn J: The collector's encyclopedia of..

45,00 €
Buhler, Michael: Tin Toys 1945-1975. Photographs by Ian Hessenberg.

Buhler, Michael: Tin Toys 1945-1975. Photographs by Ian Hessenberg.

15,00 €
[Wandle, Jennie Taylor]: Masquerade and carnival, their customs and costumes. Revised and enlarged.

[Wandle, Jennie Taylor]: Masquerade and carnival, their customs and costumes. Revised and enlarged.

120,00 €
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