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Suche: konvolut
SANDERSON, K. J: SHAMEEM, N., Sanderson, K., J. , Dreher, B., Claustral afferents to the rat's..
5,00 €
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SAKANAKA, M: MATSUDA, S., Wen, T. C., Morita, F., Otsuka, H., Igase, K., Yoshimura, H., Sakanaka..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
SAINT CYR, J. A: TEHOVNIK, E. J., Spence, S. J., Saint Cyr, J. A., Efferent projection s of the..
4,00 €
Aus dem Merkzettel
Auf den Merkzettel
Ryvlin., Normann, Baumgarten, Lueders: RYVLIN., P., Montavont, A., Kahane, P., Sudden unexpected..
7,00 €
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RYUGO, D. K: RYUGO, D. K., May, S. K., The projections of intracellularly labeled auditory nerve..
5,00 €
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Kane, E.C: Octopus cells in the cochlear nucleus oft he cat. Heteropopic synapses upon homotopic..
6,00 €
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RUSTIONI, A: FYFFE, R. E. W., Cheema, S. S., Light, A. R., Rustioni, A., The organization of..
6,00 €
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RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift the mammalian..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RUBEL, E. W: RUBEL, E. W., Smith, Z. D. J., Steward, O. , Sprouting of avian brainstem auditory..
9,00 €
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ROVAINEN, C. M: ROVAINEN, C. M., Regeneration of Mueller and Mauther Axons after spinal transection..
8,00 €
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ROUILLER, E. M: ROUILLER, E. M., De Ribaupierre, F. , Origin of afferents to physiologically..
6,00 €
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ROTHLIN, E: ROTHLIN, E., The parmacology of the natural and dohydrogenated alkaloids of Ergot..
7,00 €
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ROSS, H. G: KENNEDY, P. D., Ross, H. G., X ray controlled implantation of the brain stem. J..
5,00 €
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ROSINA, A: ROSINA, A., Provini, L., Pontocerebellar system linking the two hemispheres by..
5,00 €
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ROSENE, D. L: KOSEL, K. C., G. W. Van Hoesen, D. L. Rosene , A direct projection from the..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROSENBERG, H: ROSENBERG, H. Untersuchungen ueber Nervenaktionsstroeme. II. Aktionsstroeme bei..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROSEN & KIMURA: ROSEN, S. D., L selectin and ist biological ligands. Histochemistry 100, 185 1991..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROHEN, J. W: ROHEN, J. W., Luetjen Drecoll, E., Biology of the trabecular meshwork.,, In Basic..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RODRIGUEZ, E. M: Ependymal specializations. II. Ultrastructural aspects of the apical secretion of..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RODRIGO ANGULO, M. L: RODRIGO ANGULO, M. L., Reinoso Suarez, F., Cerebellar projections to the..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROCKLAND, K. S: ROCKLAND, K. S., Morphology of individual axons projecting from Area V2 to MT in..
6,00 €
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ROBERTSON, R. T: OH, L. J. , Kim, G., Yu, J., Robertson, R. T., Transneuronal degeneration of..
7,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROBERTSON, H. A: HOOPER, M. L., Chiasson, B. J., Robertson, H. A. , Infusion into the brain of an..
5,00 €
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ROBERTSON, D: ROBERTSON, D.,, Winter, I,. M., Cochlear nucleus inputs to olivocochlear neurons..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ROBERTS & PLATT: ROBERTS, W. M., Howard, J., Hudspeth, A. J., Hair cells. Transduction, tuding, and..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RHOADES, R. W: RHOADES, R. W., Wall, J. T., Chiaia, N. L ., Bennett Clarke, C. A., Killackey, H..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
REUSS, S: KAWANO, H., Decker, K., Reuss, S., Is there a direct retina raphe suprachiasmatic nucleus..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
Retina: Helga Kolb, The architectur of functional neural circuits in th vertebrate retina. The..
4,00 €
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REINOSO SUAREZ, F: AMER FERRER, G., Reinoso Suarez, F., Projections from the 17/18 visual area..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
REICHENBACH, A: NEWMAN, E., Reichenbach, A., The Mueller cell. A functional element of the retina..
5,00 €
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REESE, B. E: REESE, B. E., Cowey, A. Projection lines and the ipsilateral retino geniculate pathway..
9,00 €
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REEP, R. L: REEP, R. L., Winans, S. S. Afferent connections of dorsal and ventral agranular insular..
5,00 €
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READER, T. A: READER, T. A., Jasper, H. H., Interactions between monoamines and other transmitters..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAWSON, J. A: RAWSON, J. A., Tiloksukulachi, K.,Repetitive firing of cerebellar purkinje cells in..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAWLINGSON, H. E: The changes in the cells of the striated ducts of the Cat's submaxillary gland..
7,00 €
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RAUSCHECKER, J. P: RAUSCHECKER, J. P., Kniepert, U., Auditory localization behavior in visually..
7,00 €
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RASCHER, K: MESTRES, P., Rascher, K., Effects of monosodium glutamate on the development of..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAPOPORT, S. I: WAKABAYASHI, S., L. M. Freed, M. Chang, S. I. Rapoport , In vivo imaging of brain..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAMIREZ, J. M: TRIYINO, A., Ramirez, J. M., Salazar, J. J., Ramirez, A. I., Garcia Sabchez, J..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAKIC, P: KOMURO, H., Rakic, P., Dynamics of granule cell migration. A confocal microscopic study..
5,00 €
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RAISMAN, G: LI, D., Dield, P. M , Raisman, G., Failure of axon regeneration in postnatal rat..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
RAAP, A. K: MACVILLE, M. V. E., Van Dorp, A. G. M., Wiesmeijer, K. C., Dirks, R. W., Fransen, J..
5,00 €
Aus dem Merkzettel
Auf den Merkzettel
QUARONI, A: QUARONI, A.,, Kirsch, K., Herscovics, A., Isselbacher, K. J., Surface membrane..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PURVES, D: PURVES, D., Voyvodic, J. T., Magrassi, L. , Yawo, H., Nerve terminal remodeling..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PUJOL, R: REBILLARD, M., Pujol, R. ,Innervation of the Chicken basilar papilla during its..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PUEL, J. L: PUEL, J. L., Bobbin, R. P., Fallon, M., The active process is affected first by intense..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
Price, J. L. & T. P. S. Powell: An experimental study of the origin and the course of the..
4,00 €
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PRICE, D. J: PRICE, D. J., Aslam, AS., Tasker, L., Gillies, K., Fates of the earliest generated..
7,00 €
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PRECHT, W: KING, W. N., Precht, W., Dieringer, N., Connections of behaviorally identified Cat..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez Mendez, L ., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
POWELL, T. P. S: NEAL, J. W., Pearson, R. C. A., Powell, T. P. S., The relationship between the..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
YANG, L., Pollak, G. D: GABA and glycine have different effects on monaural response properties in..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PLASSMAN, W: PLASSMANN, W., Central projections of the octaval system in the Thornback Ray..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PINAULT, D: PINAULT, D., Golgi like labeling of a single neuron recorded extracellularly. Neurosci..
6,00 €
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PIERIBONE, V. A: PIERIBONE, V. A., Aston Jones, G., The iontophoretic application of fluoro gold..
5,00 €
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PICKARD, G. E: PICKARD, G. E., Bifurcating axons of retinal ganglion cells terminate in the..
7,00 €
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PHILLIPS, D. P: PHILLIPS, D. P., Irvine, D. R. F., Properties of single neurons in the anterior..
5,00 €
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Peters, Alan: A. Peters, Experimental studies on the staining of nervous tissue with silver..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PESCHANSKI, M: PESCHANSKI, M., Kayser, V., Besson, J.M ., Behavioral evidence for a crossed..
7,00 €
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PESCHANSKI, M: PESCHANSI, M., Lee, C. L., Ralston, H. J., The structural organization off the..
6,00 €
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PEREZ NAVARRO, E: PEREZ NAVARRO, E., Alberch, J., Protective role of nerve growth factor against..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PEREIRA & ZIAK: MANDARIM DE LARCETA, C. A., Pereira, L. M.M., Renal cortical remodelling by NO..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PERANI & SUTTON: PERANI, D., Dehaene, S., Grassi, F., Cohen, L., Cappa S. F., Dupoux, E., Fazoio..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PENNEY, D. P: PENNEY, D. P., Olson, J., Marinetti, G. V., Vaala, S., Averill, K., Localization of..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PENG, Z. C: PENG, Z. C., Chen, S., Fusco, M., Vantini, G., Bentivogio, M., Fis idnuction by nerve..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PAYNE, J. N: PAYNE, J. N., Lawes, I, N. C., Proctor, G. B. , Horobin, ,R. W., Variation between..
6,00 €
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PAYNE, B. R: PAYNE, B. R., Pearson, H. E., Cornwell, P. Transneuronal degeneration of beta retinal..
7,00 €
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PAUL, E: PAUL, E., Innervation und zentralnervoese Verbindungen des Frontalorgans von Rana..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PATZNER, R. A: PATZNER, R, A,., Cyclical changes in the ovary of the hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PASANTES MORALES & ZEISE: PASANTES MORALES, H., Salceda, R., Lopez Colome, A. M., The effect of..
4,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PARNAVELAS , J. G: PARNAVELAS , J. G., Chatzissavidou, A. The development of thalamic projections..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PARKS, T. N: PARKS, T. N. , Changes in the length and organization of nucleus laminaris dendrites..
9,00 €
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PARENT, A: PARENT, A., Mackey, A., Smith, Y., Boucher, R., The output organization of the..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PARENT, A: SMITH, Y., Parent, A., Differential connections of caudate nucleus and putamen in the..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PANZICA, G. C: PANZICA, G. C., Garzino, A., Ojeda, E. G., Coexistence of NADPH diaphorase and..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
PALATRONI, P: PALATRONI, P., Gabrielli, M. G., Taborro, R., Carbonic anhydrase activity in..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
ORBAN, G. A: VANDUFFEL, W., Van den Bussche, E., Singer, W., Orban, G. A., Metabolic mapping of..
5,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
OPPENHEIM, R. W: QUIN WEI, Y., Johnson, J., Prevette, D., Oppenheim, R. W., Cell death of spinal..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
OPEL, H: OPEL, H., Premature ovoposition following operative interference with the brain of the..
5,00 €
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OLAVARRIA, J. F: OLAVARRIA, J. F., Li, C. P., Effects of neonatal enucleation on the organization..
5,00 €
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OLAVARRIA, J. F: OLAVARRIA, J.,, Van Sluyters, R. C. Organization and postnatal development of..
6,00 €
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OKA, H: YAMAMOTO, T., Samejima, A., Oka, H., An intracellular analysis of the entopeduncular inputs..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
O'LEARY, D. D. M: O'LEARY, D. D. M., Terashima, T., Cortical axons branch to multiple subcortical..
6,00 €
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O HANLON, G. M: O'HANLON, G. M., Lowrie, M. B., Neonatal nerve injury causes long term changes in..
5,00 €
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NOTOCHORD: ENGELBRECHT, D. v. Z., The annelid ancetry of cordates and the origin of the chordate..
4,00 €
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NORTHCUTT, R. G: NORTHCUTT, R. G., Localization of neurons afferent to the optic tectum in Longnose..
6,00 €
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Auf den Merkzettel
NORMANN, BAUMGARTEN, LueDERS: MORMANN, F., Elger, C. E., Lehnertz, K., Seizure anticipation. From..
6,00 €
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NONIDEZ, J. F: NONIDEZ, J. F., The nervous "terminal reticulum" . A critique. I. Observations on..
6,00 €
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NOMURA, S: NOMURA, S., Mizuno, N., Central distribution of efferent and afferent components of the..
5,00 €
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NGUYEN LEGROS J: NGYEN LEGROS, J., Versaux Botteri, C., Vigny, A., Morphology and development of..
5,00 €
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NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in..
6,00 €
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NAUTA, W. J. H: NAUTA, W. J. H., Circuitous connections linking cerebral cortex, limbic system, and..
5,00 €
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NAT, R: NAT, R., Radu,. E., Ragalia, T., Popescu, L. M., Apoptosis in human embryo development..
5,00 €
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NAIK, D. V: NAIK, D,. V., Immunoreactive LH RH neurons in the hypothalamus identified by light and..
5,00 €
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NAGATSU, I: NAGATSU, I., Immunocytochemistry of biogenic amines and immunoenzyme histochemistry of..
5,00 €
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NAGATSU: NAGATSU, I.,, Karasawa, N., Kawakami, Y., Yoshida, M., Studies on the monoamine containing..
6,00 €
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