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32.501 Artikel gefunden


Bauerntum, Deutsches. - Rogge, Karl: Umstellung der deutschen Zuckerpolitik. (= Deutsches Bauerntum. Heft 12).

Bauerntum, Deutsches. Rogge, Karl: Umstellung der deutschen Zuckerpolitik. (= Deutsches..

18,00 €
Milchwirthschaftlicher Verein, Deutscher (Herausgeber). - zahlreiche Autoren: Beschreibung der Milchwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse im Deutschen Reich.

Milchwirthschaftlicher Verein, Deutscher (Herausgeber). zahlreiche Autoren: Beschreibung der..

18,00 €
Weber, R: Arbeitsbedarf und Arbeitsverteilung bei verschiedenem Anbauverhältnis der Früchte. (= Bücherei für Landarbeitslehre, Heft 6).

Weber, R: Arbeitsbedarf und Arbeitsverteilung bei verschiedenem Anbauverhältnis der Früchte. (=..

18,00 €
Seedorf, W: Die Arbeitsschulung in der Landwirtschaft. (= Bücherei für Landarbeitslehre, Heft 7).

Seedorf, W: Die Arbeitsschulung in der Landwirtschaft. (= Bücherei für Landarbeitslehre, Heft 7).

18,00 €
Bismarck, L. v: Methodik und Technik der Arbeitsbeobachtungen in der Landwirtschaft. (= Bücherei für Landarbeitslehre, Heft 8).

Bismarck, L. v: Methodik und Technik der Arbeitsbeobachtungen in der Landwirtschaft. (= Bücherei..

13,00 €
Buus, N. P. J: Die Behandlung des Milchviehes im Sommer und Winter. Ausgearbeitet im Auftrage der Königl. Dänisch. Landhaushalts-Gesellschaft. Aus dem Dänischen übertragen und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Christian Jenssen. Mit Vorwort.

Buus, N. P. J: Die Behandlung des Milchviehes im Sommer und Winter. Ausgearbeitet im Auftrage der..

13,00 €
Hesse, Paul: Die Bestimmung landwirtschaftlicher Arbeitsleistungen mit Hilfe von Arbeitsstudien. (= Bücherei für Landarbeitslehre, Heft 1).

Hesse, Paul: Die Bestimmung landwirtschaftlicher Arbeitsleistungen mit Hilfe von Arbeitsstudien. (=..

18,00 €
Peting, Reinhold: Berühmte Deutsche. Ihre Herkunft und ihre Werke. Band 1: Dichter und Denker. Eine chronologische Kurzgeschichte der deutschen Literatur und Philosophie seit dem 15..

Peting, Reinhold: Berühmte Deutsche. Ihre Herkunft und ihre Werke. Band 1: Dichter und Denker..

37,00 €
Blomeyer, Adolph: Die mechanische Bearbeitung des Bodens mit Rücksicht auf Erfahrung und Wissenschaft. Mit Vorwort und Einleitung. (= Bibliothek des Landwirthes, 52/53).

Blomeyer, Adolph: Die mechanische Bearbeitung des Bodens mit Rücksicht auf Erfahrung und..

9,00 €
Ponfick, Hans: Siedlung in Stichwörtern. Ein Handwörterbuch des ländlichen Siedlungswesens.

Ponfick, Hans: Siedlung in Stichwörtern. Ein Handwörterbuch des ländlichen Siedlungswesens.

42,00 €
Hansen, J: Anleitung für den Betrieb von Rindviehkontrollvereinen mit einem Anhang über das Deutsche Rinderleistungsbuch. Mit Vorwort zur ersten und vierten Auflage. (= Anleitungen für den praktischen Landwirt, Nr. 23).

Hansen, J: Anleitung für den Betrieb von Rindviehkontrollvereinen mit einem Anhang über das..

13,00 €
Abelacker, W: Briefsteller und Ratgeber für Stellesuchende. Enthaltend: Anleitung zu einer gewandten Stellenbewerbung. Zahlreiche ausgeführte Musterbewerbungsschreiben für die verschiedensten Branchen und Stellungen. Mit Anhang: Rechte..

Abelacker, W: Briefsteller und Ratgeber für Stellesuchende. Enthaltend: Anleitung zu einer..

13,00 €
Hink, A: Befruchtung und Vererbung. Natürliche und künstliche Zuchtwahl in ihrer Bedeutung für die heutige Zierzucht. Eine kritische Untersuchung auf Grund der neuesten Forschungen.

Hink, A: Befruchtung und Vererbung. Natürliche und künstliche Zuchtwahl in ihrer Bedeutung für..

23,00 €
Stern, E. von: Zur Entstehung und ursprünglichen Bedeutung des Ephorats in Sparta. (= Berliner Studien für classische Philologie und Archaeologie, Band 15, Heft 2).

Stern, E. von: Zur Entstehung und ursprünglichen Bedeutung des Ephorats in Sparta. (= Berliner..

23,00 €
Cäsar. - Robert Zwirnmann: Cajus Julius Cäsars Werke. Band 1: Denkwürdigkeiten über den Bürgerkrieg. Uebersetzt mit Einleitung und Kommentar von Robert Zwirnmann. (= Collection Spemann, Deutsche Hand- und Hausbibliothek, Band 1).

Cäsar. Robert Zwirnmann: Cajus Julius Cäsars Werke. Band 1: Denkwürdigkeiten über den..

13,00 €
Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. - Peters, A. / Falck, H. v: Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. Hefte 360, 361 und 362 in einem Band. 1) Heft 360 - Peters, A.: Arbeitsverfahren und Arbeitsleistungen in der Landwirtsch

Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft. Peters, A. / Falck, H. v: Arbeiten der..

27,00 €
Sizilien. - Heisterbergk, B: Fragen der ältesten Geschichte Siciliens. (=Berliner Studien für classische Philologie und Archaelogie ; Neunter Band, drittes Heft).

Sizilien. Heisterbergk, B: Fragen der ältesten Geschichte Siciliens. (=Berliner Studien für..

17,00 €
Watson G. C: Feeding Pigs. (= Bulletin 89, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Watson G. C: Feeding Pigs. (= Bulletin 89, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment..

13,00 €
Wing, H. Henry: Test of Cream Separators. (= Bulletin 66, May, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. Henry: Test of Cream Separators. (= Bulletin 66, May, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Stone, J. L. // Clinton, L. A: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1899. (= Bulletin 182, April, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Stone, J. L. // Clinton, L. A: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1899. (= Bulletin 182, April, 1900..

13,00 €
Clinton, L. A: The Construction of the Stave Silo. (= Bulletin 167,March, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Clinton, L. A: The Construction of the Stave Silo. (= Bulletin 167,March, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Stone, J. L: Tables for Computing Rations for Farm Animals. (= Bulletin 154, November, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Stone, J. L: Tables for Computing Rations for Farm Animals. (= Bulletin 154, November, 1898..

13,00 €
Wing, H. Henry // Anderson, Leroy: Studies in Milk Secretion drawn from Officially Authenticated Tests of Holstein-Friesian Cows. (= Bulletin 152, October, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. Henry // Anderson, Leroy: Studies in Milk Secretion drawn from Officially Authenticated..

13,00 €
Adams, R. E. // Terry, C. W. // Parker, K. G. // Brown, L. R. // Dewey, J. E: A Flexible-Outlet Mist Sprayer. (= Bulletin 904, February, 1954. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y.).

Adams, R. E. // Terry, C. W. // Parker, K. G. // Brown, L. R. // Dewey, J. E: A Flexible Outlet..

13,00 €
Cunningham, L. C: Commercial Dairy Farming in New York. (= Bulletin 857, December, 1949. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Cunningham, L. C: Commercial Dairy Farming in New York. (= Bulletin 857, December, 1949. Cornell..

13,00 €
Murphy, Roger G: Labor in Dairy Barn Chores. (= Bulletin 854, December, 1949. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Murphy, Roger G: Labor in Dairy Barn Chores. (= Bulletin 854, December, 1949. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Newhall, A. G. // Schroeder, W. T: New Flash-Flame Soil Pasteurizer. (= Bulletin 875, May, 1951. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, New York).

Newhall, A. G. // Schroeder, W. T: New Flash Flame Soil Pasteurizer. (= Bulletin 875, May, 1951..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. // Clinton, L. A: Third Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 156, December, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Roberts, I. P. // Clinton, L. A: Third Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 156, December, 1898..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: The Dwarf Lima Beans. (= Bulletin 87, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Watson, G. C: Early Lamb Raising. (= Bulletin 88, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Watson, G. C: Early Lamb Raising. (= Bulletin 88, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Wing, H. H: Whey Butter. (= Bulletin 85, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Division).

Wing, H. H: Whey Butter. (= Bulletin 85, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. / Clinton, L. A: Forage Crops. (= Bulletin 135, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y., Agricultural Division).

Roberts, I. P. / Clinton, L. A: Forage Crops. (= Bulletin 135, May, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Walker, Dilworth // Tennant, J. L. // Neethling, J. C: Walker, Dilworth: The Production and Marketing of New York Market Peas. (Bulletin 475: 137 p.) // Tennant, J. L.: The Relationships between Roads and Agriculture in New York. (Bulletin 479: 84 p.) //

Walker, Dilworth // Tennant, J. L. // Neethling, J. C: Walker, Dilworth: The Production and..

47,00 €
Caldwell, G. C: How to conduct Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 129, February, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Caldwell, G. C: How to conduct Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 129, February, 1897..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf-Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Varieties and Leaf Blight of the Strawberry. (= Bulletin 79, December, 1894. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lodeman, E. G: The Grafting of Grapes. (= Bulletin 77, November, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Lodeman, E. G: The Grafting of Grapes. (= Bulletin 77, November, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Wing, Henry H. // Anderson, Leroy: Sugar Beet Pulp as a  Food for cows. (= Bulletin 183, September, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Dairy Division.).

Wing, Henry H. // Anderson, Leroy: Sugar Beet Pulp as a Food for cows. (= Bulletin 183, September..

13,00 €
Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R. // Clinton, L. A. // Anderson, Leroy // Bailey, L. H.  // Slingerland, M. V. // Knisely, A. L. // Murrill, W. A. // Stone, J. L. and Clinton, L. A: Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R.: An Inquiry concerning the Source of Gas and Tain

Moore, V. A. and Ward, A. R. // Clinton, L. A. // Anderson, Leroy // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland..

47,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Native Dwarf Cherries. (= Bulletin 70, August, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Knisely, A. L: Introduction to Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 179, February, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Knisely, A. L: Introduction to Field Experiments with Fertilizers. (= Bulletin 179, February, 1900..

13,00 €
Barker, Michael: Recent Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 91, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Barker, Michael: Recent Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 91, April, 1895. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Recent Apple Failures of Western New York. (= Bulletin 84, January, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Third Report upon Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 139, October, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Some Important Pear Diseases. (= Bulletin 145, February, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Botanical Division).

Duggar, B. M: Some Important Pear Diseases. (= Bulletin 145, February, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M. // Stewart, F. C: The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a cause of plant diseases in America. (= Bulletin 186, January, 1901. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. in Co-operation with the New York Agricultural Experi

Duggar, B. M. // Stewart, F. C: The Sterile Fungus Rhizoctonia as a cause of plant diseases in..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Peach Leaf-Curl and notes on the Shot-Hole Effect of Peaches and Plums. (= Bulletin 164, February, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical Division.).

Duggar, B. M: Peach Leaf Curl and notes on the Shot Hole Effect of Peaches and Plums. (= Bulletin..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M: Three Important Fungous Diseases of the Sugar Beet. (= Bulletin 163, February, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical Division.).

Duggar, B. M: Three Important Fungous Diseases of the Sugar Beet. (= Bulletin 163, February, 1899..

13,00 €
Cavanaugh, Geo. W: Some Spraying Mixtures a Preliminary Report on their chemical composition. (= Bulletin 149, June, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Chemical Division.).

Cavanaugh, Geo. W: Some Spraying Mixtures a Preliminary Report on their chemical composition. (=..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The Cultivated Poplars; with Remarks upon the planting of Grounds. (= Bulletin 68..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: Some Recent chinese Vegetables. (= Bulletin 67, June, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Hunn, C. E: Strawberries under Glass. (= Bulletin 134, April, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lodeman, E. G: The Spraying of Orchards - Apples, Quinces, Plums. (= Bulletin 86, March, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division.).

Lodeman, E. G: The Spraying of Orchards Apples, Quinces, Plums. (= Bulletin 86, March, 1895..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm: Chrysanthemums of 1896. (= Bulletin 136, May, 1897. Cornell..

13,00 €
Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Plums for Western New York. (= Bulletin 131, March..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower-Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Bailey, L. H: The China Asters; with Remarks upon Flower Beds. (= Bulletin 90, April, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Moore, Veranus A: Powdered Soap as a Cause of Death Among Swill-Fed Hogs. (= Bulletin 141, November, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Veterinary Division.).

Moore, Veranus A: Powdered Soap as a Cause of Death Among Swill Fed Hogs. (= Bulletin 141..

13,00 €
Law, James: Experiments with Tubercuclin on Nontuberculous Cows. (= Bulletin 82, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Veterinary Division.).

Law, James: Experiments with Tubercuclin on Nontuberculous Cows. (= Bulletin 82, December, 1894..

13,00 €
Law, James: Tuberculosis in Relation to Animal Industry and Public Health. (= Bulletin 65, April, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Law, James: Tuberculosis in Relation to Animal Industry and Public Health. (= Bulletin 65, April..

13,00 €
Law, James: Tuberculosis in Cattle and ist Control. (= Bulletin 150, July, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Veterinary Division.).

Law, James: Tuberculosis in Cattle and ist Control. (= Bulletin 150, July, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. and others: An effort to Help the Farmer. (= Bulletin 159, January, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division.).

Roberts, I. P. and others: An effort to Help the Farmer. (= Bulletin 159, January, 1899. Cornell..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: The Problem of Impoverished Lands. Being Suggestions for Investigation and Experiment. (= Bulletin 174, November, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Bailey, L. H: The Problem of Impoverished Lands. Being Suggestions for Investigation and..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Apricot Growing in Western New York. (= Bulletin 71, August, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Apricot Growing in Western New York. (= Bulletin 71, August, 1894. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Impressions of the Peach Industry in Wester New York. (= Bulletin 74, October, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Impressions of the Peach Industry in Wester New York. (= Bulletin 74, October, 1894..

13,00 €
Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Celery. (= Bulletin 132, March, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Botanical and Horticultural Divisions).

Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H: Notes upon Celery. (= Bulletin 132, March, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. and others: Agricultural Extension Work: Sketch of ist Origin and Progress. (= Bulletin 137, May, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Roberts, I. P. and others: Agricultural Extension Work: Sketch of ist Origin and Progress. (=..

13,00 €
Gould, H. P: Notes on Spraying and on the San José Scale. (= Bulletin 144, January, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Gould, H. P: Notes on Spraying and on the San José Scale. (= Bulletin 144, January, 1898. Cornell..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. and others: Sugar Beet Investigations. (= Bulletin 143, February, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Agricultural and Chemical Divisions).

Roberts, I. P. and others: Sugar Beet Investigations. (= Bulletin 143, February, 1898. Cornell..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. and others: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1898. (= Bulletin 166, March, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Roberts, I. P. and others: Sugar Beet Investigations for 1898. (= Bulletin 166, March, 1899..

13,00 €
Roberts, I. P. and Clinton, L. A: Second Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 140, November, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Roberts, I. P. and Clinton, L. A: Second Report on Potato Culture. (= Bulletin 140, November, 1897..

13,00 €
Wing, Henry H: The Period of Gestation in Cows. (= Bulletin 162, February, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y.).

Wing, Henry H: The Period of Gestation in Cows. (= Bulletin 162, February, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Fourth Report on Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 175, November, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Fourth Report on Japanese Plums. (= Bulletin 175, November, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Singerland, M. V: The Cigar-Case-Bearer In Western New York. (= Bulletin 93, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station.Entomological Division).

Singerland, M. V: The Cigar Case Bearer In Western New York. (= Bulletin 93, May, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Codling-Moth. (= Bulletin 142, January, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Codling Moth. (= Bulletin 142, January, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Cabbage Root Maggot with notes on The Onion Maggot and Allied Insects. (= Bulletin 78, November, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Cabbage Root Maggot with notes on The Onion Maggot and Allied Insects. (=..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Grape Root-Worm a New Grape Pest in New York. (= Bulletin 184, November, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Grape Root Worm a New Grape Pest in New York. (= Bulletin 184, November..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H. and Others: Spraying Notes. (= Bulletin 177, January, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Department.).

Bailey, L. H. and Others: Spraying Notes. (= Bulletin 177, January, 1900. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Cherry Fruit-Fly a New Cherry Pest. (= Bulletin 172, September, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Cherry Fruit Fly a New Cherry Pest. (= Bulletin 172, September, 1899..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Impressions of our Fruit-Growing Industries. (= Bulletin 153, October, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Impressions of our Fruit Growing Industries. (= Bulletin 153, October, 1898. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Grape-Vine Flea-Beetle. (= Bulletin 157, December, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Grape Vine Flea Beetle. (= Bulletin 157, December, 1898. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Ward, Archibald R: Ropiness in Milk and Cream. (= Bulletin 165, March, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Dairy Division).

Ward, Archibald R: Ropiness in Milk and Cream. (= Bulletin 165, March, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Fletcher, S. W: Pollination in Orchards. (= Bulletin 181, March, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Fletcher, S. W: Pollination in Orchards. (= Bulletin 181, March, 1900. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Miller, Wilhelm: Fourth Report upon Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 147, April, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Miller, Wilhelm: Fourth Report upon Chrysanthemums. (= Bulletin 147, April, 1898. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M.V: The Army-worm in New York. (= Bulletin 133, April, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M.V: The Army worm in New York. (= Bulletin 133, April, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: A Plum Scale in Western New York. (= Bulletin 83, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: A Plum Scale in Western New York. (= Bulletin 83, December, 1894. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Common European Praying Mantis a new Beneficial Insect in America. (= Bulletin 185, November, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Common European Praying Mantis a new Beneficial Insect in America. (=..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Peach-Tree Borer. (= Bulletin 176, December, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Peach Tree Borer. (= Bulletin 176, December, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Hints on Rural School Grounds. (= Bulletin 160, January, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Hints on Rural School Grounds. (= Bulletin 160, January, 1899. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: Emergency Report on Tent Caterpillars. (= Bulletin 170, May, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: Emergency Report on Tent Caterpillars. (= Bulletin 170, May, 1899. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Quince Curculio. (= Bulletin 148, May, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Quince Curculio. (= Bulletin 148, May, 1898. Cornell University Agricultural..

13,00 €
Bailey, L. H: Does Mulching Retard the Maturity of Fruits. (= Bulletin 59, November, 1893. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Horticultural Division).

Bailey, L. H: Does Mulching Retard the Maturity of Fruits. (= Bulletin 59, November, 1893. Cornell..

13,00 €
Anderson, Leroy: The Relation of Food to Milk-Fat. (= Bulletin 173, November, 1899. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Dairy Division).

Anderson, Leroy: The Relation of Food to Milk Fat. (= Bulletin 173, November, 1899. Cornell..

13,00 €
Ward, Archibald R: The Invasion of the Udder by Bacteria. (= Bulletin 178, January, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca N. Y. Dairy Division).

Ward, Archibald R: The Invasion of the Udder by Bacteria. (= Bulletin 178, January, 1900. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A. // Lyon, T. Lyttleton; Bizzell, James A. and Conn, H. Joel // Lyon, T. Lyttleton and Bizzell, James A: Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A.: A Heretofore unnoted Benefit from the Growth of Legumes. (Bulletin No. 294: p. 363-374) /

Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A. // Lyon, T. Lyttleton; Bizzell, James A. and Conn, H. Joel // Lyon..

47,00 €
Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M. Slade: An Index Number of Farm Taxes in New York, and Ist Relation to Various Other Economic Factors. (Bulletin 457: p. 1-47) // Ross, H. A.: The Demand Si

Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M..

47,00 €
Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. //  Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland, Mark Vernon // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H: Roberts, I. P.: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experime

Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey..

47,00 €
Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, H. H. // Pettit, R. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Powell, G. H: Felt, Ephraim Porter: On Certain Grass-Eating Insects. (Bulletin 64: p.45-102 , Plate I

Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L..

47,00 €