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487 Artikel gefunden


UEMURA-SUMI, M: UEMURA-SUMI, M., Manabe, Y., Matsushima, R., Mizuno, N., Correlation of the main peripheral branches of the facial nerve with the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of the facial nucleus in the guinea pig. Anat. Embryol. 17300, 161-166 (1986).

UEMURA SUMI, M: UEMURA SUMI, M., Manabe, Y., Matsushima, R., Mizuno, N., Correlation of the main..

5,00 €
Uemada, Satoshi, Y. Nagamo, M. Kato: Dissociative  contributions of medial temporal and frontal regions to prospective rememering.

Uemada, Satoshi, Y. Nagamo, M. Kato: Dissociative contributions of medial temporal and frontal..

4,00 €
Uekita, Tomoko, Y, Okaichi, H. Okaichi: Dissociation of the roles of NMDA receptor and hippocampus in rats spatial learning., Rhe effects of environmental familiarity and task familiarity.

Uekita, Tomoko, Y, Okaichi, H. Okaichi: Dissociation of the roles of NMDA receptor and hippocampus..

4,00 €
UEDA &  PRZYBYSZEWSKI: UEDA, Y., Kaneko, A., Kaneda, M., Voltage-dependent ionic currents in solitary horizontal cells isolated from cat retina. J. neurophysiol. 68, 1143-1150 (1992)., Obr.,.  [SAP268].-. // PRZYBYSZEWSKI, A. W., Lankheet, M. J. M., Van d

UEDA & PRZYBYSZEWSKI: UEDA, Y., Kaneko, A., Kaneda, M., Voltage dependent ionic currents in..

5,00 €
TSENG, G. F: TSENG, G. F., Wang, Y.  J., Hu, M. E-., Axotomy effects the retrograde labeling of cervical and lumbar cord projecting rubrosopinal neurons differently.  Anat. Emmbryol. 19300, 457-464 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES92]..,// TSENG, G. F., Shu, J., Huang

TSENG, G. F: TSENG, G. F., Wang, Y. J., Hu, M. E ., Axotomy effects the retrograde labeling of..

4,00 €
TOHYAMA, M: INAGAKI, S., Shiosaka, S., Takatsuji, K., Iida, H., Sakanaka, M., Senba, E., Hara, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Kawai, Y., Tohyama, M. Ontogeny of somatostatin-containing neuron system of the rat cerebellum including ist fiber connections. An experiment

TOHYAMA, M: INAGAKI, S., Shiosaka, S., Takatsuji, K., Iida, H., Sakanaka, M., Senba, E., Hara, Y..

8,00 €
KAMBAYASHI, J., Kobayashi, T., DeMott, J. E., Marcus, N. Y., Thalmann, I., Thalmann, R: Effect of substrate free vascular perfusion upon cochlear potentials and glycogen of the stria vascularis.

KAMBAYASHI, J., Kobayashi, T., DeMott, J. E., Marcus, N. Y., Thalmann, I., Thalmann, R: Effect of..

4,00 €
Tettamanti, Guido, R. W. Ledeen, K. Sandhoff, Y. Nagai, G. Toffano: Gangliosides and neuronal plasticity.

Tettamanti, Guido, R. W. Ledeen, K. Sandhoff, Y. Nagai, G. Toffano: Gangliosides and neuronal..

62,00 €
Tannenbaum, Edward R: 1900, Die Generation vor dem grossen Krieg.

Tannenbaum, Edward R: 1900, Die Generation vor dem grossen Krieg.

6,00 €
TAN, Y., Brog, J. S., Williams, E. S., Zahm, D. S: Morphometric analysis of the ventral mesencephalic neurons retrogradely labeled with fluoro-gold following injections in the shell, core and rostral pole of the rat nucleus accumbens.

TAN, Y., Brog, J. S., Williams, E. S., Zahm, D. S: Morphometric analysis of the ventral..

4,00 €
TAKEI, Y., Kawano, S., Nishimura, Y., Goto, M., Nagai, H., Chen, S. Omae, A., Fusamoto, H., Kamada, T., Ikeda, K., Kswada, N., Kaneda, K: Apoptosis. A new mechanism of endothelial and Kupfffer cell killing.

TAKEI, Y., Kawano, S., Nishimura, Y., Goto, M., Nagai, H., Chen, S. Omae, A., Fusamoto, H., Kamada..

4,00 €
Takahashi, Joseph S., Fred W. Turek, Robert Y. Moore (Eds.): Handbook of behavioral neurobilology. XII. Circadian clocks.

Takahashi, Joseph S., Fred W. Turek, Robert Y. Moore (Eds.): Handbook of behavioral neurobilology..

182,00 €
UEYAMA, T-., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T: A subpopulation of olivocerebellar projection neurons express neuropeptide Y.

UEYAMA, T ., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T: A..

4,00 €
Steriade, M., A. Parent, D. Pare, Y. Smith: Cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons of cat basal forebrain project to reticular and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei.

Steriade, M., A. Parent, D. Pare, Y. Smith: Cholinergic and non cholinergic neurons of cat basal..

4,00 €
STANDIFER, K. M., Jenab, S., Su, W., Chien, C. C., Pan, Y. X., Inturrisi, C. E., Pasternak, G. W: Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to the cloned delta receptor DOR-1. Uptake, stabiluty, and regulation of gene expression.

STANDIFER, K. M., Jenab, S., Su, W., Chien, C. C., Pan, Y. X., Inturrisi, C. E., Pasternak, G. W:..

4,00 €
Legaz y Lacambra, Luis: Rechtsphilosophie.

Legaz y Lacambra, Luis: Rechtsphilosophie.

22,00 €
SPIRA et al: SPIRA, M. E,. Klein, M., Hochneer, B., Yarom, Y., Castel, M., Ultrastructural changes accompanying the disturbances of neuromuscular transmission caused by Pardachirus Toxin-., Neuroscience 1, 117-1214 (1976)., Obr.,  [WES114].., //  PEYRONNA

SPIRA et al: SPIRA, M. E,. Klein, M., Hochneer, B., Yarom, Y., Castel, M., Ultrastructural changes..

5,00 €
Spectaculum: Spectaculum 62. Sechs moderne Theaterstücke. C. Akerman – O. Bukowski – D. Dobbrow – T. Dorst – Y. Reza – M. Walser.

Spectaculum: Spectaculum 62. Sechs moderne Theaterstücke. C. Akerman – O. Bukowski – D. Dobbrow..

10,00 €
KUBOTA, Y ., Takagi, H., Morishima, Y., Kawai, Y., Smith, A. D: Relationship between vcatecholaminergic neurons and cholecytokinin-containing neurons in the caudal part of the dorsomedial medulla oblongata of the rat-Light and electron microscopic observa

KUBOTA, Y ., Takagi, H., Morishima, Y., Kawai, Y., Smith, A. D: Relationship between..

4,00 €
SMITH, A. D: SOMOGYI, P., Freund, T. F., Wu, J. Y., Smith, A. D., The section-golgi impregnation procedure.II. immunocytochemical demonstratio of glutamate decarboxylase in golgi-impregnated neurons and in their affferent synaptic boutons in the visual co

SMITH, A. D: SOMOGYI, P., Freund, T. F., Wu, J. Y., Smith, A. D., The section golgi impregnation..

5,00 €
Skramlik, Emil von: Erwärmung und Abkühlung der Herzautomatiezentren bei Manteltieren.,  / Vorgänge im Kreislaufsystem von Amphioxus lanceolatus Y. / Die Automatiezentren im Foschherzen., /..

Skramlik, Emil von: Erwärmung und Abkühlung der Herzautomatiezentren bei Manteltieren., /..

9,00 €
Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong & S. S. Ratnam: A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore.,.

Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong & S. S. Ratnam: A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore.,.

4,00 €
Shosaku, A., Y. Kayama, I. Sumitomo: Somatotopic organization in the rat thalamic reticular nucleus.

Shosaku, A., Y. Kayama, I. Sumitomo: Somatotopic organization in the rat thalamic reticular..

4,00 €
SHONO, M., Shimizu, I., Omoya, T., Hiasa, A., Honda, H., Tomita, Y., Ito, S: Differences in ethidium bromide and 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining profiles with regard to DNA fragmentation during apoptosis.

SHONO, M., Shimizu, I., Omoya, T., Hiasa, A., Honda, H., Tomita, Y., Ito, S: Differences in..

4,00 €
Shipley, M. T: Insular cortex projection to the nucleus of the solitary tract and brainstem visceromotor regions in the mouse (Brain Res. Bull. 8, 139-148 (1982),  Kopie, / Shipley, M. T., Y. Geinisman,  Anatomical evidence for convergene of olfactory, gu

Shipley, M. T: Insular cortex projection to the nucleus of the solitary tract and brainstem..

6,00 €
Shiotani, Y, & T. Ban: Ultrastructural changes in the anterior pituitary gland of rabbits after the administration of synthetic LRH-RH.

Shiotani, Y, & T. Ban: Ultrastructural changes in the anterior pituitary gland of rabbits after the..

4,00 €
SHIOSAKA, S., Takastusji, K., Sakanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Takagi, H., Senba, E., Kawai, Y., Iida, H., Minagawa, H., Hara, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Tohyama, M: Ontogeny of somatostatin-containing neuron system of the rat. Immubnocytochemical analysis. II. Forebra

SHIOSAKA, S., Takastusji, K., Sakanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Takagi, H., Senba, E., Kawai, Y., Iida..

4,00 €
Shioda, S. & Y. Nakai: Immunocytochemical localization of TRH and autoradiographic determination of 3H-TRH-bnding sites in the arcuate nceus-median eminence of the rat.

Shioda, S. & Y. Nakai: Immunocytochemical localization of TRH and autoradiographic determination of..

4,00 €
Shimosegawa, Tooru, M. Koizumi, T. Toyota, Y, Goto, S. Kobayashi, C.  Yanaihara & N. Yanaihara: Methionine-Enkephaline arg6-gly7-leu8 immunoreactive nerve fibers and cell bodies in lumbar paravertebral ganglia and the celiac-superior mesenterc ganlion com

Shimosegawa, Tooru, M. Koizumi, T. Toyota, Y, Goto, S. Kobayashi, C. Yanaihara & N. Yanaihara:..

4,00 €
Shigenaga, Y., Z. Nakatani, T. Nishimori, S. Suemune, R. Kuroda, S. Matano: The cells of origin of cat trigeminothalamic projections. Especially in the caudal medulla.

Shigenaga, Y., Z. Nakatani, T. Nishimori, S. Suemune, R. Kuroda, S. Matano: The cells of origin of..

4,00 €
Shigenaga, Y., et al: Laminar related projection of primary trigeminal fibers in the caudal medulla demonstrated by transganglionic transport of HRP.

Shigenaga, Y., et al: Laminar related projection of primary trigeminal fibers in the caudal medulla..

4,00 €
Shiga, T., Ichikawa, M., Y. Hirata: Spatial and temporal pattern of postnatal proliferation of Bergmann Gial cels in Rat cerebellum.  (/ A Golgi study of Bergmann glial cells in developing rat cerebellum.

Shiga, T., Ichikawa, M., Y. Hirata: Spatial and temporal pattern of postnatal proliferation of..

6,00 €
SHIEH, J. Y: SHIEH, J. Y., Leong,. S. K., Wong, W. C., Origin of the rubrospinal tract in neopnatal, developing and mature rats. J. Comp. Neurol. 214, 79-86 (1983)., Orb.,  [WES66].., // LAN, C. T., Wen, C. Y., Tseng, G. F., Tan, C. K., Ling, E. A., Shieh

SHIEH, J. Y: SHIEH, J. Y., Leong,. S. K., Wong, W. C., Origin of the rubrospinal tract in..

4,00 €
Shibata, Y: Vergleichende Beobachtung mit der Fixierungsweise der verschiedenen Fixierungsmittel, besonders unter Berücksichtigung ihre Wasserstoffionenkonzentration an den Nissl-Körpern der Ganglienzellen.

Shibata, Y: Vergleichende Beobachtung mit der Fixierungsweise der verschiedenen Fixierungsmittel..

4,00 €
SEKI, T-., Naito, I., Oohashi, T., Sado, Y., Ninomiya, Y: Differential expression of type IV collagen isoforms, alha5 (IV) and alpha6 (IC) chains, in basement membranes sorriounding smooth muscle cells.

SEKI, T ., Naito, I., Oohashi, T., Sado, Y., Ninomiya, Y: Differential expression of type IV..

4,00 €
SCHWARTZ, M: SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Eshaar, N., Factor(s) from goldfish brain induce neuritic outgrowth from explanted regenerating retinas., Developm. Brain Res. 3, 29-35 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES73]..,// SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Kimhi, Y. , Regenerat

SCHWARTZ, M: SCHWARTZ, M., Mizrachi, Y., Eshaar, N., Factor(s) from goldfish brain induce neuritic..

5,00 €
Parent, A. C. Bouchard & Y. Smith: The striatopallidal and striatonigral projections. Two distict fiber systems in primate.

Parent, A. C. Bouchard & Y. Smith: The striatopallidal and striatonigral projections. Two distict..

4,00 €
SCHMIDT, M: SCHMIDT, M., Lehnert, G., Baker, R. G., Hoffmann, K. P., Dendritic morphology of projection neurons in the cat pretectum. J. Comp Neurol. 396, 520-532 (1996),  Obr.,  [WES66]..,//  SCHMIDT, M., Zhang, H. Y., Hoffmann, K., P., OKN-related neuro

SCHMIDT, M: SCHMIDT, M., Lehnert, G., Baker, R. G., Hoffmann, K. P., Dendritic morphology of..

5,00 €
Sawchenko, P.E., L. W. Swanson, R. Grzanna, P.R.XC. Howe, S.R.Bloom & J. M. Polak: Colocalitzation of  neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in brainstem catecholaminergic neurons that project to the paraventricular nucleus ion the hypothalamus.

Sawchenko, P.E., L. W. Swanson, R. Grzanna, P.R.XC. Howe, S.R.Bloom & J. M. Polak: Colocalitzation..

4,00 €
SANO, Y: UEDA, S., Ihara, N., Sano, Y., The organization of serotonin fibers in the mammalian superior colliculus. Anat. Embryol. 173, 13-21 (1985)., Obr.,  [WES81]..,// YAMADA, H., Sano, Y., Distribution of serotonin nerve cells in the rabbit brain - Imm

SANO, Y: UEDA, S., Ihara, N., Sano, Y., The organization of serotonin fibers in the mammalian..

9,00 €
SAKAI, K., Kitagawa, Y., Ogasawara, T., Hirose, G: Expresion of messenger RNA encoding a paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration-associated antigen in the rat hippocampus.

SAKAI, K., Kitagawa, Y., Ogasawara, T., Hirose, G: Expresion of messenger RNA encoding a..

4,00 €
BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of different species.

BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of..

4,00 €
RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift  the mammalian circadian pacemaker., J. Neuroscience 15, 5612-5622 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES91]..,// HARRINGTON, M. E., M., Nance, D. M., Rusak, B., Double-labeling of neuropeptide Y

RUSAK, B: PIGGINS, H. D. , Antle, M. C., Rusak, B., Neuropeptides phase shift the mammalian..

5,00 €
Robinson, Andrew: Die Geschichte der Schrift.

Robinson, Andrew: Die Geschichte der Schrift.

22,00 €
Reblet, C: La encrucijada ventricular cerebral akterada experimentalmente y vias de degeneracion Walleriana consuecuente.

Reblet, C: La encrucijada ventricular cerebral akterada experimentalmente y vias de degeneracion..

4,00 €
PYATT, D. W., Stillman, W. S., Yang, Y., Gross, S., Zheng, J. H., Irons, R. D: An essential role for NF-kB in human  CD34+ bone marrow cell survival.

PYATT, D. W., Stillman, W. S., Yang, Y., Gross, S., Zheng, J. H., Irons, R. D: An essential role..

4,00 €
Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit zweiundzwanzig Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit zweiundzwanzig Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

92,00 €
Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit 22 Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

Pons y Pages, J: Josaphat. Mit 22 Bildern von Alfred Kubin.

39,00 €
PERLMAN, H., Zhang, Y,, Chen, M. W., Walsh, K-., Buttyan, R: An elevated Bax/bcl2-ratio corresponds with the onset of prostate epithelial cell apoptosis.

PERLMAN, H., Zhang, Y,, Chen, M. W., Walsh, K ., Buttyan, R: An elevated Bax/bcl2 ratio corresponds..

4,00 €
Perez, C. N & R. Guerrea: Tenerife., Führer und Erinnerungen.

Perez, C. N & R. Guerrea: Tenerife., Führer und Erinnerungen.

4,00 €
PARK, H.T., Baek, S. Y., Kim, B. S., Kim, J. B. Kim, J. J: Profile of fos-like immunoreactivity induction by light stimuli in the intergeniculate leaflet is different from that of the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

PARK, H.T., Baek, S. Y., Kim, B. S., Kim, J. B. Kim, J. J: Profile of fos like immunoreactivity..

4,00 €
PARENT, A: PARENT, A., Mackey, A., Smith, Y., Boucher, R., The output organization of the substantia nigra in primate as revealed by a retrograde double labeling method., Brain Res. Bull., 10, 529-537 (1983)., Obr.,  [SDG129].., .,//  PARENT, A., De Belle

PARENT, A: PARENT, A., Mackey, A., Smith, Y., Boucher, R., The output organization of the..

6,00 €
PARENT, A: SMITH, Y., Parent, A., Differential connections of caudate nucleus and putamen in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciurus), Neurosci. 18, 347-371 (1986) , Obr.,[WES24]. /  FORTIN, M., Parent, A., Calretinin labels a specific neuronal subpoppulatio

PARENT, A: SMITH, Y., Parent, A., Differential connections of caudate nucleus and putamen in the..

5,00 €
PAPADOPOULOS, M. C., Sun, X. Y., Cao, J., Mivechi, N. F., Giffard, R. G: Over-exprexion of HSP-70 protects astrocytes from combined oxygen-glucose deprivation.

PAPADOPOULOS, M. C., Sun, X. Y., Cao, J., Mivechi, N. F., Giffard, R. G: Over exprexion of HSP 70..

4,00 €
Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Was ist Philosophie?.

Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Was ist Philosophie?.

9,00 €
Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Über die Liebe. Meditationen.

Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Über die Liebe. Meditationen.

9,00 €
Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Geschichte als System und Über das Römische Imperium..

Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Geschichte als System und Über das Römische Imperium..

4,00 €
Esquivel, Laura: Como agua para chocolate., Novela de entregas mensuales con recetas, amores y remedios caseros.

Esquivel, Laura: Como agua para chocolate., Novela de entregas mensuales con recetas, amores y..

4,00 €
OPPENHEIM, R. W: QUIN-WEI, Y., Johnson, J., Prevette, D., Oppenheim, R. W., Cell death of spinal motoneurons in the chick embryo following deafferentiation. Rescue effects of tissue extracts, soluble proteins, and neurotroiphic agents., J. Neurosciemcfe 1

OPPENHEIM, R. W: QUIN WEI, Y., Johnson, J., Prevette, D., Oppenheim, R. W., Cell death of spinal..

6,00 €
HO, W. K. K., Lam, S., Leung, K. C., Au, K. K. , Wong, H. K., Tsang, Y. F., Wen, H. L: Effect of naloxone on morphine-induced changes in ACTH, Corticosterone and cyclic nucleotides.

HO, W. K. K., Lam, S., Leung, K. C., Au, K. K. , Wong, H. K., Tsang, Y. F., Wen, H. L: Effect of..

4,00 €
OLSSON, Y: OLSSON, Y., Malmgren, L. T. Axonal uptake of HRP isoenzymes during wallerin degeneration.Neurosci. Letters 20, 135-13000 (1980), Kopie, [SD30].,  //  KRISTENSSON, K., Olsson, Y., Diffusion pathways and retrograde axonal ransport of protein tarc

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6,00 €
Okaichi, Hiroshige, M. Hojo, Y. Okaichi: Effects of post-training lesions in the  hippocampus and the parietal cortex on idiothetic information processing in the rat.

Okaichi, Hiroshige, M. Hojo, Y. Okaichi: Effects of post training lesions in the hippocampus and..

4,00 €
Ogawa, Y., S. Eins, J.R. Wolff: Oligodendorcytes in the pons and middle cerebellar peduncle of the cat. Topographical relations to neurons and transverse axon bundles.

Ogawa, Y., S. Eins, J.R. Wolff: Oligodendorcytes in the pons and middle cerebellar peduncle of the..

4,00 €
OGATA, J., Fujishima, M-.,. Tamaki, K., Nakatomi, Y., Ishitsuka, T., Omae, T: Vascular changes underlying cerebral lesions in stroke-probn spontaneosly hypertensive rat.

OGATA, J., Fujishima, M .,. Tamaki, K., Nakatomi, Y., Ishitsuka, T., Omae, T: Vascular changes..

4,00 €
Boyko, Hugo & Elisabeth Boyko: Principles and experiments regarding direct irrigation with highly saline and sea water without desalination.

Boyko, Hugo & Elisabeth Boyko: Principles and experiments regarding direct irrigation with highly..

6,00 €
Nishida, Y., T. Fujimoto, A, Takagi I,. Honjo, K.Ogawa: Fodrin is a constituent of the cortical lattice in outer hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea.

Nishida, Y., T. Fujimoto, A, Takagi I,. Honjo, K.Ogawa: Fodrin is a constituent of the cortical..

4,00 €
NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in the Fish retina. Biomedical Res. Suppl. 12, 1982, pp. 67-72 , Obr., [SD28]. / / KATO, S., Madachi-Yamamoto, S., Hayashi, Y., Miki, N., Negishi, K., Effect o

NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in..

6,00 €
Nantermet, P.V, J. Xu., Y,. Yu., P.Hodor, D,. Holder, et  al: Identification of genetic pathways activated by the androgen receptor during the induction of proliferation in the ventral prostate gland.

Nantermet, P.V, J. Xu., Y,. Yu., P.Hodor, D,. Holder, et al: Identification of genetic pathways..

4,00 €
NAKAI, M., Tamai, Y., Miyashita, E: Corticocortical connections of frontal oculomotor arreas in the cat.

NAKAI, M., Tamai, Y., Miyashita, E: Corticocortical connections of frontal oculomotor arreas in the..

4,00 €
Nakaguchi, A., Hiraoka, T., Endo, Y., Iwabuchi, K: Compatible invasion of a phylogenetically distant host embryo by a hymenoptrean parasitoid embryo.

Nakaguchi, A., Hiraoka, T., Endo, Y., Iwabuchi, K: Compatible invasion of a phylogenetically..

4,00 €
NAGATSU: NAGATSU, I.,, Karasawa, N., Kawakami, Y., Yoshida, M., Studies on the monoamine-containing neurons by immunoenzyme-histochemistry and immunohistochemistry witb special reference to goldfish brain., Avta Histochem. Cytochem. 17, 151-160 (1984)., O

NAGATSU: NAGATSU, I.,, Karasawa, N., Kawakami, Y., Yoshida, M., Studies on the monoamine containing..

6,00 €
Amatriain, Roberto Cataldi (Ed.): Bioetica. Conflictos y dilemas.

Amatriain, Roberto Cataldi (Ed.): Bioetica. Conflictos y dilemas.

22,00 €
Motoharashi, Y: Effects of socioeconomic factors on secular trends in suicide in Japan 1953-86.

Motoharashi, Y: Effects of socioeconomic factors on secular trends in suicide in Japan 1953-86.

4,00 €
MORIN, L. P., Goodless-Sanchez, N., Smale, L., Moore, R. Y: Projections of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, subparaventricular zone and retrochiasmatic area in the golden hamster.

MORIN, L. P., Goodless Sanchez, N., Smale, L., Moore, R. Y: Projections of the suprachiasmatic..

4,00 €
COSENZA, R. M., Moore, R. Y: Afferent connections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus in the rat. An HRP study.

COSENZA, R. M., Moore, R. Y: Afferent connections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus in the..

4,00 €
YASUI, Y., Ito, K., Sugimoto, T., Kaneko, T., Mizuno,. N: Thalamocortical and thalamo-amygdaloid projections from the parvicellular division of the postermomedial ventral nucleus in the cat.

YASUI, Y., Ito, K., Sugimoto, T., Kaneko, T., Mizuno,. N: Thalamocortical and thalamo amygdaloid..

4,00 €
TSURUO, Y., Ishimura, K., Hayashi, S., Osawa, Y: Immunohistochemical localization of estrogen receptors within aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the fetal and neonatal rat brain.

TSURUO, Y., Ishimura, K., Hayashi, S., Osawa, Y: Immunohistochemical localization of estrogen..

4,00 €
Michelin: Carte Michelin Nr 38. Grandes Carreteras. Espana y Portugal en 2 hojas.

Michelin: Carte Michelin Nr 38. Grandes Carreteras. Espana y Portugal en 2 hojas.

9,00 €
MICHAELIS, M. L., Ranciat, N., Chen, Y., Bechtel, M., Ragan, R., Hepperle, M., Liu, Y., Georg, G: Protection against beta-amyloid toxicity in primary neurons by Paclitaxel (Taxol).

MICHAELIS, M. L., Ranciat, N., Chen, Y., Bechtel, M., Ragan, R., Hepperle, M., Liu, Y., Georg, G:..

4,00 €
Zhou, Y., A. G. Levental & K.G. hompson: Visual deprivation does not affect the orientatin and directon sensitvity of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat.

Zhou, Y., A. G. Levental & K.G. hompson: Visual deprivation does not affect the orientatin and..

4,00 €
MATSUYAMA, K., Ohta, Y., Mori, S: Ascending and descending projections of the nucleus reticularis gingantocellularis in the cats demonstrated by the anterograde neural tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoaggluztinin. (PHA-L).

MATSUYAMA, K., Ohta, Y., Mori, S: Ascending and descending projections of the nucleus reticularis..

4,00 €
MATSUSHITA, K., Jitagawa, K., Matsuyama, T., Ohtsuki, T., Taguchi, A-., Mandai, K., Mabuchi, T., Yagita, Y-,. Yanagihara, T., Matsumoto, M: Effect of systemic zinc administration on delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus.

MATSUSHITA, K., Jitagawa, K., Matsuyama, T., Ohtsuki, T., Taguchi, A ., Mandai, K., Mabuchi, T..

4,00 €
MATSUTA. M., Matsuta. M., Hayashi, S., Yasui, S., Sasaki, K., Kuroda, Y., Nishiya, I: Reconstructed three dimensional images of low sorted nuclei hybridized with chromosome-epecific probes.

MATSUTA. M., Matsuta. M., Hayashi, S., Yasui, S., Sasaki, K., Kuroda, Y., Nishiya, I: Reconstructed..

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LIU, P. K., Hsu.  C. Y., Dizdaroglu, M., Floyd, R. A., Kow,  . W., Karakaya, A., Rabow, L. E., Cui, J.K: Damage, repair and mutagenesuis in nuclea rgenes after mopuse forebrain ischemia-reperfusion.

LIU, P. K., Hsu. C. Y., Dizdaroglu, M., Floyd, R. A., Kow, . W., Karakaya, A., Rabow, L. E., Cui..

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LIPOSITS, Z. S., Görcs, T.,  Török, A., Domany, S., Setalo, G. Y: Simultaneous localization of two different tissue antigens based on the silver intensified PAP-DAB and on the traditional PAP-DAB method.

LIPOSITS, Z. S., Görcs, T., Török, A., Domany, S., Setalo, G. Y: Simultaneous localization of..

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Lin, C. T., Li, H. Z., Wu, J. Y: Immunocytochemical localization of L-glutamate decarboxylase, Gamma-aminobutyric acdi transamiase, cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase, asparate aminotransferase and somatostatin in rat retina..

Lin, C. T., Li, H. Z., Wu, J. Y: Immunocytochemical localization of L glutamate decarboxylase..

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LIN, H. S., Hwang, B,. H., Tseng, C. Y: Fine structural changes in the hamster pineal gland after blinding and superior cervical gangliectomy.

LIN, H. S., Hwang, B,. H., Tseng, C. Y: Fine structural changes in the hamster pineal gland after..

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Lesinski, Henryk: Szczecin., Wydanie II.

Lesinski, Henryk: Szczecin., Wydanie II.

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LEONG, S. K., Shieh, J. Y., Ling, E. A., Wong, W., C: Labelling of amoeboid microglial cells in the supraventricular corpus callosum follwoing application of HRP in the cerebrum and spinal cord in rats.

LEONG, S. K., Shieh, J. Y., Ling, E. A., Wong, W., C: Labelling of amoeboid microglial cells in the..

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LEE, H. S: LEE, I. S., Nam, Y. S . Lee, C. H., Chung, D. W., Lee, H. S., The enhanced expression of c jun..

LEE, H. S: LEE, I. S., Nam, Y. S . Lee, C. H., Chung, D. W., Lee, H. S., The enhanced expression of..

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Lee, D., C. Lee, J. G. Malpeli: Acuity-sensitivity trade-offs of X and Y cells in the cat lateral geniculate complex. Role of the medial interlaminar nucleus in scotopic vision.

Lee, D., C. Lee, J. G. Malpeli: Acuity sensitivity trade offs of X and Y cells in the cat lateral..

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LE BEUX, Y,. J: An ultrastructural study of the synaptic densities, nematosomes, neurotbules, neurofilaments and of a further threee-dimensional filamentous network as disclosed by the E-PTA staining procedure.

LE BEUX, Y,. J: An ultrastructural study of the synaptic densities, nematosomes, neurotbules..

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LAN, H. Y., Mu,. W., NG, Y. Y., Nikolic-Paterson, D. J., Atkins, R. C: A simple, reliable, and sensitive method for nonradioactive in situ hybridization. use of microwave heating to improve hybridization efficiency and preserve tissue morphology.

LAN, H. Y., Mu,. W., NG, Y. Y., Nikolic Paterson, D. J., Atkins, R. C: A simple, reliable, and..

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LAMOUR, Y: LAMOUR, Y.,  Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Cortical projections to the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca and of the substantia innominata in the rat. An anatomical study using the anterograde transport of a conjugate of WGA and HRP., Neuroscience

LAMOUR, Y: LAMOUR, Y., Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Cortical projections to the nucleus of the diagonal..

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LAMOUR & COYLE: LAMOUR, Y., Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Topographic organization of basal forebrain neurons projecting to the rat cerebral cortex. Neurosci. Letters 34, 117-122 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES29].  // COYLE, P., Diameter and length changes in cerebral col

LAMOUR & COYLE: LAMOUR, Y., Dutar, P., Jobert, A., Topographic organization of basal forebrain..

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LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D: A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in the cat.

LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D: A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in..

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