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490 Artikel gefunden


Moya, Antonio de: Rasgo Heroyco: Declaracion de Las Empresas, Armas, Y Blasones Con Que Se Ilustran, Y Conocen los principales Reynos, Provicias, Ciudades, y Villas de Espana, y Compendio Instrumental de su Historia, en el que se da noticia de la Patria d

Moya, Antonio de: Rasgo Heroyco: Declaracion de Las Empresas, Armas, Y Blasones Con Que Se..

790,00 €
Wassermann, W.J., & Y. Masui: A study on gonatrotropin action in the induction of oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis.

Wassermann, W.J., & Y. Masui: A study on gonatrotropin action in the induction of oocyte maturation..

4,00 €
Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Buch des Betrachters.

Ortega Y Gasset, Jose: Buch des Betrachters.

6,00 €
Lewen, A., G.. Li, Y. Olsson & L. Hillered: Chnages  in microtubule-associated protein 2 and amyloid precursor protein immunorectivity following traumatic brain injury in rat. Influnce of MK-801 treatment.

Lewen, A., G.. Li, Y. Olsson & L. Hillered: Chnages in microtubule associated protein 2 and..

4,00 €
Fernandez, Justino: Arte moderno y contemporaneo de Mexico.

Fernandez, Justino: Arte moderno y contemporaneo de Mexico.

42,00 €
Duviols, Marcel & Jean Villegier: Tras el pirineo.II. Por Espana y America.

Duviols, Marcel & Jean Villegier: Tras el pirineo.II. Por Espana y America.

26,00 €
Evaluacion Recuperacion Y Conservacion del Germoplasma de la Alpaca Raza suri color: Nunoa, Melgar, Puno.

Evaluacion Recuperacion Y Conservacion del Germoplasma de la Alpaca Raza suri color: Nunoa, Melgar..

10,00 €
La Lengua Española ensenada por la intuicion y la vista, sin auxilio de la lenqua propia.

La Lengua Española ensenada por la intuicion y la vista, sin auxilio de la lenqua propia.

25,00 €
Watanabe, M., H. Sawai, Y. Fukuda: Number, distribution and morphology of retinal ganglion cells with axons regenerated into periphral nerve graft in adult cats.

Watanabe, M., H. Sawai, Y. Fukuda: Number, distribution and morphology of retinal ganglion cells..

4,00 €
Shimohama, S., Y. Tamura, A. Akaide, T. Tsukahara, PO. Ohara, S. Watanabe & J. Kimura: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor pretreatent exerts a partially protctive effect against glutamate-induced neurtoxicity in cultured rat cortical neuros.

Shimohama, S., Y. Tamura, A. Akaide, T. Tsukahara, PO. Ohara, S. Watanabe & J. Kimura: Brain..

4,00 €
Shimohama, S., N. Ogawa, Y. Tmura, A. Akaide, T. Tsukahara, H Iwata & J. Kuimura: Protective effect of nrve growth factor against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in culturd cortical neurons.

Shimohama, S., N. Ogawa, Y. Tmura, A. Akaide, T. Tsukahara, H Iwata & J. Kuimura: Protective effect..

4,00 €
Renqvist, Y., M. Hirvonen & U. Uotila: Über die gleichförmige (S-förmige) Verteilung der Rheobasen (Intensitätsparameter) und der Faserdicken des Nerven. Ihre reiztheoretische Bedeutung.

Renqvist, Y., M. Hirvonen & U. Uotila: Über die gleichförmige (S förmige) Verteilung der..

4,00 €
Percus, J.K: Current problems in statistical mechanics.

Percus, J.K: Current problems in statistical mechanics.

4,00 €
Paz y Melia, A: Taschenwörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache.. Diccionario manual de las lenguas Espanola y Aleman., II. Deutsch – Spanisch.

Paz y Melia, A: Taschenwörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache.. Diccionario manual de las..

4,00 €
Morii, E., S. Hirota, H. M. Kim., K. Mikoshiba, Y. Nishimune, Y. Kitamura &  S. Nomura: Spatial expression of genes encoding c-kit receptors and ther ligands in mouse cerebellum as revealed by in situ hybridizaton.

Morii, E., S. Hirota, H. M. Kim., K. Mikoshiba, Y. Nishimune, Y. Kitamura & S. Nomura: Spatial..

4,00 €
Chprov, Y. D: Lachbombe. _______ ____.

Chprov, Y. D: Lachbombe. _______ ____.

6,00 €
Carpenter, M.B.  & R.J. Cowie: Connections and oculomotor projections of the superior vestibular niucleus and cell group y.

Carpenter, M.B. & R.J. Cowie: Connections and oculomotor projections of the superior vestibular..

4,00 €
CANITROT, Y., Lautier, D., Lahmy, S., Vigo, J., Viallet, P., Salmon, J.  M: Nile red labeling of single living cells for contour delineation to quantify and evaluate the distribution of rhodamine 123 with fluorescence image cytometry.

CANITROT, Y., Lautier, D., Lahmy, S., Vigo, J., Viallet, P., Salmon, J. M: Nile red labeling of..

4,00 €
WANG, X. Y., Wong, W. C., Ling, E. A: Localization of NADPH-diaphorase activity in the submoucous plexus of the guinea pig intestine., light and electron microscopic studies.

WANG, X. Y., Wong, W. C., Ling, E. A: Localization of NADPH diaphorase activity in the submoucous..

4,00 €
GOYESCAS - 2 Parte de Los Majos Enamorados No. V El Amor y la Muerte - No. VI EpilogoSerenata del Espectro

GOYESCAS 2 Parte de Los Majos Enamorados No. V El Amor y la Muerte No. VI EpilogoSerenata del..

15,00 €
Hombres y Pueblos

Hombres y Pueblos

19,00 €
Verne, Enrique: El Palacio del Louvre. Como se ha agranado desde Felipe Augusto hasta Luis XIV. - Como se ha completado desde Luis XIV hasta nuestros dias.

Verne, Enrique: El Palacio del Louvre. Como se ha agranado desde Felipe Augusto hasta Luis XIV..

80,00 €
Helbing, Hugo: Katalog der Sammlung F. Kalister, Triest. Ölgemälde sowie einige Aquarelle hervorragendster moderner Meister. Auktion in München in der Galerie Helbing, 7. April 1908.

Helbing, Hugo: Katalog der Sammlung F. Kalister, Triest. Ölgemälde sowie einige Aquarelle..

29,00 €
Bouchot, Henri: Le Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Guide du lecteur et du visiteur, catalogue général et raisonné des collections qui y sont conservés.

Bouchot, Henri: Le Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Guide du lecteur et du..

50,00 €
Seckendorff, Tereso: Diccionario de las lenguas epanola  y alemana. Tomo II. F-Z.

Seckendorff, Tereso: Diccionario de las lenguas epanola y alemana. Tomo II. F-Z.

35,00 €
La Region de Perija y sus Habitantes.

La Region de Perija y sus Habitantes.

45,00 €
Freschot, Casimir (Anonym): Etat ancien  et moderne des Duches de Florence, Modene, Mantoue, & Parma. Avec l`histoire anecdote des intrigues des cours de leurs derniers princes. On y a ajouté une semblable relation de la ville & légation de Bologne.

Freschot, Casimir (Anonym): Etat ancien et moderne des Duches de Florence, Modene, Mantoue, &..

450,00 €
MCGRAHAM, L-., Hakim, A. M., Hakabeppu, Y., Robertson, G. S: Ischemia-induced CA1 neuronal death is preceded by elevates FosB and Jun expression and reduced NGFI-A and Jun-B levels.

MCGRAHAM, L ., Hakim, A. M., Hakabeppu, Y., Robertson, G. S: Ischemia induced CA1 neuronal death is..

4,00 €
BIGOTTE, L., Olsson, Y: Retrograde transport of doxorubicin (Adriamycin) in peripheral nerves of mice.

BIGOTTE, L., Olsson, Y: Retrograde transport of doxorubicin (Adriamycin) in peripheral nerves of..

4,00 €
Niwa, H., H. Kawano, S. Masuko & M. Takeichi: Postnatal changes in development of serotonin-, neuropeptide Y-, leu-.enkephalin-, and substance P- terminals in the rat locus coeruleus.

Niwa, H., H. Kawano, S. Masuko & M. Takeichi: Postnatal changes in development of serotonin..

4,00 €
CHIU, W. T., Kao, T. Y-., Lin, M. T: Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist increases survival in rat headstroke by reducing hypothalamic serotonin release.

CHIU, W. T., Kao, T. Y ., Lin, M. T: Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist increases survival in rat..

4,00 €
SCHUKNECHT, H. F., Gao, Y.- Z: Cochlear pathology folllowing experimental ablation of the vestibular labyrinth.

SCHUKNECHT, H. F., Gao, Y. Z: Cochlear pathology folllowing experimental ablation of the..

4,00 €
Lee, C.M., Y,. G,. George & G. Aboko-Cole: Iron metabolism in Trypanosoma lewisi infection., Serum iron and serum iron-binding capacity.

Lee, C.M., Y,. G,. George & G. Aboko Cole: Iron metabolism in Trypanosoma lewisi infection., Serum..

4,00 €
Ochi, J. & Y. Hosoya: Fluorescence microscopic differentiation of monoamines in the hypothalamus and spinalcord of the Lamrey, using a new filter system.

Ochi, J. & Y. Hosoya: Fluorescence microscopic differentiation of monoamines in the hypothalamus..

9,00 €
Perez Bautista, Florencio L: La medicina y los medicos en l teatro de Calderon de la Barca.

Perez Bautista, Florencio L: La medicina y los medicos en l teatro de Calderon de la Barca.

36,00 €
Figueroa, Miguel Herrera: Desde la Ciencia del Derecho y del Estado.

Figueroa, Miguel Herrera: Desde la Ciencia del Derecho y del Estado.

26,00 €
Wakabayashi, T., Y. Fukuda & J. Kosaka: Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving retnal ganglion cells after peripherl nerve graft in axotomized rat retina.

Wakabayashi, T., Y. Fukuda & J. Kosaka: Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving retnal ganglion..

4,00 €
Tachibana, T., K. Ishizeki, Y. Sakakura & T. Nawa: Immunohistochemical and cytochemical evidence for a possible localization of leucine aminopeptidase in a Merkel cell granuel.

Tachibana, T., K. Ishizeki, Y. Sakakura & T. Nawa: Immunohistochemical and cytochemical evidence..

4,00 €
UETA, Y., Kitamura, K., Isse, T., Shibuya, I., Kabashima, N., Yamamoto, S., Kangawa, K., Matsuo, H., Eto, T., Yamashita, H: Adrenomedullin--immunoreacxtive neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat.

UETA, Y., Kitamura, K., Isse, T., Shibuya, I., Kabashima, N., Yamamoto, S., Kangawa, K., Matsuo..

4,00 €
Uehara, F., N. Ohba, Y. Nakashima, T. Yanagita, N. Ozawa & T. Muramatsu: A fixative suitable for in situ hybridization histochemistry.

Uehara, F., N. Ohba, Y. Nakashima, T. Yanagita, N. Ozawa & T. Muramatsu: A fixative suitable for in..

4,00 €
SCHERER, S. S., Xu, Y. T., Roling, D., Wrabetz, L-., Feltri, M. L., Kamholz, J: Expression of growth-associated protein-43 kD in Schwann cells is regulated by axon-schwann cell interactions and cAMP.

SCHERER, S. S., Xu, Y. T., Roling, D., Wrabetz, L ., Feltri, M. L., Kamholz, J: Expression of..

4,00 €
UEDA, H-,. Baba, T.-, Terada, N., Kato, Y., Tsukahara,.., S., Ohno, S: Dystrophin in rod sperhules. Submemnranous dense regions facing bipolar cell processes.

UEDA, H ,. Baba, T. , Terada, N., Kato, Y., Tsukahara,.., S., Ohno, S: Dystrophin in rod sperhules..

4,00 €
LAMOUR, Y., G. Guilbaud, J. C. Willer: Rat somatosensory (SmI) cortex. II. Lminar and columnar organization of noxious and non-noxious inputs.

LAMOUR, Y., G. Guilbaud, J. C. Willer: Rat somatosensory (SmI) cortex. II. Lminar and columnar..

4,00 €
Takeuchi, Y. & Y. Sano: Serotonin distribution in the circumventricular organs of the rat.

Takeuchi, Y. & Y. Sano: Serotonin distribution in the circumventricular organs of the rat.

4,00 €
Hoffmann, D. W., J. A. Rubio, R. . Altschuler & J. Fex: Several distinct receptor binding enkephalins in olivocochlear fibers and terminals in the organ of Corti.

Hoffmann, D. W., J. A. Rubio, R. . Altschuler & J. Fex: Several distinct receptor binding..

4,00 €
Wipplie, William, J. S.Hamel & Wallace Heidtman: Design and structures at the New York World s fair 1964-1965.

Wipplie, William, J. S.Hamel & Wallace Heidtman: Design and structures at the New York World s fair..

6,00 €
Renqvist, Y., M. Mirvonen, U. Uotila & A. Arvola: Das Verhältnis zwischen Parameters de elektrischen Nevenreizung und der Faserdicke des Nerven.

Renqvist, Y., M. Mirvonen, U. Uotila & A. Arvola: Das Verhältnis zwischen Parameters de..

4,00 €
Falck, James W: The changing patent climate.

Falck, James W: The changing patent climate.

4,00 €
KITA, H., Oomura, Y: Evidence fo a glycinergic cotico-lateral hypothalamic inhibitoty pathway in the rat.

KITA, H., Oomura, Y: Evidence fo a glycinergic cotico lateral hypothalamic inhibitoty pathway in..

4,00 €
MOORE, R. Y., Card, J. P: Intergeniculate leaflet. An anatomically and functionally distinct subdivision of the lateral geniculate complex.

MOORE, R. Y., Card, J. P: Intergeniculate leaflet. An anatomically and functionally distinct..

4,00 €
LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger-Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C. E., Lim, Y. P., Corsetti, S.-, Chobdobski, A: Immunocytochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase in rat anterior caroidal artery, stromal blod microves

LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C..

4,00 €
KANG, Y.,  Endo, K., Araki, T: Frequency-to-voltage conversion in the pyramidal tract neuron. An important role of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential.

KANG, Y., Endo, K., Araki, T: Frequency to voltage conversion in the pyramidal tract neuron. An..

4,00 €
Bolz, J., G. Rosner & H. Wässle: Response latency of brisk-sustained (X) and brisk-transient (Y) cells in the cat retina.

Bolz, J., G. Rosner & H. Wässle: Response latency of brisk sustained (X) and brisk transient (Y)..

4,00 €
BRAUER, K., Schober, W., Winkelmann, E: Two morphologically different types of retinal axon terminals in the rat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and their relationships to the X- and Y-channel-.

BRAUER, K., Schober, W., Winkelmann, E: Two morphologically different types of retinal axon..

4,00 €
LI, J. Y., Kling-Petersen, A., Dahlström,. A: GAP-43 like immunoreactivity in normal adult rat sciatic nerve, spinal cord, and motoneurons. Axonal tramnsport and effect of spinal cord transection.

LI, J. Y., Kling Petersen, A., Dahlström,. A: GAP 43 like immunoreactivity in normal adult rat..

4,00 €
Li, J. Y.  & Annica Dahlström: Axonal transport of synaptic vesicle proteins in the rat optic nerve.

Li, J. Y. & Annica Dahlström: Axonal transport of synaptic vesicle proteins in the rat optic..

4,00 €
KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Kayahara, T., Yasui, Y., Nakano, K., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells sending axon colaterals to the bilateral superior colliculi. A fluorescent retrograde double labeling study in the Japanese Monkey (Macaca fuscata).

KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Kayahara, T., Yasui, Y., Nakano, K., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion..

4,00 €
KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Tokuno, H., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells projecting bilatrally to the lateral geniculate nuclei or superior colliculi by way of axon collaterals in the cat.

KONDO, Y., Takada, M., Tokuno, H., Mizuno, N: Single retinal ganglion cells projecting bilatrally..

4,00 €
Zwiener, Ulrich., H. Hubel.,  Y. Mukagasana, U. v. Pilar,  T. Süssmuth (Eds.): Bürgerkrieg und Vertreibung. Existentielle Herausvorderungen. Guerre civile et expulsion.  Defis existentiels.

Zwiener, Ulrich., H. Hubel., Y. Mukagasana, U. v. Pilar, T. Süssmuth (Eds.): Bürgerkrieg und..

8,00 €
Ohmori, Y., T. Watanabe, T. Fujioka: Localization of the motoneurons innervating the forelimb muscles in the spinal cord of the domestic fowl.

Ohmori, Y., T. Watanabe, T. Fujioka: Localization of the motoneurons innervating the forelimb..

4,00 €
Sopena, Ramon: Diccionario Aleman – Espanol y Espanol – Aleman.

Sopena, Ramon: Diccionario Aleman – Espanol y Espanol – Aleman.

9,00 €
Yamada, H. & Y. Sano: The biotinylation of the rabbit serotonin antibody and ist application to immunohistochemical studies using the  two-step ABC method.

Yamada, H. & Y. Sano: The biotinylation of the rabbit serotonin antibody and ist application to..

4,00 €
Sopena, Ramon: Diccionario Aleman – Espanol y Espanol – Aleman.

Sopena, Ramon: Diccionario Aleman – Espanol y Espanol – Aleman.

9,00 €
Sanchez-Silva, Jose Maria: Die Legende vom kleinen glücklichen Leben und schönen Sterben des Marcelino Pan Y Vino.

Sanchez Silva, Jose Maria: Die Legende vom kleinen glücklichen Leben und schönen Sterben des..

4,00 €
Müller, Rolf: Hamburg heute und Gestern., Bilder vom Werden einer Weltstadt.,  Hamburg now and yesterday-. Hamburgo hoy y ayer. Hambourg aujoud hui et hier.

Müller, Rolf: Hamburg heute und Gestern., Bilder vom Werden einer Weltstadt., Hamburg now and..

4,00 €
Kharlamov, A., T. Zu., J. Y. Joo., H. Manev: Pharmacological characterization of apoptotic cell death in a mdel of photothrombic brain injury in rats.

Kharlamov, A., T. Zu., J. Y. Joo., H. Manev: Pharmacological characterization of apoptotic cell..

4,00 €
INOUE, S., Honda, K., Komoda, Y: Sleep-promoting substances.  Sleep. Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. A. Wauquier et al (Eds.).

INOUE, S., Honda, K., Komoda, Y: Sleep promoting substances. Sleep. Neurotransmitters and..

4,00 €
Gustafson, Eric L., J. P. Card & R.Y. Moore: Neuropeptide Y localization in the rat Amygdaloid complex.

Gustafson, Eric L., J. P. Card & R.Y. Moore: Neuropeptide Y localization in the rat Amygdaloid..

4,00 €
Elwert, Theodor (Ed.): Französisch in Paris gelernt. / En France comme si vous y etiez.,  I.

Elwert, Theodor (Ed.): Französisch in Paris gelernt. / En France comme si vous y etiez., I.

4,00 €
Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las Escrituras.

Baker Eddy, Mary: Science and health with key to the scriptures. / Ciencia y Salud con clave de las..

26,00 €
Arakiu, M., Y. Fukada, Y. Shichida, T . Yoshikawa & F. Tokunaga: Differentiation of both rod and cone types of photoreceptors in the in vivo and in vitro developing pineal glands of the quail.

Arakiu, M., Y. Fukada, Y. Shichida, T . Yoshikawa & F. Tokunaga: Differentiation of both rod and..

4,00 €
Spanisch. - Franke, St. M. A: Spanisch-Deutsches mercantilisches Wörterbuch / Diccionario mercantil en espanol y aleman.

Spanisch. Franke, St. M. A: Spanisch Deutsches mercantilisches Wörterbuch / Diccionario..

13,00 €
Mesenhöller & Co. Gustav, Schalksmühle in Westfalen: Gust. Mesenhöller & Co., Schalksmühle in Westfalen. Katalog: Factory of Forks and Rakes. Fabrique de fourches et de..

Mesenhöller & Co. Gustav, Schalksmühle in Westfalen: Gust. Mesenhöller & Co., Schalksmühle in..

28,00 €
Turienzo, Francisco F: Unamuno-Ansia de dios y creacion literaria. Diss.phil., Univ. Basel  1965.

Turienzo, Francisco F: Unamuno-Ansia de dios y creacion literaria. Diss.phil., Univ. Basel 1965.

11,00 €
Reinink, Kasper W: Algunos aspectos literarios y linguisticos de la obra de  Don  Ramon  Perez de Ayala. Proefschrift [Diss.] letteren, Utrecht 1959.

Reinink, Kasper W: Algunos aspectos literarios y linguisticos de la obra de Don Ramon Perez de..

9,00 €
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. - Real, J. Alonso del: Calderon : Segun sus obras, sus criticos y sus admiradores y cronica des segundo centenarion de su muerte. Festejado en Madrid durante los ultimos dias de Mayo de 1881.

Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. Real, J. Alonso del: Calderon : Segun sus obras, sus criticos y..

27,00 €
Rasgo Heroyco: Declaracion de Las Empresas, Armas, Y Blasones Con Que Se Ilustran, Y Conocen los principales Reynos, Provicias, Ciudades, y Villas de Espana, y Compendio Instrumental de su Historia, en el que se da noticia de la Patria de S.Fernando,...

Rasgo Heroyco: Declaracion de Las Empresas, Armas, Y Blasones Con Que Se Ilustran, Y Conocen los..

890,00 €
The Great Torah Commentators. Finkel, Auraham Y

The Great Torah Commentators. Finkel, Auraham Y

30,00 €
Yokoyama, Y., S. Ozuwa,  et al: Enhancement of apoptosis in developing chick neural retina cells by basic fibroblast growth factor.

Yokoyama, Y., S. Ozuwa, et al: Enhancement of apoptosis in developing chick neural retina cells by..

4,00 €
YASUI, Y: YASUI, Y., Tsumori, T., Ando, A., Domoto,, T., Demonstration of axon collateral projections from the substantia nigra pars reticulata to the superior colliculus and the parvicellular reticular formation in the rat. Brain Res. 674, 122-126 (1995)

YASUI, Y: YASUI, Y., Tsumori, T., Ando, A., Domoto,, T., Demonstration of axon collateral..

5,00 €
Yan, X. Y: Pretantal development of calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin immunoreactivities in the human retina.

Yan, X. Y: Pretantal development of calbindin D 28k and parvalbumin immunoreactivities in the human..

4,00 €
Yan, X, Y., A., F. Wiechmann: Early expression of recoverin in a unique population of neurons in the human retina.

Yan, X, Y., A., F. Wiechmann: Early expression of recoverin in a unique population of neurons in..

4,00 €
YAMAUCHI, A., Yokoto, R., Fujimaki, Y: Reciprocal synapses between cholinergic axons and small granule-containing cells in the Rat cardiac ganglion.

YAMAUCHI, A., Yokoto, R., Fujimaki, Y: Reciprocal synapses between cholinergic axons and small..

4,00 €
YAMAMOTO, T., Iwasaki, Y., Konno,. H: Retrograde axoplasmic transport of toxic letins is useful for transganglionic tracings of peripheral nerve.

YAMAMOTO, T., Iwasaki, Y., Konno,. H: Retrograde axoplasmic transport of toxic letins is useful for..

4,00 €
Yamada, M., Y. Enokido, T. Ikeuchi, H. Hatanaka: Epidermal growth factor prevents oxygen-triggered apoptosis and induces sustained signalling on cultured rat  cerebral cortivcal neurons.

Yamada, M., Y. Enokido, T. Ikeuchi, H. Hatanaka: Epidermal growth factor prevents oxygen triggered..

4,00 €
Yajima, Y. & Y. Hayashi: GABAergic inhibition upon auditory response properties of neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the rat.

Yajima, Y. & Y. Hayashi: GABAergic inhibition upon auditory response properties of neurons in the..

7,00 €
Yagishita, S., Y Itoh., W. Nan, N. Amano: Reappraisal of the fine structure of Alzheimer’s neurofibrillary tangles.

Yagishita, S., Y Itoh., W. Nan, N. Amano: Reappraisal of the fine structure of Alzheimer’s..

4,00 €
DIAO, Y. C., Wang, Y. K., Xiao, Y,. M: Representation of the binocular visual field in the superior colliculus of the albino rat.

DIAO, Y. C., Wang, Y. K., Xiao, Y,. M: Representation of the binocular visual field in the superior..

4,00 €
Wouterlood, F.G., Y,. M.H.F. Sauren,  & H. W.M. Steinbusch: Histaminergic neurons in  the rat brain. Correlarive immunocytochemistry , golgi impregnation, and electron microscopy.

Wouterlood, F.G., Y,. M.H.F. Sauren, & H. W.M. Steinbusch: Histaminergic neurons in the rat..

4,00 €
Wolff, Bernd: Von Klöstern und Burgen. Ein Kulturbild aus der Zeit der Romanik.

Wolff, Bernd: Von Klöstern und Burgen. Ein Kulturbild aus der Zeit der Romanik.

4,00 €
WOLBURG, H: SCHMITZ, Y., Wolburg, H., Gap junction morphology of retinal horizontal cells is sensitive to pH alterations in vitro. Cell Tiss Res. 263, 303-310 (1991)., Obr.,  [WES66]..,// WOLBURG, H., Bolz, J., Ultrastructural organization of slice cultur

WOLBURG, H: SCHMITZ, Y., Wolburg, H., Gap junction morphology of retinal horizontal cells is..

5,00 €
Williams, Harley: Don Quixote of the Microscope. An Interpretation of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal (1852-1934).

Williams, Harley: Don Quixote of the Microscope. An Interpretation of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal (1852..

39,00 €
WEINBERG, R. J: GONCHAR, Y. A., Johnson, P. B., Weinberg, R. J., GABA-imunopositive neurons in rat neocortex with contralateral projections to S-I. Brain Res. 697, 27-34 (1995)., Obr.,  [WES109]..,// WEINBERG, R. J-, Rustioni, A., A cuneocochlear pathway

WEINBERG, R. J: GONCHAR, Y. A., Johnson, P. B., Weinberg, R. J., GABA imunopositive neurons in rat..

4,00 €
Weekers, R., Y. Delmarcelle: Veines aqueuses et beines laminaires neoformees dans leucome corneen.

Weekers, R., Y. Delmarcelle: Veines aqueuses et beines laminaires neoformees dans leucome corneen.

4,00 €
WATANABE, T: / WATANABE, T., Mio, Y., Hoshino, F. B., Nagamatsu, S., Hirosawa, K., Nakahara, K., GLUT2 expression in the rat retina. Localization at the..

WATANABE, T: / WATANABE, T., Mio, Y., Hoshino, F. B., Nagamatsu, S., Hirosawa, K., Nakahara, K..

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WARR, W. B., Boche, J-. E. B., Ye, Y., Kim, D. O: Organization of olivocochlear neurons in the cat studied with the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B.

WARR, W. B., Boche, J . E. B., Ye, Y., Kim, D. O: Organization of olivocochlear neurons in the cat..

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