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255 Artikel gefunden


Bürgel Aus fernen Welten 1922 Astronomie Physik Himmel Sterne Wissen History xy

Bürgel Aus fernen Welten 1922 Astronomie Physik Himmel Sterne Wissen History xy

25,90 €
Hewlett Scipture History for Youth 1833 Belletristik englisch illustriert mb

Hewlett Scipture History for Youth 1833 Belletristik englisch illustriert mb

39,50 €
Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

109,89 €
Buch: General History of Africa, Vol. VI, Ajayi, J. F. Ade, 1989, Heinemann Int.

Buch: General History of Africa, Vol. VI, Ajayi, J. F. Ade, 1989, Heinemann Int.

23,21 €
Gaddafi .- Muammar al-Qaddhafi (1942 - 2011) / Frederick Muscat: My President, my Son - (..or one day that changed the history of Libya).

Gaddafi . Muammar al Qaddhafi (1942 2011) / Frederick Muscat: My President, my Son (..or one..

22,00 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 1 , Bern 1915 , 103 S., Morgarten  !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 1 , Bern 1915 , 103 S., Morgarten !!!

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte ,Heft 2 , über 400 S., Sargans , Ragatz , Hericourt , Pontalier , Calven , Novara , Marignano

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte ,Heft 2 , über 400 S., Sargans , Ragatz , Hericourt , Pontalier..

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 6 , 104 S., Ceresole !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 6 , 104 S., Ceresole !!!

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 10 , 108 S., Sonderbund , Fribourg , Belfaux !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 10 , 108 S., Sonderbund , Fribourg , Belfaux !!!

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 12 , 176 S., Besancon , Montbeliard !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 12 , 176 S., Besancon , Montbeliard !!!

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 11 , 104 S. , Armee !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Heft 11 , 104 S. , Armee !!!

11,84 €
Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Weihnachtsausgabe , Sehr selten , 104 S. , Armee !!!

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte , Weihnachtsausgabe , Sehr selten , 104 S. , Armee !!!

13,66 €
Buch: English History, Clark, George. 1971, Clarendon Press, A Survey

Buch: English History, Clark, George. 1971, Clarendon Press, A Survey

12,53 €
Institute for the History of Arabic Science, university of Aleppo. - Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan / Ghada Karmi / Nizar Namnum (Ed.): Proceedings of the First International Symposium for the History Arabic Science. Held at the University of Aleppo 5 - 12 April  197

Institute for the History of Arabic Science, university of Aleppo. Ahmad Y. Al Hassan / Ghada..

47,00 €
Swatch Press Office / Dieter Egli: Swatch 1983 - 1992. ( Uhren, Armbanduhren, Uhrenkatalog, Swatchuhren, Swatch Automatic, Swatchbrillen, Twinphone, Swatch Eyes, Pop Swatch, Swatch Chrono ).

Swatch Press Office / Dieter Egli: Swatch 1983 1992. ( Uhren, Armbanduhren, Uhrenkatalog..

23,00 €
Dakkak, Omar / A.Y. El-Hassan / S.Z. Kawakibi / K. Magout / M. Imam / M.K. Fares / G.I.S.A. Shawki / S. Kataye / A. Poche / A. Dweidari / N. Edelby / S. Saouf / F. Antabi (Editors and authors): Adiyat Halab, An Annual devoted to the study of Arabic Scienc

Dakkak, Omar / A.Y. El Hassan / S.Z. Kawakibi / K. Magout / M. Imam / M.K. Fares / G.I.S.A. Shawki..

60,00 €
Duri, A. A. / A. J. al-Muttalibi (Ed.): Akhbar al-Dawla al-'Abbasiyya wa fihi Akhbar al-Abbas wa Waladihi [ A history of the Abbadis movement, reflecting Abbasid trends and ideas before the time of al-Mahdi] Written in the 3rd / 9th cent. by an unknown au

Duri, A. A. / A. J. al Muttalibi (Ed.): Akhbar al Dawla al 'Abbasiyya wa fihi Akhbar al Abbas wa..

77,00 €
Kyoto University: Annual Bibliography of oriental studies for 1969. - in japanisch und englisch / in japanese and english language ! - From the contents: List of periodicals consulted / History / Geography / Social studies / Economics / Politics / Law and

Kyoto University: Annual Bibliography of oriental studies for 1969. in japanisch und englisch /..

57,00 €
Buch: The Oxford History of New Zealand, Rice, Geoffrey W., 1992, gebraucht

Buch: The Oxford History of New Zealand, Rice, Geoffrey W., 1992, gebraucht

16,40 €
Ibn Al-Razzaz AL-JAZARI. - edited by Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan: Al-Jami bain Al-' ilm wal- 'amal al-nafi fi sina' at al-hiyal - a compendium on the theory and practice of the mechanical arts. - Contents: Preface / introduction / Al-Jazari - his life and his age

Ibn Al Razzaz AL JAZARI. edited by Ahmad Y. Al Hassan: Al Jami bain Al ' ilm wal 'amal al nafi..

157,00 €
Buch: Die Qin Terrakotta-Armee / The Qin Terracotty-Army, Freyer, Roland. 2005

Buch: Die Qin Terrakotta-Armee / The Qin Terracotty-Army, Freyer, Roland. 2005

8,66 €
Weisser, Ursula: Buch über das Geheimnis der Schöpfung und die Darstellung der Natur (Buch der Ursachen) von Pseudo-Apollonios von Tyana ( = sources & studies in the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Natural sciences series 1 ).

Weisser, Ursula: Buch über das Geheimnis der Schöpfung und die Darstellung der Natur (Buch der..

77,00 €
Buch: Segu Tukulor Empire, Oloruntimehin, B. O. 1978, Longman, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Segu Tukulor Empire, Oloruntimehin, B. O. 1978, Longman, gebraucht, gut

24,15 €
Ch' ing - shih wen-t' i. - edited by James H. Cole, Susan Naquin and Mary Rankin: Ch' ing - shih wen-t' i. June 1984, volume 5 - number 1. - from the contents: James Lee and Robert Y. Eng - Population and family history in eighteenth century Manchuria: pr

Ch' ing shih wen t' i. edited by James H. Cole, Susan Naquin and Mary Rankin: Ch' ing shih..

22,00 €
Rosary of the times. - Dervis Mehmed Ibn Saih Ramadan. Illuminator: Hasan al-musavvir al-Istanbuli (Husain the painter from Istanbul): Rosary of the times. -Subhatu' l-Ahbar. A seventeenth-century reperesentation of world history in genealogical form with

Rosary of the times. Dervis Mehmed Ibn Saih Ramadan. Illuminator: Hasan al musavvir al Istanbuli..

47,00 €
Ferguson, Stephen: The Post Office in Ireland: - An Illustrated History.

Ferguson, Stephen: The Post Office in Ireland: - An Illustrated History.

30,00 €
Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

22,00 €
Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

25,00 €
Ars Orientalis. - texts by Kazuo Yamasaki / Kenzo Toishi / James C. Y. Watt / Jay D. Frierman and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume XI, 1979. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: Kazuo Yamasaki - Pigments used in japanese paintings from the pr

Ars Orientalis. texts by Kazuo Yamasaki / Kenzo Toishi / James C. Y. Watt / Jay D. Frierman and..

55,00 €
Ars Orientalis. - texts by William Watson / Kamer Aga-Oglu / Helmut Brinker / Harry M. Garner and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume IX, 1973. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: William Watson - On some categories od Archaism in chinese Bronz

Ars Orientalis. texts by William Watson / Kamer Aga Oglu / Helmut Brinker / Harry M. Garner and..

52,00 €
Ars Orientalis. - texts by George T. Scanlon / Dogan Kuban / D. R. Howell / Martha L. Carter and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume VII, 1968. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: George T. Scanlon - Ancillary dating materials from Fustat / Dog

Ars Orientalis. texts by George T. Scanlon / Dogan Kuban / D. R. Howell / Martha L. Carter and..

49,00 €
Weaver, Clifton Stokes / duPont, [Du Pont]  John Eleuthère: Living volutes. A monograph of the recent Volutidae of the world.

Weaver, Clifton Stokes / duPont, [Du Pont] John Eleuthère: Living volutes. A monograph of the..

35,00 €
Frühe Neuzeit.   Eva Knapp / Gabor Tüskes: Emblematics in hungary. A study of the history of symbolic representation in Renaissance and Baroque literature..

Frühe Neuzeit. Eva Knapp / Gabor Tüskes: Emblematics in hungary. A study of the history of..

107,00 €
Early Indian Historical Tradition and Archaeology. Puranic Kingdoms and Dynasties with Genealogies (Reconstructing Indian History and Culture).

Early Indian Historical Tradition and Archaeology. Puranic Kingdoms and Dynasties with Genealogies..

17,00 €
Lamb, Sydney M. - Konrad Koerner (Ed.): Pathways of the Brain. The Neurocognitive Basis of Language (= Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science; Series IV: Current Issues in Lingustic Theory, Vol. 170).

Lamb, Sydney M. Konrad Koerner (Ed.): Pathways of the Brain. The Neurocognitive Basis of Language..

47,00 €
Joseph, John E. / Love, Nigel / Taylor, Talbot J: Landmarks in linguistic thought II. - The western tradition in the Twentieth century ( = Routledge history of linguistic thought series ).

Joseph, John E. / Love, Nigel / Taylor, Talbot J: Landmarks in linguistic thought II. The western..

36,00 €
Thomas, Margaret: Universal grammar in second language acquisition: a history ( = Routledge studies in the history of linguistics ).

Thomas, Margaret: Universal grammar in second language acquisition: a history ( = Routledge studies..

46,00 €
Joseph, John E: From Whitney to Chomsky. Essays in the History of American Linguistics ( Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History  of Linguistic Science - General Editor E. F. Konrad Koerner. Series III - Studies in the History of the Language Sciences

Joseph, John E: From Whitney to Chomsky. Essays in the History of American Linguistics ( Amsterdam..

47,00 €
Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W. / Gerard J. Steen (eds.): Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997 ( Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History  of Linguistic Science -

Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W. / Gerard J. Steen (eds.): Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Selected Papers..

27,00 €
Sapir, Edward. - Koerner, Konrad (Ed.): Edward Sapir. Appraisals of his life and works. Edited with an introduction by Konrad Koerner (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, General Editor E. F. Konrad Koerner, Series III:  Stu

Sapir, Edward. Koerner, Konrad (Ed.): Edward Sapir. Appraisals of his life and works. Edited with..

50,00 €
Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of linguistic thought series ).

Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of..

23,00 €
Henriksen, Carol - Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development of Linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Papers from the conference on the history of linguistics in the nordic countries, Oslo, Novem

Henriksen, Carol Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development..

87,00 €
Buch: The Foundations of History, Wilson, Richard, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd

Buch: The Foundations of History, Wilson, Richard, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd

8,41 €
Duyckinck, Evert A. [Evert Augustus]: History of the world from the earliest period to the present time. Collected and arranged from the best authorities. Illustrated with highly finished steel engravings of historical events and portraits of eminent men

Duyckinck, Evert A. [Evert Augustus]: History of the world from the earliest period to the present..

280,00 €
Tools & Trades. The Journal of the Tool and Trades History Society. VOLUME 1.

Tools & Trades. The Journal of the Tool and Trades History Society. VOLUME 1.

16,00 €
DeLong, Irwin Hoch: An Early Eighteenth Century Reformed Church - A Contribution in Church and Family History.

DeLong, Irwin Hoch: An Early Eighteenth Century Reformed Church A Contribution in Church and..

27,00 €
China Archäologie Geschichte Chiang-an Seidenstraße Foto Bildband 1991

China Archäologie Geschichte Chiang-an Seidenstraße Foto Bildband 1991

45,00 €
Calvert, James: Fiji and the Fijians. Vol. II (2. Band), Mission History.

Calvert, James: Fiji and the Fijians. Vol. II (2. Band), Mission History.

12,00 €
Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With engravings on wood by Jackson, and illustrated maps and plans on steel.

Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With..

240,00 €
Robertson, W[illiam]. (Übs.): Recherches historiques sur la connoissance que les anciens avoient de l`Inde et sur le progrès du commerce avec cette partie du monde..

Robertson, W[illiam]. (Übs.): Recherches historiques sur la connoissance que les anciens avoient..

290,00 €
Amundsen, Edward: In the Land of the Lamas. The Story of Trashilhamo. A Tibetan Lassie in which are described Tibetan character, life, customs, and history. With an introductionby G. H. Bondfield.

Amundsen, Edward: In the Land of the Lamas. The Story of Trashilhamo. A Tibetan Lassie in which are..

130,00 €
Lara, Natascha / Thillmann, Wolfgang: Bugholzmöbel in Südamerika: Thonet, Historie und persönliche Annäherung. Muebles de madera curvada en Sudamérica, historia de Thonet y acercamiento personal..

Lara, Natascha / Thillmann, Wolfgang: Bugholzmöbel in Südamerika: Thonet, Historie und..

98,00 €
Antall, Jozsef ; Huszar, Lajos (Hrsg.): Medicina in nummis : From the numismatic collection of the Semmelweis Museum for the History of Medicine / Eine Auswahl aus der numismatischen Sammlung des Semmelweis-Museums für medizinische Geschichte.

Antall, Jozsef ; Huszar, Lajos (Hrsg.): Medicina in nummis : From the numismatic collection of the..

27,00 €
Kress.   Frank zu Döfering, Karl Friedrich von / Charles Rhoads Roberts: Kress Family History compiled, written and published by Döfering. The genealogical material..

Kress. Frank zu Döfering, Karl Friedrich von / Charles Rhoads Roberts: Kress Family History..

257,00 €
Zenska infoteka. - Durda Knezevic / Koraljka Dilic (ed.): Seminar ' Zene i politika: Zene u povijesti - historija bez zena ' Dokumentacija. // Women and politics: Women in History - History without women. Dokumentation // Frauen und Politik : Frauen in de

Zenska infoteka. Durda Knezevic / Koraljka Dilic (ed.): Seminar ' Zene i politika: Zene u..

37,00 €
Laurla, Kari K: Itä - Karjalan Tunnuksia. (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum).

Laurla, Kari K: Itä - Karjalan Tunnuksia. (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum).

47,00 €
Quintana, Miguel Rodriguez Diaz de: Historia del Escudo Heraldico Municipal y de la Bandera de la muy noble y muy leal Ciudad del Real de las Palmas.

Quintana, Miguel Rodriguez Diaz de: Historia del Escudo Heraldico Municipal y de la Bandera de la..

41,00 €
Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost pri Matici Slovenskej 1997. ( Biblioteca Heraldica Slovaka).

Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko Heraldicka Spolocnost pri..

37,00 €
Hahn, I. - L. Kakosy, E. Maroty, J. Sarkady: Oikumene. Volume 1 - 5. Studia ad Historiam Antiquam Classicam et Orientalem Spectantia. (= Yearbook of the economic and social history of the ancient word. Vol 1 - 5 / Jahrbuch der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgesch

Hahn, I. L. Kakosy, E. Maroty, J. Sarkady: Oikumene. Volume 1 5. Studia ad Historiam Antiquam..

107,00 €
Ivánfi, Ede: A Magyar Birodalom Vagy Magyarország  s  Részeinek Cimerei.

Ivánfi, Ede: A Magyar Birodalom Vagy Magyarország s Részeinek Cimerei.

55,00 €
Atlagic, Marko: Grbovi Plemstva U Slavoniji 1700 - 1918.

Atlagic, Marko: Grbovi Plemstva U Slavoniji 1700 - 1918.

67,00 €
Svane, Erling: I Skjoldet springe Lover ( Löver ). Afledninger af Kongevabenet. (= University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, Vol. 255).

Svane, Erling: I Skjoldet springe Lover ( Löver ). Afledninger af Kongevabenet. (= University of..

29,00 €
Sola, Miguel: El Escudo de Salta (Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras. Publicaciones del Instituto  de Investigaciones Historicas Numero LXXX).

Sola, Miguel: El Escudo de Salta (Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras. Publicaciones del Instituto de..

27,00 €
Wanendeya, W. G: The Uganda National Gems.  Illustrated by Ifee Francis Xavier.

Wanendeya, W. G: The Uganda National Gems. Illustrated by Ifee Francis Xavier.

47,00 €
Holyoake, C. J: Heraldic Notes on the issue of Postage Stamps. (Family History, Journal of the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, August 1976).

Holyoake, C. J: Heraldic Notes on the issue of Postage Stamps. (Family History, Journal of the..

14,00 €
Kay, Eckford J. de: Heraldry in the Episcopal Church: How ecclesiastical coats of arms depict the history of the church.

Kay, Eckford J. de: Heraldry in the Episcopal Church: How ecclesiastical coats of arms depict the..

187,00 €
Burgers, A.P: The History of South African Flags from Dias to Mandela.

Burgers, A.P: The History of South African Flags from Dias to Mandela.

47,00 €
Kerckhove, L. Vande /Traen, Fernand: Zeebrugge 15-30 juli 1985. Programma.

Kerckhove, L. Vande /Traen, Fernand: Zeebrugge 15-30 juli 1985. Programma.

21,00 €
Stephens, Carl (Beitr.) - Univ. of Illinois: Illini Years, 1868-1950, a picture history of the University of Illinois.

Stephens, Carl (Beitr.) Univ. of Illinois: Illini Years, 1868 1950, a picture history of the..

26,00 €
Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms  - its  history and meaning.

Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms - its history and meaning.

19,00 €
Smith, Chris. J: The Civic Heraldry of Warwickshire. An account of the armorial bearings of local authorities  in Warwickshire prior to the local government reforms in 1974. (Coventry & Warwickshire  History Pamphlets, No. 9).

Smith, Chris. J: The Civic Heraldry of Warwickshire. An account of the armorial bearings of local..

13,00 €
Lancashire. - Furnell, J. / J. Shaw: Heraldry in the Victoria County History of Lancashire.

Lancashire. - Furnell, J. / J. Shaw: Heraldry in the Victoria County History of Lancashire.

42,00 €
Macerata: Arena Sferisterio Macerata XXIII Stagione Lirica - 18 Iuglio 20 agosto 1987.

Macerata: Arena Sferisterio Macerata XXIII Stagione Lirica - 18 Iuglio 20 agosto 1987.

47,00 €
Johnson, Martin: Picturing Africa. (Natural History, Vol. XXVII, No. 6, 1927).

Johnson, Martin: Picturing Africa. (Natural History, Vol. XXVII, No. 6, 1927).

21,00 €
Chinese Literature: Chinese Literature - No. 11, 1974. Content - Stories: Generation after generation - Sun Yung / A lecture on history - Yeh Mien / Granny Chin - Sung An- na / Storming tiger cliff (an excerpt from a novel) - Kuo Hsien-hung.

Chinese Literature: Chinese Literature No. 11, 1974. Content Stories: Generation after..

15,00 €
Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 - 1975 to celebrate the seventy fifth anniversary of ist birth.

Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 1975 to celebrate the seventy..

17,00 €
Athen. - Schömann, Georg Friedrich: Die Verfassungsgeschichte Athen´s. G. Grote´s history of Greece. Kritisch geprüft.

Athen. Schömann, Georg Friedrich: Die Verfassungsgeschichte Athen´s. G. Grote´s history of..

23,00 €
Patience, Kevin: Königsberg. A German East African Raider.

Patience, Kevin: Königsberg. A German East African Raider.

87,00 €
Abdulrahman, Hikmat Najib: Studies in history of the arabic sciences.

Abdulrahman, Hikmat Najib: Studies in history of the arabic sciences.

50,00 €
Daoud, Ahmad: The ancient history of Syrian Civilization. 1 - 'The centre'.

Daoud, Ahmad: The ancient history of Syrian Civilization. 1 - 'The centre'.

70,00 €
Rost van Tonningen-Heubel, Florentine S. (Sophie): Triumph and Tragedy; Some personal Remembrances of dutch and european History in the 20th century.

Rost van Tonningen Heubel, Florentine S. (Sophie): Triumph and Tragedy; Some personal Remembrances..

49,00 €
Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

18,64 €
Anonymus: A short history of England and Great Britain., B. C. 55 to A. D. 1911.

Anonymus: A short history of England and Great Britain., B. C. 55 to A. D. 1911.

16,00 €
The Pictorial History of Westminster Abbey.

The Pictorial History of Westminster Abbey.

4,00 €
Eine über 300-jährige Geschichte - A history of more than 300 years

Eine über 300-jährige Geschichte - A history of more than 300 years

10,00 €
Aleppo University: Report of the second international symposium for the history of arabic sciences.

Aleppo University: Report of the second international symposium for the history of arabic sciences.

27,00 €
Aleppo University. - texts by Fouad Aintabi, Henri A. Awad, Camilo Alvarez de Morales y Ruiz-Matas, Gearad Troupeau, Muammer Dizer and others: Abstracts of Session Papers. The second international symposium for the history of Arabic science, Aleppo Univer

Aleppo University. texts by Fouad Aintabi, Henri A. Awad, Camilo Alvarez de Morales y Ruiz Matas..

47,00 €
Grange, Richard Manistry Demain: A short History of the Scottish Dress.

Grange, Richard Manistry Demain: A short History of the Scottish Dress.

13,00 €
Temkin, Sefton D: Then and now., Notes on Jewish History in the Twentieth Century.

Temkin, Sefton D: Then and now., Notes on Jewish History in the Twentieth Century.

9,00 €
Neusner, Jacob: The  Talmud as history., The 1978 Allan Bronfman Lecture.1978.

Neusner, Jacob: The Talmud as history., The 1978 Allan Bronfman Lecture.1978.

26,00 €
Lietzmann, Hans: The era of the Church Fathers. A history of the early church. IV.

Lietzmann, Hans: The era of the Church Fathers. A history of the early church. IV.

9,00 €
Krug, Marc M: World History. The mankind perspective.

Krug, Marc M: World History. The mankind perspective.

16,00 €
Grant, Madison: Der Untergang der großen Rasse; Die Rassen als Grundlage der Geschichte Europas.

Grant, Madison: Der Untergang der großen Rasse; Die Rassen als Grundlage der Geschichte Europas.

320,00 €
Owens, Jonathan: A Linguistic History of Arabic (= Oxford Linguistics).

Owens, Jonathan: A Linguistic History of Arabic (= Oxford Linguistics).

47,00 €
Hunain Ibn Ishaq Johanitius ( 809 - 877 A. D. ). - edited and commetary: M. Fuad Zakri: The prophylaxis of teeth & Gingiva. The earliest arabic existing sytematic text-book of dentistry ( = History of islamic medicine ).

Hunain Ibn Ishaq Johanitius ( 809 877 A. D. ). edited and commetary: M. Fuad Zakri: The..

47,00 €
Fenlon, Iain (editor): Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music (= Early Music History, 14 ).

Fenlon, Iain (editor): Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music (= Early Music History, 14 ).

25,00 €
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