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HUCO &  MORLEY: HUCO, F., Der nikotinische Azetylcholinrezeptor (Ein Modellrezeptor in 3D)-, Neuroforum 1, 5-10 (1999), Obr-,  [SDG67].., //  MORLEY, B. J., Kemp, G. E.,  Characterization of a putative nicotinic acetlycholine receptor in mammalian brain.,

HUCO & MORLEY: HUCO, F., Der nikotinische Azetylcholinrezeptor (Ein Modellrezeptor in 3D)..

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HRYCYSHYN, A. W: HRYCYSHYN, A. W., Flumerfelt,. B. A., Anderson, W. A.-, A HRP study of the projections from the lateral reticular nucleus to the cerebellum  in the rat. Anat. Embryol. 165, 1-18 (1982)., Obr.,  [SD140]..,// FLUMERFELT, B. A., Kapogianis,

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6,00 €
HOSOYA, Y: HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the superior salivatory nucleus neurons in the rat. A study using anterograde autoradiuographic  and retrograde HRP methodfs. Brain Res. 266, 329-333 (1983)., Obr.,

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HOROBIN, R. W: PROCTOR, G. B., Horobin, R. W,., The aging of Gomori's aldehyde-fucsin. The nature of the chemical changes and the chemical structures of the coloured copmponents. Histochemistry 77, 255-267 (1983)., Obr.-,  [SD109]..,//CURTIS, D., Horobin,

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HORNUNG, J. P: HORNUNG, J. P., Garey, L. J., A direct pathway from thalamus to visual callodal neurons in cat., Exp. Brain Res. 38, 121-123 (1980)., Obr.,  [WES131]..,// HORNUNG, J. P., De Tribolet N., Toerk, I., Morphology  and  distribution of neuropept

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HOPKINS, D. A: HOPKINS, D. A., Gootman, P. M., DiRusso, S. M., Zeballos, M. E. , Brainstem cells of origin of the cervical vagus and cardiopulmonary nerves in the neonatal pig )Sus scrofa)., Brain Res. 306, 63-72 (1984)., Obr.,  [WES70]..,// HOPKINS, D. A

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Hopkins, C. R: Studies on the secretory activity in the pars intermedia of Xenopus laevis. I-III. Tissue & cell 2, 59-98 (1970). / Localization of adrenergic fibers in the amphibian pars intermedia by electron microscope autoradiography and their selectiv

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HOOGLAND, P. V: HOOGLAND, P. V., Brainstem afferents to the thalamus in a Lizard, Varanus exanthematicus., J. Comp. Neurol., 210, 152-162 (1982)., Obr.,  [SDG120].., // HOOGLAND, P. V., Welker, E, Van der Looos, H., Organization of the projection from bar

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Hollaender, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a projection from the striate cortex to the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate..

Hollaender, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a..

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HOLLaeNDER, H: DISTEL, H-, Hollaender, H., Autoradiographic tracing of developing subcortical projections of the occipital region in fetal rabbits. J. Comp. Neurol. 192, 505-518 (1980)., Obr., fleckig,.  [WES54]..,// /MARTINEZ-MILLAN, L., Hollaender, H.,

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HoeKFELT, T: FONTAINE, B., Klarsfeld, A.-, Hoekfelt, T., Changeux, J. P. , Calcitonin gene related peptide, a peptide present in spinal cord motoneurons, increases the number of acetylcholine receptors in primary cultures of chick embryo myotubes. Neurosc

HoeKFELT, T: FONTAINE, B., Klarsfeld, A. , Hoekfelt, T., Changeux, J. P. , Calcitonin gene related..

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HOFFMANN, K. P: ZHANG, H. Y., Hoffmann, K.P., Retinal projections to the pretectum, accessory optic system and the superior colliculus in pigmented and albino ferrets. Europ. J. Neurosci. 5, 486-500 (1993), Obr., [WES2] //   DISTLER, C., Weigel, H., Hoffm

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Hooekfelt, Tomas: In vitro studies on the central and peripheral monoamine neurons at the ultrastructural level. Z. Zellforsch. 91, 1-74 (1998). / Hoekfelt, Jonsson & Sachs. Fine structure and fluorescence morphology of adrenergic nerves after 6-hydroxydo

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HITCHCOCK, P. F: NAARENDORF, F., Hitchcock, P. F., Sieving, P. A., Dopaminergic modulation of rod pathway signals does not affect the scotopic ERG of cat at dark-adapted threshold. J. Neurophysiol. 70, 1681-1691 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES63].., // HITCHCOCK, P.

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HIRSCH-KAUFMANN,  SEITELBERGER  NIECZAJ: HIRSCH-KAUFFMANN, M. Wie tickt die Lebensuhr? Altern und DNA-Reparatur.  Aus Forschung und Medizin (Schering),9, 21-30 (1994)., Obr.,  [SDG108].., /// NIECZAJ, R., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., Alter und Altern. Geriatr


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HEYWORTH &  KOBAYASHI: HEYWORTH, P. G., Robinson, J. M.,  Ding, J., Elllis, B. A., Bradwey, J. A., Cofilin undergoes rapid dephosphorylation in stimulated neutrophils and translocates to ruffled membranes enriched in prodcts of the NADPH oxidase conplex.

HEYWORTH & KOBAYASHI: HEYWORTH, P. G., Robinson, J. M., Ding, J., Elllis, B. A., Bradwey, J. A..

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HERRUP, K: SOHA, J. M., Herrup, K., Abnormal purkinje cell dendrites in Lurcher chimeric mice result from a deafferentiation-induced atrophy. J. Neurobiol., 29, 330-340 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES76].., // SOHA, J. M., Herrup, K., Purkinje cell dendrites in Stag

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HERKENHAM, M: HERKENHAM, M., New perspectives on the organization and evolution of nonspecific thalamocortical projections. In Cerebral Cortex V. Ed, V. E. G. Jones, & A. Peters, Plenum, New York 1986, pp. 403-445., Obr.-,  [SD134]..,// HERKENHAM M., Edle

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HAYWARD, J. N: REAVES, T. A., Cummig, R., Libber, M. T., Hayward, J. N. A technique combining intracellular dye-marking, immunocytochemical identification and ultrastructural analysis of physiologically identified single neurons. Neurosc. letters 29, 195-

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HARVEY, A.R: HARVEY, A. R., Cui, Q. Robertson, D., The effect of cycloheximide and ganglioside GM1 on the viability of retinotectally projecting ganglion cells following ablation of the superior colliculus in neonatal rats. Eurp. J. Neuroscui. 6, 550-557

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HARTVEIT, E: HARTVEIT, E., Brandstaetter, J.H., Enz, R., Waessle, H., Expression of the mRNA of seven metabitrophic gluatamate receptors (mGluR1 to 7) in the rat retina. An in situ hybridization study on tissue sections and isolated cells. Europ. J. Neuro

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HARMAN, A. M: HARMAN, A. M., Sanderson, K. J., Beazley, L. D.,  Biphasic retinal neurogenesis in the brush-tailed possum, Triochosurus vulpecula. Further evidence for the mechanisms involved in formation of ganglion cell density gradients., J. Comp. Neuro

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HAMORI, J: HAMORI, J., Silakov V. L., Myleinated perikarya and dendrites in lateral geniculate nuclues of adult cat following chroic cortical deafferentiation., J. Neurocytol,., 10, 879-888  (1981).,, Obr.,  [WES70]..,// HAMORI, J., Szentagothai, J., Iden

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HAMASSAKI-BRITTO, D. E: BRITTO, L. R. G., Hamassaki-Britto, D. E., Different subsets of displaced ganglion cells in the pigeon retina exhibit cholecystokinin-like and enkephalin-like immunoreactivities.Neuroscience 52, 403413 (1993) Obr.,[SD7]. / / / HAMA

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HAINES, D. E: DIETRICHS, E., Walberg, F., Haines, D. E., Cerebellar nuclear afferents from feline hypothalamus demonstrated by retrograde transport after implantation of crystalline wheat germ agglutinin-HRP complex. Neurosci. Lwetters 54, 129-133 (1985).

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