Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.245 Artikel gefunden


Guide Book (Giraffe).

Guide Book (Giraffe).

15,00 €
How to enjoy Lincoln park. Official guide book with map (Elephant).

How to enjoy Lincoln park. Official guide book with map (Elephant).

15,00 €
Führer (Helmkasuar).

Führer (Helmkasuar).

15,00 €
Gids (kleiner Panda) ohne Lageplan.

Gids (kleiner Panda) ohne Lageplan.

15,00 €
Zooführer (s/w-Zeichnung Bär) / S. 2 unten: "Reeds 130 tijgers".

Zooführer (s/w-Zeichnung Bär) / S. 2 unten: "Reeds 130 tijgers".

15,00 €
Zoo Guide (div. gezeichnete Tiere) 1965.

Zoo Guide (div. gezeichnete Tiere) 1965.

15,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1997.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1997.

15,00 €
Guide, 4th edition (kl. Panda).

Guide, 4th edition (kl. Panda).

15,00 €
The Woodland Park Zoo Guide (Giraffen und Zebras).

The Woodland Park Zoo Guide (Giraffen und Zebras).

15,00 €
Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 3rd, revised edition).

Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 3rd, revised edition).

15,00 €
Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 2nd, revised edition).

Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 2nd, revised edition).

15,00 €
The Zoological Garden of Copenhagen, Kurzzusammenfassung Jahresbericht anlässlich IUDZG-Tagung zum 100jährigen Jubiläum.

The Zoological Garden of Copenhagen, Kurzzusammenfassung Jahresbericht anlässlich IUDZG Tagung zum..

15,00 €
Zooführer (Eisbären), mit Faltplan.

Zooführer (Eisbären), mit Faltplan.

15,00 €
Zooführer (Bilder als Puzzle, roter Hintergrund).

Zooführer (Bilder als Puzzle, roter Hintergrund).

15,00 €
Zooführer (Bilder als Puzzle, rosa Hintergrund).

Zooführer (Bilder als Puzzle, rosa Hintergrund).

15,00 €
Führer (Zeichnung Aras).

Führer (Zeichnung Aras).

15,00 €
Zoo Guide (Rotwildherde, Pelikan, Präriehund).

Zoo Guide (Rotwildherde, Pelikan, Präriehund).

15,00 €
Zoo Guide (div. gezeichnete Tiere) 1963.

Zoo Guide (div. gezeichnete Tiere) 1963.

15,00 €
Wildnis Zoo. Impressionen aus Schönbrunn.

Wildnis Zoo. Impressionen aus Schönbrunn.

15,00 €
75 Jahre Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn. Eine Chronik.

75 Jahre Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn. Eine Chronik.

15,00 €
Der zoologische Garten zu Köln.

Der zoologische Garten zu Köln.

15,00 €
Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 1996.

Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 1996.

15,00 €
Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1984.

Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1984.

15,00 €
Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1983.

Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1983.

15,00 €
Int. Studook for the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Volume 6.

Int. Studook for the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Volume 6.

15,00 €
Management of Captive Wolverines (gulo g. gulo) - Stufbook & Guidelines to Husbandry, Volume 2.

Management of Captive Wolverines (gulo g. gulo) - Stufbook & Guidelines to Husbandry, Volume 2.

15,00 €
Organization and Activity (+ Karte mit 138 eingetragenen Zoos und Aquarien).

Organization and Activity (+ Karte mit 138 eingetragenen Zoos und Aquarien).

15,00 €
Nihondaira ABC Zoo Album. (Löwenpaar).

Nihondaira ABC Zoo Album. (Löwenpaar).

15,00 €
Mysore Zoo , a zoo for all seasons.

Mysore Zoo , a zoo for all seasons.

15,00 €
Guide, 4th edition (kl. Panda).

Guide, 4th edition (kl. Panda).

15,00 €
Mzuri, the Baby Gorilla (John Casamento).

Mzuri, the Baby Gorilla (John Casamento).

15,00 €
Annual Report 1984 - 1985.

Annual Report 1984 - 1985.

15,00 €
Annual Report 1983 - 1984.

Annual Report 1983 - 1984.

15,00 €
Annual Report 1981-82.

Annual Report 1981-82.

15,00 €
Annual Report 1980 - 1981.

Annual Report 1980 - 1981.

15,00 €
Annual Report 1979 -1980.

Annual Report 1979 -1980.

15,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 4, No. 1: The Waters of Japan.

Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium - Vol. 4, No. 1: The Waters of Japan.

15,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 3, No. 3: Captain Cook.

Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium - Vol. 3, No. 3: Captain Cook.

15,00 €
Bowmanville Zoo Infomappe (3 Guest Pass, 1 Visitenkarte Zoodirektor, 1 Elefantenfoto, 2 75th Bowmanzoo Faltblatt, 3 For an Educational Adventure Faltblatt, 1 75 Years of Caring at the Bowmanville Zoo Infoblatt, 1 General Information Infoblatt, 1 Shows & A

Bowmanville Zoo Infomappe (3 Guest Pass, 1 Visitenkarte Zoodirektor, 1 Elefantenfoto, 2 75th..

15,00 €
Three worlds of Sea World: Entertainment Education Research.

Three worlds of Sea World: Entertainment Education Research.

15,00 €
Zooführer (Koalas, grüner Rand, Rückseite: Gr. Panda).

Zooführer (Koalas, grüner Rand, Rückseite: Gr. Panda).

15,00 €
Zooführer (Koalas, grüner Rand, Rückseite: Flamingo).

Zooführer (Koalas, grüner Rand, Rückseite: Flamingo).

15,00 €
Zooführer (Koalas, rot/violetter Rand).

Zooführer (Koalas, rot/violetter Rand).

15,00 €
Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 5th revised ed.).

Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 5th revised ed.).

15,00 €
Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 4th, revised edition).

Colorful World of Animals (Koala, 4th, revised edition).

15,00 €
Colorful World of Animals (Orang, 3rd, revised edition).

Colorful World of Animals (Orang, 3rd, revised edition).

15,00 €
Informationen über alle Sea World Parks.

Informationen über alle Sea World Parks.

15,00 €
Official Guide Book (Zeichnung Zebras), "New 80-Page Edition".

Official Guide Book (Zeichnung Zebras), "New 80-Page Edition".

15,00 €
Official Guide Book (Kronentaube, Bongo, Hecht).

Official Guide Book (Kronentaube, Bongo, Hecht).

15,00 €
Guide Book (Stuhlmann´s Guenon).

Guide Book (Stuhlmann´s Guenon).

15,00 €
aquaticus - Vol. 26, Jg. 1994: Nr. 1+ 2 1994 ("frogs!"; "On the Reef").

aquaticus - Vol. 26, Jg. 1994: Nr. 1+ 2 1994 ("frogs!"; "On the Reef").

15,00 €
aquaticus - Vol. 24, Jg. 1992: Nr. 1+ 2 1992 ("Living Fossils and Other Fictions"; "An Alliance for Conservation").

aquaticus Vol. 24, Jg. 1992: Nr. 1+ 2 1992 ("Living Fossils and Other Fictions"; "An Alliance for..

15,00 €
In the beginning there was a pair of swans (notes on the early days).

In the beginning there was a pair of swans (notes on the early days).

15,00 €
Atlanta's Zoo Guide.

Atlanta's Zoo Guide.

15,00 €
Parkführer (Zeichnung Hirschkuh, Häuser).

Parkführer (Zeichnung Hirschkuh, Häuser).

15,00 €
Tierbestandsliste Dez. 1999.

Tierbestandsliste Dez. 1999.

15,00 €
Pfleglinge des Moskauer Zoos.

Pfleglinge des Moskauer Zoos.

15,00 €
Gazella 28, 2001 (Zoo Praha 1931-2001).

Gazella 28, 2001 (Zoo Praha 1931-2001).

15,00 €
Gazella 27, Proceedings from the meeting: Int. Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse Slatinany Chateau, 1999.

Gazella 27, Proceedings from the meeting: Int. Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski..

15,00 €
Nature´s Paradise - Guide book (two red-tailed amazons).

Nature´s Paradise - Guide book (two red-tailed amazons).

15,00 €
Zooführer (Tiger, ganz hinten Tierindex).

Zooführer (Tiger, ganz hinten Tierindex).

15,00 €
Zooführer "Servicio Municipal …" (Albino Gorilla, Schrift Zoo in rot).

Zooführer "Servicio Municipal …" (Albino Gorilla, Schrift Zoo in rot).

15,00 €
Parc zoologique et botanique de Mulhouse: Bulletin de la Société industrielle de Mulhouse.

Parc zoologique et botanique de Mulhouse: Bulletin de la Société industrielle de Mulhouse.

15,00 €
1843-1968 (mit Delfin).

1843-1968 (mit Delfin).

15,00 €
Gaia Park Kerkrade Zoo Praatjes 1 Voorjaar 2006.

Gaia Park Kerkrade Zoo Praatjes 1 Voorjaar 2006.

15,00 €
Gaia Jaar. Uitgave 2009-2010.

Gaia Jaar. Uitgave 2009-2010.

15,00 €
Annual Report - 1983-1984.

Annual Report - 1983-1984.

15,00 €
Zoo Zürich: "Zürcher Zoo".

Zoo Zürich: "Zürcher Zoo".

15,00 €
Kolebka Plzenske Zoo. 1926 - 1961.

Kolebka Plzenske Zoo. 1926 - 1961.

15,00 €
Artis - en amsterdamse tuin.

Artis - en amsterdamse tuin.

15,00 €
Zoologie inkl. DVD (filmarchief les dvd's de la Cinémathèque).

Zoologie inkl. DVD (filmarchief les dvd's de la Cinémathèque).

15,00 €
Die Zukunft unserer Zoos - Haltungs- und Marketingstrategien (Kulturelle Infrastruktur Band 4).

Die Zukunft unserer Zoos - Haltungs- und Marketingstrategien (Kulturelle Infrastruktur Band 4).

15,00 €
EEP Yearbook 1990 including the Proceedings of the 8th EEP Conference, Budapest 1991.

EEP Yearbook 1990 including the Proceedings of the 8th EEP Conference, Budapest 1991.

15,00 €
Chase Studio. Prospekt.

Chase Studio. Prospekt.

15,00 €
Records of Mammals Bred in the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa During the Period 1908 to 1960. Reprinted from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Vol. 140, Part 4, pp. 617-659, 1963.

Records of Mammals Bred in the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa During the Period 1908..

15,00 €
The Emerald Necklace 32 Ex. (Vol. 24 No. 6-12; Vol. 25 No. 1-12; Vol. 26 No. 1-12; Vol. 27 No. 1).

The Emerald Necklace 32 Ex. (Vol. 24 No. 6-12; Vol. 25 No. 1-12; Vol. 26 No. 1-12; Vol. 27 No. 1).

15,00 €
Livre Guide (Löwe).

Livre Guide (Löwe).

15,00 €
Zoo News Fort Worth Zoological garden Ausgaben: Spring 1969, Autumn 1969, Spring 1970, Summer 1970, Winter 1970-71, Spring 1971, Summer 1971, Fall-Winter 1971-72, Spring 1972, Summer 1972.

Zoo News Fort Worth Zoological garden Ausgaben: Spring 1969, Autumn 1969, Spring 1970, Summer 1970..

15,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2002.

EAZA Yearbook 2002.

15,00 €
Proceedings of the EAZA Conference Prague 2001.

Proceedings of the EAZA Conference Prague 2001.

15,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2000.

EAZA Yearbook 2000.

15,00 €
EEP Yearbook 1992/93 including the Proceedings of the 10th EEP Conference, Salzburg 1993.

EEP Yearbook 1992/93 including the Proceedings of the 10th EEP Conference, Salzburg 1993.

15,00 €
EEP Yearbook 1998/99 including the Proceedings of the EAZA Conference, Basel 1999.

EEP Yearbook 1998/99 including the Proceedings of the EAZA Conference, Basel 1999.

15,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1998.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1998.

15,00 €
WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the in situ Conservation Workshops Organized Jointly by WAZA and Regional Zoo Associations. Cologne - San José - Chonsbury, 2000/2001. In Situ Conservation Campaign of Zoos for the New Millenium.

WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the in situ Conservation Workshops Organized Jointly by WAZA and..

15,00 €
EEP Yearbook 1996/97 including the Proceedings of the 14th EEP Conference, Alphen a/d Rijn .

EEP Yearbook 1996/97 including the Proceedings of the 14th EEP Conference, Alphen a/d Rijn .

15,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1996.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1996.

15,00 €
General studbook of the Prezewalski Horse 1991.

General studbook of the Prezewalski Horse 1991.

15,00 €
EEP Equid Tag. Space Survey 1994 (including results from the JMSP Hoofstock Space Survey 1993) First results.

EEP Equid Tag. Space Survey 1994 (including results from the JMSP Hoofstock Space Survey 1993)..

15,00 €
World Wildlife Fund: Twentieth Anniversary Review.

World Wildlife Fund: Twentieth Anniversary Review.

15,00 €
Nyala. European Studbook. First Edition 1997.

Nyala. European Studbook. First Edition 1997.

15,00 €
Slender-horned Gazelle. International Studbook 1964-1994.

Slender-horned Gazelle. International Studbook 1964-1994.

15,00 €
Black-faced Impala. International studbook no. 3, 1996.

Black-faced Impala. International studbook no. 3, 1996.

15,00 €
Pygmy Hippopotamus. North American Regional Studbook 1999.

Pygmy Hippopotamus. North American Regional Studbook 1999.

15,00 €
Tufted Deer. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2001.

Tufted Deer. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2001.

15,00 €
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. North American Studbook. First Edition 1997.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. North American Studbook. First Edition 1997.

15,00 €
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