Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.226 Artikel gefunden


Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Mähnenwolf.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) 1992.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) 1992.

20,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) 1988.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) 1988.

20,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Großen Ameisenbären (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 1997-1998.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Großen Ameisenbären (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 1997-1998.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Großen Ameisenbären (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 1993-1994.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Großen Ameisenbären (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 1993-1994.

10,00 €
Internationales Zuchtbuch für den Dschelada (Theropithecus gelada) 1-1991.

Internationales Zuchtbuch für den Dschelada (Theropithecus gelada) 1-1991.

6,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 16.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 16.

8,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 10.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 10.

8,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 1.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Vietnam-Sikahirsch/International Studbook of the Vietnamese Sika Deer 1.

8,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für Halbesel 41 (Int. Studbook of the Asiatic Wild Asses).

Int. Zuchtbuch für Halbesel 41 (Int. Studbook of the Asiatic Wild Asses).

8,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für Afrikanische Wildesel (Int. Studbook of the African Wild Asses) 26 + 28.

Int. Zuchtbuch für Afrikanische Wildesel (Int. Studbook of the African Wild Asses) 26 + 28.

5,00 €
Orangutan Species Survival Plan. Husbandry Manual.

Orangutan Species Survival Plan. Husbandry Manual.

20,00 €
North American Regional Studbook for Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla).

North American Regional Studbook for Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla).

10,00 €
Possession and use of non-human primates in the Netherlands, 1993.

Possession and use of non-human primates in the Netherlands, 1993.

8,00 €
International Studbook Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), 1992.

International Studbook Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), 1992.

25,00 €
International Studbook Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), 1990.

International Studbook Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), 1990.

25,00 €
International Studbook for the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) 1992.

International Studbook for the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) 1992.

20,00 €
International Studbook for the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) 1990.

International Studbook for the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) 1990.

10,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1992.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1992.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1991.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1991.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1990.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1990.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1989.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1989.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1988.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1988.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1987.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1987.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1986.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1986.

15,00 €
International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1985.

International Studbook for the Spectacled Bear 1985.

15,00 €
North American Regional Studbook Ringed-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) 7.

North American Regional Studbook Ringed-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) 7.

10,00 €
Primate Report 38. A Census for Captive Primates in Europe.

Primate Report 38. A Census for Captive Primates in Europe.

5,00 €
Primate Report 21. A Census for Captive Primates in Europe.

Primate Report 21. A Census for Captive Primates in Europe.

6,00 €
Budapest Zoological and Botanical Garden. A Conservation Planning Overview.

Budapest Zoological and Botanical Garden. A Conservation Planning Overview.

25,00 €
Special Bulletin No.1: The Arabian Oryx 1963-64.

Special Bulletin No.1: The Arabian Oryx 1963-64.

6,00 €
Fondazione Cetacea, Anno IV, No 8.

Fondazione Cetacea, Anno IV, No 8.

5,00 €
16th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 7-11 February 2002, Liege.

16th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 7-11 February 2002, Liege.

10,00 €
6th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 20-22 February 1992, San Remo, Italy.

6th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 20-22 February 1992, San Remo, Italy.

15,00 €
Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 34.

Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 34.

5,00 €
Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 30.

Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 30.

5,00 €
Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 29.

Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 29.

5,00 €
Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 26.

Zeitschrift "Zoo Yokohama" Vol. 26.

5,00 €
Animal Inventory 1998 (Tierbestand).

Animal Inventory 1998 (Tierbestand).

9,00 €
Fukuoka Zoological and Botanical Gardens' Magazine Vol. 99.

Fukuoka Zoological and Botanical Gardens' Magazine Vol. 99.

5,00 €
Fukuoka Zoological and Botanical Gardens' Magazine Vol. 98.

Fukuoka Zoological and Botanical Gardens' Magazine Vol. 98.

5,00 €
"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" (Jul. 2002) 87.

"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" (Jul. 2002) 87.

8,00 €
"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" (Apr. 2001).

"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" (Apr. 2001).

8,00 €
"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" Vol. 10 No. 2.

"Taipei Zoo Quarterly" Vol. 10 No. 2.

8,00 €
zoön 1990 - 4.

zoön 1990 - 4.

5,00 €
Nature Conversation Council Newsletter (11 Stk.);  1983-1986.

Nature Conversation Council Newsletter (11 Stk.); 1983-1986.

10,00 €
Inventories 1993-94.

Inventories 1993-94.

10,00 €
Visitor Guide.

Visitor Guide.

3,50 €
Zoo Times Newsletter, Vol. 14 Nr. 3.

Zoo Times Newsletter, Vol. 14 Nr. 3.

3,50 €
General Information, April 1995 mit Plan und Tierbestand.

General Information, April 1995 mit Plan und Tierbestand.

10,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 2, No. 1-4, (including No.2 "Vancouver's Waterfowl" and No.3 "Coping with Stardom"); Paketpreis 60,00€. Einzelpreis 25,00€.

Waters Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium Vol. 2, No. 1 4, (including No.2 "Vancouver's..

60,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 1, No. 1-4, (including No.2 "Commemorating the Aquarium's 20th Anniversary and No.3 "The Story of Crabs"); Paketpreis 60,00€. Einzelpreis 20,00€.

Waters Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium Vol. 1, No. 1 4, (including No.2 "Commemorating the..

60,00 €
Upland Game Birds and Big Game of Manitoba.

Upland Game Birds and Big Game of Manitoba.

3,00 €
What's New at the Zoo. November 1998.

What's New at the Zoo. November 1998.

3,00 €
What's New at the Zoo. Jahrgang 1997. 2 Hefte: February, November.

What's New at the Zoo. Jahrgang 1997. 2 Hefte: February, November.

5,00 €
What's New at the Zoo. Jahrgang 1996. 5 Hefte: January, March, June, September, November.

What's New at the Zoo. Jahrgang 1996. 5 Hefte: January, March, June, September, November.

12,00 €
What's New at the Zoo. October 1995.

What's New at the Zoo. October 1995.

3,00 €
What's New at the Zoo. April 1994.

What's New at the Zoo. April 1994.

3,00 €
Zoo Tracks (Newsletter) Volume 11, No.4.

Zoo Tracks (Newsletter) Volume 11, No.4.

3,50 €
Brief Guide to the Smithsonian Institution, 5th ed.

Brief Guide to the Smithsonian Institution, 5th ed.

22,00 €
Kurzinfo mit Lageplan (Rehe, spanisch! + englisch), + "Mexico Unit" Programmbeschreibung.

Kurzinfo mit Lageplan (Rehe, spanisch! + englisch), + "Mexico Unit" Programmbeschreibung.

4,00 €
The Desert speaks - The story of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (4th edition, second printing: cover green).

The Desert speaks The story of the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum (4th edition, second printing:..

8,00 €
The Desert speaks - The story of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (4th edition, cover red).

The Desert speaks - The story of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (4th edition, cover red).

8,00 €
Kurzinfo mit großem Lageplan (Panda).

Kurzinfo mit großem Lageplan (Panda).

3,00 €
Kurzinfo (Tiger).

Kurzinfo (Tiger).

3,00 €
Official Guide Book (Baby Gorillas), 4th Ed.

Official Guide Book (Baby Gorillas), 4th Ed.

30,00 €
Annual report 1990.

Annual report 1990.

7,50 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 18 vollständig (No. 1-6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 18 vollständig (No. 1-6).

25,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 17 (no. 3, 4, 5, 6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 17 (no. 3, 4, 5, 6).

20,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 16 (no. 1, 4, 5, 6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 16 (no. 1, 4, 5, 6).

20,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 15 (no. 1,3, 4, 5).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 15 (no. 1,3, 4, 5).

25,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 14 (no. 4, 5, 6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 14 (no. 4, 5, 6).

15,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 11 (no. 1, 3, 4).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 11 (no. 1, 3, 4).

9,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 10 (no. 1, 4, 6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 10 (no. 1, 4, 6).

9,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 9 (no. 1, 2, 5, 6)).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 9 (no. 1, 2, 5, 6)).

12,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 8 vollständig (no. 1-6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 8 vollständig (no. 1-6).

18,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 7 (no. 1-3).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 7 (no. 1-3).

9,00 €
News from the Zoo; Vol. 6 vollständig (no. 1-6).

News from the Zoo; Vol. 6 vollständig (no. 1-6).

18,00 €
11 issues between May 1970 and September 1973.

11 issues between May 1970 and September 1973.

25,00 €
Paw Prints. The Children's Newsletter. No.9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,18, 19.

Paw Prints. The Children's Newsletter. No.9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,18, 19.

12,00 €
Review, Vol. 3 No.1.

Review, Vol. 3 No.1.

8,00 €
Review, Vol. 2 No.2.

Review, Vol. 2 No.2.

8,00 €
Review, Vol. 2 No.1.

Review, Vol. 2 No.1.

8,00 €
To the Members of the New York Zoological Society.

To the Members of the New York Zoological Society.

5,00 €
Twenty-First Annual Meeting (Einladung, Faltblatt).

Twenty-First Annual Meeting (Einladung, Faltblatt).

3,00 €
Annual Report 1978.

Annual Report 1978.

12,00 €
Animal Kingdom Oct/Nov 1980.

Animal Kingdom Oct/Nov 1980.

4,00 €
Animal Kingdom October 1972.

Animal Kingdom October 1972.

4,00 €
Animal Kingdom. Konvolut aus 5 Heften von Dez 1982- Jan. 1984: Dez/ Jan 82/83; Jun/Jul 83; Okt/Nov 83; Apr/ Mai84; Dez/Jan 83/84);  Paketpreis 18€, Einzelheft 4€.

Animal Kingdom. Konvolut aus 5 Heften von Dez 1982 Jan. 1984: Dez/ Jan 82/83; Jun/Jul 83; Okt/Nov..

16,00 €
Animal Kingdom Jg. 1986 (Nov/Dez fehlt). Paketpreis 18€, Einzelheft 4€.

Animal Kingdom Jg. 1986 (Nov/Dez fehlt). Paketpreis 18€, Einzelheft 4€.

16,00 €
Animal Kingdom Jg. 1985 (Jan & Aug-Okt fehlen) Paketpreis 14€, Einzelheft 4€.

Animal Kingdom Jg. 1985 (Jan & Aug-Okt fehlen) Paketpreis 14€, Einzelheft 4€.

12,00 €
Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

35,00 €
At The Zoo, Summer 1988.

At The Zoo, Summer 1988.

4,50 €
At The Zoo, Autumn 1982.

At The Zoo, Autumn 1982.

4,50 €
The Bongo Beat, December 2004.

The Bongo Beat, December 2004.

3,00 €
folder with several educational sheets, three black and white photographies, etc.

folder with several educational sheets, three black and white photographies, etc.

10,00 €
Zoo Wave, An Educational Newsletter from the Louisville Zoo, May 1989.

Zoo Wave, An Educational Newsletter from the Louisville Zoo, May 1989.

3,50 €